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Realistic or Modern ๐’„๐’‰๐’‚๐’”๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ ๐’„๐’๐’๐’–๐’•(๐’”) --๐˜ช๐˜ค


  • tik tok

    Tik Tok
    HouseClout9 just posted a new video!

    4:20 pm

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13 following

I just want a drink. That's all I want.
The kitchen in the Clout9 House
What do you expect from an e-boy?
Katie, Elliot, Madison, and Chance
Nate and Ava
neon reverie neon reverie

This was it. He was going to tear his hair out. Leland was done dealing with this. It was honestly getting out of hand. Katie, who had been his girlfriend for the past 5 months, had been in the house a week. One. Single. Week. It was already hell dealing with everyone else in this ungodly house, but to add her to the mix was going to push him over the edge. The edge being a bridge, because he was ready to simply :bishiesparklesl: pass away :bishiesparklesr:. It had made him angry to begin with that it hadn't even been his idea for Katie to move in, despite what she may have told her friends. They had talked about it while hanging out a week or two before she officially was invited. Leland had told her that he didn't think it was a good idea for them to live together, that he wasn't prepared for that step. She, of course, made a huge deal about it. Saying how they had almost known each other for a year and Katie wanted to know that this relationship was going somewhere.

He wasn't sure if he wanted it to go anywhere, which he had been honest to her about when she asked where she saw them in the future. Leland had told her at the very beginning that he wanted to take things relatively slow. Moving in together at 5 months didn't feel like the right step. It was hard enough to get time by himself when the lived in separate houses, but under the same roof? He'd never get a break. He suggested that Katie could have a drawer and a section in his closet, a step towards that level of commitment (which he was already not a huge fan of). She agreed and they hadn't talked about it since.

Then he got a text from her saying that she and her friend were moving in that week end. That Madison had invited them, since they were oh so suddenly buddy buddy.

Leland was milliseconds from breaking up with her in that moment. But he took a step back, and one deep breath later he was able to hold his temper. It would be awkward to live with your ex-girlfriend, right? He could try in the very least. It could possibly be better than he had expected. He expected a trainwreck, so anything less than that would surprise him. Just ignore the fact that once again Katie overstepped his boundaries and went behind his back to get her way. It was this habit that made him unwilling to move forward in their relationship. It was the thing that made the red flashing light go off in his mind.

That little vision of this whole thing going up in flames in a huge mess? It was coming to fruition. Leland had been almost 100% right about everything that would go wrong once Katie moved in. It was like every time he turned around she was there. Whether her phone was in her hand with some dumb question to get his reaction for her tiktok, or she just wanted to hang all over him. It wasn't that he didn't like hugs, and kisses, and cuddles. All those things were great. But Katie's constant need for attention was draining him immensely. On the second day he had asked for some space. She didn't listen. He told her it would be better if she slept in her own room for a few nights. She didn't listen. He told her that he needed some quiet time to work. She didn't listen. Every single time he asked her to respect his personal boundaries she disregarded them because they weren't what she wanted.

And Leland was absolutely sick of it.

"Babe!" He heard his girlfriend's voice shout over to him. He pretended not to hear her as he was currently sitting at his computer with his headphones on working on a new track. "Baby look at me!" Katie's hand pulled his headphones off and pushed his face to look at her. Leland just glared up at her as she smiled down at him. "I'm trying really hard not to be upset with you," She whined, pouting her lips as she talked.

His eyebrows pulled together in confusion. That made two of them I guess. "Why?" He asked curtly, he honestly couldn't care less if she was mad at him. He was fed up with her too.

Slowly Katie reached her hand back into her back pocket and pulled out a phone. Not just any phone, Leland's phone. He opened his mouth to ask her why she even had his phone in the first place, but she cut him off. "You changed your password on me," Her voice turned from sickly sweet to annoyed. Her arms came up to cross over her chest while she still help his cellphone in her hand.

"What the hell do you need my phone for anyways?" He retorted, he mirrored her frustrated tone.

"I was just going to check..."

"On what?"

"You're cheating on me aren't you!"

Katie's judgment came fast, her voice was raised as she accused him of cheating. And this wasn't the first time. "I'm not cheating on you, Katie," Leland attempted to somewhat salvage this conversation. But he knew that was no use.

"Oh sure, that's why you don't want me to look at your messages! You're being secretive and private! What else am I going to think?!"

"Right, I'm the bad guy for wanting some damn privacy. Katie, you're absolutely ridiculous. Delusional even."

"You know I've been cheated on before! How could you be so cruel!?"

"I didn't cheat on you. I would never cheat on you. If you'd actually fucking trust me then we could get somewhere with this. I'm so incredibly tired of this Katie. We have the same fight all the time and I just don't want to fight anymore."

"Then let me in your phone and I'll leave you alone," She blinked at him, holding his phone out towards him, unfazed by his comment. Leland could see it in her eyes. This was what she wanted. To make him upset enough to give in. He wasn't going to let her control him like this.

Standing up from his chair, he grabbed his phone from her hand and set it down on his desk. Leland crossed his arms as he stared back at her. Katie moved to grab the cellphone off the desk with a shocked expression on her face. "Katie stop," He told her firmly. Even if she was making him so incredibly upset in this moment, like he could scream, he hadn't once raised his voice at her. That's not who he was anymore. He could be mature and keep his cool while telling her what he needed to. He wanted it to end. This relationship was unhealthy. Not just for him but for her as well. Who cared if it was awkward, he just wanted out. "We both know this isn't healthy," He started, his gaze softening some.

"Leland...what are you going on about?" She questioned, disbelief lacing her words.

Ok, fine he was just going to be straight with her. No use in trying to sugarcoat it for her. She'd use misunderstanding as an excuse. "I think we should break up," And there it was, out in the open. Just saying those words felt almost freeing. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Katie was absolutely silent for a moment. Her eyes welling up with tears. "You...want...to break up...with me," She repeated. She looked incredibly hurt. Yeah, of course he felt bad. Leland cared for Katie. There was a time when they were happy, where their relationship was working for both of them. They had shared plenty of sweet moments. Plenty of fun times. But those past memories couldn't make him stay in a situation that wasn't good for either of them. Clinging to the past was useless. "No, please, you can't do this. Babe," Now she was really crying. Leland took a deep breath. He wasn't going to cave in to her tears. Not this time.

"It's for the best Katie, it may not seem like it right now, but it is," He added gently. That was probably a bad move, as she started aggressively shaking her head.

"No no no, this isn't fair. You can't do this to me Leland! What about everything that we've been through? Huh? I love you, that's what matters. This is love. It's unfair!"

Leland took a deep breath. "I've been nothing but fair to you Katie. It's unfair to force us both to be in a relationship that just isn't working. I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me or respect me and my boundaries. I care about you, I really do, but that's not the only thing that's important," He reached his hand out to rest on her shoulder.

That gesture was immediately batted away and her reply came swiftly, "Don't touch me!" Katie's lip quivered as she looked up at him with absolute devastation. "You're such a dick, you know that. A selfish, lying dickhead who only cares about himself!" Leland flinched as she yelled in his face. Well, so much for this going over well. He was going to suggest they'd still be friends, but he wasn't so sure she'd accept that idea. There was a moment of quiet. Almost like the eye of the storm as he knew she probably wasn't finished yet. He wanted to do something but the only thing he could think of was to hug her. And she didn't want him to touch her. Which was a first. So he just kind of stood there while she quietly cried and thought about what to say next. "What about the fans Leland? I can't tell them...I just can't...."

Oh, so she was accepting that they were, in fact, breaking up. He hadn't quiet expected that, but there was a first for everything. Honestly, Leland had no problem waiting a few days to let things settle before informing their audience that they had broken up. It was an emotional topic, and if Katie couldn't say anything tonight, he understood. And he'd also happily be the one to say something if she couldn't. "We don't have to announce it tonight, give it a day or two to settle," He responded.

Katie nodded slowly. Something about her demeanor changed. It was subtle, but he knew her well enough to know when she wasn't saying what she was thinking. He had a rather ominous feeling about it, he just brushed it off. He chalked it up to being distraught over the current situation. Sure he was the one to break up with her, and for good reasons, but that was 5 months they spent together down the drain. Of course is stung a bit. He was human. Just at this point he knew how to bottle it up and keep it inside. "If I stream tonight, you have to just go along with it. Like we're still together, alright?"

"Yeah, I can do that until you're ready," He agreed. Though he probably shouldn't have, it kinda defeated the purpose of breaking up, but it was only temporary. Then the room felt a bit awkward. The tension was less, but all he felt was sadness pooling around them. His eyes fell to the ground. Leland sighed softly, nodding once again before locking eyes with her once again. "Just, take care of yourself, ok?"

"Don't say that like you give a damn," She countered. With that she turned around and walked out of his room. Leland ran his hands through his hair and let out a frustrated breath. It hurt, but the weight he felt lift off his shoulders felt x10 better than any pain he experienced from officially breaking up with his girlfriend. Well, ex-girlfriend.

He waited a few moments. Until he felt like it was probably safe to walk down the hallway without bumping into Katie. He was hungry. There was icecream in the freezer wasn't there? This felt like an icecream and Netflix kind of night. Though as soon as he walked into the kitchen, he stopped in his tracks. Elliot was currently chugging something from a red solo cup while Chance chanted at his side. Ava and Madison sat at the counter with their noses in their phone. Nate was getting something out of the fridge, just minding his own business like usual. Just then Elliot slammed his hand down on the table and screamed at the top of his lungs. Followed by Chance joining in on the yelling match. Leland cringed, well more like winced, in reaction. "What are you guys doing?" He asked in the girl's direction.

"Drinking. You genius," Madison replied shortly with an eye roll to accompany the statement.

"We got the good shit," Elliot yelled from across the room. He just looked over at him, eyebrows slightly raised as he nodded once in understanding.

"Right," He said slowly in apprehension. But now he wanted a drink. He could really use one after everything that just went down. "Count me in I guess," He added.

"Hell yeah dude!" Chance and Elliot shouted in unison. Ok. Maybe this was a bad idea. He was already regretting not taking the mint chocolate chip ice cream from the freezer and retreating to his room to cuddle with Mac and Cheese. But he already said yes. And he'd be drunk in like an hour so it didn't really matter that much.

Leland Kang


105 following

god please..
kitchen in Clout9 house
chill & comfy
chance + elliot
A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba

if anyone would be telling last-year Irene that sheโ€™d be living in a whole ass mansion with nine other tiktokers, she wouldโ€™ve probably looked at you like you were a mental asylum escapee. oh, how funnily ironic life could be; sheโ€™d surely be laughing looking back at it any time now.. no, but really, irene still had trouble grasping the currents of reality at the moment. it felt as if one moment, she was back in her room stressing her mind out over university and within the snap of a finger, she was standing in front of the enormous mansion with nothing but two suitcases and a squealing best friend at her side.

irene had half hoped that the reverie like haze would vanish once sheโ€™d settled in her room, but it was already one week in and it all still felt like some feverish dream. every morning, there was still the expectation to wake up in the bedroom back at her grandmotherโ€™s place, and it did not help that it actually made her feel kind of homesick. irene tried to push the melancholy away, right back into the corner where it still sat in the heart but weighed less heavy than before. maybe it was because her grandmother had been such a trusty pillar in her life, and leaving her was somehow accompanied with the illusion that she would disappear if irene didnโ€™t hold onto it like it was part of the soul. or maybe it was because, frankly enough, most of the clout9 house members managed to be, quite possibly, the most insufferable people she ever had the misfortune of living with. seriously, it was one week in and irene had already been immeasurably close to committing homicide or offing herself. yes, first impressions were not everything, but god, if she had to wake up one more time to that velociraptor screech of madison just because the girl thought she saw a bug or deal with the intolerable combo of chance and elliot together while they had lost that one sharing braincell ( a common occurrence it seemed), irene would simply lay down on the street and hope that god had enough mercy on her soul to have a nice big truck run her over. okay, perhaps that was a tad overdramatic, but the point stood nonetheless. irene was straight up not having a good time.

it did not help that her supposedly best friend had practically abandoned her as soon as e-boy had entered the scene. could she have seen it coming? absolutely. still, it would have been nice to entertain the notion that katie could have let her boyfriend obsession rest for once and help her getting settled inโ€ฆ eh who was she kidding, this was katie they were speaking about. at the very least, her โ€˜best friendโ€™ stayed to introduce her to the others before dragging her boyfriend up the stairs to doโ€ฆ yeah, letโ€™s not think about that.

oh well, with katieโ€™s absence, irene had plenty of time to go and explore the mansion on her own. not to mention that she got to connect some more with the less โ€ฆ. annoying housemates. nate, as it turned out, was the exact reflection of the sweet persona he displayed in his tiktoks ( couldnโ€™t be said the same about a very bratty blonde) and irene actually liked hanging out with him. zac was, shockingly, kind of chill too but there was a limited of zac interactions she could handle throughout the day before reaching her white privileged quota. though, in all honesty, irene felt most comfortable within the walls of her own room. it had quickly become her safe haven among the sea of pandemonium, granting her some privacy and, above all, serenity.

Unfortunately, even her room was not immune to disruptionโ€ฆ

โ€˜โ€™IRENEโ€ the high-pitched wail jolted her out of her napping state, her head perking up from her pillow. her eyes cracked open just to witness the absolute inconsolable figure of her friend barging into her room, tears falling like it was the niagara falls up there. โ€œLeland โ€“ he broke up with me! the jerk !!โ€

hold up-

irene barely had time to progress the sentence that had just left her lips before katie launched into a full tirade about how much of a jackass he was and how she could not believe he had broken up with her.

she interjected, before shaking her head in shock. was this real? had the e-boy actually ended the relationship or was she on some other plane of existence? โ€œhe broke up with you?โ€

katie huffed, clearly annoyed that her rant had been interrupted by such a silly question. โ€˜โ€™yes ! he broke up with me, hello?? were you even listening?? ugh โ€“ โ€œ her friend grabbed one of the pillows on the bed and threw it against the wall. โ€œ โ€“ this is such a nightmare !!โ€

irene could only gape at her as the words were slowly registered in the mind. wowโ€ฆ he actually did it. damn did he have some guts to break up with katie. she did not know whether to admire or pity him. if there was anything you needed to know about katie before entering a relationship with her, it was that she was breaking up with you and not the other way around. it also did not work in lelandโ€™s favour that once katie had latched her love onto you, it would stick to you like your own skin. no matter how hard youโ€™d try to get rid of it, sheโ€™d make sure it would not happen โ€“ at least not without hurting yourself in the process.

โ€œ-we were meant to be together, you know? i mean, i love him !! and i am pretty sure he loves me too still. itโ€™s just that, for whatever reason, he has gotten the idea that the relationship doesnโ€™t work โ€“ which is ridiculous by the way ! argh i bet one of those bitches has gotten into his head somehow. that gabby has been eyeing him ever since he came to live at the house-โ€œ

irene grimaced lightly at her friend, unsurprised that the girl was in denial about the whole thing and pinning the blame onto someone else. she always have had the talent of placing herself into the victim role no matter the situation. to be honest, she was not that surprised the relationship didnโ€™t last long. yes, it was without a doubt that the two loved each other at one point, but that love was not always enough to uphold the relationship. katie as sweet as she could actually be, did not have the healthiest approach when it came to relationships; whenever a new boyfriend appeared, her life would pretty much only revolve around that person. and, in her friendโ€™s mindset, their lives better had to revolve around her as well. she had to be the sun. so, irene could view why Leland would break things off.. though, as her assigned role of best friend, she could never voice that opinion of course.

โ€œiโ€™m really sorry to hear that katie,โ€™โ€™ she replied solemly, hand placed on the shoulder for comfort.

katie let out a bitter laugh. โ€˜โ€™ yes well, heโ€™ll be sorry too. i will make him see what heโ€™s losing and before you know it, heโ€™ll be back.โ€™โ€™ her friendโ€™s eyes switched to her, expression shifting from anger to one irene could recognize any day. oh no, it was her plotting face. โ€œin the meantime, could you maybe keep an eye on him?โ€ the request was laced in a sweet voice, but irene could easily detect the demand behind it. her hesitance must have been clear in her own gaze, because katie quickly grasped her hand and adopted a greater pleading look. โ€œpleasee? youโ€™re my best friend, are you not?โ€ ah, the classic manipulation manoevre of her. how could irene expect anything else. โ€œif only to keep an eye on those other girls!โ€

irene took a deep breathe, already knowing what her answer was conditioned to be. god irene, you are so going to regret this. doing her best to place an empathetic smile on her face, she relented. โ€œsure,โ€ and gone was the pout โ€“ immediately being replaced by a satisfactory smile.

โ€œyouโ€™re the best!โ€ her friend squealed while pulling her into a tight hug. and just as abruptly as her friend had barged in to her room, she had vanished again, leaving irene alone with a growing sense of disquiet in the stomach. damn it โ€“ she had really placed herself in an unwinnable situation again, hadnโ€™t she. ugh, this called for a snack.

rolling off her bed, irene stood up and started to make her way downstairs and towards the kitchen. dread seeped into her being as some very familiar voices could be heard just down the hallway, coming from the kitchen. oh great, the prank couple was there. now she had to deal with them in order to secure her snack. she let out a sigh, mentally preparing herself to be the involuntary bearer of their shenanigans, before taking a step into the kitchen area.

oh, it looked like there were mo- fuck.

her eyes had landed on the person responsible for all of katieโ€™s current woes โ€“ the one she had secretly hoped to avoid for at least one day so she could get her bearings and figure out how to handle the task her friend had oh so kindly assigned to her. abort mission, abort mission ! her figure was already in motion to turn around again and book it before the others even noticed her presence, but then a male voiced called out her name.

โ€œIris โ€“ my dudette!โ€
chance exclaimed with a full blown grin on his face,โ€ come and let me pour you a drink!โ€

Mothertrucker on a cheesestick.

โ€œuhm, no thank you.. i was just going to grab some ice cream and head back to my room, โ€œ she replied, all while doing her best to avoid looking at him. a collective amount of boos filled the room and before she knew it, an arm was wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her towards the others.

โ€œdonโ€™t be such a party pooper and have a drink!โ€ chance persisted, annoying fuck that he was, while gesturing at his friend elliot to pour another red cup. โ€œ we still need to celebrate your one week at the clout9 house anywayโ€ a red cup was pushed into her hand and irene met the wide expectant eyes of chance & elliot.

โ€œ chuck, chuck, chuck!โ€
they started to chant.

irene had to push back the urge to roll her eyes, wholly unimpressed by their attempt of peer pressuring. still, the alcohol inside the cup became increasingly tempting as time pressed on โ€“ partly thanks to a certain ex-boyfriend. her resilience waned and she lowered her gaze to the cup, contemplation waging its war. Ah, fuck it, if she were to deal with the mess that was currently katie & lelandโ€™s break up at the moment, she rather do it drunk. downing the drink in one big gulp, irene let the burn slide down like the regret she felt for even agreeing to participate in katieโ€™s schemes. her ears were, subsequently, assaulted by chance & elliotโ€™s loud cheers, and she waved dismissively to make it stop.

โ€œyeah, yeah โ€“ Iโ€™m still getting that icecream though.โ€
she moved to the fridge and opened the freeze compartment. irene took out the first ice cream tube and took a peek inside. Huh, just enough for one person. given the amount, she did not bother to put it in a separate bowl and decided to scoop it straight from the tube with a spoon. as soon as the coldness hit, followed by the delicious mint chocolate flavour, irene was happy again. yup, this is what was good.

she hopped up to sit on the counter and spectate the others from a distance, eyes quickly catching the sight of the prank bros doing something withโ€ฆ two lemons, a tomato andโ€ฆ fire??

oh god, this was never going to end well.

irene wynters


13 following

fire + drunk people never equal good things.
The kitchen in the Clout9 House
What do you expect from an e-boy?
Elliot, Madison, Ava, Nate, Chance, and Irene
neon reverie neon reverie

When Leland had agreed to join this little impromptu party, a cup was slid across the kitchen island in his direction. He picked it up and pulled it to his face to smell what the possible contents were. It smelled like vodka. And one single taste told him that his sense of smell was correct. If there was one thing Leland was a bit of a snob about, it was alcohol. His year of working as a bar tender is probably where he had gotten more of a refined taste. That didn't include straight vodka. He wasn't a fan. While getting tipsy sounded delightful, he wanted to do it with a little bit of finesse. He noticed that Nate was grabbing a beer from the fridge, he decided to take advantage of that situation. "Nate, can you pass me a ginger beer?" He asked, knowing that they had some since it was one of Madison's favorites, and she pitched a toddler-esque tantrum when they were out. Since he had vodka, may as well make a Moscow Mule. Nate nodded, and quickly passed the cold beverage in his direction. "Thanks."

Leland cracked the bottle open with the ring on his finger, due to the lack of a twist off, and sat the solo cup on the counter in front of him. Just as he was about to pour the beer into the cup, he heard Ava's voice directed towards him, "Since you're single now, and all..." Hold on, what? Leland set the beer bottle down on the counter and turned his head to face the other girl.

"How did you-"

"You guys are loud, and I have ears for gossip," The brunette cut him off before he finished his question. He sighed slightly before resuming the task he had started. "Anywayyy," She continued, "Since you and Katie are no longer a thing, sorry about that one by the way, when you need a rebound, I'm down the hall." Leland scoffed in response as he kept his eyes focused on the drink.

"No thanks, I'm good," He told her, finishing off the last drink of ginger beer that didn't fit in the glass before setting it off to the side. He grabbed a lime wedge and crushed it into his drink.

"Oh come on, you're the last one left," Ava complained. Leland shook his head, only pausing seconds before taking a sip of his now finished cocktail.

"Wait, Nate, not you too," He looked over at the dancer who was leaning against the eat in dinning table.

The other sighed, shaking his head in defeat, "Ok, but in my defense that was a drunk Nate decision. I have zero control over drunk Nate."

"Did you get checked after? I'd be concerned to catch something," Leland joked, earning a laugh out of his fellow housemates. Ava just growled quietly under her breath, glaring over at him as he finally took a long awaited drink of his concoction. He opened his mouth after swallowing to add one more statement, "If I ever get that desperate, take me out back and shoot me."

Ava flipped her hair over her shoulder as she glared over at the e-boy. Very obviously annoyed that he was a) daring to make fun of her and b) completely rejecting her. Because who the hell rejected Ava Brooks? "And you're so innocent?" She asked accusingly, "We all know that's not true."

"She said you two were loud," Madison chimed in. That got a wheeze out if Nate in the corner.

Leland put one hand up in surrender. "At least my body count isn't in the triple digits," He shot back, gaining him an even better reaction from the crowd and a defeated look from Ava, who grumbled something about it not being that high.... yet.

"Good one dude!" Chance hollered, holding his hand up in his direction. He was obviously looking for a high five. Leland wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. Instead he just gazed at him over the rim of his solo cup. Which caused Chance to high five himself and then Elliot directly after. Now Leland was the one who was rolling his eyes.

It was then that he looked over in the direction of the entry way, catching eye contact with a rather surprising figure. Irene had barely left her room since she had gotten here. Heck, Leland probably hadn't said two words to her. Though it was easy to assume she was avoiding him, it wasn't like he had much time to interact with anyone this past week. His now ex was making that pretty much impossible. All he knew was that Irene, or Iris as she was called on tiktok, was supposedly Katie's childhood best friend. He didn't really know what to expect with her. The quiet ones were always hard to read. He should know, he was one. The two locked eyes for a solid two mississippis before the girl started to turn around. Oop, someone knew about the end of his relationship. Actually, apparently everyone did.

Unfortunately for Irene, her attempted departure was stopped by Chance who slung an arm over her shoulder and shoved a drink into her hand. Leland at first expected her to say no thank you and walk right out of the kitchen. She seemed like a bit of a recluse since she spent the majority of her time in her bedroom. Not that he blamed her at all. That was the only way he stayed sane as well. One hand shoved in his pocket, as he leaves up against the counter. One eyebrow raised as she mentioned ice cream. The ice cream he had been gunning for in the first place. He kept out of the loud booing that continued and the high school level peer pressure that was given in response to Irene's rejection.

Leland took another drink of his own beverage before hearing the loud cheering from the hive mind prank duo. He was a bit shocked when he looked back to see Irene downing the cup in her hand. She either had some fire within her or she was incredibly weak-willed. As soon as she started moving towards the fridge, Chance and Elliot seemed to loose interest in what was going on with Irene. Leland watched with a defeated look as she pulled the mint chocolate chip flavored treat out of the freezer. His attention was pulled from the girl to the two guys who started probably the dumbest conversation he had ever heard in his life. "Look what I found," Chance had said. He looked over at the two to see red birthday candles in his hands with a lighter. Was it's someone's birthday today? Was that what the drinking was for?

"You know what I'm thinking?" Elliot smirked with finger guns pointed at his friend.

"Lemon cult!" The two said in unison. Lemon....what? Excuse me? Leland lost braincells trying to decipher what those two just said. He hadn't realized how much of a head start those two had had before he had come down to the kitchen. He really wouldn't be surprised if they smoked something before they drank too. He just decided to ignore what was happening over there as they did....whatever a lemon cult was. He had learned to stay away from those two very early on. He couldn't completely avoid their childish pranks, because that was impossible for everyone in the house. He wish he could. But their practical jokes were just a hazard of living in the mansion.

Well he was going to ignore them until he saw the flame out of the corner of his eye. Fire and these two idiots was a bad idea to begin with. Adding alcohol to the mix was even worse. Leland watched as they stuck the candles into the half lemons and a tomato and set them in a triangle on the counter. Chance held his phone to record what was happening, as well as the lighter, while Elliot arranged the strange assortment of fruits. Since, y'know, tomato was still considered a fruit. "Hey, guys that's not a smart idea," Leland called over to him in warning. They ignored him as they started to light the candles. "Chance stop!" He called even louder.

"Calm down pretty boy. Don't get your panties in a knott," Chance taunted. And what happened within those next five seconds? Chance's finger didn't come off of the trigger of the lighter, and as he turned to face Leland, it pointed the flame towards none other than Elliot's sleeve. It took two more seconds for his shirt for catch fire. "Shit!"

A high pitched scream came from the blonde as he waved his arm in the kitchen, only fanning the flame. "The pool! the pool! the pool!" Nate yelled from the other end of the kitchen. This prompted Elliot to book it out of the room and towards the sliding doors with Chance hot on his heels still filming the entire scene. Ava, Nate, and Maddie filed out of the kitchen after them to watch the rest of the scene. Leland let out a very deep sigh of annoyance. He moved over to the side of the kitchen to look out the large window above the sink just in time to watch Elliot's flailing limbs plunge into the water. He shook his head, watching to make sure he came up out of the water. Which he did with screaming and two big thumbs up towards the camera.

Leland opened the window to yell out to the group on the back patio, "Dumbass!" He turned back around, noticing that Irene was still planted on the counter with the bucket of ice cream in her lap. The e-boy opened a drawer on his way over to where she was to grab a spoon before bumping it with his hip to close it. He spun the metal in his fingers until he stood beside the newest addition to Clout9. Leland set his cup on the counter next to where she was sitting, tapping the spoon against the rim of the ice cream container while looking at her in the eyes. "Ya gonna share?"

Leland Kang


105 following

kitchen in Clout9 house
chill & comfy
leland & zac
A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba

as soon as the matches entered the game, irene knew she was about to experience another man-made disaster. apparently, the prank duo had gotten the impression they had more than one life and liked to pull off the most idiotic stunts that should at least have ended in some sort of injury. how these two boys had managed to get past the ages of five was still beyond her. all irene knew was that she valued her life greatly (thank you very much) and preferred to be excluded from whatever these two airheads were plotting. more than content with her current place on the counter โ€“ at least five feet away from the witcherโ€™s brewery โ€“ irene continued to eat her ice cream and watched with apprehension how the two proceeded to light up the birthday candles in the fruit.

oh boy here it goesโ€ฆ

irene tucked her ice cream tube tighter to her frame, knowing that somehow, with these two, the risk of becoming an accidental participant was never zero. she had to commend Leland for at least trying to put a stop to this before everything went up in flames (literally) but as expected from two semi-drunk nitwits, his words entered one ear and immediately left through the other. chance and elliot were rarely people that heeded to the advice of others, too wrapped up in their own chaos. oh, and surprise, surprise โ€“ just as chance teased leland for being a bore, someoneโ€™s sleeve caught fire.

what happened next was a scene akin to one in a cartoon; bodies moved in a blur while high pitched screams and shouting pierced the air. irene, still seated on the counter, could merely watch how the boy on fire raced out of the kitchen, undoubtedly running towards the doors that led to the pool, followed by a whole flock of people interested in seeing the finale. briefly, she had thought about doing the same, just to make sure elliot was not burning to a bacon crisp while the others just stood around , but ultimately, she decided against it. who knows? maybe just letting the dice of life roll the outcome for once was going to result into having some sense knocked into them. yeahhhโ€ฆ. that was so not happening, but a girl could dream, right?

irene scooped another spoon of ice cream into her mouth, head swaying lightly side by side out of enjoyment. she did hear the sound of a drawer opening, though paid no mind to it, her dessert capturing her full attention. but then another spoon infiltrated her sight, causing her to look up and meet the gaze of the person she hoped to avoid having any interaction with for tonight. her heart tightened, her lungs tangled by the inquietude coursing through her body. shit โ€“ why was he still here?? a pathetic urge to just flee the kitchen before he could even utter one word to her tugged at her legs, and irene had to take a breathe in order to gain some rationale back. calm your tits irene, youโ€™re acting like he just revealed to be some serial killer with an axe. he is just your friendโ€™s ex-boyfriend. no big deal. you can act like a normal person around him.

"Ya gonna share?"

almost instinctively, irene pulled the ice cream tube closer, the threat to her snack instantly bringing her back. โ€œsorry e-boy, but i think i deserve this whole tube for having to deal with post break up katie here,โ€ she replied, before fully realizing who she just said that to. oops, sorry katie. wincing lightly, irene tried to salvage her own sentence. โ€œ uh i just mean that sheโ€™s very upset and upset katie can beโ€ฆโ€ ah nope, this was not going smoothly. she let out a huff, slightly frustrated of the whole situation and how it conditioned her to walk on eggshells. โ€œugh, who am I kidding. you know you just created a hurricane right?โ€ irene pointed her spoon at him in an accusatory manner. yeah, he was completely within his rights to break up with her best friend (and she could not exactly blame him for doing so either-) but it did not exactly help the already volatile status of this houseโ€™s liveability. besides, she did not even know leland; for all that was possible - barring katie's personal issues and hysteria tendencies - he could have been a real jerk too.

โ€œwoahh, what happened here man?โ€

Irene turned her head to see zac walking into the kitchen, dressed in his runnerโ€™s attire and still slightly sweaty.

โ€œ really, you donโ€™t want to know.โ€ she replied, earning a laugh from him.

โ€œokay, if you say so โ€“ has anyone ordered any food yet? Iโ€™m starving.โ€

she shook her head. โ€œnot that I know of.โ€

โ€œ in that case, letโ€™s order some-โ€œ
he pulled out his phone and started to scroll through the restaurants on the ubereats app. โ€œwhy donโ€™t we order some sushi irene? you know, to celebrate your first week here ! that way, we can taste the food from your country too.โ€

โ€œthatโ€™s Japanese zac,โ€ she corrected, though the blank look on zacโ€™s face told her he could not connect the dots.

โ€œIโ€™m Vietnameseโ€
she deadpanned.

at that, zacโ€™s face lit up like some lightbulb inside his head was finally turned on.

โ€œohhh, like the war??โ€ he exclaimed, almost offensively proud.

Lord jesus give her the strength..

if there was a camera, irene would have looked straight into it like she was in the office. for someone with enough money to fund multiple universities, it was unbelievable how ignorant this boy was. then again, zac didnโ€™t seem the person to put effort into anything and he probably only had other white, privileged people around him for most of his life. still, it physically hurt to sit through a conversation where the rich boy continued to confidently share his knowledge about something else than being rich and a tiktoker. especially since he was wrong 99% of the time.

irene could only return a fake smile while pushing down the deep temptation to scream into a pillow. it would not matter if she would try to educate him on her โ€˜countryโ€™; she tried before and it was like talking to a brick wall. it was best to either pretend you did not hear what he said or nod along (huh, maybe that's why his ignorance equals the size of mount everest) just focus on eating your ice cream irene and he might go away. heeding her own advice, irene supplied herself with another spoon of ice cream. luckily, zacโ€™s attention had already shifted to leland.

โ€œ by the way, did you and katie really break up?โ€

aaaand there went the ice cream into the wrong pipeline. irene started to cough immediately, and almost snorted out part of the liquid ice cream as zacโ€™s question whirled through her head. did she just hear that right? zac was asking about the break up โ€“ which literally just happened??

โ€œwait-โ€œ she wheezed while trying to get the ice cream down, โ€œ you know??โ€

zac scratched the back of his head. โ€œ uhh yeah, ava told me.โ€

oh fucking hell.

โ€œ does this mean everyone knows??โ€
her gaze switched between leland and zac, her eyebrows furrowed.

sure, katie had not really been what you considered a best friend to be, but irene still felt empathetic towards her. the poor girl just had her heart broken and probably was not ready yet to tell the house about it - yet, now, thanks to a certain gossip queen, the information had possibly already been leaked.

ugh, why was it so hard for people to mind their own business around here?

irene wynters


13 following

Can someone just end me? Please?
The kitchen in the Clout9 House
What do you expect from an e-boy?
Katie, Irene, Gabby, and Zac
Ava, Chance, and Elliot
neon reverie neon reverie

Irene almost immediately reacted to his comment. She pulled the ice cream closer to her, protecting it like a lioness would her cub. Leland frowned at the action before she started speaking. โ€œSorry e-boy, but I think I deserve this whole tube for having to deal with post break up Katie here.โ€ He blinked at her in response, was she throwing shade at her best friend? He could tell that Irene regretted the words that just left her mouth. It was written all over her face. โ€œUh I just mean that sheโ€™s very upset and upset Katie can beโ€ฆโ€ Oh yeah, she was backpedaling hard. Leland's eyebrow raised as a light smirk played on his face. He knew how Katie was when she couldn't get her way. It's what lead him to breaking up with her in the first place. She seemed to give up on the whole faithful friend thing and just tell him flat out what she was thinking. โ€œUgh, who am I kidding. You know you just created a hurricane right?โ€

Oh yes, he was aware. Or was he? Did he underestimate her ability to cause destruction and chaos? That was possible, but was that enough to convince him to stay in a relationship that was slowly driving him insane? Not even close. "Yeah...I was half prepared to have my eyes clawed out when I told her," He responded dryly. Though things didn't go smoothly, he had expected the break up talk to go way worse than it did. Leland wasn't sure if that whole conversation was over yet. There always seemed to be a catch with her. It didn't bode well for the next few days, or even weeks.

Leland's attention was pulled to the new person who walked in the kitchen. It was Zac, asking about what had happened. As he was about to open his mouth and say "Chance and Elliot" (because their names were explanation enough), Irene answered him with a simple "you don't want to know". Fair enough. Leland nodded in agreement with her statement. Zac already had the smallest amount of synapses humanly possible to survive, so they didn't want to damage them further by trying to get him to understand the mind numbing stupidity that had just gone down.

As the two started talking about food, Leland felt his phone buz in his pocket. He looked at the notification on the screen 'xoxo_katie just started a live video'. Oh, wonderful. He hoped she just stayed in her bedroom and minded her own business. He was sadly reminded of the fact he had promised to pretend to be doting boyfriend for her live stream tonight. He internally cringed, wishing that he hadn't. Or that he had just gotten in his car and drove off to somewhere far away for the rest of the evening. That would have been a genius idea Kang, why just now think of that?

The fact he was half paying attention to what Zac said about tasting the food of Irene's "country" caused a curt laugh subconsciously escape as he looked up from his phone. He quickly bit down on his lip to stop himself from full on belly laughing at the next few sentences that came from the airhead's mouth. He knew what this was like. He remembered that Zac had asked if he had Doritos in the country where he came from when they had first met. Leland had to assure him that, yes, the country of Sacramento, California had Doritos. It took him a solid hour to explain to him that even if his parents were both ethnically Korean, neither of them were born there and he himself had never even visited. It's like he forgot that immigration existed and that it was possible for his grandparents to have raised his parents, their children, in the United States. After that he stopped trying at all.

โ€œBy the way, did you and Katie really break up?โ€

Now his attention was focused on Leland. He nodded his head, preparing to give him a short reply when he heard Irene begin to choke on the bite she just took. Part of him was a little happy that she was experiencing difficulty with the ice cream that was meant for him. Though he felt a bit bad about that almost directly after thinking it. Just a little. She was surprised that Zac knew, which he had found out by means of Ava (complete and utter shocker). โ€œDoes this mean everyone knows??โ€ She was showing herself to be the new arrival that she was. Irene was yet to learn how fast any type of news traveled within the walls of this giant house. It didn't take long for everyone to know your business. Which was why Leland wasn't one to share anything with anyone. Who knew when his stories could get twisted and spread, landing him in hot water over something that happened a long time ago?

"I'm sure everyone who was in the kitchen when Ava announced it in front of them knows. The only one I'm not sure of is Gabby..."

"I know what????" He heard the female voice come from the doorway to the kitchen. Well, now everyone was about to know.

"About Leland and Katie breaking up," Zac quickly responded to Gabby's question, shooting a wink and finger gun in Leland's direction to say 'you're welcome buddy'. He sighed, face loosing any type of emotion, as he just shook his head in disbelief. It wasn't like he had wanted everyone in the house to find out just after it happened. That was mean to wish on anyone who just got broken up with. And Leland didn't like being reminded that he torn her heart in two. Ouch, when he put it that way, it made him feel worse.

Gabby quickly nodded, "Oh, yeah, I already knew." He could tell by the look on her face that she was lying. She had attempted to mask the shock that had first crossed her features. She'd do anything to appear in the loop, so it wasn't a surprise that she pretended she wasn't the last one to know.

"Right, just don't say anything to her. She was pretty shook up about it and I-" He started to tell the small group left only to pause when he heard her voice coming closer.

The current subject of conversation came strolling in, talking to her phone screen as if nothing happened. "And there he is!" She chirped excitedly, pointing the camera in his direction. Zac gave him a very confused look, one that often plagued his face. Most ex-girlfriends didn't seem excited to see their ex-boyfriends, especially when it was less than a hours since they broke up. Leland half pretended not to acknowledge her as he grabbed his cup once again to take a decent sized drink. He'd need it to get through the next set of interactions. When he looked up, she was directly in front of him like the villain in a horror movie. Was it too soon to make crazy ex jokes? "Someone asked where you were so I thought I'd check up on you since we haven't talked in awhile," She explained innocently.

"I thought you- OWW!!!" Zac rubbed his forehead as Katie gave him a very pointed glare and a flick to the forehead. A motion that said shut up or else.

Leland set his cup down as he put on the bare minimum of an expression to look pleased. "Oh really?" He replied, crossing his arms across his chest. To which Katie unfolded them, turning her screen to selfie mode, and pushed his arm over her shoulder. Her raptor like claws dug into his side as she clung to his waste in order to snuggle into his chest. The looks from everyone else were honestly priceless, and Leland was finding it difficult to remain neutral.

"Yes, I was saying how we were really really excited about moving in together, and how it's so nice that all I have to do is come downstairs to talk to you," She explained, looking up at him through her lashes, batting her big eyes ever so sweetly. Yeah, he didn't like the way that sounded at all. Not only was that an outright lie, but it was one that didn't sound like preparation for the coming news of their splitting. But he had agreed to just play along, even if he didn't want to.

"Right..." He said slowly.

"And how it saves gas."


"And saves money."

"For sure."

"And how we can just stay in bed all day together."


"And how-"

"I think they get it babe," Leland stopped her before she could continue. He was already looking for an out. He didn't break up with her for her to continue to be clingy. Katie let out a giggle, one that sounded forced and a little on the aggravated side. He looked over at the comments for a moment. They made him want to roll his eyes into the back of his skull. 'awww couple goals' 'this is so cute' 'I wish I had a boyfriend like that' 'so happy for you guys and your next step!' Leland moved his arm from her shoulder to grab his drink from behind her on the counter. He looked in the cup. Was it low enough to use it as an excuse to escape? He took another long drink. Now it was. "I'm going to go get another drink, want anything?" He commented, pulling back from her embrace and getting out of reach as fast as he could.

"Just you," Katie shot back with a wink, wiggling her eyebrows for the audience. Leland suppressed his want to dry heave. She was doing this on purpose, wasn't she?

"Don't listen to her! She's just joking," He added, getting back into frame to talk to the screen before walking to the other side of the kitchen to where the alcohol was all on the table. He gave Katie a look, one that told her that he was done, one that threatened to blow her cover if she pushed too much more.

His ex gave him a small nose scrunch with her smile before turning back to her phone, "Oh! Did I show you guys the pool? Or the gardens outside? Let's do that before it gets too dark." Thank God. Leland let out an audible sigh as she walked out of the kitchen and towards the back door. Was it too late to run away now?

Leland Kang


105 following

peace out !
kitchen in Clout9 house
chill & comfy
the whole ass crew (except for nate :c)
A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba

as it rapidly became apparent that yes, everyone in the house had already gotten the update on katie and lelandโ€™s current (non)relationship status, irene found herself to be confronted by a realization that her autonomy over her own private life could be very much slipping through her own fingers here. her stomach โ€“ which had, up until now prickled only with slight unease due to the foreign surrounds of this mansion and its people, churned now with full-on consternation. sheโ€™d previously kept to her room in this mansion because everything was just overwhelming on its own (especially all the social interactions given her introverted nature) but now, the prospect of any โ€˜gossip-worthyโ€™occurrence in her life becoming the hot topic among her roommates just moments after made her inclined to live as a hermit for different reasons. and the fact that almost everyone acted this nonchalant about sharing the news of someoneโ€™s heartbreak before the girl could even let the news sink in caused a new kind of nausea in her stomach.

irene placed the ice cream bucket on the counter next to her, not feeling like eating any further anymore, and shoved it into lelandโ€™s direction. โ€œhere you can have it. i am going to check up on my friend and warn her that everyone knows so she could at least mentally prepare for this.โ€ she said, not even bothering to mask the indignation she felt on katieโ€™s behalf. she hopped off the counter and was about to take a step towards the doors when an all too familiar voice echoed off the walls.

it was just mere seconds after that katieโ€™s figure appeared, hand holding up the phone and voice chirpy as if it had not previously been filled with unbridled anguish. irene had to double check whether or not this was a hallucination, not at all expecting her friend to make her presence known โ€“ let alone with a bright smile on her face like the tears had never even touched her cheeks. was this real?? katie had never ever bounced back this quickly, her coping mechanism to break ups normally being going to a club and hooking up with the first guy she saw or enacting revenge on the ex and broadcasting any secrets he mightโ€™ve shared during their relationship to the world. but just as a mild suspicion blossomed inside, shock swallowed it whole and took the crown. wide-eyed, irene watched how her friend latched herself to lelandโ€™s side and act like the whole break up had just been fiction. uhhh what the fuck was going on? she knew that katie really loved leland and probably was having a hard time coming to terms with their relationship ending, but this was reaching new levels of delusion. zac, who definitely shared the same puzzlement as her ( wow, there was a first time for everything she guessed), voiced the burning question โ€“ only to be rapidly shot down by the friend herself. what was the most surprising, however, was not katieโ€™s demeanor but the fact that leland did not refute anything. hell, he even played along??

irene could barely believe whatever she was currently witnessing, the incredulity of this whole act perplexing her like nothing has ever done before. was this a prank ?? did katie convince him to do some weird fucking couple challenge where the couple would pretend to break up just to see what kind of reactions they would receive from their friends or something? if so, irene would want to murder them both for the emotional gymnastics they caused. if it was not the case, then they still had a lot of explaining to do. seriously, was the break up real or not? from the way her friend verbally destroyed leland in her rant and cried, irene still held onto the slight belief that the break up did happen, but this sure was throwing a real element of ambiguity into the whole mix. just what did the two agree upon regarding their current relationship? were they friends with benefits now or something? or did they hold onto their couple image for the sake of the fans? ugh, she was getting a head ache just trying to figure this out. katie definitely owed her some answers.

nevertheless, irene decided to talk to her friend tomorrow about it, not wishing to add to the current baggage of tonight, and walked over to the counter with the drinks. just as she poured herself another, the spectators of the fire incident filed into the kitchen again.

โ€œuh, care to explain why we just passed katie and she was talking about leland like he is still her boyfriend?โ€ ava inquired, hand placed on her hip and gaze switching to the e-boy. โ€œ thought you joined to single club again.โ€ the slight annoyance in her tone gave away that the notion of the two still being together didnโ€™t sit well with the gossip queen. probably because it lowered her chances even more to get leland to sleep with her. what? just because he said no now didnโ€™t mean it would always be a no. in avaโ€™s experience, guys tended to be a lot more susceptible to change when there were a few drinks in the system -- and letโ€™s be honest, her charms were hard to resist.

โ€œyeah bro, whatโ€™s going on between you two?โ€ chance asked, confused as well.

madison merely rolled her eyes and let out a sigh, clearly not buying what she saw. โ€œugh, isnโ€™t it obvious? katie is clearly over in her head and tries to keep the relationship by pretending like the break up never happened.โ€

gabby clearly agreed with madison and nodded her head. โ€œ yeah, i mean โ€“ itโ€™s not like we didnโ€™t catch anything of the conversation they had. ava, you clearly heard how it went down, right?โ€

ava pursed her lips, mulling over the sentence that had just been served to her. what gabby said was true; she clearly heard how leland said that he could not do this relationship anymore because katie was (oh so unsurprisingly) a controlling maniac. honestly, ava never got why leland even submitted himself to being in a relationship with katie, you could see that the girl had issues from miles away. also, what did she have out of all the other girls on tiktok ( no, this was definitely not about her-) didnโ€™t have? even gabby, as annoyingly of a suck up that she was, would make a better girlfriend than katie. at the very least, you could use the dance girl as your personal doormat. her gaze slowly travelled from leland to the girl closest to him, which was the new girl. clicking her tongue, an idea popped up in the head.

โ€œ irene, wasnโ€™t it?โ€ she questioned, โ€œyou know anything?โ€

irene, who was doing her best to stay out of this whole conversation, released a string of curses within the safety of the mind. she already knew that ava wanted to ask her about the situation; she was supposed to be katieโ€™s best friend after all. but truth to be told, even if she had the slightest clue what was going on in katieโ€™s head, irene still would choose not to share it โ€“ especially not with the person who leaked the break up to everyone else. ava could act like she was the alpha of the house and wield her imaginary sceptre of power all she wanted, irene was not about to let herself get waltzed over by some self-crowned queen. she had been swimming with sharks for most of her life, ava was nothing but a piranha compared to her father. nevertheless, it was hard to ignore all the gazes that were now on her. irene emptied the cup, the burn a warm welcome down her throat, before shaking her head in response and letting out a simple: โ€œnope.โ€

ava looked far from convinced, her eyebrow arched in a sceptic manner. the gossip girl turned her gaze to gabby and shot her a look, obviously not willing to question irene again but still wanting to get some more information. gabby, who had previously been distracted by the booze, rapidly brought her attention back and cleared her throat, coming in to support ava.

โ€œah, she really did not say anything? i mean, you are her best friend. i canโ€™t imagine she would leave you in the dark.โ€

irene rolled her eyes, annoyance building up that the two tried to prod further under the belief that she was telling a lie. really, what was this? high school? why were they grilling her about it? leland was right there!

โ€œno, she really didnโ€™t say anything. i only spoke to her just after the break up, so I donโ€™t know anything about what just happened.โ€ she said, tone cool.

ava and gabby shared a look, but seemingly decided to leave her alone for now, the former instead directing her attention back to the e-boy.

โ€œso the break up did happen?โ€ she questioned again.

irene had abandoned her interest in this whole mess and promptly decided that she wanted to get out of this mansion. whatever was going to happen in the mansion tonight regarding this katie & leland situation, it was not worth investing the energy in. looking for any excuse to leave before she would become the prime focus of interrogation again, her eyes landed on the ice cream. oh well, she might as well buy some new ice cream. lord knows she would need it to get through next week.

irene started to walk away, before being stopped by chance.

fucking chance.

โ€œyo dudette, where you going?? the party just started!โ€

she merely shrugged, โ€œgoing to the store to buy some more ice cream and other snacks. โ€œ a pause. โ€œโ€ฆ do you โ€ฆ need anything?โ€

chance shook his head. โ€œnah, Iโ€™m good โ€“โ€œ he turned his head to his prank bro who was already downing shots again. โ€œ YO ELLIOT! IRIS IS GOING TO THE STORE, YOU WANT ANYTHING???โ€

elliot immediately perked up, an almost childish glint in his eyes. โ€œ can you buy some dino nuggets??โ€

โ€œwhat are dino nuggets..?โ€
zac asked.

irene blinked at the request, somehow finding it surprising yet utterly typical coming from the guy who seemed perpetually stuck in a fith graderโ€™s mindset.

โ€œohโ€ฆsure. and if someone needs anything else, just send me a text message.โ€ not risking getting trapped there, irene quickly turned around and headed out of the kitchen - though not without hearing zac's voice pop up again.

โ€œ seriously, what are dino nuggets??โ€œ

irene wynters
Last edited:


13 following

just get me out of here
The kitchen in the Clout9 House
What do you expect from an e-boy?
everyone and their brother except nate (who couldn't be bothered to care)
neon reverie neon reverie

He had about ten seconds of calm before all hell broke loose in the kitchen. Sure, Elliot being set on fire was a pretty good example of chaos, but for Leland, the amount of questions that were about to fired at him and about him in rapid succession were his worse nightmare. Ava was so quick to look in his direction and open her mouth, saying that she thought he was single now. He was as far as his personal life was concerned. Her statements were followed by Chance asking what was going on between him and Katie.

Frankly, none of this was any of their business. Leland wasn't required to clear anything up for them because this wasn't their relationship. Or lack there of. He was glad when Maddie interjected to keep him from snapping in retaliation. This whole situation was overwhelming. Yes Katie's emotions were more out in the open, and yes her attachment to him was stronger than his to her, but he still was hurt. He may not have wanted to be Katie's boyfriend anymore, but there was a point in their relationship where he had felt love for her. He certainly didn't like hurting her feelings either. Just because he hadn't cried, or punched a wall in anger, or outwardly showed his emotional state, it didn't mean that those emotions didn't exist.

Ava's continued with a description of the conversation that she overheard, as well as her additional commentary on his choice of girlfriend. Ok, to be fair, she hadn't been the way she was now when they first met. She was incredibly sweet, funny, and he genuinely had enjoyed her company. She was easy to get to know, and easy-ish to open up to (he had never been one for sharing so it was hard to gauge how true that statement was). Leland was hurling eye daggers at the gossip queen herself from across the table. Ava hadn't dated her. Neither did she know Katie well enough to bad mouth her. Right now Leland didn't even feel like he had the right to bad mouth her despite her abusive behavior.

Then the crew of "love detectives" turned their interrogation onto Irene. That was especially unfair. She hadn't been there when Katie and Leland fought. She was friends with Katie, but that didn't mean she knew everything. Even if it got on his nerves, at least he was not being made the spectacle for a moment. There was the slightest feeling of relief as they questioned her instead even if Irene didn't deserve it. He probably should have told them to cut it out and ask him if they wanted to, but he was taking a moment to tighten his grip on his emotions that were slowly squirming out of his grasp.

Leland barely got a break before he was asked another question from Ava. โ€œSo the break up did happen?โ€ He locked eyes with her for a moment. The distaste in his face very apparent. He had two choices. Say nothing, because this crowd was not privy to this information. Or answer the question and tell them the truth. By saying nothing they could just turn to Katie, and Leland didn't exactly trust her in the current moment to give a correct answer.

Screw it. He didn't have to tell them anything. He didn't want to tell them, and he didn't owe them anything. All this group of people had done for the past few months was annoy the shit out of him. And this wasn't just his news. This was Katie's business as well, and she was the offended party. Leland was able to stand there in silence for long enough without someone pressing before Chance's voice interrupted the conversation. โ€œYO ELLIOT! IRIS IS GOING TO THE STORE, YOU WANT ANYTHING???โ€

Wait. Irene was leaving? She was going to get out of this dreaded house? Could this very possibly be his out of this horribly tense and aggravating situation? Leland was fairly certain that that this was probably his only way out. As Elliot and Zac were going on about Dino nuggets (which were an exquisite choice), Leland almost leaped over the table and tried to control his walking pace to catch up with Irene. "I'll go with you. It's not safe to take an uber alone. And you've had two drinks," He told her as he fell into stride with her. There was almost desperation in his voice. He just wanted taken out of there. He needed some fresh air to clear his head and decompress, something he hadn't been able to do all week. It wasn't really about Irene.

"Leland! You can't just leave us here with out an answer!!" Ava called after him.

Leland looked over his shoulder at her. "Watch me," He scoffed.

Gabby almost mirrored Ava's exact posture. The gossip queen's little mini-me gave Leland an equally disgusted look, "You're seriously leaving?!" He turned back around to face the direction of the door. He did, however, hold his hand out behind him with a final goodbye in the form of a triumphant middle finger directed at the nosy Nacys. He was done dealing with them and their meddling. He didn't need their comments about his love life, because their's wasn't much prettier. If they were really that curious they could ask Katie. It wasn't a guarantee that his ex would give them the correct answer, but at this point he didn't care. Really, his reluctance to answer should have told them all they needed to know.

A few taps on his phone and he had secured himself a ticket (an uber driver named Oliver in a silver suv) out of there. It wouldn't be so bad, out of everyone here Iris was probably the most similar to him based on superficial findings. Hiding out on her own, keeping to herself. He would have torn his hair out had it been anyone else (other than Nate, but he was nowhere to be found). Maybe she'd just let him tag along without much of a fight. I mean, he already got them a ride, so there was no way she was getting him to back out now. Iris really was going to be stuck with him for this quick grocery store stop. No if ands or buts about it.

Leland Kang


105 following

don't make me regret this.
clout9 house
chill & comfy
leland + ava + gabby
A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba

ireneโ€™s plan to avoid the drama was pretty simple; step 1) leave the house per immediate instance. step 2) spend the upcoming two hours at some random walmart. step 3) hope for an accident to happen either on the road or at the store so she could spend the night at the hospital or surrounded by food. it was pretty failproof, really. sure, the third step was a bit tricky to execute but if the world had taught her anything, it was that there was a wacko at every place - so the chances of someone fucking shit up were never zero.

her pace quickened as she started to rush towards the doors, not wanting to risk being pulled back into the whole detective scene that was currently taking place back in the kitchen. it irritated her how entitled ava and gabby felt about knowing everything regarding someone elseโ€™s business. did they not have anything better to do than fishing for gossip?

yet....irene could not help but sense that there was some other ulterior motive behind avaโ€™s incessant need to unearth the details about katie & lelandโ€™s break (or not break) up. now, she didnโ€™t know a lot about the gossip queen of tiktok and it was not within her element to pass judgement as swiftly as others might do, but there were certain rumours circulating around that were hard to ignore. whether or not it was actually true that ava wanted to sleep with every boy in the house โ€“ presumably to get new โ€˜teaโ€™ to spill on tiktok โ€“ did not even matter that much; it was more so all the stories sheโ€™d heard from other tiktokers within the community about the elite story-time girl. stories about how far ava went to stay on top of everything and how she might hold information just as ammunition in case someone crossed her. irene didnโ€™t know if it was true or not, yet with how the gossip queen carried herself like she was the prom queen of tiktok and continued to stuck her nose into business that werenโ€™t hers, it was difficult not to lend some credence to it. yes, maybe it would remain nothing more but an inkling - maybe there was more behind the character ava portrayed; that could be plausible still. nevertheless, irene did not feel particularly motivated to test that theory. in the end, she believed that everyone had the choice in how they wish to present themselves. sure, there could be a reasoning behind the choice, but that did not equal justification. if ava (and gabby) wished to act like meddlesome drama stirrers, then be her guest โ€“ but donโ€™t expect her to not treat you as such.

irene let out a sigh, already tired with all the drama in this house. was it too much to ask for her home to not be in frequent turmoil over gossip and drama? all she wanted was some peace among the already frenetic life that was her reality now. adjusting to her current presence on tiktok and all the commotion that surrounded it was already energy consuming enough without adding additional theatrics to the mix. ugh, maybe she shouldnโ€™t have let katie persuade her into joining the clout9 house. with the power of hindsight, staying with her grandmother definitely sounded more enjoyable. her grandmother was at least a delight to be around (this has nothing to do with you nate-), and the wildest drama she might get involved in would be how betty cheated at bingo last time and is now uninvited to the Sunday brunch. yup, mistakes had, almost certainly, been made. too bad that irene was too stubborn to yield to her own conscious and leave. donโ€™t get her wrong, it was very tempting, but giving up would only give more power to her father and his view on this life. and in addition, her early departure would just lead to more drama she didnโ€™t want to deal with. yeah... she had gotten herself in a pickle here.

on a slightly positive note, though; her (temporary) peace was only a few steps away now..

"I'll go with you. It's not safe to take an uber alone. And you've had two drinks,"

blinking, irene suddenly found leland by her side, walking towards the same doors. oh no way josรฉ! this was supposed to be a solo trip, meaning uno person, not dos!

โ€œwhat?? i donโ€™t need-โ€œ her phrase was cut off by avaโ€™s voice calling after the e-boy. following close to her was, surprise, surprise, gabby with equal offense. irene watched the exchange between the three and could not help but feel slightly gratified at how leland responded with an old classic of flipping the bird. nevertheless, that satisfaction quickly dissipated as she remembered what his plan was now. there was a flare of annoyance and she levelled her gaze, before resuming her earlier rejection.

โ€œlisten leland, i appreciate your โ€˜concernโ€™,โ€ her fingers drew air quotations at the last word, knowing very well the given reason was bullshit and just an excuse to justify coming with, โ€œbut i can do this on my own just fine, so thanks but no thanks. โ€

irene did sympathize with him wanting to evade the devil who wore prada and her secretary but she really did not want anyone from the mansion joining her on this certain โ€“ let alone the person who this was all partly about. he could just go to his room and lock the doors to get the same results, kind of. it was not her problem either way.

though, instead of listening, leland seemed more focused on his phone. her eyes lowered down at the phone he was holding in his hand and โ€“ wait a minute.. was that the uber app?

โ€œdid you just order an uber??โ€
she gaped, before scoffing, โ€œwow.. you really are desperate to get out of here.โ€

her eyebrows knitted together as contemplation arose. irene could still plant her foot firm on the ground and refuse him to join her - maybe even trick him into staying here? all she had to do was call katie and let her do the anchoring work for her - though, she supposed, even that was a bit cruel for the sake of remaining solitary. besides, he had practically ordered his way out already, so a verbal refusal probably would not have much effect anyways. Damn it leland, she silently cursed, before letting out a huff.

โ€œokay fine, you can come with on one condition: you pay for the uber and groceries.โ€

irene wynters


13 following

hey now, we don't need no fancy dino nuggs sis
Mansion > walmart
What do you expect from an e-boy?
neon reverie neon reverie

Irene's face said it all as soon as he stated that he was coming with her. Maybe she felt like Leland didn't need to babysit her, or maybe she just wanted to be alone. If he had any other option, he would have let her go by herself. He didn't exactly want to go with her either, but what choice did he have? The likelihood of being able to hide out in his room without interruption was slim to none. There would be someone, be it Ava, Gabby, Katie or otherwise, banging on his door get him to talk. Every room in this damn house had someone asking questions in it. So sorry Iris, Leland wasn't listening to your plight.

โ€œDid you just order an uber??โ€ Leland looked up at her, giving her a single nod in confirmation. Yes, he got a ride. Her tone of voice, though, told him how surprised and a bit betrayed she felt. Oh well. He wasn't here to make friends. โ€œWow.. you really are desperate to get out of here.โ€ His expression changed, eyebrow popping up as he blinked a few times. A look that practically screamed 'really, can you blame me?' Had she even been involved in the last ten minutes? Of course he was desperate to get out of here. Almost as desperate as Ava was for his....uh...ok Leland, too far, reel it back. No judgments, of course, just stating facts.

It seemed that the girl in front of him was weighing her current options. She could try and continue to argue with him, they had like 5 minutes before the uber driver got there to pick them up. It was just futile to even go there, because Leland wasn't budging no matter how many times Irene told him she didn't need company. โ€œOkay fine," He smiled a bit triumphantly. That was easier than expected. "You can come with on one condition: you pay for the uber and groceries.โ€ His smiled faded as he folded his arms over his chest with a quiet huff.

He was going to say yes, of course. Leland would practically do anything to escape the house at this point. Paying twenty bucks for dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets, ice cream, and the uber over to the grocery store was a fair price to pay to get Irene to accept. He wasn't happy about it still. Maybe it was something about his first few months in LA sleeping his car with only that $20 to his name and having to chose between gas and food. Spending money, even if now he had enough, was never easy. The thought of being in that place again, well, it wasn't pleasant. So after a small pause, Leland reluctantly opened his mouth so speak, "Alright, deal."

With that he moved to the front door, slipping on a pair of old vans he'd had forever, and held the door open for Irene. He shut the door behind himself as he stepped out of the god forsaken mansion. And it felt like he could breathe for the first time in a few days. The Uber was a bit early even, since he had been close by, so they didn't even need to wait around before hopping into the silver SUV. After confirming where they were going, Leland rested his head against the headrest. He watched the street go by out the window. The days were still long enough to be pretty bright despite it almost being 8 o'clock in the evening. The ride was quiet, even if the driver said a few things. He'd still rate him 5 stars since the guy was nice. It wasn't his fault both him and Irene weren't the talkative type.

They arrived shortly after at the nearest Walmart and were dropped off at the market place entrance. They didn't need a cart, or so Leland thought, they were only getting a few things. Before they knew it, the tiktokers had made it to the back of the store and were standing in front of the freezer holding the chicken nuggets. Irene opened the freezer door and began to reach for the dinosaur shaped ones for the 21 year old toddler back at home. She was quick to pick up the bag of Tyson nuggets, which was a very stupid decsion in Leland's opinion. It was more expensive for less amount of food than the Great Value kind, though generic, they tasted just the same. "Woah woah woah, what're you doing? Just get the walmart brand," He told her before she could grab the wrong kind. Plus this was his money on the table here. No way was he going to waste it on a dumb name. Some (some being Iris herself) might call him cheap, but he considered it smart.

Leland Kang


105 following

we are not choosing wallmart.
chill & comfy
A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba

irene had half-hoped that leland was stingy enough to refuse meeting her one condition and retreat, and for a moment, that even seemed the case as his smile dropped. alas, her fear tactic was still unsuccessful, his desperation turning out to be greater than his wants to conserve money. slightly miffed to realize that her solo trip had now officially became a duo trip, irene sarcastically grumbled "great..." before reluctantly following behind him to exit the mansion.

it was at least a small consolation to see that the uber had already arrived, meaning they could get out of there almost immediately and, hopefully, without any other hindrances. not wasting any time, she quickly hopped into the car, exchanging a short greeting with the driver, and fastened her seatbelt. her gaze was turned to the windows, heart slightly racing as she waited for their getaway car to start. luckily, it all went without a hitch, and before their escape could be ruined by someone else, they were pulling out of the driveway onto the main road. irene had averted her gaze towards the front, though, not without catching a very brief glimpse of a figure standing by the door. oh well, whoever it was โ€“ they could suck it. this trip was definitely not becoming a trio one.

the uber ride was silent, save for the driverโ€™s attempts at small talk, which quietly died down as well once the guy realized his customers were not of the talking type. irene had felt slight pity for the man, though fair to both her and leland, they just wished for some tranquillity after all the commotion back home. at the very least, she hoped that leland would give him five stars because the driver had practically been their rescuer from the drama cove. to express her own gratitude, she made sure to thank the driver for the ride once they'd arrived and shot leland a glance that was meant to convey the sentence: you better rate him five stars.

after exiting the car, it took only a few minutes before the two were ambling through the Walmart, silence still reigning between them. of course, there were still plenty of noises all around them, spanning from discussions about prices to other high-pitched chatter between locals about their own weekly gossip, but irene felt thankful that leland hadnโ€™t tried to create a conversation yet. now, with the right turn of the head, she could at least somewhat pretend he was not there. closing her eyes for only a few seconds, she tried to fully absorb the sense of serenity sheโ€™d missed so greatly. at last, it felt like there was room to breathe again. no disruptions in the form of childish pranks or long-winded rants from katie about her relationship and how leland didnโ€™t give her any affection while she was such a good girlfriend. no, it was just her, some strangers (yup, leland was totally not there) and a liberating sensation of normalcy.

true to her word, irene moved towards the frozen section of the store and grabbed some dino chicken nuggets for elliot. however, this action was met with a full-on protest from her shopping partner, and she had to listen to a suggestion that made her pull an immediate face of disgust. was he serious? the walmart brand?? โ€œuh, no way. you might as well buy some plastic and mould that into dino shapes and it would taste the same. we are getting the real brand.โ€ her tone had a finality to it, the tiktoker stubborn in her own rights. sure, irene was all for not wasting money where it wasnโ€™t needed, but buying the walmartโ€™s abomination of dino nuggets was a true culinary crime. you would simply be, to quote chef ramsayโ€™s fine words, an idiot sandwich. holding the prized chicken nuggets close to her form, irene cast him another look in case he wouldnโ€™t back down, and pressed further:

โ€œiโ€™m serious, we are picking tyson and after it you are going to thank me for liberating you from the horrendous conception that the walmartโ€™s brand can even compare to tysonโ€™s dino nuggets.โ€

and to drive her point home, irene titled her head and quirked her right eyebrow.

โ€œbesides, itโ€™s not like you are poor. we -- you have that sweet tiktok mon-โ€œ her sentence got cut off as a young voice popped up close to them.

โ€œoh my god โ€“ is that leland kang??โ€

irene wynters


13 following

really now?.....wait!!!!
What do you expect from an e-boy?
neon reverie neon reverie

โ€œuh, no way. you might as well buy some plastic and mould that into dino shapes and it would taste the same. we are getting the real brand.โ€ Did she think he was up for negotiation? Was what he said a question? And this was his money they were spending. Leland had survived this long on store brand everything, not having the budget when he was younger to now just being in the habit. Apparently Irene had grown up on the luxury that was Tyson brand chicken nuggets. She was acting like he was defaming the queen or something like that.

"They taste the exact same!" He shot back, "You're being a chicken nugget snob." Ok, maybe packaging wasn't as fancy. And the other bag didn't have a large sign that said 100% chicken. No one bought chicken nuggets to eat pure chicken anyway. If they wanted to, they could go to the meat section and make their own. There really wasn't any reason to take something as simple as blobs of meat coated in breading so seriously. She was acting as if it was a gourmet 5 course meal.

โ€œiโ€™m serious,"

"So am I." He interjected while she was speaking.

She continued, like she hadn't even heard him, "we are picking tyson and after it you are going to thank me for liberating you from the horrendous conception that the Walmartโ€™s brand can even compare to Tysonโ€™s dino nuggets.โ€

Leland huffed in frustration. "Why ruin a good, yet affordable, thing?" He complained.

โ€œbesides, itโ€™s not like you are poor." I mean, she wasn't wrong. Leland lived in a mansion without paying rent, and just shoved all his paychecks into his savings account. The only thing was, you can take the man out of poverty, but you can't take the poor mentality out of the man. "We -- you have that sweet tiktok mon-โ€œ Irene was unable to finish her sentence, and therefore this heated argument over dino nuggets, as another unfamiliar voice sounded off behind him. His ears almost ringing at the mention of his name. He looked up immediately to see two girls, eyes wide and mouths ajar.

He had been recognized. Though a smile spread across his face almost immediately, he internally groaned at the fact that he was being noticed in public. It happened, with a following of three million people it was bound to. And it wasn't like he was ungrateful to them. They paid his bills. It was just that the type of fans that he had weren't always the most fun to interact with. Despite wanting to be known for more than just a pretty face, that's exactly what happened. Call him a sellout, sure, but at least he could actually support what he wanted to do. It was so insane to him sometimes what people would ask him when they met him in person. They'd ask about Clout9 sometimes, about his now ex-girlfriend (not just how she was, but like personal intimate details even), and often times they'd ask for him to do something. The familiar phrase of "can you do that thing you know the-" and then fill in the blank with anything you've ever seen on pov tiktok. It was.... embarrassing, annoying, and a bit degrading. But if he didn't say yes Leland would be called a jerk who didn't care at all about the people who put him on the pedestal he was currently sitting atop.

Leland gave them a small wave. They looked like they were late high schoolers? Possibly young college students? They were definitely younger than him though. He felt that slight twinge of guilt that he normally felt when he met people. The phrases "what am I even doing with my life" and "am I being a good role model" popped into his head. Yet he still smiled through all of it. The one girl made her way over, he noticed how she was trying not to run as she dragged her more shy friend behind her. "Oh my god Leland! It really is you! Hi!! We're huge fans," She gushed. How many times has he heard that? At least she didn't say #1 fan. Leland heard that enough times to know that wasn't true.

"In the flesh. It's nice to meet you two. I'm very flattered, thank you," His generic nice guy voice was suddenly making an appearance, saying the rehearsed lines that he had prepared a long time ago.

"It's honestly a crime you're not more popular. Like thank you," She commented quickly. Leland's eyebrows pulled together for a moment, a brief break to show how confused he was about the thing that she just said. Wasn't he.... popular enough? "I have your whole discography on my phone right now. It's in my playlist. I listen to 'Table for One' and 'Apology' on repeat. So so calming. It helps me a lot to sleep when I have troubles. Honestly, it's such a shame."

Oh, OH. Leland's less than genuine smile got much wider as he made the realization of what she meant. She was a fan of his music. Now that was a fan he truly wanted to meet. It made his day, no, his week, to hear her say how much she loved the songs he made. And they helped her sleep??? He was over the moon. "That means so much to me that you guys like my music. Really. You don't understand how happy it makes me to hear you say that," He confessed, the almost giddy excitement in his voice showing how true that statement was.

"You should hear it like every day," The second girl finally chimed in.

He was just about to open his mouth to ask if she wanted to take a picture, or something, until the first girl spoke once again. "Is that your girlfriend?" Leland stopped immediately. His eyes widened as he looked over at Irene, who he had almost forgot was even there, with shock. Stunned, he turned back to the girls. Common Leland, spit it out, say no. Despite trying to urge himself on, he was just frozen because of the suddenness of the question. Sorry Irene, you and your rich kid chicken nuggets are gonna have to handle this one.

Leland Kang
Last edited:


105 following

c u later
chill & comfy
A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba

as soon as the particular โ€˜are you ___โ€™ popped up somewhere close to them, regret slipped back in and nestled itself in her stomach. irene knew that leland was not at fault here (and that she couldโ€™ve been recognized just the same) but at the other hand, his immense popularity on tiktok certainly didnโ€™t help with remaining inconspicuous either. not to mention that his tiktoks were purely ( and arguably cringy) povs, and there was no denying that those kind of content hailed more views and overall more fans.

goddamn it leland, why couldnโ€™t you be some obscure tiktoker?

if there was something irene struggled the most with, it would be how public her own identity had become. donโ€™t get her wrong, she was filled with gratitude that people would decide to follow her and love the content she put out - but she could not quite fathom the intensity behind it. it was truly beyond her the lengths people were willing to go through to stay up to date with her life, let alone freak out at the sight of her. maybe it was because irene was not an expressive person herself, or maybe it was still because her rise on the platform happened so quickly, but it just felt like she was still floating in the realm between reverie and reality, not quite grasping the fact that her privacy had become more of a rarity now.

these moments, however, were when reality conquered the mind, chasing away the clouds of illusion that she was merely irene and not iris. she guessed this was only bound to happen as they lived in LA, the central hub for social media presences and even actual celebrities. people knew who lived here and therefore where they might appear. the general location of the clout9 house was no secret, so anyone who even remotely trailed the social media updates about the membersโ€™ lives could uncover their personal location. sure, this could just be a case of right place at the right time but irene didnโ€™t want to completely disregard the possibility that their location got leaked. knowing elliot, he might as well have tweeted it out onto the world that she and leland were getting him dino nuggets.

luckily, the two girls seemed solely focused on the e-boy, giving irene the opportunity to take a step to the side, increasing the distance between her and leland. perhaps if she just walked away and acted like she had never seen leland before in her life, they would believe it. the girl didnโ€™t needed to know that their heated debate was about dino chicken nuggets. maybe it couldโ€™ve been a classic gen z brawl about the state of the world and how paying for unnecessarily cheap brand products contributed to the ice caps melting in antarctica and thus the death of cute penguins. yup, that was totally the crux of their argument.

irene did debate leaving the e-boy to his devices, her mind tunnelling straight towards the different snacks that were waiting to be bought by her. leland who? reeseโ€™s peanut butter cups held way more esteem in her regard; food was the only companion needed. but then the girls mentioned something that short-circuited her mind. discography?? her gaze narrowed towards the boy, eyebrows raised as a near inconceivable notion dropped from the air and hit her on the head. did they mean discography as in actual music??? the image of leland working in some studio on music briefly emerged in the mind, before quickly dissipating under the disbelief that accompanied the thought. nah, it couldnโ€™t be; katie never talked about him producing music. yeah, granted, her friend was not the most reliable narrator but if this was a significant part of lelandโ€™s life, then wasnโ€™t she bound to know about it? and her boyfriend being a singer was definitely something the blonde could not resist bragging about. that was unless his dabble in music resulted into songs that induced second-hand embarrassmentโ€ฆhmmm. it was certainly true that not everyone who got the opportunity to release music was lyrically and melodically talented. that backpack kid sure wasnโ€™t yet no one stopped him from releasing that goddamn awful song. (seriously, someone get that kidโ€™s parents before his next song would be titled: I got flossed into space)

though, the girlsโ€™ lauding suggested otherwise, and irene found her strangely curious about his music now. but just as the initial surprise waned and her curiosity piqued, another bombshell dropped. irene almost choked on her own spit hearing those words leave the girlโ€™s mouth. w-what? girlfriend??? if the utter shock hadnโ€™t rendered her completely speechless, she would have emitted a laugh rivalling that of the joker. they thought she and leland were a couple? oh man, that was just comical.

since the question was directed to leland, she expected him to answer and rebut it. though, instead, her anticipation was met with a dead silence from the guy. she shot him an urging glance, hoping it pull him out whatever dimension he was currently stuck in, but without success. it appeared that the e-boy lost his tongue. damn, guess it was up to her then.

โ€œ ah no, weโ€™re just roommates.โ€ she replied on his behalf, giving the girls a smile.

the girls exchanged looks with each other and burst into a fit of giggles.

uhh, okay?

โ€œand they were roommates~โ€ one of them giggled, earning a jab in the side from the other.

aaand this signalled that it was time to wrap things up.

โ€œriiightโ€ฆ uh, so, do you want me to take a picture of you two with him?โ€

they immediately nodded, chorused a โ€œyes please!โ€™โ€™, and irene quickly got handed a phone. she tapped on the shortcut to the camera and took a few steps back, before raising the camera. leaning slightly backwards, she proceeded to bite her underlip as she focused on the positioning. couldnโ€™t say that the freezer with the dino nuggets offered the most spectacular background but the options were limited, so irene just snapped a variety of photos and hoped for the best.

โ€œand, here you go,โ€ she handed back the phone,โ€œ you guys can keep talking if youโ€™d like. iโ€™m just gonna check out the snacks aisle with these tyson dino nuggets.โ€ she shot leland another look that promised retribution if he even so touched those crusty wallmart dino nuggets, before making a beeline towards the aisle with all the goodies.

there, irene truly became a woman in her element.

it was time to grab some snacks, and with some she meant at least ten.

irene wynters


13 following

imma guess snack aisle
What do you expect from an e-boy?
neon reverie neon reverie

The word girlfriend was one that had him immediately frozen. Leland was going to have to get used to hearing that word and not associating it with Katie. It was both a good and bad feeling. Why were emotions so confusing? This is why he ignored them 90% of the time. He didn't want to put labels like sad or angry to them. Once they had names, he had to figure out why he was feeling that way and then he had to deal with them. He'd much rather just brush on past them an ignore they every showed up in the first place. So maybe that was why his mind completely locked up when asked if Irene was his girlfriend. Or maybe it was just a crazy question that he hadn't expected.

Thankfully Irene jumped in quickly to give them the answer, that they were just roommates. That was followed by the two girls giggling about something. Leland glanced over at her briefly, if not to question what she thought they were laughing about. Too bad the other tiktoker had just as blank of a look as he did. Soon, though, the one made the vine reference that was so comical to them. He had to admit, that put a small smile on his face and gained a huff of a laugh from him. Rip Vine. You will be missed.

Shortly after, his companion decided to ask the girls if they wanted her to take of picture of them together. He gave them a nod and a smile, happy to pose for a few pictures with them. He would do it regardless, but this time it didn't seem like a chore. These two felt more like real fans than all the others that claimed to be his biggest fans just based off of watching 10 of his 1 minute videos. Those didn't say anything about him. His music came from his soul.

A few poses (the basic peace signs and smiles) later, they had taken a enough pictures for the girls to be happy. Irene handed the girl's phone back to her. His attention was pulled back to her as she stated very plainly that she was going to go find something else to get, making sure to point out the fact she was taking the Tyson nuggets with her. Leland's eyes narrowed at her. He couldn't believe he was going to be spending extra money on something that wasn't even worth it. The annoyance still on his face as Irene began walking away, eventually disappearing to go spend more of his money.

"Ok, what's the story? Give me the teeaa!" Huh? His gaze was turned back over to the fan she was standing off to the side. His eye brows pulled together, her look very obviously of confusion. "Come on, there is clearly something here. The tension was THICC," She explained rather excitedly.

Leland let out a curt laugh. That was the funniest thing he had heard all day. He barely knew Irene. This was the longest they had ever spoken to each other and he had just broken up with someone. There was no way he was shooting heart eyes at anyone right now, especially Irene. "No, there's nothing. We're seriously just roommates having a debate over chicken nuggets," He responded, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

The two girls again broke out into a fit of childish snickers. "Ok, suuure. When you tweet that you two got together, I'll be sure to say I told you so," She joked. Leland let out a laugh. Yeah, that was never happening.

He shook his head a bit before finding his out of this conversation before it took a worse turn than the current one, "You two have a great night. It was really great to meet you. Be safe going home. I'm going to go catch up to her so she doesn't buy $100 worth of Doritos." The two girls also said their happy goodbyes and went on in the opposite direction of him, still continuing to chatter with glee. Leland came away from that conversation feeling....he wanted to say better. Maybe appreciated was the better word for it. Sticking his hands in his pockets, he followed the path that Irene had taken just a few moments ago. The e-boy looked down the aisles to try and find this snack aisle she had refenced. It didn't take him long to find her figure staring over at the different bags and boxes of snack foods. He made his way over to her side and looked at what she had collected thus far. "Having fun?" He asked, nodding his head into the direction of the food she was holding in her arms. Why did he agree to pay again? This was going to be expensive.

Leland Kang


105 following

tell me more
chill & comfy
A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba

after leaving leland to his devices, irene had been busying herself with inspecting the snack aisle. her mood took a more positive course again once the different chocolate bars, crisps and cookies infiltrated her sight, a small smile immediately spreading across her face as her fingers trailed across the snacks on the middle row. alone and unbothered, her mind wandered into a new illusionary realm โ€“ one where peace reigned supreme and the username just_iris signified nothing. it was a moment of solitude where she could pretend everything was all well and that their imminent return to the mansion didnโ€™t have a certain damning essence to it. a reverie she wished could transcend into reality - because drama was never supposed to be something constant yet it haunted her figure ever since the pursue of her tiktok career.

irene was not one to regret many things, holding a fairly oh-well attitude in regards to many things, but man, did this last week make her reassess the choice in becoming more involved in the whole tiktok community. while it was true that you should not judge the whole basket only due to a few sour apples among the bunch, clout9 was definitely not helping push that notion. her life barely had the energy to deal with katieโ€™s eternal relationship drama, let alone the additional shenanigans pulled by the prank duo or constant โ€˜tea-spillingโ€™ of the bitchy trinity. her sanity was at stake here, and now, pathetically enough, she needed a walmart trip to regain those lost marbles before she'd do something crazy like permanently moving to mexico to live as an alpaca farmer.

though, she supposed that, at the very least, sheโ€™d have an excuse to remain in her room more once the snacks had been restocked. just hoard them in her own drawers and no trips to the pantry or kitchen needed anymore. easy peasy, lemon squeezy. and while at it, maybe she should just buy a refrigerator and a microwave for in the bedroom. that way, she could just live off microwavable meals and evade even more human contact with the other house members. it was an extreme measure, sure, but at this point, irene was desperate enough to entertain the hibernation concept.

โ€œIโ€™m not crazy, am I?โ€ she whispered to the bag of crisps in her right hand.

โ€˜โ€™Having fun?โ€™
โ€™ a voice suddenly popped up beside her, making her jump and clutch the snacks close to her chest.

ireneโ€™s gaze narrowed to lelandโ€™s figure who had appeared out of nowhere, cheeks slightly heating up out of embarrassment. he didnโ€™t hear that, did he? ugh, he probably had considering todayโ€™s sequence of events. oh well, in worst case scenario, leland was now under the impression that she talked to her food when alone โ€“ which, in turn, could work as an excellent repellent. so, who was the real loser here?

โ€œoh yes, definitely.โ€ she replied, her tone as neutral as possible despite flush in her cheeks. her gaze lowered down to the number of snacks that were stacked in her arms, counting them up to thirteen. was it too many? her heart said no, but her conscience was a tricky pleaser. her gaze slowly shifted back to the e-boy, and with one glance, her initial principles waned. fuck it โ€“ she deserved these snacks. lord knows what kind of drama fest they would encounter upon coming back to the mansion. knowing the others, there was a significant chance of walking into a half burning mansion or a screaming match between the girls.

โ€œwell, i got my snacks. you want anything else?โ€

irene pressed her lips together as she remembered the moment with the fangirls. the topic lingered around in the mind, garnering attention again as a sense of curiosity emerged. to ask or not to ask, that was the question. at one hand, she could do without knowing the details about his purposed music career, but at the other hand, it could offer her a new perspective on the one who had been nothing other than katieโ€™s (ex) boyfriend or the e-boy of clout9. if anything, it would tip the insufferable housemate ratio into a more positive direction, right?

โ€œsoโ€ฆโ€ she cleared her throat. โ€œI didnโ€™t know you also dabbled in music - since when is that?โ€

irene wynters


13 following

um.., no, i'm not buying all of that.
What do you expect from an e-boy?
neon reverie neon reverie

Irene had been mumbling something, lost in thought over the bag of chips she was holding in her hand. Man, he didn't know lays potato chips were that deep. They must of said something real philosophical. To any case, she didn't notice Leland as he came up beside her. That made her jump and spin around holding the snacks she had picked out. He blinked down at her as she clutched the... one, two, three, four....THIRTHTEEN. Geez dude, she was gonna break his bank. He would say he was glad she was having fun, but he wasn't that pleased.

It wasn't like she was his girlfriend or even his friend to begin with. Now he was getting as salty as her apparently deep thinking chips. He was still in relative shock, how could one small person eat so much junk? Leland thought she was just wasting his money. There was no reason to have so many AND buy the expensive chicken nuggets. Oh no, there was no way he was standing for that. Irene was not, under any circumstances, going to be buying all of those on his dollar. If she wanted more than what was reasonable, she could pay for it herself. When she asked if he wanted anything else he shook his head, because all he wanted was for her to put the majority of them back. Irene had tiktok money too, she had no reason to mooch off of him. He just went through a break up for Christ's sake.

As he was preparing his words to say all those things with a little more tact (because he didn't want to start another argument), she interrupted his train of thought. Leland quickly closed his half open mouth, as he was about to say something else, to look at her with light shock. Since when did Irene get nosey? Ok, maybe it wasn't nosey, but curious. He hadn't expected her to care. Mostly because if he had heard the something about her, he wouldn't have given it the time in his brain to wonder. Maybe if it was about music, because music was his passion, but anything else that a fan said about her would probably go in one ear and out the other.

Did she actually care though or was she reading his unpleasant expression and thought it was best to change the subject? This could be an opportunity for her to see him more a bit different than just her friend's ex. If Irene had any brains, like Nate, maybe he'd have another person in the house who didn't think of him as just an egotistical e-boy. Then again, he really didn't care what she thought. "A long time, I took piano lessons as a kid and just continued from there," He answered, shrugging his shoulders. Did he continue because he liked it? Yeah, that was part of it. But even though his dad wasn't musically inclined in the slightest, he still supported his hobby and loved what he played. Part of Leland still held onto it for that reason. But Irene didn't need to know that.

"Why the sudden interest weeb? Think I didn't notice the mountain of snack foods you have? Are you trying to distract me from the fact you're spending all my money?" He huffed shortly after, not wanting to linger on the subject for long. He was in a rather melancholic mood, even with the boost from real fans, and talking about the past wasn't going to make it better. "Pick five, and only five. I'm not buying all of those," He added with a tip of his head in the snack stash's direction. Leland wasn't sympathetic in the slightest, she got her rich kid chicken nuggets, now it was his turn to make a demand.

Leland Kang


105 following

my way or the high way
chill & comfy
A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba

leland seemed oddly hesitant about talking about his music career. after posing the question, irene had kind of expected for him to see this as being given the bragging rights and to launch into a self-promo speech about it. was he embarrassed by it? no, that couldnโ€™t be. he seemed awfully prideful of getting recognized for it just moments ago. or, maybe, he just wanted to give her the impression his music was anything of a qualitative calibre. letโ€™s be honest: just because a song got a place on spotify or i-tunes, it didnโ€™t necessarily mean it was a good one. for all irene knew about the e-boy, his songs could be the somewhere up the same category as on the floor by icejjfish or an edgy version of Friday. with his looks (objectively speaking) he had enough power to gain fans regardless.

"A long time, I took piano lessons as a kid and just continued from there," huh, that answer was awfully โ€ฆ. basic. the info didnโ€™t take irene by surprise as much as the nonchalant shrug that followed; he seemed way more humble about it than anticipated -- which garnered even more curiosity on her part. did he really view his music as such a minor thing that it wasnโ€™t even worth mentioning? or did he just dislike talking about it in general for some reason? more and more questions emerged in the head, swirling around like a whirlwind, puzzling irene further and further. the pieces of information sheโ€™d now gathered about his music career existed in different realms without a bridge connecting them, each cultivated explanation falling into the void between. for some reason, leland became more of an enigma to irene than previously. he was yet to outstrip the e-boy image she got of him, but she was significantly more curious about this new side of him.

her lips parted, ready to serve more questions about his songs โ€“ but then he changed the subject and, subsequently, crushed every piece of her willing to express further interest in his โ€˜musical talentsโ€™. irene could do with the weeb name-calling, finding it as amusing as it was inaccurate. just because a girl watched studio ghibli movies and the occasional anime didnโ€™t mean she was of the same brand as a weeb. she didnโ€™t even consider herself part of the anime community ( not that there was anything wrong with being an โ€˜otakuโ€™); just someone who could appreciate the animations & remarkable storytelling of one sometimes.

nevertheless, as soon as the e-boy launched an attack on her snacks, it was a declaration of war. her eyes widened in horror at his sentence, and irene instinctively clutched her precious snacks closer to her chest. there was absolutely no way she was going to give up her salvation. these cookies? they were the equivalent of a stress pill for her. the crisps? the saltiness of them provided the same sensation of tasting tears โ€“ only you didnโ€™t need to embarrass yourself by crying in your room for it. the chocolate? it had the power to revive the brain cells lost when spending enough time with chance and elliot. nopeee, if leland wanted to return the snacks back to aisle, he could pry them from her cold, dead hands.

โ€œwho are you? mr scrooge??โ€ she snorted in response. โ€œit isnโ€™t even christmas yet so calm your man tits. we had a deal, remember? youโ€™d buy for the groceries in exchange for tagging along! these โ€“โ€œ she nudged her head downwards at the stacked snacks in her arms, โ€œ are the groceries.โ€ annoyance was building up inside her during this argument. was insisting for him to pay for all these snacks a bit of an entitled hill to die on? maybe โ€“ but irene really did find it a fair price for her solitude being compromised in the process. not to mention that he was still her โ€˜bestโ€™ friendโ€™s ex (?) boyfriend, meaning there was a discussion with katie waiting ominously for her back home. she deserved these comfort foods.

โ€œbesides, iโ€™m 100% sure the costs of these snacks are not hurting your pockets that much.โ€ she huffed. it was true. irene didnโ€™t know why leland was acting so stingy about maybe 25 dollars worth of snacks when he was one of the most well-earning tiktokers out there. sure, he had the rights to be frugal about his overall spending but making an issue of one singular payment? if the tables were turned, she would just pay up. a deal was a deal.

stubborn in perhaps equal ways, irene proceeded to turn her back to him and started walking towards the cashiers.

โ€œoh-โ€œ she turned her head slightly to cast him a glance over her shoulder. irene also felt a bit iffy about his assumption that she was faking her curiosity about his music career. she was not one to use those kinds of manipulative tactics. if anything, she'd just resort to the classic 'is that ___?' manoeuvre to create a diversion, before sprinting to the cash registers. not utilise someone's genuine interests as a weapon. โ€œand i was actually interested in hearing more about your music career. not everything is a ploy designed to get you, you know..? โ€

irene wynters

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