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Fantasy Character Registration

Name: Phil Donavan

"There's a reason I go by Nine"

Nickname(If Applies): "9" "The Discount Deadpool"

"I may be budget, but that doesn't mean I'm not badass!"

Age: 16

"I'm a guy in his prime and anyone who says otherwise can go f*ck themselves.... wait what the hell is up with the censure?"

Gender: male

"As I said, I'm a guy with a big d*ck.... WHY THE HELL AM I BEING CENSORED!?!?!?"

Sexual Orientation: Straight

"I like big tits, not big d*cks... other than my own of course... wait that came out wrong..."

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

"I'm with whoever pays me"

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Hotel

"Ya I live in a hotel with like 10 other guys. Got a problem with that? *cocks gun*"

What Year of highschool your in: Sophmore

What kind of being you are: Genetically modified human


Winging it: Things just work out either good or bad when its with 9. No matter the situation, it will end comically.

Pulling shit out of nowhere: 9 pulls guns, explosives and all the goodies out of nowhere. He assumes there is some scientific explanation for it, but he doesn't have a scoobie as to what it is.

Headpool rip off: 9 can survive as just a head, as long as he can find "replacement" parts, or has a few days for minor injuries, he's good to go.

Likes: stupid comedic situations, one liners, girls, guns, booze, all the things

Dislikes: to be announced

Personality: well he's not as op deadpool... you'll see

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


"Not what you were expecting? I know. I'm WAY more handsome than that ugly-ass name sake."

Bio: 9 grew up in the labs where Crow did and grew to regard him as an older brother.

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: not really

@Roman (because I know you're on)
Nevermore said:
Name: Phil Donavan
"There's a reason I go by Nine"

Nickname(If Applies): "9" "The Discount Deadpool"

"I may be budget, but that doesn't mean I'm not badass!"

Age: 16

"I'm a guy in his prime and anyone who says otherwise can go f*ck themselves.... wait what the hell is up with the censure?"

Gender: male

"As I said, I'm a guy with a big d*ck.... WHY THE HELL AM I BEING CENSORED!?!?!?"

Sexual Orientation: Straight

"I like big tits, not big d*cks... other than my own of course... wait that came out wrong..."

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

"I'm with whoever pays me"

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Hotel

"Ya I live in a hotel with like 10 other guys. Got a problem with that? *cocks gun*"

What Year of highschool your in: Sophmore

What kind of being you are: Genetically modified human


Winging it: Things just work out either good or bad when its with 9. No matter the situation, it will end comically.

Pulling shit out of nowhere: 9 pulls guns, explosives and all the goodies out of nowhere. He assumes there is some scientific explanation for it, but he doesn't have a scoobie as to what it is.

Headpool rip off: 9 can survive as just a head, as long as he can find "replacement" parts, or has a few days for minor injuries, he's good to go.

Likes: stupid comedic situations, one liners, girls, guns, booze, all the things

Dislikes: to be announced

Personality: well he's not as op deadpool... you'll see

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


"Not what you were expecting? I know. I'm WAY more handsome than that ugly-ass name sake."

Bio: 9 grew up in the labs where Crow did and grew to regard him as an older brother.

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: not really

@Roman (because I know you're on)
AriaTheWatcher said:
(Sorta kinda WIP)
Name: Elizabeth Jackson

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: Technically 1 day old, considering that she was only recently created.

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good...?

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Her own dimension.

What Year of highschool your in: 3rd

What kind of being you are: Goddess of Creation

Powers/gifts: Can create things out of thin air, manipulate already existing objects into a new form, and manipulate most objects that she creates at will.

Likes: ???

Dislikes: ???

Personality: To be revealed.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: A minorly flawed clone of the original Elizabeth, created by Natsumi and implanted with false memories by Blake Nox.

Dating/lover/crush: Nobody

Anything else:
Nevermore said:
Name: Vandis Crow
Nickname(If Applies): "6" "Six" "Van"

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Hotel

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Astral Walker


Astral Walking: Van an cross between the regular world and Astrum, which is just a blank dimension where nothing exists except both worlds exist on the same visual plane. Basically anything existing on either plane can be seen from either plane, but they can't interact.

Astral Imaging: Van can create images or distort appearances within Astrum.

Likes: People

Dislikes: boredom

Personality: Manipulative and deceptive

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred):

Bio: Vandis grew up in the same environment as Crow and even took on the name Crow as his family name because he had never been given one. Vandis was the mastermind behind the escape from the facility.

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: none

@Fukushima Akira or @Roman
Nevermore said:
Name: Phil Donavan
"There's a reason I go by Nine"

Nickname(If Applies): "9" "The Discount Deadpool"

"I may be budget, but that doesn't mean I'm not badass!"

Age: 16

"I'm a guy in his prime and anyone who says otherwise can go f*ck themselves.... wait what the hell is up with the censure?"

Gender: male

"As I said, I'm a guy with a big d*ck.... WHY THE HELL AM I BEING CENSORED!?!?!?"

Sexual Orientation: Straight

"I like big tits, not big d*cks... other than my own of course... wait that came out wrong..."

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

"I'm with whoever pays me"

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Hotel

"Ya I live in a hotel with like 10 other guys. Got a problem with that? *cocks gun*"

What Year of highschool your in: Sophmore

What kind of being you are: Genetically modified human


Winging it: Things just work out either good or bad when its with 9. No matter the situation, it will end comically.

Pulling shit out of nowhere: 9 pulls guns, explosives and all the goodies out of nowhere. He assumes there is some scientific explanation for it, but he doesn't have a scoobie as to what it is.

Headpool rip off: 9 can survive as just a head, as long as he can find "replacement" parts, or has a few days for minor injuries, he's good to go.

Likes: stupid comedic situations, one liners, girls, guns, booze, all the things

Dislikes: to be announced

Personality: well he's not as op deadpool... you'll see

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


"Not what you were expecting? I know. I'm WAY more handsome than that ugly-ass name sake."

Bio: 9 grew up in the labs where Crow did and grew to regard him as an older brother.

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: not really

@Roman (because I know you're on)
Denied. There's already one over-the-top character, and adding anymore in would ruin the serious tone of future plot arcs.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Denied. There's already one over-the-top character, and adding anymore in would ruin the serious tone of future plot arcs.

I thought we weren't doing anymore 4th Wall characters, that's why I accepted it since he didn't have that ability.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]That included.

So no more whacky characters? Got it.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Not over-whacky, like a joke character.

he's not a 4th wall breaker, dead pool doesn't actually break the 4th wall that much, this is the bad wrap that the movie and videogame gave him. I wasn't planning on breaking the 4th wall, he was just going to be a massive wisecracker with an attitude and humor similar to dp.
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Nevermore said:
he's not a 4th wall breaker, dead pool doesn't actually break the 4th wall that much, this is the bad wrap that the movie and videogame gave him. I wasn't planning on breaking the 4th wall, he was just going to be a massive wisecracker with an attitude and humor similar to dp.
That's not the point. Also, Deadpool does infact wall break all the time.
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[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]That's not the point. Also, Deadpool does infact wall break all the time.

Only like once or twice per issue... at least in the 1997 series...
Nevermore said:
Only like once or twice per issue... at least in the 1997 series...
Actually he breaks it tons of times. He always breaks mid-convo to talk to the readers, referring the to the fans as "them".
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]That's not the point. Also, Deadpool does infact wall break all the time.

NeoClassical said:
Actually he breaks it tons of times. He always breaks mid-convo to talk to the readers, referring the to the fans as "them".
I'm still reading through it, but I haven't seen that once yet.

Either way I just want a smart ass character that was the whole idea... not a crazy stupid character that is constantly breaks the 4th wall.


...?Koro Tousen?...

Nickname(If Applies):

Ice Cube, S.L.J.





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Retired Time and Space Officer


Space Distortion/Manipulation

Exactly what it sounds like. Manipulating space and distorting it to his will

Spiritual Energy

Spiritual energy being able to do whatever he wants to it. Though it's usually used mostly as a base attack

Dark Arts Magic

A number of uses like summoning minions and beats to fight for you or attack using this

Enhanced Senses

Due to him being blind, he must have enhanced senses so that he can get by life easily


Action Movies




Being blind

Old and sad movies


Imagine him as the type of person to make curse sound not so bad. He's also the type of person to use profanity most of the time

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Retired Officer's Uniform


He was blind at birth but with enhanced senses making it easier for him to get by. He was soon part of the Henir organization which he managed to get the rank of Officer. He retired though because Administration said that he was blind and his language was full of profanity. So now he's just living life on Earth



Anything else:

Says "Motherfucker" a lot.

He's blind.

Kind of based off of Samuel L Jackson and Ice Cube

Name: Eryk Raizel

Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Apartment: Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Human


Hand Majin: Eryk has the power of a powerful deity known as Avalokite?vara. He can manifest it's power as his own, and is able to do things such as emit powerful hand like attacks. (I.E Summoning what appears to be a glowing yellow giant fist) There is quite a bit he can do due to the developmental potential of the power itself. To simplfy things, the power basically grants him Hand-like attacks and other similar things.

Enlightenment: Through years of a self-wandering journey, Eryk had reached a state of enlightenment only a few men could hope to attain. With a few posts of channeling, he can summon an aura projection of the deity itself. With any movements he makes, the projection that mimic the same movement. Unlike simply using his own power, the projection is very strong on it's own. Also it's own speed is much greater than Eryk's, however this does not last long. Once it is used up, he cannot use it again for some time also his body becomes very fatigued.

Enhanced Human Body: Through training and finding enlightenment, Eryk's body has been trained to become very resillient. This also factors into his own attacks as well. The five senses have also been enhanced to be much more better than an average humans. Mental fortitude has also been increased as well, so mind tricks and any mental attacks won't be as effective against him.

Healing Touch: A part of Hand Maijin. He is able to heal wounds using his hands, but cannot heal wounds that have lingered for more than a day. If he wishes to heal more serious wounds, then he must keep on channeling his power and remain in focus for some time.


- Finding new and delicious foods to eat.

- Improving himself to go past his limits.

- Humor. Both well thought out and generally bad humor.

- Pursuit of knowledge to a varying degree.


- Most of what Television offers.

- Generally junk food.

Personality: Calm, Jubilant, Analytical

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: Eryk was a child raised by a certain monk at a temple called Long Zi. His parents seemed to have been missing around the time Eryk was only about a year old. He would be raised by this monk because his parents also trained at Long Zi. Years of training and reaching a state of enlightenment has given Eryk a sense of life and a pursuit of happiness. He would also be chosen as the bearer of Avalokite?vara once he found enlightenment, and would live with his life burning bright.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A (New Student)

Anything else: Eryk enjoys participating in the art of combat as well as activities that pique his interest.
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YoungX said:
Name: Eryk Raizel
Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Apartment: Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Human


Hand Majin: Eryk has the power of a powerful deity known as Avalokite?vara. He can manifest it's power as his own, and is able to do things such as emit powerful hand like attacks. (I.E Summoning what appears to be a glowing yellow giant fist) There is quite a bit he can do due to the developmental potential of the power itself. To simply things, the power basically grants him Hand-like attacks and other similar things.

Enlightenment: Through years of a self-wandering journey, Eryk had reached a state of enlightenment only a few men could hope to attain. With a few posts of channeling, he can summon an aura projection of the deity itself. With any movements he makes, the projection that mimic the same movement. Unlike simply using his own power, the projection is very strong on it's own. Also it's own speed is much greater than Eryk's, however this does not last long. Once it is used up, he cannot use it again for some time also his body becomes very fatigued.

Enhanced Human Body: Through training and finding enlightenment, Eryk's body has been trained to become very resillient. This also factors into his own attacks as well. The five senses have also been enhanced to be much more better than an average humans. Mental fortitude has also been increased as well, so mind tricks and any mental attacks won't be as effective against him.

Healing Touch: A part of Hand Maijin. He is able to heal wounds using his hands, but cannot heal wounds that have lingered for more than a day. If he wishes to heal more serious wounds, then he must keep on channeling his power and remain in focus for some time.


- Finding new and delicious foods to eat.

- Improving himself to go past his limits.

- Humor. Both well thought out and generally bad humor.

- Pursuit of knowledge to a varying degree.


- Most of what Television offers.

- Generally junk food.

Personality: Calm, Jubilant, Analytical

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: Eryk was a child raised by a certain monk at a temple called Long Zi. His parents seemed to have been missing around the time Eryk was only about a year old. He would be raised by this monk because his parents also trained at Long Zi. Years of training and reaching a state of enlightenment has given Eryk a sense of life and a pursuit of happiness. He would also be chosen as the bearer of Avalokite?vara once he found enlightenment, and would live with his life burning bright.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A (New Student)

Anything else: Eryk enjoys participating in the art of combat as well as activities that pique his interest.
((Yo friend. We already have a Netero using that appearance for that ability. So, you'll need to remove that.))
YoungX said:
Name: Eryk Raizel
Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Apartment: Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Human


Hand Majin: Eryk has the power of a powerful deity known as Avalokite?vara. He can manifest it's power as his own, and is able to do things such as emit powerful hand like attacks. (I.E Summoning what appears to be a glowing yellow giant fist) There is quite a bit he can do due to the developmental potential of the power itself. To simply things, the power basically grants him Hand-like attacks and other similar things.

Enlightenment: Through years of a self-wandering journey, Eryk had reached a state of enlightenment only a few men could hope to attain. With a few posts of channeling, he can summon an aura projection of the deity itself. With any movements he makes, the projection that mimic the same movement. Unlike simply using his own power, the projection is very strong on it's own. Also it's own speed is much greater than Eryk's, however this does not last long. Once it is used up, he cannot use it again for some time also his body becomes very fatigued.

Enhanced Human Body: Through training and finding enlightenment, Eryk's body has been trained to become very resillient. This also factors into his own attacks as well. The five senses have also been enhanced to be much more better than an average humans. Mental fortitude has also been increased as well, so mind tricks and any mental attacks won't be as effective against him.

Healing Touch: A part of Hand Maijin. He is able to heal wounds using his hands, but cannot heal wounds that have lingered for more than a day. If he wishes to heal more serious wounds, then he must keep on channeling his power and remain in focus for some time.


- Finding new and delicious foods to eat.

- Improving himself to go past his limits.

- Humor. Both well thought out and generally bad humor.

- Pursuit of knowledge to a varying degree.


- Most of what Television offers.

- Generally junk food.

Personality: Calm, Jubilant, Analytical

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: Eryk was a child raised by a certain monk at a temple called Long Zi. His parents seemed to have been missing around the time Eryk was only about a year old. He would be raised by this monk because his parents also trained at Long Zi. Years of training and reaching a state of enlightenment has given Eryk a sense of life and a pursuit of happiness. He would also be chosen as the bearer of Avalokite?vara once he found enlightenment, and would live with his life burning bright.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A (New Student)

Anything else: Eryk enjoys participating in the art of combat as well as activities that pique his interest.
((Okay, so I checked over everything and It looks good. So accepted. Though please note that @Fukushima Akira can over turn my decision if he so chooses.))
YoungX said:
@Tobi Neafearn Understood. In any case, how would I start exactly?
((Just do an in-character post of your character arriving at the school. Please try to remain in 3rd person as well. For any Out of character chatter use (()) around it. Oh, and the reply button works wonders.))
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]((Just do an in-character post of your character arriving at the school. Please try to remain in 3rd person as well. For any Out of character chatter use (()) around it. Oh, and the reply button works wonders.))

All righty then. Also it's funny considering I've never used the reply button. Ever.
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YoungX said:
All righty then. Also it's funny considering I've never used the reply button. Ever.
((Yeah, but trust me, it's best to reply as the amount of stuff that gets posted will usually drown out alot of other stuff. Plus you can see what you're replying to in the post box))
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]((Yeah, but trust me, it's best to reply as the amount of stuff that gets posted will usually drown out alot of other stuff. Plus you can see what you're replying to in the post box))

Well I'll definitely do that.
object creation [/URL] , but Dante can cause any object he creates to turn to ash.))

Accelerated healing: Dante can heal most wounds in under a minute, and regrow limbs within a hour. The only sure way to kill Dante is to crush his heart or brain.

Flight: Dante is an angel and has wings… even though he’s a fallen angel he can still fly.

Flash flight: Dante has mastered a technique of near instantaneous movement, similar to teleportation, however this technique is limited to his visual range.

Ghost walking: Dante becomes incorporeal, and exists only on the spiritual plane.

Driver: Dante can generate a vehicle whenever he needs one so he’s pretty damn good at driving… (Even though Dante can fly, driving is still faster in general)

Fighter: Dante is an Angel of Vengeance, and as such is known for killing, so obviously he’s learned how to kill... Combine that with his ability to create weapons, fly, ghost walk, and heal at an extreme rate, and you’ve got an extremely formidable foe.

The Vengeful One: Dante snaps and his desire to destroy exceeds all rationality, in this mindset Dante will use all of his abilities to the breaking point in the attempt to destroy his opponent at all costs.

Likes: Dante doesn’t have many likes… I guess the only thing Dante really likes is music…

Dislikes: Dante doesn’t dislike a lot… he’s really just indifferent to everything.

Personality: Dante has lost the ability to show physically show emotion, so his personality is pretty much non-existent unless you are extremely familiar with him, which if you are, you know the only way to tell how Dante is feeling is to listen to the music.

Bio: For a very long time, Dante was the angel of creation; it was his job to help the human race to progress with technology and help them build new creations (i.e. where his construction ability comes from), however when Akira destroyed heaven, Dante was naturally out of a job… and a home… But Dante wasn’t mad about that, simply sad, not able to express himself anymore… Depressed and without a purpose, Dante ended up falling in love with a regular human. Having found something that made life worth living again, Dante was once again was able to show emotion, however his joy was short lived, when demons from the then destroyed Hell found him and the woman he loved. At that time Dante found out just how powerless he was when he failed miserably to protect the one he loved. In that moment, Dante snapped, and slaughtered the demons mercilessly, causing him to fall from grace and become a Fallen angel whose only thoughts where those of vengeance. Lost to the world because of his hatred, Dante ended up falling into the small space between the world and the remnants of hell. There Dante existed for a time, slaughtering anything he came across (I.E. where Dante learned to fight drive and use his flight abilities.). However as time progressed, Dante’s bloodlust subsided and he simply grew tired, missing the music the girl who gave him a purpose, had loved. With this lack of a purpose, Dante once again returned to the real world, where he discovered that he was still connected on a very small level to that ghost world he had previously existed on, and that by jumping between existences, he could become intangible on the opposite world.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: Dante is always listening to music, and he listens to it quite loudly, so loudly in fact, that it faintly escapes his headphones, and it is only by listening to the music from his headphones that you can discover his mood. The darker/heavier the music, the angrier/dangerous Dante is, the lighter/happier the music, the happier/cheerful Dante is.

@Fukushima Akira @Roman @Anyone who has permission to approve characters
Hey @Fukushima Akira can I revive these 4 characters?


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