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Fantasy Characters! (OM&FL)



Two Thousand Club
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Name: Talyndra kaelas`Farandir

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Homeland: The Bloodsworn

Race: Anarhin (Sun Elf)

Class: Stormlord

Equipment: Silver bound spellbook, Heartwood dagger and Ghastwood elven longbow. Talyndra's ivory colored mage robes is embroidered with gold threads and woven onto an enchanted leather bodice to make it more resilient than ordinary robes. Compact slingpouch with usual traveling supplies. She also wears a slim black choker, inlaid with a swirling milky white gem.

Talyndra is blessed with high cheekbones, emerald green almond shaped eyes and small slightly upturned nose giving her a rather impish look. Olive coloured skintone further solidifies her heritage as one of the anarhin. Luxurious amber coloured tresses falls to the small of her back, which she usually braids at the sides to keep in check. She stands at a towering 5 feet 6 inches, glorious! Talyndra possesses a petite body framework with just, only just, enough curves in the right places.

Personality: (Leaving this out for now)

Character Background: Talyndra, younger of only three children born to Lord Tasaldan Farandir, was what her people would call a larle`. In commons, bastard. Lord Tasaldan's only wife, having passed away giving birth to his first daughter. Talyndra's mother was a mere maidservant of the house, was compensated before being sent away shortly after Talyndra was born. Given the fact that she was the younger of two daughters, and an illegitimate child, Talyndra was fortunate that her father chose to acknowledge her; but only to the extent of providing for her needs and education. Despite his generosity, any sort of inheritance was entirely out of the question, not that Talyndra minded. Without the burden that usually comes with being a 'proper' child of a prominent elven lord, she was mostly left to her own devices. This gave her ample freedom to pursue art in all its forms, for she loved it; and would've spent all her days immersed in it if not for the fact that she was sent to Heartfire Academy to learn the ways of a Stormlord.

Right at the onset, Talyndra proved to be trouble, trouble of a different sort. Talyndra's powers were sporadic to say the least. One moment, they would fail her completely and the next, they would be blazing uncontrollably albeit powerfully; to the cost of damaged school property. Her mentors blamed her lack of concentration for such uncontrollable magic. Despite that, she managed to complete her studies and even work, at her father's behest (well, he didnt speak to her... he wrot- he bade one of his servants to pen a suggestion), as a tutor at the academy. Talyndra knew her father was slowly wiping his hands clean off her, gradually cutting her off in what he deemed was the most ethical way.

Talyndra's bow was given to her by Tanadris, her older sister and also Calenfar Captain. Also the only person in the whole House Farandir who didn't look at her askance. Tanadris taught her how to wield it, and though Talyndra's mastery of the elven longbow is fair, it is nowhere near as skilled as a regular elven Ranger.

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Name: Calix Apollodorus.

Age: 34 Years old.

Gender: Male.

Homeland: The Dominion Of Arya.

Race: Dvara.

Class: Shas'li.

Equipment: A long staff of Ironbark with Sancterite encasing it on both ends, travelers clothes of wool, sleeveless tunics and baggy pants, much akin to that of a farmer if not for the markings of the Skytop Hold on the back of the tunic. a heavy belt with many pouches and pockets for holding regular travelling supplies and a collection of needles and jars of paint.

Appearance: Anyone who meet Calix would know he was a Dvara, with tanned skin and tribal tattoos covering most of his visible skin, not to mention his towering height at 7 feet 8 inches (feet and inches are weird :dead: ) he stands out in a crowd however with his long braid of pure white hair and almost as white eyes, only a hint of grey making them more then just two small pools of black in a white sea. Having trained to be a Shas'li most of his youth left his body muscular and agile, which he preserves through training and travelling through the Dominion. When he isn't hunting those tainted by Chaos that is.

Personality: "Talaa Moana - I greet you like the waves greet the shore." Calix follow the wisdom his teachers among the Shas'li have taught him, sometimes a greeting is soft and friendly with promises of a nice breeze. But there are storms and tsunamis out at sea for the fool who angers it. Honest and helpful with a strong spirit.

Character Background: Calix was born in to the world in a rural fishing camp among his Dvaran (Dvarai? Dvara's? what's the plural?) kinsmen by the sea, his mother dying as he entered the world. Many of the Dvara thought he was blind as well as cursed with his white hair and sent him to Skytop Hold where his flaw wouldn't seem so wrong. His father, a Shas'li who had trained there but fallen in the fight against Chaos spawn was still remembered by the masters and he was taken in to the shaman order as a young boy where he grew up training and playing with other young shaman trainees. He was often picked on for his strange appearance but as he grew older and taller most stopped as his large frame started filling out. He was never the best student, nor was he the worst. After the formal training years were over he stayed behind and helped those younger then him and trained more on his own. He was given his fathers Daibo (staff) when he decided to leave for the place where his father had died.

He was seen travelling up and down the Dominion in his twenties and gained some fame among the nomads roaming the land as he helped with finding lost people or fighting off wild beasts and chaos spawns as well as bandits. Later in life he and other Shas'li ventured in to the Dragonspine Mountains to hunt and exorcise chaos taint there and he was not seen for the better part of a year along with the rest. He and only a handful returned with stories of how the others had fought with glory and died heroes and how they all had killed many of the forces of chaos. he joined such excursions for a few more years before some of the Aryan nobles picked up on the fact that Calix, though not many stories were told of him always seemed to come back alive from such dangerous adventures. and so it was that he was summoned to the capitol and chosen to be an Emissary to the Aryan cause. If nothing else they got rid of someone who looked so different from others.

“A snake, sweetheart, of the most venomous sort.”

Vahn Evyn Draculis wolv’Bane



The Dominion of Arya


Inquisitor - Vahn [Number Twenty Three]

A Black Iron Dagger Set hidden within his cloak and boots, a pair of Twin Blunderbusses loaded with Holy Bullets, another small Revolver attached to his belt and the Inquisitor Rapier. What? That’s a lot of weapons on one guy? Of course not, if he could, he’d carry even more. Evyn carries a One-Sided Mechanical Goggle used as an aid in fights and, technically, wears pretty standard dress for a Vahn, a suit with a coat on top, though he usually looks decidedly much more grand than those boring old men. Of course, more often than not, his attire adapts to the situation, just as he does.

Evyn is a fairly attractive man, if his multiple conquests of varying genders are any indication, but his natural appearance is surprisingly nondescript in stark contrast to his...well, everything else. A lean figure standing at around 6ft, his features consist of narrow blue eyes, full lips and sharp bone structure, an aesthetic but rather boring combination.

“What a waste of a pretty face.”

However, Evyn is never one to let himself be unnoticeable. His hair is so blonde it might as well be white, left to frame his face in an organized chaos, and his ears and lips are decorated with silver piercings. He has swirls and patterns inked into skin from his right shoulder down to his hip but those wouldn’t be seen by anyone unless they get him out of his clothes. He also has scars crisscrossing his body but, obviously, those aren’t intentional. Still, overall, enough things to make him distinctive in any crowd.

“Don’t be fooled by that sparkly title, he’s a beast.”

Evyn is a maze, a complex structure consisting of twists and turns, a thrilling but dizzying experience. Arrogant, stubborn and wild yet suave, he is a man who takes and keeps the attention of a crowd as easily as candy from a child. His apparent reckless nature blinds all but the trained eye, for no foolish man could reach the towering heights that is the Vahn. Sharp, manipulative and, as all those he has interrogated would say if they were still alive, ruthless, Evyn is nothing short of dangerous.

Character Background
Evyn Draculis wolv’Bane, born Evyn Fervis, a son of a minor branch of the Noble House of Fervis which in turn shared loyalties with the Noble House of Regalia, was doomed to be a Knight from the start. A disappointing one, most likely, he thought, because slaving his life away for the abstract concept of “Honour” seemed more a bad joke than something he would ever actually adhere to.

So, rather than going with the flow and doing what his family wanted, Evyn decided to get himself thrown out of the House instead. It was quite easy, really, he just had to develop the habit of bringing boys into his bed. The difficult part was what came after that. Living on the streets wasn’t so bad, he supposed, it made him harder, quicker, smarter.

“Wasn’t so bad for him, obviously, because he reigned like a damned dictator over all the other lost boys.”

He started off as a rookie Inquisitor with no clue what the hell he was doing but grew, very quickly, until he got himself noticed by Vahn Draculis Ceres wolv’Bane, the then and current Number Two, as young blood with potential to become something. The man took him into his own House and, after affirming his ability, showered him with resources and “recommendations” for various quests. Not to say that Evyn was lacking in actual strength to become a Vahn but he definitely would not have gone all the way up so quickly without the giant called wolv’Bane standing at his back.

Evyn, on his own, developed a reputation for being unorthodox and borderline crazy among the Inquisitors. “Beast”, they called him behind his back, thinking he didn’t have eyes on every wall that mattered. He didn’t blame them. That was what he was. There was not a single man he needed to hunt down that didn’t end up dead or a quest he completed that had no drop of blood shed. Within the Vahn, though, he had another name. A name that they didn’t mean as a name, of course, but said in place of his real one so much anyway that it might as well have been. He was a “Threat”.

And so he ended up with this chore of a quest. The reasoning was that he was “still young” and, said more than a little mockingly, “creative”. He would have rejected the quest, honestly, if his lord and so-called father had not “advised” that he go as well. A mad dog he may well be but Evyn is not one to bite the hand that fed him. Especially not if that hand had the power to snap his neck.
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