• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Character Registration


Nickname(If Applies): fear, the red blood


Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) A house with her boyfriend Luke

What Year of highschool your in: just graduated

What kind of being you are: physical nightmare

Powers/gifts: control over shadows, ability to give people fear just by looking into there eyes, ability to make horror movie events come to life

The color purple
Night time

A lot of Foods
Being in large crowds

Personality: rina is the very dominant and assertive type when she's her self but when she is playing her act to find her victim she is a sweet shy and quiet girl who's very nice. Still very much being that girl today just less extreme unless she is hunting someone

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Bio: rina grew up knowing what she was but she never accepted it till she got the first taste of human flesh when she was fifteen. An old boy Friend had gotten into a car wreck and the only way to save him was to bite out a piece of shrapnel that was stuck in his chest. After that she became addicted to her hunger for fear and blood and would hunt almost any one she could for flesh. As the years went by she got better and better at using her powers to fill both thirsts for fear and human flesh. Then she met a boy named Luke who somehow turned her. Becoming a lover of her Luke managed to get her off human flesh and onto human food but she still feeds on fear as its what she needs to survive.

Luke Roman Roman

Anything else:

Nickname(If Applies):



Sexual Orientation:

Moral Standing:
Chaotic neutral

Current Residence:

Highschool Year:


Powers Or Gifts:
Viana has a very particular ability in the form of her arms and legs being volcanic rock and magma and the ability to control the forces related to them
in addition she is fire retardant and can easily take unimaginable heats due to her arms be able to burn at heats up to 9,940K or the same heat of the star her nickname is named after

Fire Manipulation
Magma Manipulation
Thermal Manipulation
Fire Breath
Volatile Constructs

playing with Fireworks
being respected
being liked
people who aren't scared of her due to her powers
being feared by certain people

guys who think they are tough
the way her arms and legs are
being feared by those she cares for

Viana is a very formal person, Seen as a business woman this is only heightened by how she helps run the multi billion dollar weapons company her father owns. other than that shes rather caring to her friends and is a softie for children. Being a girl of heightened intelligence as well she can also be a lady when needed. She also has a ruthless side to her. Being skilled in all forms of combat.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)

Sirius grew up with a platinum spoon in her mouth. Being the daughter of a War lord and a Business man she had everything. The highs of the mighty rich and the absolute fun of the largest criminals. Luckily for her mother she wasn't born with her abilities but they sprouted up not to long into her life. At the age of 5 Sirius's powers came to light when one of the butlers to her mother and father tried to violate her. He ended up with two massive 3 degree burn hand prints on his face. Not long after her hands and feet turned to what they are today and the butler was executed on order of her father. Once her powers came to light her life became very very hard for a while. Constantly destroying everything she touched including the ground and her clothes Then one day they were blessed. One of the scientists under her fathers weapons development company came to him with an idea of boots and gloves designed to handle his daughters immense heat and ability with destruction. With approval the scientist invented the devices and made them in the sizes needed to suit her through her life as well as full arm sleeves and thy length boots to do the same job as well as hide her volcanic skin. As she grew older her father started to see her intelligence and her knack for business. Teaching her everything she needed to know she quickly came to help her father in many aspects of the company. At the age of 14 he made her his personal body guard and his private consultant and major leader in the company.

Relationship Status/Crush:
has a "boyfriend" but its complicated at the moment

Any other information?:​


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Nickname(If Applies):



Sexual Orientation:

Moral Standing:
Chaotic neutral

Current Residence:

Highschool Year:


Powers Or Gifts:
Viana has a very particular ability in the form of her arms and legs being volcanic rock and magma and the ability to control the forces related to them
in addition she is fire retardant and can easily take unimaginable heats due to her arms be able to burn at heats up to 9,940K or the same heat of the star her nickname is named after

Fire Manipulation
Magma Manipulation
Thermal Manipulation
Fire Breath
Volatile Constructs

playing with Fireworks
being respected
being liked
people who aren't scared of her due to her powers
being feared by certain people

guys who think they are tough
the way her arms and legs are
being feared by those she cares for

Viana is a very formal person, Seen as a business woman this is only heightened by how she helps run the multi billion dollar weapons company her father owns. other than that shes rather caring to her friends and is a softie for children. Being a girl of heightened intelligence as well she can also be a lady when needed. She also has a ruthless side to her. Being skilled in all forms of combat.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)
View attachment 413629

Sirius grew up with a platinum spoon in her mouth. Being the daughter of a War lord and a Business man she had everything. The highs of the mighty rich and the absolute fun of the largest criminals. Luckily for her mother she wasn't born with her abilities but they sprouted up not to long into her life. At the age of 5 Sirius's powers came to light when one of the butlers to her mother and father tried to violate her. He ended up with two massive 3 degree burn hand prints on his face. Not long after her hands and feet turned to what they are today and the butler was executed on order of her father. Once her powers came to light her life became very very hard for a while. Constantly destroying everything she touched including the ground and her clothes Then one day they were blessed. One of the scientists under her fathers weapons development company came to him with an idea of boots and gloves designed to handle his daughters immense heat and ability with destruction. With approval the scientist invented the devices and made them in the sizes needed to suit her through her life as well as full arm sleeves and thy length boots to do the same job as well as hide her volcanic skin. As she grew older her father started to see her intelligence and her knack for business. Teaching her everything she needed to know she quickly came to help her father in many aspects of the company. At the age of 14 he made her his personal body guard and his private consultant and major leader in the company.

Relationship Status/Crush:
has a "boyfriend" but its complicated at the moment

Any other information?:​
Tsuki Waters

Nickname(If Applies):

11 months


Sexual Orientation:

Moral Standing:

Current Residence:
Wither her mother

Highschool Year:


Powers Or Gifts:
Unknow atm/havent decided

cuddling, her mother, playing, her Blanket

being scared
being left by her mother
having a poopie diaper

being as old as she is Tsuki hasn't quite developed a true personality yet. Still being at the development stages in life as can be seen. Tsuki can be bashful around new people and has a tendency to stare at them till she feels she's stared enough which is almost never. Always wanting to be held and coddled by her mother Tsuki will call out to her mother when she feels she isn't getting enough attention, either that or cry. When around people Tsuki is familiar with shes a wild child, crawling everywhere, always yelling out and squealing with a big enjoyment of throwing her toys or anything she can get her hands on. When she gets tired she demands three things. Someone to cuddle her, her binki, and her blanket.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)

Whats most well known about Tsukis back story is. She was born to her loving mother and dirt bag father, She never knowing him due to him bailing before Tsukis birth. Other than that Tsuki has lived a beautiful life so far. filed with laughter and enjoyment with her mother.

Relationship Status/Crush:
mother- Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux

Any other information?:
Name: Diana Young

Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 68 - Looks 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

She usually wears a pair of black jeans with dark black army boots to cover up her legs, usually ties bandages around her chest that shows through her short shirt. She usually wears the same shirt over and over until it starts smelling or is stained with oil and keeps her hair down and free-flowing. She has bright teal eyes and a strange orange tinted hair. She usually wears a choker and has a locket around her, which is a faded picture of her as a child with her parents.

Highschool Year: Freshman

Race: Humanoid - Robot

Diana was born in Russia into an experimental program when her parents sold her off to make some extra cash and keep themselves alive - They didn't last long after that.
When she was sold into the weapons program she was put through extensive training and incredible pain throughout her entire body as she was injected with multiple unknown chemicals. Portions of her body were replaced with cybernetic enhancements such as her eyes and arm and one of her legs.
The chemicals injected into her made her ageless and keeps her looking like a teenager since her aging process has slowed down. She was used to kill and assassinate multiple people at a very young age, being an extremely efficient killer, but the entire time she was put on emotion dampening drugs, keeping her sedated in a very susceptible state of mind, keeping her in a follow orders mode.
One day, when the base was raided, she was found locked in her cell as her emotion dampeners had been turned off, she had been there for nearly 40 years and not an ounce of education put into her system. She was put through primary school education before she was given the chance to opt into school.
She was only recently accepted into Fantasy High and planned to make full use of the schools education

Relationship Status/Crush:

Full Moons

Intense Heat
Starless Nights

She's a very closed off person since she hasn't had much or any real communication with people outside of the Government agents that taught her and helped her through teaching her. A very closed off person and she doesn't understand emotions that she feels due to the drugs she was on. She's very fast to close off and attack anything in her way. She's extremely friendly if she learns to trust people that she meets though.

Moral Standing: Neutral

Robotic Arm:
Since she's been cybernetically enhanced, her arm can shoot out a large plume of plasma up to 25 metres away, past that range it just feels warm. This can launch her backwards if she doesn't steady herself as well.
She has increased muscle strength in her robotic arm she can lift up 10x her normal weight with just her one arm.

Her arm isn't too incredible since she has to do regular maintenance on the item to make sure it keeps working and in shape or it may break down.
This is the same for her legs, they require regular maintenance or problems may occur.
Incredible Memory:
Since her brain was also updated with technology and given multiple pieces of it she can instantly record information and store it indefinitely. This includes being able to calculate someones actions ahead of time, this can sometimes fail though.
Robotic Legs:
Since her legs were changed into robotic ones she has rocket jets which she did a custom job and installed onto the back of them. This can make her move incredibly fast and also launch her upwards into 75 metres of the air. But coming down may be a bit hard.

She can make her legs go extremely fast around and do a round-house kick into their target.

Current Residence: School Campus

Any other information?: N/A
Name: Diana Young

Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 68 - Looks 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

View attachment 419786
She usually wears a pair of black jeans with dark black army boots to cover up her legs, usually ties bandages around her chest that shows through her short shirt. She usually wears the same shirt over and over until it starts smelling or is stained with oil and keeps her hair down and free-flowing. She has bright teal eyes and a strange orange tinted hair. She usually wears a choker and has a locket around her, which is a faded picture of her as a child with her parents.

Highschool Year: Freshman

Race: Humanoid - Robot

Diana was born in Russia into an experimental program when her parents sold her off to make some extra cash and keep themselves alive - They didn't last long after that.
When she was sold into the weapons program she was put through extensive training and incredible pain throughout her entire body as she was injected with multiple unknown chemicals. Portions of her body were replaced with cybernetic enhancements such as her eyes and arm and one of her legs.
The chemicals injected into her made her ageless and keeps her looking like a teenager since her aging process has slowed down. She was used to kill and assassinate multiple people at a very young age, being an extremely efficient killer, but the entire time she was put on emotion dampening drugs, keeping her sedated in a very susceptible state of mind, keeping her in a follow orders mode.
One day, when the base was raided, she was found locked in her cell as her emotion dampeners had been turned off, she had been there for nearly 40 years and not an ounce of education put into her system. She was put through primary school education before she was given the chance to opt into school.
She was only recently accepted into Fantasy High and planned to make full use of the schools education

Relationship Status/Crush:

Full Moons

Intense Heat
Starless Nights

She's a very closed off person since she hasn't had much or any real communication with people outside of the Government agents that taught her and helped her through teaching her. A very closed off person and she doesn't understand emotions that she feels due to the drugs she was on. She's very fast to close off and attack anything in her way. She's extremely friendly if she learns to trust people that she meets though.

Moral Standing: Neutral

Robotic Arm:
Since she's been cybernetically enhanced, her arm can shoot out a large plume of plasma up to 25 metres away, past that range it just feels warm. This can launch her backwards if she doesn't steady herself as well.
She has increased muscle strength in her robotic arm she can lift up 10x her normal weight with just her one arm.
Her arm isn't too incredible since she has to do regular maintenance on the item to make sure it keeps working and in shape or it may break down.
This is the same for her legs, they require regular maintenance or problems may occur.
Incredible Memory:
Since her brain was also updated with technology and given multiple pieces of it she can instantly record information and store it indefinitely. This includes being able to calculate someones actions ahead of time, this can sometimes fail though.
Robotic Legs:
Since her legs were changed into robotic ones she has rocket jets which she did a custom job and installed onto the back of them. This can make her move incredibly fast and also launch her upwards into 75 metres of the air. But coming down may be a bit hard.
She can make her legs go extremely fast around and do a round-house kick into their target.

Current Residence: School Campus

Any other information?: N/A

  • Sultan FrancisUtopiaAge: 17
    Gender: Male
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Current Residence: Male Dorms
    High School Year: Junior
    Race: Human
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 160lbs
    Appearance: 11372065_1715771748650558_1516794687_n.jpg

  • Sultan FrancisUtopiaAge: 17
    Gender: Male
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Current Residence: Male Dorms
    High School Year: Junior
    Race: Human
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 160lbs
    Appearance: View attachment 420105
Name: Vinteum Vandalis

Nickname(If Applies): Vin

Age: 16

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: bi

Moral Standing: neutral

Current Residence: Dorms

Highschool Year: sophomore

Race: Vyrin

Powers Or Gifts:

Shamanism: the ability to sense and affect spirits in the mortal world in order to bring about varying effects

“Litteral” Lost arts: the study of the missing or misguided, the arts of the lost are difficult to define as they are difficult to use in many situations. Vinteum can cause others or himself to lose perception of various items, feelings, direction, space, or many other targets. In combat, the lost arts are used to disorientate and confuse.

Natural Vyrin body: The Vyrin as a race are many times stronger than humans with an incredibly sturdy body, and the natural abilities of the body such as bone blades in the arms and legs or extremely powerful jaw.

Likes: Nature, solitude, books, music,

Dislikes: industry, annoyances, his fur getting matted

Personality: Vinteum is extremely gentlemanly and reserved by nature, making it hard for him to approach others

Backstory: born as an experiment in a long forgotten lab, Vinteum is an amalgamation of hundreds of species in the attempts to create a fast breeding soldier race. After the facility was destroyed during a war, Vinteum was forced to live hidden from society, until eventually he found his way to a shaman who taught him magic and the power of the spirits in nature as well as the powers of the lost.

Relationship Status/Crush: none

Any other information?: (Yes I am in fact lazy enough to turn my fursona into a character with some modifications. Also this was written on my phone so I'm too lazy for BB code.)
View attachment 420213
Name: Vinteum Vandalis

Nickname(If Applies): Vin

Age: 16

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: bi

Moral Standing: neutral

Current Residence: Dorms

Highschool Year: sophomore

Race: Vyrin

Powers Or Gifts:

Shamanism: the ability to sense and affect spirits in the mortal world in order to bring about varying effects

“Litteral” Lost arts: the study of the missing or misguided, the arts of the lost are difficult to define as they are difficult to use in many situations. Vinteum can cause others or himself to lose perception of various items, feelings, direction, space, or many other targets. In combat, the lost arts are used to disorientate and confuse.

Natural Vyrin body: The Vyrin as a race are many times stronger than humans with an incredibly sturdy body, and the natural abilities of the body such as bone blades in the arms and legs or extremely powerful jaw.

Likes: Nature, solitude, books, music,

Dislikes: industry, annoyances, his fur getting matted

Personality: Vinteum is extremely gentlemanly and reserved by nature, making it hard for him to approach others

Backstory: born as an experiment in a long forgotten lab, Vinteum is an amalgamation of hundreds of species in the attempts to create a fast breeding soldier race. After the facility was destroyed during a war, Vinteum was forced to live hidden from society, until eventually he found his way to a shaman who taught him magic and the power of the spirits in nature as well as the powers of the lost.

Relationship Status/Crush: none

Any other information?: (Yes I am in fact lazy enough to turn my fursona into a character with some modifications. Also this was written on my phone so I'm too lazy for BB code.)


Now tell me... How does it feel?
Jason Todd
  • 7b3e823c666fe65ac5f8df4a5c71c55f.jpg
    Nickname/Aliases -
    Red Hood
    Death Hand
    The Hunter

    Age -

    Gender -

    Being -

    Sexual Orientation -

    Morality -

    Height -

    Weight -
    225 lbs.



Now tell me... How does it feel?
Jason Todd
  • 7b3e823c666fe65ac5f8df4a5c71c55f.jpg
    Nickname/Aliases -
    Red Hood
    Death Hand
    The Hunter

    Age -

    Gender -

    Being -

    Sexual Orientation -

    Morality -

    Height -

    Weight -
    225 lbs.

Katelyn Waters


  • Nickname - Katy

    Being - Witch

    Age - 17, almost 18

    Gender - Female

    Sexual Orientation - Straight

    Morality - Good

    Residency - Apartment

    Grade/Year - 2nd year

Katelyn Waters

View attachment 430066

  • Nickname - Katy

    Being - Witch

    Age - 17, almost 18

    Gender - Female

    Sexual Orientation - Straight

    Morality - Good

    Residency - Apartment

    Grade/Year - 2nd year

Takeo Yoichi

I'm gonna break you at your full strength!
Bakugou Katsuki

  • ab471dbe711b71e6296819dc22e937c606672e7fv2_00.jpg

    Nickname(s) -

    Age -

    Gender -

    Being -

    Sexual Orientation -

    Morality -
    Chaotic Good

    Height -

    Weight -
    150 lbs.
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Takeo Yoichi

I'm gonna break you at your full strength!
Bakugou Katsuki

  • ab471dbe711b71e6296819dc22e937c606672e7fv2_00.jpg

    Nickname(s) -

    Age -

    Gender -

    Being -

    Sexual Orientation -

    Morality -
    Chaotic Good

    Height -

    Weight -
    150 lbs.

Katelyn Waters

View attachment 430066

  • Nickname - Katy

    Being - Witch

    Age - 17, almost 18

    Gender - Female

    Sexual Orientation - Straight

    Morality - Good

    Residency - Apartment

    Grade/Year - 2nd year

Nyn Tsumetai


Nickname: Nyn
Personality: Cold, struggles showing expressions or understanding emotions. Warms up to people slowly.

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5,3

Sex: Hetero

Crush: None

Moral: Neutral

Residence: None

Highschool Year: Freshman

Race: Cambion


Superhuman Strenght: She is capable of transfering energy to her arms/legs, the more energy is used the greater the strenght.

Levitate: Allows her to rise up/float in the air.

Shadow Alteration: Nyn is able to make shadows take form and materialize, this includes swords/creatures and even shadow clones of herself.

Black Magic: Nyn can shoot energy beams through her hands. She can aswell use telekinesis but only on objects.

ChaoticMode/CM: Under heavy amounts of pressure or incredible amounts of energy, Nyn can unleash her full potential in her "True form", during this form her abilities become x10 stronger including increased strenght/speed/stamina along with the ability to make mini-black holes at will and "Hades Attack" . This comes with a risk, Nyn is not mentally/physically prepared to withstand this form for long, her time limit is 5 minutes, once back to normal she will experience fatigue to the point of faint. If the time limit is surpassed the negative effect would be a coma or to extreme cases death.

Hades Attack: "Hades Attack" is a concentrated amount of dark matter shot as a massive wave which is able to desintegrate almost whatever it goes through. This ability can only be used in CM and there s only one shot per transformation due to the heavy amounts of energy required.

Weapon: Zegore


This mysterious scythe of unknown origin is able to feed upon the souls of those who have been killed by it. The more souls its fed at the more powerfull it becomes. This weapon can only be used by Nyn, if tried to be used by anyone else it will not function at its max potential and it will attempt to absorb the new user s soul.

Backstory: Nyn suddenly woke up as a 18 yr old girl on the streets, the only thing next to her was a red scythe with an ominous aura to it. Once she picked it up she felt the urge to kill, many have been her victims, and when she had to perform those acts she coudln't feel bad for them.. It only felt good.
Though this did not help her, she still felt lost, without identity or reason to truly live..fake.
Suddenly she looked up and saw a big sign that was promoting a highschool for the empowered, this gave her a glimmer of hope, hope that she could learn about her powers, her identity.. As she levitated towards the academy to sign up she though a fitting name for herself and continued.. not knowing what was lying inside her.

Additional Info: I made Nyn s moral Neutral because she doesn't know the difference between good and evil, this of course can change if people influence her to be more light-hearted or to become truly evil. As for her powers she doesn't know how to use them at their full extent, she doesn't know about her "ChaoticMode" yet and will not be able to use it until she gains full control of her powers or something emotionally devastating happens (such as the death of xx who was her best friend/crush/etc).
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Nyn Tsumetai

View attachment 431955

Nickname: Nyn
Personality: Cold, struggles showing expressions or understanding emotions. Warms up to people slowly.

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5,3

Sex: Hetero

Crush: None

Moral: Neutral

Residence: None

Highschool Year: Freshman

Race: Cambion


Superhuman Strenght: She is capable of transfering energy to her arms/legs, the more energy is used the greater the strenght.

Levitate: Allows her to rise up/float in the air.

Shadow Alteration: Nyn is able to make shadows take form and materialize, this includes swords/creatures and even shadow clones of herself.

Black Magic: Nyn can shoot energy beams through her hands. She can aswell use telekinesis but only on objects.

ChaoticMode/CM: Under heavy amounts of pressure or incredible amounts of energy, Nyn can unleash her full potential in her "True form", during this form her abilities become x10 stronger including increased strenght/speed/stamina along with the ability to make mini-black holes at will and "Hades Attack" . This comes with a risk, Nyn is not mentally/physically prepared to withstand this form for long, her time limit is 5 minutes, once back to normal she will experience fatigue to the point of faint. If the time limit is surpassed the negative effect would be a coma or to extreme cases death.

View attachment 431956
Hades Attack: "Hades Attack" is a concentrated amount of dark matter shot as a massive wave which is able to desintegrate almost whatever it goes through. This ability can only be used in CM and there s only one shot per transformation due to the heavy amounts of energy required.

Weapon: Zegore

View attachment 431926

This mysterious scythe of unknown origin is able to feed upon the souls of those who have been killed by it. The more souls its fed at the more powerfull it becomes. This weapon can only be used by Nyn, if tried to be used by anyone else it will not function at its max potential and it will attempt to absorb the new user s soul.

Backstory: Nyn suddenly woke up as a 18 yr old girl on the streets, the only thing next to her was a red scythe with an ominous aura to it. Once she picked it up she felt the urge to kill, many have been her victims, and when she had to perform those acts she coudln't feel bad for them.. It only felt good.
Though this did not help her, she still felt lost, without identity or reason to truly live..fake.
Suddenly she looked up and saw a big sign that was promoting a highschool for the empowered, this gave her a glimmer of hope, hope that she could learn about her powers, her identity.. As she levitated towards the academy to sign up she though a fitting name for herself and continued.. not knowing what was lying inside her.

Additional Info: I made Nyn s moral Neutral because she doesn't know the difference between good and evil, this of course can change if people influence her to be more light-hearted or to become truly evil. As for her powers she doesn't know how to use them at their full extent, she doesn't know about her "ChaoticMode" yet and will not be able to use it until she gains full control of her powers or something emotionally devastating happens (such as the death of xx who was her best friend/crush/etc).

  • -=Name=-
    Abigail Black Coat


    Appears: 19
    Real Age: 534

    Higher Vampire

    -=Highschool Year=-
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  • -=Name=-
    Abigail Black Coat


    Appears: 19
    Real Age: 534

    Higher Vampire

    -=Highschool Year=-
Accepted :)
Aelius Phoseroth

Even a piece of garbage has its pride.
Roy Mustang

  • tumblr_mu9zotpesD1rnvb0co1_r1_500.gif

    Nickname(s) -

    Age -
    Around 5500 years old, takes on the appearance of a man in his mid 20s.

    Gender -

    Being -

    Sexual Orientation -

    Morality -
    Chaotic Good

    Height -

    Weight -
    275 lbs.
Last edited:
Aelius Phoseroth

Even a piece of garbage has its pride.
Roy Mustang

  • tumblr_mu9zotpesD1rnvb0co1_r1_500.gif

    Nickname(s) -

    Age -
    Around 5500 years old, takes on the appearance of a man in his mid 20s.

    Gender -

    Being -

    Sexual Orientation -

    Morality -
    Chaotic Good

    Height -

    Weight -
    275 lbs.
Accepted :)
Updated CS
Talia White

That's it! That's the look I wanted to see!

  • 63c5cff91fd2babf41757b697fcb09c1.gif


    Age -

    Gender -

    Being -

    Sexual Orientation -

    Morality -

    Height -
    Varies by form

    Weight -
    Varies by form
Last edited:
Updated CS
Ramona Ishida

Know your place!
(Inner) Moka

  • tumblr_nqfj3xcuLc1smzgcuo1_500.gif

    The Demon
    Demon of the Ishidas
    The Vampiress

    Age -

    Gender -

    Being -


    Sexual Orientation -

    Morality -

    Height -
    Varies by form

    Weight -
    Varies by form
Updated CS
Alenjandro Ishida

I didn't come here to fight you. I came here to violently kill you.
Tōshirō Hitsugaya

  • 7205b2ce7d169105ff176139ffe01e1f.gif

    Alejandro(Kirito) and his girlfriend Astrid(Asuna)

    The One-Eyed Grim Reaper

    Age -

    Gender -

    Being -

    Sexual Orientation -

    Morality -

    Height -
    Varies by form

    Weight -
    Varies by form
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