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Only saving my favorite characters. If you ever want to interact with my characters they can be adjusted usually to fit whatever genre. Just PM me!


Eric 'Abel' Black
Name: Eric 'Abel' Black
Nickname: Eric or Abel
Age Appearance: 29
Beta | Security at the Casino | Self-Appointed Neighborhood Watch? |
Face Claim: Tyler Durden
A man known for his harsh personality and open participation in the more questionable Northside activities, those outside the family may have found Eric's die-hard loyalty to the pack paradoxical. The way he treats those in his 'Family' is a polar opposite in regards to how that outside of it are treated. While his behavior is more akin to a militaristic duty than an outspoken declaration of compassion to his family, his often crass social interactions with those outside of it lend creed to his aloof if not plain aggressive nature. Otherwise, he does his best to remain a reliable member of the family to those in the ranks below him and while he may claim to be socially educated his 'book smarts' are less than worthwhile.

Opinionated, critical, with a weak spot for the underdog, stranger, and friend alike. He holds a general disregard for what is considered acceptable in his own moral code, whether it was hard work or crime if it was beneficial for the pack it was good to go. The only actions that are unquestionable to him, regardless of opinion, is that which comes from the Alpha. He isn't the type of man to apologize but instead, he may go out of his way to make up for transgressions against those close to him. He'll recognize his mistakes but the words ' I'm Sorry ' are often more of an effort to coax out than they are worth. Minor spats with Eric may be more common than even he would like, but he is quick to forgive and faster to forget.

Likes: Shenanigans. Gambling. Brawling. Sports. Drinking. Smoking. *Loses his mind for the holidays?*. Instigating. Smart Assery. The Underdogs. Rough Housing. The Rain. Family Growth. Pigging out. Loyalty. Cooking.
Dislikes: Behaving. Strangers. Mornings. The South.. just in general. Bullies without reason. Grudges. Apologies. Personal Commitment. Sugarcoating. Any and all Vegetables.
Relationships: Open

Life before the pack is little more than a simple memory forged long in the past and his place in the world was even more questionable than now. Poverty played a vital role in his self maintained upbringing and this pushed him to adapt to a time where his existence had little impact on the ongoings of history. The family he remembers from that time thought it best to cut their losses and that statistic included him, regardless of blood. Clueless on how to thrive it was either sheer luck or pure ignorance that he began the practice of becoming a convincing charlatan. The metaphorical hat he wore was easily changed and with a few convincing stories made up on the spot and a practiced talent of lying he built up a sturdy foundation to survive. Medicine man, informant, soldier, gambler or religious voice he did his best to use those around him and kept a nomadic pattern across his homeland that changed his name as often as his profession.

The details leading up to the attack on him are vague, perhaps he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He remembers the searing on his flesh and the blood drying against his skin, the flash of teeth and sickening noises of death looming over him. Freedom. Uncomprehensible were the changes that followed his near-death experience yet he found comfort in the furred and clawed form he grew into and it wasn't long later in his life he learned the value of a pack. They provided guidance, knowledge, and order to his otherwise aimless life. He was fated to arrive in Moonlight whether he knew it or not, connections between packs and his loyalty to the leaders unwavering. He witnessed the settling of their haven, Moonlight and adapted into the northern culture as a devoted member. With time he has watched the growth of their pack and was elevated to the position of Beta. Currently working as security within the Casino Eric take pride in his overall vigilanty-esque guard over their territory.


"I'll be a bad guy for a good reason."


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