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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Characters

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A fandom Pokemon Roleplay


Character Sheet
Appearance: (image please, I prefer visualization)
Personality: (Paragraph format please)
Background: (can be as long as you want)

Pokemon: (for each pokemon please fill this out)
Personality: (can just be descriptive words)
Bond: (Does the pokemon listen to your commands or does it do as it pleases)
Move List: (up to 4, if there are any custom moves you want to add describe them too please, anything from the series/games can just be listed and searched up)
(For fanmade/Fakemon pokemon only)
Pokedex Description:
Region of origin:

1. Just in general follow all rpn rules, no god modding, don't bully, and ask permission when needed (i.e. if you think you should ask permission for something, ask).
2. Pokemon should be between level 1-10 to start, this role play will be based on bonding with pokemon as well as other trainers rather than just straight up battles, though there will be lots of that aswell.
3. No legendaries to start, this includes pokemon like cosmog which evolves into Solgaleo or Lunala, they will come eventually.
4. Don't be super overpowered, while variety in pokemon is encouraged don't make it so your able to win every battle because in the real world, and the world of pokemon, you win some and you lose some.
5. Write with some detail, I don't like one liners personally, they leave very little to reply to, small posts are okay but I do expect some level of detail so there are things to reply to.
6. Leveling is to be done out of character, I expect regular updates to your pokemon's level (before gyms or significant events and such), the main things that should be written are significant battles and events as well as catching new pokemon, we would never get everywhere if we wrote out every battle.
7. If you are busy and cannot reply when tagged I prefer you to tell me this before hand, but I will wait a week for a reply and after that I will move on, your character wont be dropped but just for the sake of moving forward it will be assumed your character replied accordingly and will be sidelined until you make it back.
8. Pokemon battles can be done collaboratively which is preferred, but if your unable to do this the posts can be one/two liners for this reason (I don't expect you to write in detail for this)
9. Have fun, thats the most important thing.

If you have any questions give me a message, I'll try to reply within the day, I'll probably make a discord or something for faster communication.[/u][/u]
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Name: Roma Allen
Image result for kathryn newton gif

Nickname: Allie
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Background: Used to be a Torchic.

Name: Pikachu
Image result for pikachu unique

Nickname: Bob
Gender: Male
Level: 10
Type: Electric
Personality: Loyal, fiesty, stubborn.
Bond: Pretty strong. Bob will listen to his trainer but will improvise if he needs to.
Move List:
Buzz buzz


"It's just honest work."





Forn is a calm, composed individual who isn't very social.

Forn's family has been researching Regional Variants for as long as one might remember.

Pokemon 1


Snorunt (Ranos Form)






Snorunt is rebellious and would rather do his own thing, not caring what Forn has to say.

Move List:

Pokedex Description:
The flames that ward off predators are fueled by the oil coatings of their paper shells. These paper shells come in many different beautiful patterns.
The Snorunt of the Ranos region are more attuned to their magical nature, allowing them to awaken their third eye which sees things in four dimensions.

Region of origin:

Pokemon 2


Darumaka (Galar)





Darumaka is generally a very playful Pokemon.

As Forn's main Pokemon, Darumaka is very loyal to her.

Move List:
Powder Snow

Region of origin:
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Lia Coello



Lia's personality is beyond words. She has a very crazy and hyper personality, making her very energetic. Though she has her heart in the right place, she's quite oblivious about matters that involve the bigger picture of things. Lia constantly has a deep sense of right or wrong and will go to extremes to correct situations if they are involving those she is close to. She is also very kind, and will do whatever she can do to help people. She will also go to the full extremes if needed, as that is apart of her personality.

Lia's interest in pokemon pretty happened the same way as her sister. Unlike her sister who know what she wants, which is taking over her grandfather's gym, Lia doesn't seem to have a goal in mind yet though she does like the idea of becoming a pokemon master. Which she is well aware won't be easy. Lia has recently just started her journey. Right now she's on her way to meet up with her sister.




Shy, Taciturn, Timid

Micael is usually obedient until he gets scared. He tends to run off when he's scared sometimes and Lia always has to chase after him.

Move List:
Quick Attack

Pokedex Description:
On pic

Region of origin:
Rosalia Coello



Rosalia has a spunky, tomboyish personality. She's also very kind-hearted, strong-willed and supportive. She stands up for what she believes in, she will do anything to help her friends. and she's strong, down-to-earth, caring, and compassionate.

Rosalia's interest in pokemon was mostly due to her grandfather who is in charge of a water type pokemon gym. She would help and her grandfather would always tell her and her little sister Lia stories of the adventures he had when he was young. Which heighten the interest in pokemon for her and her sister. When she turned ten she got her fist pokemon, Squirtle, and set off on herjourney. She wants to take over the gym one day and her grandfather said when she was old enough she could but for now he told her to go get some experience.




kind-hearted, child-like, confident

Squirtle is pretty obedient.

Move List:
Tail Whip
Water Gun




Determined, Mischevious, Temprementle

He can be pretty disobedient at times. Because of his michevious and temprementle nature it tends to get them both into situations.

Move List:
Aqua Jet
Water Gun
Snipe Shot

Pokedex Description:
On pic

Region of origin:




Friendly, Optimistic, Laid - Back

Psyduck usually listens Rosalia. Though her laid back personality can tend to be a problem when battling.

Move List:
Water Sport
Tail Whip




Enthusiastic, Kind, Confident

Poliwag is pretty obedient.

Move List:
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    Katherine Suzuki




    Katherine is a bit of a dark and mysterious type of trainer, she likes to play her cards close and not give up her poker face. She tends to be rather rash, bulnt, and even sometimes naive but over the years she has learned how to be a pokemon trainer from watching her father. Thats not to say that she is cocky though, shes is rather humble when it comes to losing, knowing that not everything in the world will go her way, but just that having fun along the way is what really matters. Katherine likes to share a bond with her pokemon, she seems to have a way with ghost type pokemon, even though like her father she prefers fire/ghost types.

    Coming from the Altak Region, a region that is known for hosting a bunch of ancient pokemon, Katherine grew up as the daughter of a ghost/fire type gym leader. Her father retired when she was still only young and they moved to the Ranos region so her father could pursue research on some new types of pokemon. Katherine was often spoiled by her father and she was given a few pokemon as gifts, like Bunel and Charmander, taking a liking to the ghost/fire types similar to her father. As she grew up she found herself wanting to become a pokemon trainer and on her 16th birthday decided to do just that. She began her journey, being given Pupyre by her father before leaving. As she set out on the road she also managed to catch a Grimil as well.
Hisoka Ito
Nickname: N/a
Gender: Male
Age: 14

Personality: Hisoka isn't just painful shy, he's suspiciously shy. He warms up to people easily, but words just don't come well to him. He's quiet, expressing his feelings in short stutters or nore non-verbal cues. He's loyal to a fault and loves supporting his friends. You've only known him for a little while? That doesn't matter! Provided you aren't menacing and aren't mean Hisoka will jump to support you. The more suspicious part is things like he constantly avoids battling in front of people. Whenever he does you can see the glint of something much scarier than his outward appearance. There will be these moments were Hisoka gets oddly competitive or overly excited for a battle like it's revealing something he hides beneath his shy, kind exterior

Background: Hisoka grew up in a port town in Ranos. It was a place where aspiring trainers would stream in to explore the region. Hisoka for much of his life was amazed by this. He would spend hours on end chatting with the trainers, asking them questions, asking if he and Asteria could battle them. Almost allof them declined, but Hisoka still had tons fo fun just watching battles and learning all her could. And then something happened. Hisoka and one of his oldest friends went out to explore and when they came back the two of them were injured and never talked to each other again. Assumably only Hisoka and his friend know about the event and neither have ever spoken about it. After the incident he retracted back into his shell, becoming more shy, more bashful. That was 3 years ago and now Hisoka is finally ready to set off on his journey and leave his past behind him.​

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    Name: Cleffa (Ranos Form)
    Nickname: Asteria
    Gender: Female
    Level: 7
    Type: Fairy/Dark
    Personality: (can just be descriptive words)
    Bond: When not in battle, Asteria tends to do whatever she wants. Whether that's riding on Hisoka's head, singing randomly, or wandering away for a minute, well she'll do it. Of course being a baby pokemon, she's generally going to stick around Hisoka, but is she going to listen to him? Nope! On the other hand in battle, the two of them a scary synergy
    Move List: Disarming Voice, Snarl, Fake Tears
    Pokedex Description: Entry 1- Said to be cleffa from the dark side of the moon, this pokemon has adapted to the lack of light where they lived, gaining dark type.
    Entry 2- Ranosan Cleffa has gained the nickname dark star from the faint redish glow they will let off and their star shaped body
    Region of origin: Ranos

[class=buttonB] background-color:#898CA0; border-radius:5px; padding:5px; text-align:center; font-family:Georgia; color:white; position: relative; margin: 8px auto; width: 75px; [/class] [class=buttonClick] background-color:pink; border-radius:5px; padding:5px; text-align:center; font-family:Courier New; color:white; cursor:pointer; position: absolute; top:0; left: -20px; width: 120px; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=hidden] display:none; [/class] [script class=buttonB on=mouseenter] fadeIn 0500 buttonClick [/script] [script class=buttonB on=mouseleave] fadeOut 0500 buttonClick [/script] [div class=buttonB]lottie[Div class="buttonClick hidden"]quiet girl
”It takes coal to make a diamond.”​
lottie angevine
fem x 17

kind x inquisitive x to herself, but not quite shy x empathetic x a little disconnected x lonely if she’d think about it x nurturing x neat and clean x a bit naive

Lottie would stay in the rain and use her body as a shield if it meant keeping a little mouse out of the cold. She cares deeply for things, particular small and lonely things, and does not see the irony. She doesn’t consider herself a victim or less fortunate and seems to have completely neglected to register what she’s been through, instead she continues to experience new things and try to enjoy them, too. She’s very kind, and worried about others too much, much more than herself. She will chide you like her childhood maids if you’re not a neat person, however, and even has a small song she sings to clean.


Lottie does not know her origins as she was taken from her biological parents (unknown) at the young age of 3 and excitedly adopted by a very wealthy couple, Mr. and Mrs. Angevine, who happen to be the founders of the top (very few, due to technological advancements) Ranos mining company of the region, of which specializes in areas known for diamonds, gold and they’re now branching out into environmentally friendly oil pulling. Angevine and Co. . There is not excessive competition as most everything is electronically run now, however the need for oil and the lust for gems is still strong enough that their business, who is one of few and the largest of them all, does exceedingly well especially since opening up with traders overseas and having a plethora of resources to exchange due to the average demand here in the country.

Her family has raised her on the belief that even the mined gems and rocks have an energy that’s important to respect and be grateful for, so they treat their workers and their mining spots very well, as well as are careful not to too greatly disturbed the inhabiting Pokémon within said mining areas, they are either temporarily walled off or relocated.

Little Lottie sits as the family gem as her adoptive mother, Nia, was medically diagnosed as unable to reproduce after their first son, Andre (they wanted a daughter to complete the family), they consider her a blessing and treat her as such. She was raised in a drastically different situation than that which she would have been born into, with maids and vaulted ceilings, trendy dresses and even her own ponies. Lottie seemed, however, to show an incomparable kindness despite her privilege, although she does have a hard time relating to other people’s financial hardships. She also always seemed a bit detached and never quite attached to her parents or the family in general the way they would have wanted her to, but they loved her all the same.

She took a great interest in the family master chef, and would spend a lot of time with him in the kitchen as she grew older, watching with those usual curious eyes as the oven lights would stoke like fire and bread would rise and come to life. She would often skip her music lessons to be out in the field with the farm animals, and so her parents decided to put the lessons off and just let her enjoy her passions which were clearly taking care of the animals (although she was assigned to brushing and feeding, never cleaning). Her brother was groomed and prepped to be inheritor of the company, so he spent a lot of time in actual schooling, as well as learning about the ropes of finances and how to run a business — Lottie learned a few things like extensive rock vs gem knowledge, where not to mine in a faulty tunnel and the difference between a stunfisk beak and a gemstone. but ultimately showed no interest in running the company, though they hoped as she grew older she would change her mind.

She did not change her mind however and requested a temporary departure for the sake of adventuring outside the city and not on a passport but as a trainer. Reluctantly her parents accepted the requests with the negotiation that she return home within the following year and attempt to assist her sibling in taking over the company. The agreement has been set, and now she leaves for her quest to knowledge.

Name: carbink
Nickname: binks
Gender: m
Level: 9
Type: Rock/Fairy
Personality: thinks he is bigger than he is, and stronger than he is. very quick to defend.

Bond: listens, but does over react if feeling threatened or intimidated.

Move List:

Binks was found in a very unconventional way, as Lottie had let go of her fathers hand and wandered from the minecarts upon the Discovery of something glistening down an unmarked tunnel within one of their new mines. This shimmering light would be reflected off the embedded stones of a very agitated carbink, who immediately decided lottie was the cause of the construction and chased her viciously deeper into the caverns. A missed head butt would collide with the wall and cause a rock fall, in which lottie, although terrified of the carbink, did not want it to get hurt, and so she shielded it from the rockfall however her fathers onix diggers saved her before she could get hurt. In need of relocation as it’s fleet had regrouped, Lottie was given this carbink to care for until a proper home was secured.

Name: beldum
Nickname: Erius
Gender: none
Level: 10
Type: Steel/Psychic
Personality: bumbly quiet and usually cheerful.

Bond: Loyal and does as told, seems to not question much.

Move List: ()

erius is named after its large iris which young lottie had a hard time pronouncing. it was the least menacing creature her parents would approve of as an “official but unofficial” sparring partner for mock battles out on the patio.

Name: kabuto
Nickname: tbd
Gender: male
Level: 5
Type: Rock/Water
Personality: quiet, curious, skeptical, quietly amazed by everything.

Bond: Not quite battle ready, still adapting to the new world.

Move List: (up to 4, if there are any custom moves you want to add describe them too please, anything from the series/games can just be listed and searched up)

Gifted and resurrected mining fossil from overseas, Kanto was the first partnership for the Mining Corp and while the fossils was a much appreciated gift they honestly didn’t know what to do with the bundle they had received. It is the newest addition to Lotties possum but seems vastly confused by its surroundings and just stays clutched to her back or stomach most of the time.
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Kent Elwood




Kent is a rather quiet and focused individual. Despite his intimidating appearance with a constant scowl and resting bitch face, though in-person Kent is a rather kind person especially to Pokemon. He favors Dark type's as they're usually outcasts like him. Despite being a trainer himself Kent has always disliked the lifestyle of a trainer, he sees them as selfish, abandoning their family for a goal that few ever achieve. Thus in many cases he can be downright rude to other trainers, especially those who use their Pokemon as tools rather than companions.

For most of Kent's life he's gtown up in poverty, they only really failed financially after Kent's father seemingly abandoned their family in search of becomimg the champion. After that Kent and his mother scrambled to stay stable, Kent's mother took multiple part time jobs and was rarely home and when Kent was old enough he took on a part time job to help, making him unable to join his childhood friends on their gym challenge. So for multiple years this cycle repeated until Kent's Mother approached him, edging him in to join this years gym challenge, it was his childhood dream to become the champion but he simply didn't want to abandon her like his father, but after some persuading Kent's Mother eventually got him to join.






Rock, Ground

Stubborn, loyal, rude

Levy and kent share am extremely close bond, and despite Levy's stubborness he will always listen to Kent.

Rock throw





Steel, Dark

Honorable, focused, alert

Despite their short time together Kentvamd shogun have developed a goos bond with each other.

Move List:
Sucker Punch
Fury cutter

Name: Damien Corvus




Damien is a trainer who believes that anything can be done if you set your mind to it. His outlook on life is that if at first you don't succeed, try try again, and he lives this motto when training his pokemon. He believes that no matter what the type advantages are you should be able to win any pokemon battle with the ones you have so long as they are both strong and have a lasting bond with their trainer. He believes in his pokemon and thinks that they can always stand to improve a little more.

Damien was born in the Ranos region, in one of the larger towns. He grew up near a pokemon lab and often played with the pokemon there when the professor would let him. Upon reaching his 16th birthday he was given a pokemon, Piplup, by the professor but he felt that he still wasn't ready to go out on his own pokemon journey. 3 years later after doing various odd jobs and getting his education Damien decided that he was finally ready to challange the gym leaders in the region and start his pokemon journey.

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    Giddy, Happy-Go-Lucky, Excitable


    Move List:
    Ice Shard

    Pokedex Description:
    In the High Mountains of the Ranos region, Piplup has become use to the cold weather and has adapted to grown down feathers and to be able to use ice type moves.

    Region of origin:
    Ranos Region
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Jake Ventus
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Personality: Known for his cold personality, Jake is not the friendliest of guys. Jake never goes out of his way to make friends and is very set on his own goals. He can be overly confident in his own abilities which leads him to underestimate or ignore those around him. Jake can be overly rude to others, his lack of filter can often get him into trouble. His cocky nature is also one of his biggest weak points as Jake can not handle losing. Jake has a burning desire to become strong, not just strong, but the strongest. He has no problem pushing others away, or even pushing them down if it means he can get to the top. However, Jake's sense of honor keeps him from cheating, and can even lead him to recognize other's strengths.

Background: Jake's whole life has revolved around the image of his brother. His brother, Tyler Ventus was a top trainer in Sinnoh, even having traveled the regions earning some recognizable accomplishments. Jake has always looked up to his brother since the time he was a kid, but things changed as he grew up. Jake hated the idea of being compared to his brother. Jake's parents would often push him to join an academy to learn how to become a trainer "the proper way" like his brother. Jake would spend most of his time in the streets of Jubilife much to the disappointment of his family.

Jake would often ask for his first pokemon, but his parents would scold him about not wanting to join a real academy as his big bro did. This only further built-up resentment. He would only ever be allowed to have training battles against his brother using his brother's pokemon. Tyler was always nice to Jake, but would never offer one of his own pokemon.

One day Jake whipped up a scheme. His brother's ace Pokemon Garchomp had recently had an egg. During the night while Tyler was out on a trip training, Jake snuck into Tyler's room and took the egg that was placed in a case on Tyler's desk. Jake rummaged through his brother's things taking items he'd need for his journey. Jake snuck out into the night after writing a note for his family.

Mom and Dad
If your reading this, I'm already long gone from Jubilife.
I'm so sick of you guys holding me back all my life, I'm gonna show you guys I can be a top trainer in my own way.
I took some money and supplies from Tyler's room, I'll be safe so don't go worrying.
This is something I had to do, it will all be worth it in the end when I become a champion.
I can't tell you guys where I'm going because you'd just look for me and keep me from getting stronger.
so don't bother trying to hunt me down, you'll find out soon enough when I'm on TV holding a real championship

Soon after Jake's departure, the Gible egg hatched as a wild Bidoof attacked him and defended Jake. Along the way, while training Jake would also end up catching a Starly that attacked them. They would soon head out on a boat towards the Ranos region where Jake would begin his pokemon career.

Name: Gible
Nickname: Brat! (Usually said angrily by Jake)
Gender: Male
Level: 8
Type: Dragon/Ground
Personality: This Brat is the most overly hyper thing you'll ever meet. He is the complete oxymoron of his stern and cold trainer. This often causes problems to no end with his trainer. Brat loves Jake often tackling and affectionately nibbling him at his dismay. Brat is a very kind pokemon with a huge appetite. The only thing he values more than food is his trainer, often going out of his way for Jake leading him to get hurt more than needed.
Bond: Brat very strictly listens to Jake in battle, out of it not so much
Move List:
-Dragon Rage

Name: Starly
Nickname: Fei
Gender: Male
Level: 5
Type: Normal/Fly
Personality: Fei is a lot more like his trainer. With a stoic stare and a strong sense of battle, Fei proves to be a very serious pokemon. This often leads to a more respectful relationship between Fei and Jake, though slightly disconnected emotionally.
Bond: Strong sense of companionship and reliability, listens in battle
-Quick Attack
Skyler Von Heisler


Skyler Tavia von Heisler

Lady TVH - moderately famous online journalist and photographer



To put it simply, Skyler is a cheerful and energetic person. Always somehow finding a way to become enthusiastic about a certain activity to be done, she seemingly doesn't run out of energy - where she gets that kind of energy is both a mystery to others and to herself. When you're not used to high energy all the time, it's easy to get overwhelmed by her but asking her to tone it down is completely fine so long as you aren't rude about it. She tackles her problems head on with little reservation as the fear of failing has long since left her mind. Failure paves the way to success after all and she bounces right back up when she fails. She only needs to try hard enough and maybe she would get what she wants - and if she doesn't, well, at least she tried. She's very supportive to other people as well, making sure that they don't give up on their goals which she knows they can achieve. Though she can sometimes be a bit pushy and nosy, everything she does is out of good will.

Despite her overly cheery exterior, Skyler struggles with a crippling fear of abandonment and loneliness. Her immediate reaction to being left alone is finding someone to talk with, even if they were a stranger. Even if she is friendly to everyone she meets, Skyler also finds it hard to make deep connections with other people because of the aforementioned fear. But once she's made a bond with someone, she is fiercely loyal and protective towards that person and will follow them through thick and thin.

The von Heiser family - known for its integrity as Pokemon field researchers in various regions. Eric von Heiser had followed in the footsteps of his family. Being dispatched to the Ranos region for research on various Pokemon (and the alleged legendaries that dot the land), he had always been on the move. He was in regular contact with the Professor of the region but he typically kept to himself. However, Eric had not foreseen falling in love with the daughter of the owner of a worldwide restaurant chain. Rosette Winston and Eric von Heiser met in the Ranos region through mere coincidence but what had followed was completely in their hands. And the two loved each other and settled down together after two years of dating. Even if it takes him a long time to do field research, Eric always came back and Rosette always had a world-class meal waiting for him whenever he did.

Then Skyler was born. You would expect that the two would have put their jobs on hold to take care of their child, correct? Well, they had not. Due to Rosette still being under her father's thumb and Eric and his team had a breakthrough in their research, Skyler was left alone in the house more often than not. Thankfully, the Starling family - a Pokemon breeder family with a girl around her age - were close friends with the busy couple and had taken it upon themselves to raise Skyler themselves. They treated her like she was one of their daughters and she grew up basically attached to the hip with the family's daughter - Lass. Thanks to them, she had grown up to be a good person but they had overlooked one problem - one that she was adamant to never tell anyone. That she felt like a failure in her own family because while the Breeder family had loved each other fiercely and would never leave each other, her parents found it better to be away than at home. She understood that it was because of their jobs and she enjoyed the lavish gifts, but Skyler felt neglected and she felt like it was her own fault.

Lass, though painfully shy and a somewhat of a klutz, found herself skilled in Pokemon contests and the two often practiced at the Starling family's breeding grounds with her Pokemon. Skyler's love for photography and journalism had started there. She wanted to perfectly capture the radiance her friend had - and soon, she found herself wanting to capture the beauty of the world in one frame. So she had begun to take pictures of anything and everything. She had favored pictures of Pokemon, of course, and has been known to produce high quality photos of Pokemon in their natural habitats (she had waited hours to get a perfect shot) but she also took landscapes and people - bright and happy. Her journalist entries range from people she had met (interviews) to various corporations or even gym leaders if she had a chance.

She knows she has found a home in her neighbor's family and whenever she went to her own house, there was always that crippling sense of loneliness. But she feels like she has to prove something to her parents and so when the opportunity of travel had come up, she didn't hesitate to take it up.

A few months prior to their journey, Skyler had been on one of her journalist trips to the forest when she had caught a Poacher in action. She and Lass (though the latter was extremely worried and suggested against the course of action) followed the Poachers back to his hiding spot. Being the nosy person she was, they staked out at the place while Skyler began to write a post about the area alongside multiple pictures, posted it and then plunged inside - much to both Lass's and her followers' surprise. Inside was a collection of cages with Pokemon inside - all abused and starved. Angry, she tried to find a way to release any of the Pokemon through her own means - even using her Growlithe to help her to no avail. When Growlithe warned them that the Poachers were coming back, Skyler urged Lass to go hide while she distracted them.

She admittedly doesn't remember much of what had happened. She remembered using her Pokemon to fight them as well as plenty of kicking, punching and running around. Then the next vivid memory were the police - who was called in by Lass - taking away the three Poachers and taking her out of the cage. She had apparently passed out after one of multiple injuries and a Poacher slamming her head against the cage. She was taken to a hospital close to their hometown and she recovered surprisingly quickly. Even though the memories were hazy, she has an averse reaction to people touching her unless that specific person was Lass. When she was released, she went to visit the Pokemon that were rescued and found herself pulled towards the Rookidee with an injured wing and a glare right to the soul. Apparently, the Rookidee was uncooperative and would not allow anyone to go near him. So Skyler came back every day to coax the Rookidee out and she had succeeded! So she took the Rookidee home and even if the Rookidee is still distant from her and her team, she decided to bring him along so that he would recover properly and maybe get a taste of the world that was robbed from him.

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    Grass / Poison

    Serious, Silent, Patient, Perceptive

    Despite the stark difference between personalities, Saur listens to Sky all the time but has a tendency to act on his own in casual scenarios

    Move List:
    Leech Sead
    Vine Whip

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  • Name:
    Akela Mahoe

    (This face/hair color/style)

    (But with this outfit)




    Personality: (Paragraph format please)
    Akela is typically very cold to people at first. He doesn't like most at all and he makes that apparent at every possible opportunity. He's very distrustful of people and will usually have some sort of back-up plan instead of having to trust another person. This is the exact opposite to how he views Pokemon. He absolutely adores all pokemon and will treat them with the utmost warmth from the getgo. All the sass and anger he has towards people instantly vanishes when he gets to interacting with their pokemon. He can be incredibly mean and insulting when he wants to, and when it comes to humans- he wants to. This often times takes the form of him pulling pranks on people.

    All that aside, he's got a jello heart beneath all the anger and mistrust. Akela can be won over incredibly easily and will never go out of his way to mess anyone up with his pranks. He hates seeing others suffer and though he'll complain about it, he will never fail to offer a helping hand to someone. He's something of a tsundere when it comes to people. Ake is generally a very quiet person and really comes to life when treating and taking care of pokemon. He's not much of a battler himself, but he loves to watch them as the bond between pokemon and trainer makes him happy to see. Akela gets incredibly blushy easily and embarrassed easily.

    Akela had a rough life growing up. His mother had been a pokemon nurse who worked with recused pokemon, while his father held a job as a mechanic. His father often talked about his dreams of becoming a pokemon master, all of which were crushed when he had Akela. He made sure Akela knew this. Akela learned to get along with pokemon from a very young age, from his father's old team to helping his mother take care of the pokemon she rescued. His father was always busy with work and mother was always more focused on the pokemon than Akela, so Akela learned to take care of himself.

    When Akela was six, his mother abandoned the family. No notice, no warnings to little Akela, no nothing. Just gone. With her disappearance went whatever kindness Akela's father had left. Akela got his first pokemon around that time. He'd left home and very quickly got lost in the woods nearby his home. There was where he'd met Kyun. Kyun came to him because he'd heard Akela crying alone. Kyun showed Akela the way out of the forest, not knowing Akela would come right back. This continued until Akela stole one of the old pokeball's from his father and held it out for Kyun to come into it. Kyun booped it and they officially became trainer and pokemon.

    Akela rarely put Kyun in the pokeball, instead opting to carry the pokemon around as Kyun was his best and only friend. Soon after, one of the pokemon Akela's father kept had an egg. Akela's father left it out most of the time, so Akela took it upon himself to take care of the egg. It took a full year for Akela to hatch it, but when he finally did, out popped Remia. Akela was so happy he'd done it, he decided to show her off to his father. Akela's father flipped out when he found out that Akela was so interested in pokemon. This culminated in Akela's father disowning him and telling him that if he was just going to rub it in, he might as well start early. He gave Akela a few pokeballs (one used to properly catch Remia) and very little cash, then sent Akela on his way. Akela became very cold to people, very quickly after he was kicked out. He spent a majority of his time in the forest, tending to pokemon who got injured in random skirmishes with each other. This was how he caught Fang. The Fletchling had gotten injured and Akela personally nursed the other back to health, winning the loyalty and love of the tiny robin pokemon. Marin had seen him doing this, and over the course of his stay in the forest warmed up to him. Eventually, she allowed Ake to catch her. Farell was the only one of Akela's pokemon caught during a battle, as the Pokemon refused Akela's help at first. Akela caught it so that he could take better care of it.

    When Akela was nine, he was found in the forest by a kind woman and was taken in. Akela, already burned by his own parents, was hesitant to trust this stranger but she was just a nice lady who couldn't believe there was a child living in the woods alone. She tried to figure out what had happened to Akela, but for the most part Akela only told her that he got kicked out. She decided to adopt him, if only for a year when he could leave on his own pokemon journey. She worked as a pokemon scientist and her work often demanded her to head into the labs at erratic times. Often times making her unable to show up when Akela needed her, or her being interrupted whenever they tried to spend time together. Akela thought of her the same way as his mother, in that there was always something more important and that eventually she'd abandon him altogether.

    The woman, as a show of good faith, gave Akela a starter pokemon when he turned 10 and became old enough to officially start his pokemon journey. This made Akela uncomfortable as prior the only pokemon Akela had were pokemon he'd formed a connection prior to becoming the trainer of, but he accepted the gift. He left soon after and began his journey to meet and befriend as many pokemon as he could.

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    Name: Lass Starling
    Nickname: Lass, Crybaby, Mushroom, Gloomshroom
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16

    People would often compare Lass to a mushroom. No, not the colorful ones- just the usual white fungi. You can always find her in the deepest nooks and crevices, hiding from people as if she wants to be one with the ground. She can be everywhere, yet, she's not the type of person that everyone will remember during a party.

    She generally has a weak personality: never choosing her place in the world, but instead, always depending on other people's choices. She's shy, paranoid, and oversensitive- always seeking validation from others. Her nature leads her to be easily envious of others (especially charismatic people), usually dragging herself down on the process.

    Lass is always sincere, and does not possess the ability to lie convincingly. In fact, she can count the moments she lied in one hand (okay, maybe this is an exaggeration). She wants the best for her friends and Pokemons, and thinks that everyone deserves a friend no matter how bad they were. Her naivety makes her a good target for people who wishes to take advantage of others. But despite her faults, she's a kindhearted girl with a passion for Pokemon pageants.

    Lass tends to faint whenever she experiences severe embarrassment.

    Lass is the fourth out of the eight Starling children. Her parents are both passionate Pokemon breeders, and they set up their own Pokemon nursery house after their marriage. The two of them raised their family in a loving environment. Lass thinks that she scored a jackpot with her family. Mr. and Mrs. Starling always have time for their children, and even take care of their neighbors'!

    You would think that tremendously social parents such as them would produce an equally, if not more, tremendously social daughter, but that wasn't the case for Lass. Meeting plenty of people daily meant that you get to compare yourself to them. Needless to say, Lass' confidence plummeted to the level of the Earth's inner core.

    Fortunately, she found a friend in the form of the girl next door- Skylar! Despite their contrasting personalities, the two clicked together and became like two peas in a pod. They were never one without the other! Lass, being the shy mushroom that she was, was often picked on by other children but Skyler would always come to her defense. If there's one thing that Lass isn't afraid to say- it's that she loves her friend so much! She's the one who keeps on ushering her out of her thick shell, and even convinced her to follow her dream: to be the best Pokemon Coordinator!
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    Name: Elijah Heart
    Nickname: Eli
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17

    Despite what happened to him in the past, Eli is very calm and leveled headed young man. Although it doesn't seem like it at first, Eli is very kind and humble and will try his best to help out others if they need or want the help. He's doesn't beg or plea, nor does he stick his nose where it doesn't belong. If other people don't want him in his business, he'll just continue on his way, of course unless it's something dire, he'll interrupt. Elijah is very respectful towards, treat people the way they wanted to be treated, but he doesn't stand for those who will run over other. He'll stand his ground if needed, but won't start any unnecessary fight

    He's not much of a talker since he seems to his self, but he will speak when spoken to. Eli is compassionate and kind, he loves his pokemon and will do anything to keep them safe. It is true that he has a clam nature, but he keeps his true feelings bottled up inside. He thinks talking about these painful feelings is a drag to others so he doesn't talk about him, but maybe if he meet the right person he'll be willing to share these feelings. Overall, Eli is a good guy, but he does have alot problems that should be dealt with sooner or later

    Eli's past was abit of a rough one. His parents where in a tight spot and found their selves being unable to take of him. It was a tough choice for them to make..do they keep him and let him live a hard life on the streets? or give him up so he could have a brighter future? It was hard, extremely hard, but they had to let their child go. His parent's gave him up to a local orphanage, where he actually grew up happily in for a while. He made two friends, a girl who wanted to become a pokemon doctor when she grew up and a boy who wanted to become a pokemon trainer like his self. Yep, the three of them where close, but their time together was close to ending.

    At the age of eight, Eli was finally adopted who a kind and loving family. It was hard on to let his friends go, but he had promised his two friends that they would meet again. Anyway, life after the orphanage wasn't bad at all, he has gotten the love and attention that his parents wished for. Speaking of his real parents, he wonder where they are now and wonders why would they give him up. He hopes to find them and figure out the truth

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  • Name: Nero Sakamoto
    Appearance: Oc Trainer.png
    Gender: Male
    Age: 15

    Personality: Nero can be extremely blunt and because of this most people view him as a cold hearted individual. This couldn't be further from the truth. Nero is actually a very self aware person. He sets the bar for himself very high, because he knows his strengths and weaknesses. He is always striving to be the best version of himself possible and because of this Nero often becomes his own enemy.

    Background: For most success and the Sakamoto family name seems to go hand in hand. After all Kai Sakamoto is currently the third ranking member of the Elite Four in the Kan-Chi region. Even his wife, Jasmine was once a famous gym leader in the Johto region. Needless to say Nero's parents left some pretty big shoes for him to fill. Due to his parents fame, Nero is determined to become stronger than both of them. He no longer wants to live in his parents shadow.


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Name: Trenton Ironside


Nickname: The Blue Knight

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: Trenton is all about being three things, bold, kind, and powerful. Ever since he was a child he wanted to be like a knight so he strives to act like one, whether it be common acts of chivalry, lending a hand to those in need, or jumping in the way of danger to save everyone. an all in all very well spirited young man who's always looking forward to the next challenge, battle or adventure. This mindset leads him to try and be the greatest at all things he does which don't always work out how he plans to see as he isn't the sharpest sword in the scabbard, When things blow up in his face he tends to get a little bit grumpy or even downright angry in some cases, but after taking a while to cool off he's back to himself and refuses to hold a grudge

Background: As a child, Trenton's grandfather would tell him tales of the great Inronhide bloodline, a family of regal knights that fought for the people of kingdoms with steel and pokemon at their side, slowly dwindling due to the changing ways of the world, however, their knighthood origins slowly died out. At least up until Trenton started to get his hands on some old books about knight training, toys designed after knights, dressing up as a knight EVERY Halloween or attending the renaissance fair. Trenton would do everything knights would whenever the opportunity presented itself.

Eventually at the age of 16 when his Grandfather passed away, written in his will to Trenton was a map to the ancient suit of armor used by the Ironside bloodline for generations, once he arrived at the location he found the suit of armor guarded by a Honedge. after a long grueling battle of blades between the pokemon and Trenton, it found him worthy of the suit. Now wearing it almost everywhere he goes he seeks to go on his own 'Knight Adventures' and carve out a page of history for himself.

Pokemon: Honedge

Name: Excalibur


Nickname: Excal

Gender: Male

Level: 7

Type: Metal/Ghost

Personality: Excalibur enjoys to battle or dueling other pokemon and sometimes people, always rearing to go and sometimes too ready, jumping into conflict with people in pokemon in defence of those who are good, even without a chance of winning. but when in the heat of battle it's very calculated and calm

Bond: Extremely close. While in Battles Trenton and Excalibur are almost in perfect sync. playing off of each other. Excalibur can even follow orders without any words exchanged between the two

Moves: Fury Cutter, Shadow Sneak, Tackle.

Pokedex Description: Honedge's soul once belonged to a person who was killed a long time ago by the sword that makes up Honedge's body.

Region of origin: Kalos
Pokemon: Rookidee

Name: Black Knight


Nickname: Birdie

Gender: Female

Level: 5

Type: Flying

Personality: Black Knight is a very eager pokemon, attacking ceaselessly once in the heat of battle, provoking battle with random wild pokemon while Trenton travels, or just trying to battle Excalibur. This pokemon seems to always be looking for a fight to prove itself, most of the time getting itself knocked out in its recklessness.

Bond: Good. But Black Knight likes to give its own orders, sometimes disgegarding Trenton's orders completely.

Move List: Bravebird, Endure, Leer

Pokedex Description: It will bravely challenge any opponent, no matter how powerful. This Pokémon benefits from every battle—even a defeat increases its strength a bit.

Region of origin: Galar
--- Jun Suwon ---

Nickname: None
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Personality: Jun is calm and quiet but enjoys the company of others. He has a sense of humor and likes to laugh and smile because he isn't great at communicating with others in any other way. Still, he tries to make people have a good time where he can and prioritizes his relationship with people and Pokemon over his own success. He tries to be trustworthy and reliable and attempts to be a voice of reason, though even his normally intelligent and calm nature isn't free from wanting to have a little bit of fun (a reasonable, safe amount of fun that involves everyone, does minimal damage to property, and generally follows the rules given by respected authority). He is surprisingly strong during battles, which is mostly due to the unimaginable synergy he shares with his pokemon (because of his great understanding of both people and pokemon, he is incredible during double battles), but battles aren't what he focuses on. He mainly wants to write stories, and he gains inspiration by getting to know all sorts of people and pokemon all across the region. He pursues friendship and attempts to understand people even when they aren't considered by others to be "good" people. Jun quietly but closely watches those who he thinks might be having a hard time, not being up in their face about it but with subtle gestures to make sure they understand that he's here for them. He quickly picks up on people's problems and attempts to understand it, and maybe fix it. Most of all though, he tries to make sure that everyone is having a good time.
Backstory: The Suwon family was in a tough spot when Jun turned around ten. Their business had failed to attract anyone and they were living ration to ration. Most people couldn't care less about a small boy and his parents, and they were barely able to survive through the winter. When his mom died, Jun tried not to crack down under the despair. His father, however, managed to keep a kind face. His assurance and bright face always gave Jun hope, making him believe there was a chance in humanity. And sure enough, after running into a Mudkip owned by a large entrepreneur, Jun's father's kind attitude and constant perseverance won over the man, who gave them a loan and supported their business. When Jun's father passed away, the man allowed Jun to stay in their large home and gifted Jun the Mudkip he had ran into on that fateful day. Jun continued to hold his head up high, in awe of his father and eternally grateful for the man that saved his life.

--- Mudkip ---

Nickname: Azure (after his mother)
Gender: Female
Level: 10
Type: Water
Personality: Playful, brave, kind, understanding, excited
Bond: Can understand each other's emotions almost instantly, the two work really well. They can communicate each other through subtle gestures and are almost perfectly in sync with each other during and outside of battle.
Movelist: Growl, Tackle, Water Gun, Mud Slap

--- Sableye ---

Nickname: None
Gender: Male
Level: 9
Type: Dark - Ghost
Personality: Mischevious, sneaky, cunning, jokester, friendly
Bond: Pretty strong. Jun and Sableye work pretty well together and are good together when in battle, but Sableye is very hectic and chaotic, so Jun has to hold onto him closely.
Movelist: Leer, Astonish, Confuse Ray, Shadow Sneak

--- Oddish (Shiny) ---

Nickname: Lei
Gender: Female
Level: 6
Type: Grass - Poison
Personality: Sweet, kind, ditzy, clumsy, exuberant
Bond: Fairly strong. She is often tripping herself up during battle, but Lei and Jun get along very well.
Movelist: Absorb, Growth, Acid
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    "If your opponent knows exactly what you're doing. Do what's least expected!"
    Mako Grevillea
    Sharky, Silver, Frost
    Mako could be described in a few choice words, these being; Passionate, Inquisitive, Caring, and Cunning. When it comes to pokemon, he's somewhat of a natural when it comes to handling them. Growing up with them has allowed him to empathize with their plight, often times this leads to forming a deeper bond much faster with those pokemon. When brought into a battle his demeanor with them changes, a passion practically welling up inside him and threatening to overflow. Sometimes this can rush to his head, causing him to be swept away by his own momentum. Each time he fails, it's another excuse to get stronger- and another opportunity to grow closer with his partners. Whether it be wordsmithing or pokemon battling, Mako will always try to bring forth something unthought of. This may be an odd combination of pokemon or even just a suggestion that no-one had mentioned prior.

    These odd-thoughts are of course fueled by his curiosity, the insight he brings upon learning something new. With a whole new region to explore, this causes him to be a little giddy- but it's not often shown this way. Yet, even with all his brimming curiosity for this new world- he is drawn back to a few things from his old home. Kita and Padd for example, the two pokemon from his home region as one of his top priorities. So much so that he'd jeopardize his safety in trade for their own, the same goes for anyone who he gets close with. In spite of his upbringing, he does lack ability in a few things. The biggest of these is romance, a topic of which he's extremely uninformed on. Despite these shortcomings, he still had plenty of room to grow and is willing to provide all he can for the allies he gains.
    Mako was born quite some distance from the Ranos region, his region of origin being that of the Straya region. An enormous island-like region that served practically as a wild-area for many diverse species of pokemon. Being born to the pokemon professor of the region, Professor Grevillea, had proven quite impactful on the young lad's life. From birth he was surrounded by pokemon, the danger that they brought with them varied nearly as much as their appearances. After growing up a little bit, he became quite ecstatic about pokemon. Which, to his mother's dismay, appeared much alike his father's passion for them. After many years of studying pokemon under his father, Mako had grown restless and desired to train pokemon of his own.

    Due to this, his mother took him to one of many pokemon breeders. But when asked what kind of pokemon he'd like, he couldn't answer with just one. The breeder seemed to know exactly what to do and handed him a single egg. No one from the nursery was aware of what pokemon was within, nor was the parent known to them. Presumably, it had been an egg left by a wild pokemon that vanished in a blur. A meager two days later and the egg hatched, partnering Mako with a set of beady purple eyes. A Strayan Zorua, a rarity among the many pokemon in the Straya region. He and the Zorua, nicknamed Kita, soon were allied with another pokemon. When the professor had arrived back from the lab, he had brought an egg in the process of hatching. This pokemon soon broke free of its shell and stared directly at Mako, the duck-like face was that of the Straya starter pokemon known as Platypritz.

    Together, Mako and his two pokemon were noted as the beginning of his new adventure- a new lifestyle. Not one where he desired to become champion of a region, though that was an after-thought, but that of a researcher. An eventual goal to take over his father's position, and become the professor of the Straya region. When he told his parents of this goal, His father smirked and his mother released a heavy sigh. "Well then, we best get you out in the bush!" His father's words held a different meaning, despite training his pokemon up a little in the Straya region. He had been voluntold to head off to a different region, the Ranos region to be precise. After some parting words from his folk, he was sent off to the new region with his two partners in-tow. Living with one of his cousins for a while had provided him shelter in the Ranos region's outskirts. But he could only sit still for so long. Now he begins his journey in the Ranos region. Who knows what fantastic friends, petrifying peril, and curious critters that they'll meet along the way!?

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    Name: Remiel Blackthorn
    Nickname: Remy, Rem
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19



    Remiel is typically nonchalant, and his calm expression matches this aspect of his personality. He doesn't get into a fuss over much things, including losses, insults, or unfortunate events. Barely a handful of people can say they've ever seen him anxious, angered, or desperate. It throws a lot of people off and makes him seem serious. Those he considers his friends, however, will find a far more amicable person than the one strangers tend to judge him as with their brief first impression. He likes looking after friends and Pokémon, and shows great interest, care, and passion when doing so.

    Despite being intelligent on a scholarly level, the young man is pretty oblivious to many social cues and gestures, making him a bit of an oddball. Though he won't mean it, this often makes him come off as rude, dumb, awkward, or apathetic towards friendship or romance. This is all far from the truth. Although he gets along with Pokémon extremely well, being able to read their mood and react accordingly, Remiel has trouble reading people and simply goes about in different ways to attempt to form a bond with them. Those with patience and understanding are able to discern these attempts at connection when given.

    When it comes to romance, however, it is one of the rare times when Remiel can be seen nervous. One can expect his awkwardness and odd behavior to spike considerably during times such as these. He tries his best at being 'cool' and collected, but it doesn't always work.


    Nineteen years ago, Remiel was born to a leading member of Blackthorn City's Dragon Clan and a Pokémart employee. Since then, his life has been pulled between tradition and advancement. It was the former that kept him from leaving on his journey at the age of ten. Instead, he stayed in Blackthorn City to continue his studies at school and focus on benefitting his community in any way that he could.

    Being kept from his journey wasn't something Remiel had minded as he grew older, especially considering that his parents took him on many different trips across the Johto region and its neighboring region, Kanto. Whether tagging along for his father's business trip or taking a vacation with his family, he saw plenty of the continent that other teens his age would see during their travels, too. Furthermore, he grew up with Pokémon every single day of his life as well. This made a considerable impact on his personality and goals.

    Whether it was his mother's Corsola at home, Kimi, or the many Dragon-type Pokémon that inhabited Blackthorn City and its famous Dragon Den, Remy grew to love Pokémon and eventually developed an interest in studying and helping them as a career.

    After graduating with high marks from the Blackthorn Academy, however, Remiel was at a loss for where to begin. It wasn't until his older brother Roland returned from a tournament in the Galar region that the answer became clear. With a pep talk from his sibling and the gift of a Pokémon egg, Remiel set his sights on a new destination for the S.S. Anne's route: the Ranos region. It was a place of opportunity for aspiring Pokémon researchers and trainers, they said. Surely he would find his calling there and experience a great deal.

    A Pokémon researcher. A Dragon-type specialist. A conservationist and rehabilitator. A league champion.

    After finally breaking out of his hometown, the possibilities excited him.

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  • Name: Olivia Bell.
    Nickname: Liv/Livia/Olive.
    Age: 17.


    Best described as confident, playful and curious, Olivia is an extraverted girl who doesn’t really take things all too seriously. Although not careless enough to completely disregard any worries or matters, she doesn’t really feel pressured to be the best or act a certain way. She likes to stick to her own pace and values, making her a bit headstrong and perhaps even selfish at times.

    Marked by a short attention span and a long reservoir of energy, Olivia is very fond of a bit of action and thrill in her life. She’s naturally rather adventurous and eager to learn about the things that interest her, and can really dedicate herself to anything that fascinates her. Inversely, anything that doesn’t manage to catch her attention will be done half-arsed at best or just be forgotten about.

    Despite her flaws, Olivia’s youthful and sociable attitude manages to still be quite charismatic, so she doesn’t often face any struggles when it comes to interacting with others. Rarely does she feel shy, which isn’t that hard to notice considering she can be obnoxiously talkative and loud. Olivia also has a habit of being a tad impish, thus causing any friends of her to suffer under her barrage of playful teasing. On the bright side, Olivia is a loyal, supportive and protective person when it comes to her friends, so anyone that manages to survive her presence is rewarded with at least that.

    Olivia Bell, the youngest daughter of Louise and Aaron Bell, was born and raised in one of the bigger cities of the Ranos region alongside her two older brothers. The family’s quality of life is best described as humble but very lively thanks to her family being obnoxiously large. Barely any day would go past without seeing at least one family member pass by their house or the family restaurant that her father worked at.

    Olivia’s earlier years were mostly spent on roaming the streets with her cousins and older brothers, innocently playing and taking part in a little bit of mischief here and there. It was clear at a young age that Olivia was a rather curious, inquisitive soul, and that did sometimes lead to a bit of trouble. With both of her brothers also being a tad too reckless, the trio wasn’t exactly the best match. They did have a lot of fun, though.

    Growing up, Olivia wasn’t all that interested in the family restaurant that her father eventually took over. Both of her brothers were very passionate about the likes of cooking and simply helping around on busy days, but Olivia didn’t really feel a spark similar to them. Her dreams had been built up based on some very fascinating stories that she would hear whenever the family would visit her mother’s side, who happened to live in the Kalos Region.

    With her mother being a former coordinator, and her grandmother being the former Kalos Queen, there were some hopes that Olivia would possibly step into their footsteps. Clearly, there was some talent hiding within the family so it would be a waste not to utilize it, or so her grandma would always say. Truthfully, Olivia didn’t really feel the pressure. She was more than happy with life as it was.

    It was around her early teens when Olivia started growing increasingly more interested in training pokemon, though, and the trainer dream slowly started to creep up on her. Because her family had been very positive about the life of a coordinator, Olivia initially set her sights on that lifestyle, only to slowly realize that the flashy showmanship and elegant performances weren’t really her thing. She very much preferred the more action-packed variant of it all, and her trusty pokemon did too.

    Fast forward to now, and Olivia has finally decided on starting her exciting travels. She hopes to make her mark as a pokemon trainer, although she also secretly has hopes to find the answer to what she truly wishes to pursue in the future.

Name: Serenity Seravil
Nickname: Ser (For close friends only)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Personality: At first observance, many would describe Serenity as kind, cheerful, and soft-spoken which is partially true... she can't really speak much at all, actually. While she is capable of speech in a very hushed whisper, it quickly strains her voice and so will opt to sometimes just not talk at all. Serenity isn't the type of person to let her disability get her down or many other things for that matter; she is a very optimistic person and always tries to look for the silver lining. Though kind, she isn't a pushover and is fully capable of being a bit crass if necessary, though she often is good at picking her battles... Well, sometimes. Serenity is a very empathetic person and is more sensitive to others' emotions than her own. She can be a bit of a baby sometimes, often crying about the most mundane things (Like spilled milk), but she'd never bother anyone with her own bitter feelings or problems. She adores Pokemon of all types- no matter how 'ugly' or unpopular they may be- and they often adore her as well.
Background: Serenity was born in the small region of Orre- a desert region that was once plagued by the shadow Pokemon created by Cipher.

She was raised around Pokemon, most of them being family pets rather than personal Pokemon used for battles. At the age of 5, Serenity's parents got her her first Pokemon- an Eevee. While most parents allowed their children to embark on their Pokemon journey at the young age of 10, Serenity knew her parents were not among them, which is why they gave her her Eevee since she would never get her starter for her journey. Serenity was upset for many years about their decision, but her Eevee was her best friend.

Due to Orre being a very small region and consisting of only 4 cities (not including The Under that was once run by Cipher), Serenity didn't have many friends her age. The adults who knew her indulged in her fantasy of being a Pokemon trainer and often engaged in mock battles with her and her Eevee. While the battles themselves were never serious, it sated Serenity and Eevee enough for the time being.

At the age of 13, Serenity was diagnosed with Laryngeal Cancer and had to undergo surgery for the removal of her vocal cords- a process known as cordectomy. While not the best case, if left any longer, she might have had to have her larynx removed completely. For a while after the surgery, Serenity was prohibited from speaking and had to learn ASL. In an attempt to communicate with her Pokemon, Serenity worked with Eevee in ASL. Battles were harder then- everything was harder then- and it was at this time that Eevee had evolved into Espeon to better work with Serenity. Espeon's newly found Psychic powers helped him essentially read Serenity's thoughts to an extent. While unable to read Serenity's mind word for word as a Pokemon with Telepathy could, Espeon could understand Serenity's general thoughts, intentions, and body language better than before. It was only after several years of vocal therapy that Serenity was able to speak again, albeit only in a very hushed whisper.

Serenity underwent a state of depression after that- many people in her hometown found it hard to communicate with her (with her voice only reaching a very low whisper and hoarse), being a young teen and having no friends around her age, plus the sandy, desert terrain not being so kind on her recovery. Her parents decided it would be best to move. By the time Serenity was 15, she and her family had relocated to Ranos.

Serenity loved Ranos- much more so than her old home region of Orre. The town she lived in finally had children her age and the terrain was much kinder on her health. It was here she cracked back open her shell that closed up after her surgery and got a job as a Pokemon caretaker assistant. Most of her Pokemon knowledge comes from this.

When Serenity finally hit adulthood at 18, she decided to finally depart on her long-overdue Pokemon journey. She has no grand goal of being a Pokemon master or anything to that extent, she just wants to see many Pokemon, the world and all it has to offer.


Name: Espeon
Nickname: Ea (Like from the word 'EA'ch; easier for Serenity to sign quickly. Doesn't like anyone else using his nickname, though Serenity would introduce him as such.)
Gender: Male
Level: 10
Type: Psychic
Personality: Serious | Dependable | Loyal | Protective | Obedient
Bond: Having been with Serenity since she was a wee child, it doesn't really need to be said that the two are inseparable. While typically Espeon or other Psychic Pokemon without the ability 'Telepathy' cannot read others' minds regularly, it is not uncommon for Psychic Pokemon that have a strong bond with their trainer to have telepathic connections (which Espeon and Serenity share). Serenity and Espeon are able to battle without any auditory cues, though tongue clicks might often be heard for more reliable communication. Serenity rarely keeps Espeon in his Pokeball.
Move List: Psychic (TM/TR)
Quick Attack
Sand Attack
Pokedex Description: Espeon is extremely loyal to any Trainer it considers to be worthy. It is said that this Pokémon developed its precognitive powers to protect its Trainer from harm. Its fur is so sensitive, it can feel minute shifts in the air and predict the weather...and its foes' thoughts. It unleashes psychic power from the orb on its forehead. When its power is exhausted, the orb grows dull and dark.
Region of origin: Orre

Name: Wamingo
Nickname: Min (Easier for Serenity to sign quickly)
Gender: Male
Level: 5
Type: Water
Personality: Clumsy | Kind | Cowardly | Happy-Go-Lucky | Naive
Bond: Having been recently caught, Wamingo and Serenity's relationship is a bit strained. Wamingo doesn't fully trust Serenity yet and therefore will often refuse to battle out of fear. Due to their lack of a way to communicate clearly during battles, Wamingo has not seen many fights anyway; when Serenity rarely decides to send him out, they are not always on the same page and Wamingo will often panic, retreating back into his Pokeball. Serenity has been attempting to find a way to communicate with Wamingo during battle- often, you might hear strange tongue clicks during a fight which is Serenity's way of attempting to give commands to Wamingo. Outside of battle and when they are not traveling, Serenity will keep Wamingo out of his Pokeball. The small Pokemon tends to try to wander off due to it's curious and naive nature.
Move List: Water Gun
Fake Out
Pokedex Description: The Baby Flamingo Pokémon. Wamingos are docile Pokemon that can be found around lakes. Because of their long legs (and because they are not used to it yet), Wamingos sometimes walk in a dizzy and funny way. Their legs are strong but their wings are too weak to allow this Pokemon to fly.

Evolves to Flaceiver at level 26.

Name: Flaceiver
Type: Water/Psychic
Pokedex Description: Commonly found in groups, Flaceivers are very smart and serious Pokémon. It uses the fake face on the back of its head to scare predators and unwanted trainers. Researchers say that they use the fake face to show their feelings and that they're able to change the position of its Black feathers to send messages.

Upon evolution, Flaceiver's wings grow stronger and allow this Pokemon to fly. They become vain and proud Pokemon and that's why they're usually cleaning the feathers from themselves or from other Flaceivers or Wamingos of the group.
Region of origin: Ranos
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