Chapter One - Conflagration

Erik's astonishment didn't die down; not yet. It was clearly evident in his lingering observations, his inaudible declarations of lunacy, and his occasional denial of the events that took place before him; still, the words were engraved — in Erik's opinion, the words were actually 'embossed' rather than engraved — in his mind, and that was enoqugh proof that the event did take place, right before his sceptical eyes. Nevertheless, the worn-out man was still fairly puzzled, more so by one of the individual's decision to charge ahead into the council's long-house, as if attempting a daring, foolhardy assault upon a facade-of-a-fortress; it was slightly laughable, yet displayed a fair amount of assertion. Still, Erik thought, it was better to take the initiative rather than wait for the resolute revelation — which would, most likely, never come to fruition. Erik gently eyed past the two girl, observing the rushing man, who was quite fast. Needlessly fast. He probably really needed some answer. Some men lacked the ability to bring subjects to sudden closure; Erik was positively certain he was one of those men. The running man — whom Erik decided to title 'Doe' — was shorter than himself, and was definitely more younger; straight in his prime. Erik was, however, filled more with disappointment: That man could've been doing something useful, Erik thought, like fighting wars or something.

He took a deep, long sigh; he had hoped for a quiet day, a good sleep too. However, that too wouldn't possibly come to fruition anytime soon. It seems as if he was doomed to this fate; to go along with the flow, the dismal wave of pure, unfiltered lunacy. He was unfortunately beginning to pity himself. After brief moment of thinking all by himself, Erik's fifty-thousand-yard stare abruptly ceased down, as he began to run — to be precise, jog — after Doe. His pace was rather chunky, slow and filled with the occasional breaks; but he was still determined to complete his objective with finesse, for he, after all, was a hard-working man, definitely not a lazy thinker. Although, the latter often happens to just be something that's true, yet also coupled with the former attribute.

It should also be noted, that langour is quick in taking Erik into its alluring grasp.

He, nonetheless, found the council system — in the village of lagna — to be something that was fairly formed; although he still criticized its weak foundation, its lack of ambition to be something more than just some village. In an ironic contradiction, Erik still lingers around the town every now and then; mostly just to witness the occasional conflicts between the Ramai, and the Satunum. He found them to be hilarious.

Erik started to slow down; the council's house being comfortably viewable. Doe was already at the entrance, probably talking about the incident that happened beforehand. Erik deduced that the councilmen knew about the situation; at least they were supposed, because they were, after all, composed of the elders of the village. They probably know all the doodads of the world. He almost toppled into Doe, inches away from bumping into him; precise footing did great help in averting the minor disaster.

Erik noticed that the councilmen were already present. Some of whom were risen from their respective chairs. Erik was now certain that they knew something of the sorts about this thing.

"Ay', us folks were disturbed by some entity of sorts. Inhuman, I'd say. Took some guy, and went poof. No sign of 'er since then." Erik interjected; his tone was rather excited,


Something that was uncommon to the likes of him. He hastily spoke, managing a bare few lines to describe the situation as quickly as he could. He was evidently panting; running was a bit tiring for him, after all. Giving an acknowledging glance towards Doe, he returned his focus to the councilmen, many of whom looked as if they were previously busy in talks; only to be abruptly interrupted. By two crazy madmen, of course.

[SIZE= 12px]@Throne Trinity[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]@Handabooo[/SIZE]
Aspen looked up. She nodded. 

"Yeah I saw it. And, what's the council?" She asked quizitively. Being new to the area ment she didn't know much. She looked over at the man who had been called 'Brier'. She got up. Dusting herself off.
Anani struggled to keep her breathing at an evenly measured pace. On the inside an amalgam of emotions and thoughts were driving her near insane. First there was the shock from the earlier incident that caused the inn to catch fire, then the horror of the building falling down upon the strange man who saved her, afterwards the confusion of the odd whispers that spoke directly to her mind mixed in with the relief at realizing that the man was still alive. Of course there also had to be more befuddlement to add to the earlier confusion when a red headed magic ghost woman spirited her savior away. Anani just wanted to repay her life debt to the man and be done with him and all the nonsense that had been occurring recently.

Sighing, she had walked along with several other people to see the council. Based on the language the warrior woman spoke she wasn't from around anywhere near the village. Everyone else seemed to have the same idea that it was likely that one of the council members would know of the words she called out. So like the huntress she was, she watched, waited, and listened for the most part.

At one point she lost focus when recalling the earlier whispers that spoke directly to her mind. This caused Anani to shiver and hold her head with a hand. "What in the gods' names is going on?" She asked aloud to no one in particular.
The worn out pages turned to the beat of the bandaged hand. In truth, the text had long been committed to memory, the act a mere mannerism that asserted itself when she twiddled her thumbs. It had been hours since she was roused from sleep and set forth with the teacher and leader towards the Longhouse. Now as she sat atop moldering wine barrels discarded by the side of the structure, Lexis bid her time flipping the pages of her prized book.

Around her the air was filled with indecipherable tension. The news of the inn's collapse had circulated throughout the town. It was undoubtedly the concern of the abrupt council session. The details she independently learnt, however, were of curious nature. It was as if...

It was to the addition of new voices that she  turned her attention to the front of the house. Placing her book on her lap, Lexis peeked around the corner to the sight of a group gathered by the doors, looking affronted and weary, a tome of questions written in their faces.
Briar blinked. "their the elders of Lagna...and if anyone can tell us what's going on, it's them..." She smiled. "Their nice people, I used to see them often back when i first arrived here..."

She pointed in the direction of the longhouse. "They gather in the center of the village, at the longhouse" she looked back to the stranger. "if you want answers like the rest of us do, then you should head there" she nodded toward the woman before heading after Biesh and the large farmer man.

It didn't take long for Briar to catch up with the rest of the crowd, seeing that the council were present and standing made the girl hasten her pace. She didn't want to miss any of what was being said. She wound up standing near the large farmer, and she could see Beish had made it there in one piece. The mousy man was talking very loudly... Briar hadn't thought he could muster such volume.

She moved so she was at the front of the crowd and listened as Beish and the farmer addressed the council.
Aspen looked at her. She decided it was the right idea. She was new here and had no idea whether this was normal or not. She began walking towards the crowd. Her mind racing.

   What had started the fire? Why had it been started? Had anyone died? And more questions. But she kept walking towards the longhouse. Once she was there she was swept up by the crowd. She heard all of the whispering and sobs. It began giving her a headache. She blocked it out with a strategy she had learned from her mum. She began counting from 1,000 by sevens. 1000-993-986-979-972 etc. 
As the ragtag team of ragged ragamuffins begins to congregate in the longhouse, the brooding man known as Howie greets each person entering with a silent nod. These were obviously the folk the council was expecting. Howie wasn't necessarily great at reading other people's expression, but it didn't take a genius to figure out that they had some serious questions. As the first entered, the man know as Beish shouted to the elders.

"O elders, we seek your wisdom. What have you to say of these events?"

Each council member turned to stare at Beish and then watched as several other people strode into the council room, all of them seeming to want some sort of answer as well. Each council member stood and regarded those who had entered, before Darla finally spoke. "Ah, Beish, Aspen, Erik, Briar and Anani. How intriguing... Howie!" Darla calls to the man standing outside. 

"Yes ma'am?" 

"Would you mind retrieving my apprentice for me dear? I imagine she is just on the side of this building." With out another word, Howie moves to the side, just managing to catch a glimpse of the girl. Howie remembers seeing her before, but it was only once or twice and for very brief periods of time. Howie could only imagine that being a Lore Keeper meant you were stuck inside for most of the day. What was her name again? Lana? Lexus? The carpenter didn't really care.

Upon reaching the side of the Longhouse, Howie could see the girl sitting atop a series of discarded barrels, a tome held in her hands. This was certainty the girl he was looking for. Not many other people wore robes like hers, nor did many people even read books. "Hey...uh... Laura? Darla wants to see you."

Meanwhile in the longhouse, Darla continues to quietly observe the group in front of her a curious expression on her face. "You... you all have seen something haven't you? It's certainly not just a fire that has you all upset, so what is it? Describe to me what you've witnessed in full detail. And if you wouldn't mind, not all at once my dears."  

@Angel_cassieopia @slayerslade666 @YanaAi @Kattz @Elephantom @Handaboo
Briar stepped forward as Darla spoke. "Well...where to begin..." she sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"The old speaker was in the bar, spouting nonsense about Satu and all that garbage, apparently he didn't appreciate the fact the crowed wasn't moved by his words..." she paused. "...I remember seeing him burst into was...crazy to say the least, I was out the door as just before the chaos took over the crowd..." She studied each of the council's man's faces as she spoke. "While outside I saw a man go back into the burning structure...a preacher by the looks of him..." she shook her head. "Blasted fool..."she sighed. "today when I returned, I found the same man in the rubble, clinging to life against all odds...but then..." she sighed. "...there was a light and a voice...and the preacher was...gone....with some red haired woman and..." Briar trailed off as she realized she was not only rambling, she wasn't making any sense.

She had a habit of babbling when she was nervous or excited, and she was both at the moment. She wanted to know what the council would make of all of this madness that had taken root in her town.

She looked around at the others gathered in the longhouse, Beish, the large farmer, and the woman she'd spoke with. There were others as well, Briar wondered what they had seen...

"Well...who uh...wants to share next?" she asked, looking to her fellow confused townsmen.

@Handabooo @Angel_cassieopia @Elephantom
Erik glanced at Howie, acknowledging his silent nod, before returning his full attention to the elder woman. She was clearly the most wisest in the room; boasting her unnatural skills by deducting the name of the individuals who witnessed the events — although there was a fair chance she already knew their names. Erik — being a sceptical man — found the latter to be more reasonable. Nevertheless, he attentively listened to her speech — or perhaps, monologue? — only momentarily straying his focus to observe the rest of the council members; including the room itself. It was a nice room; simple, yet it got its job done fairly well.  Either way, Erik himself wasn't too interested in all the fancy stuff. The council members were clad in their respective uniforms, signifying their jobs. Erik struggled hard to remember their names, but it was unfortunately lost in his deep, confused mind; Erik pondered on whether to ask them for introductions now, however it would seem a bit rude. In fact, a lot rude.

As the old woman completed her brief, short speech,  Erik stepped forward — effectively entering the room. He figured that since someone had to speak, he might as well do it; fuelled partly by a desire to break the awkward silence that filled the gap between their potential exchange of words. It was unnerving; all eyes were upon them, so why wouldn't it? Erik cleared his throat — already dry from his thoughtful encounter — before proceeding to speak, with a tone slightly lower, more subtler than the one he used beforehand.

"Um, it was that," he paused, struggling to find the right word to continue his statement with, "There was this kid, all burnt and wounded pretty bad, lying on the ruins of that building. Seemed a bit odd that nobody tended to him. Being curious, I went to the ruins. Only to meet these guys," he paused, momentarily waving his hands towards the other guys behind him, before returning to his original stance, "And the kid, of course. That kid, all young, was a priest or so I think. His clothing seemed like a monk's. So, I was going t' get a physician or a medical practitioner, when I was interrupted by this noise; came all over me, took me by surprise. Came from inside the head." 

There was an extra emphasis on 'head', as he paused, letting the word drone on for a bit, "the most curious thing is, you see missus, this woman. Hair the colour of crimson red. Features can be made out, but she was," he paused, "all transparent. I'd say some sorta' witchcraft or somethin', but I could there was more to it. Then, the reddie takes the kid, and disappears in a flash o' light. All strange, ain't it?" He looked at the group, digesting their expression, before continuing yet again, "and then, this words came in my head. Embossed. Couldn't remove them then, can't remove them now. It sorta' goes like: Nam arma ad speluncam venit ut salvificem mundu. Hell, I don't even know what they mean. Hehe. Though, it still in my head." He stopped, pausing only momentarily, before silently sighing.

"And then, we came rushing here. You folks understand?"

He finished, taking in a long breath. His heart was racing; anticipating the next moments fervently. What would happen next? What would they say? Do they know about this? If so, how? And most importantly, why?

@Throne Trinity
Aspen stayed silent. Mainly watching from the sidelines. But she wondered, how could these people know her name? And who exactly were they. She had heard them being called "elders" and "wise ones" etc. But who WERE they? 

She looked around. Watching these people telling stories. But, her head was soon fogged with early memories of her parents. She 'drifted off into outerspace'. And with that she played no attention to anything. 

As far as she knew, she had seen nothing different from anyone else. But it seemed a voice haunted through her mind. Making her come back to the real world. But only briefly. In a quiet tone she muttered to herself, hopefully low enough to where nobody would hear.   "Stop, Aspen. Concentrate." But her thoughts soon wandered again.

@Throne Trinity @Elephantom @slayerslade666
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Oh, why had he been so rash? Beish regretted his decision to burst in on the elders like he had done. He had undoubtedly been the center of attention for a few painful moments before he was saved by Briar, who had begun to tell their tale of curiosities. He stepped back a bit, almost running into the huge man who was just then stepping forward. What a fool he had been.

The man took a deep breath to calm his erratic heart. There was really nothing that he knew he should be upset about, but he couldn't help himsrlf. Was it really such a crime to be curious? To be impatient? To want to know the truth? Speaking of which, it seemed as though these elders did not know much of what had happened. Would they even be of any help? Was he wasting his time here?

It seemed as though the story had been told, and that nothing more was needed to be said. He had said enough, anyhow. He knew that listening was not a strong suit of his, but he at least had to try. The hard part about that was letting others speak for him, which he hated. He wanted to speak his own mind, not have others do it for him. And besides, they didn't know what he was thinking. The best and only way to get what he wanted was do ask himself, and he knew it. But how to say it?

And what did he even want?

Beish didn't know. He just wanted answers. He was a man driven by reality, by cold, hard facts. Educated guesses were not enough to satisfy his hunger for the truth. And so, he loathed the idea that the council might not have any answers. What use could they be if they knew nothing? 

The man crossed his arms over his chest, feeling the Worm of Impatience™️ wriggle deeper into his mind, leaving a trail of confusion wherever it went. Beish didnt know what to do; he was conflicted and, for once, had nothing to say when he wanted answers. 

Nam arma ad speluncam venit ut salvificem mundu

What did it all mean? 
As Briar and Erik recounted their story, each counsel member listened intently, but none more so than Darla. At the mention of the strange words though, a gasp could could be heard from each Council member save Darla. The old women nodded as if she had expected this. "Nam arma ad speluncam venit ut salvificem mundu. Translation: For the weapons of the cave, that he might save the world. I'm sorry to tell you all this..." Darla looks over the gathered party with a somber expression. "But I have a request of you. You must travel to the Cave of Herz. You all must awaken the Electi." There is a shocking silence that fills the room before Derek finally speaks up. "Wha-What? Them? No! This can't be. I refuse to sit idly by while you send pedestrians to the Cave of Herz. You and I both know that is a dangerous journey!"

Darla sighs wearily. "Derek, they have been chosen. We must send them immediately."

Manfred joins the conversation this time. "I don't know Darla... I think I'm with Derek on this one. It seems a bit rash to just be sending these folk into the wild just because they witnessed this... admittedly, holy phenomena, but even still, there are dangers in those woods. Bandits, wolves and bears! We'd be sending them to there deaths."  The bickering continues between the council, as they attempt to decide the fate of those before them. And yet still Carmichael stays silent throughout. He eyes each member as if trying to discern something about the group. 

It took Lexis a moment to notice that the carpenter was headed her way. Shrinking back into the shadows, she waited for a beat, unconsciously pressing her back against the rugged wall. It was undoubtedly her teacher's instructions that led the man to this side of the house, proven correct when said man arrived and asked, "Hey...uh... Laura? Darla wants to see you."

She had been told her unblinking stare was rather unnerving; Lexis wondered if the carpenter thought similarly as she narrowed her eyes at him. Silent seconds passed, before the girl moved to put away the book inside a worn-out satchel and climb down from her perch. Keeping a reasonable distance away from the carpenter, Lexis gave a curt bow before heading towards the house's entrance, not bothering to provide her correct name.

The hassled crowd had gathered inside the Longhouse, and it was to the largest man's recounting that the young apprentice walked into the room. Taking care to stay a considerable distance from each individual, Lexis listened attentively as she had been trained to. It was to the foreign words that her interest was peaked, and true to her thoughts, the teacher was able to discern the truth behind the statement.

She stayed silent as the council members argued over her teacher's proposition, the contemplative expression on Carmichael's face not lost to her. 

@Throne Trinity
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The discussion had started. It was more of an argument within the Council as some members refused to believe the truth of the situation. As the talking started to grow louder, everyone in the room could feel something swirling about them. Some kind of energy, a presence. The air within the longhouse, now with windows and doors closed, everyone inside including the carpenter, started to swirl lightly. It started as a soft breeze, convincing the non-observant that a window was open but to those who's senses picked up more they could tell something was off.

Hairs raised on people's necks. Sparks could be felt in the air. Something was coming. Even the council could feel it. Their "discussion" was died off when the air become a small torrent. Flapping hair and loose garments flat against people's skin. The world buzzed around the inhabitants but all thought of flight from the situation was equally swept away from their minds. The wind rushed more, nearly pushing people over, causing their eyes to close as dust and loose pieces of parchment started to fly around the room. A moment later it stopped. As the wind stopped a soft pop was issued. As everyone opened their eyes, a man stood before them.



"Their words are true. You have all been chosen." The words resonate within your ears. It is different than the words from the red headed woman, but these are equally powerful.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Carmichael is aware of this person's identity. Darla can make an assumption but has a sliver of doubt without confirmation.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Lexis can make an assumption of who this is but is less than sure that it really is him. (Check your PM)
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Briar listened to the council intently, as Darla, the lorekeeper spoke, her attention honed in on her. She didn't know what the woman was talking about. Cave of Herz...Awaken the Electi...? Whatever it was, the other councilmen were not happy about the news. it seemed whatever task Darla believed they had been chosen for, it was dangerous.
Briar frowned, she was up for any challenge, no matter how dangerous. She was not afraid of any forest. She couldn't speak for the others who had apparently been chosen, but Briar would go to the ends of the earth on her own if it meant finding answers to the strange events that had disrupted her peaceful life.

As Briar pondered what the lorekeeper meant the council devolved into a argumentative mass, the rising volume snapped Briar back to the present. She'd never seen the council act like this...quarrel so openly... It was unnerving, and for a moment Briar wondered if maybe what was going on was...beyond even them. That was a scary thought.

"I...dont think arguing is going to help solve any of this..." briar said aloud with a sigh to no one in particular. The council were arguing and there was a breeze that seemed to be picking up, Briar shivered a bit. She hadn't seen any open windows, now what could be going on. After everything that had happened in the past few days, what else could possibly happen?

The hairs on the back of Briar's neck rose and sparks seemed to fly. The council grew silent and Briar watched, awestruck as another apparition appeared.

This time it was a man, and his words resonated in Briar's mind, as clear as day, despite the fact everything was somewhat muddled thanks to her damaged hearing.

"Their words are true. You have all been chosen." 

Briar blinked. "Chosen for what exactly..." she asked aloud, to anyone who could hear. This was clearly not a simple job, whatever task briar and the other had been chosen for had otherworldly stakes. And that made briar just a tiny bit apprehensive.
Howie matched Lexis's gaze, seemingly not at all effected by her unblinking stare. When she finally runs off, departing with a bow, Howie scratches the back of his neck and shakes his head. "Real sweet kid Darla..." Howie stares of into the middle distance, looking up into the blue sky which seemingly stretched out forever. The day had just begun and yet so much was happening. So much he didn't understand. Only an hour ago Howie was with Manfred, re-shingling a roof and now he was here acting as the council's errand boy. The carpenter shook his head again. It was fine, he could wait. Slowly he followed after Lexi into the longhouse, and closed the doors behind him, listening in on the conversation with detached interest.


As the figure appeared before them all, Carmichael stood for the first time, speaking up he produces a holy symbol from his robe. He places it against his forehead and bows. He begins to speak a prayer under his breath, which Darla quickly joins in on. Being married to a man of the cloth meant she was quite familiar with all their prayers.  "O' may thine radiance bless us! The Shield of the Pantheon, Protection! Mender of fates, guidance of the lost, may it be him who delivers us from the fires of Infernum! May his light stave off the darkness and protect the lost souls."  The other Council members are in a state of shock and are unable to move. They simply stare on as this figure, somehow appeared impossibly before them. 

The man seemed to emanate power and yet he looked more than completely normal. He looked to Carmichael and Darla and smiled. He nodded his head and reached out his hand, palm facing them both as light seeped from him and reached out to the two.

"Your child is well. He is happy and fit. He has grown to be a warrior of the afterlife. You may rest happy til the end of your days when you will meet him again." The light illuminated the two Elders, every ache and pain they had in their nearly ancient bodies was removed. They felt as they had when they were married, in their early twenties. The man's hand fell to his side, grasping the strap to his bag and he smiled.

"I am of the Kurator. As your Lore Keeper has stated, I am Protection. We have always heard your prayers." He glared at Beish for a moment before continuing and looking at everyone else. "My name is Ivros the Protector." As he walked close to each person he spoke softly. "You all have pains, pain I could not prevent for things are more dire than you can imagine." His hand lightly touched a shoulder of each person, sending an electrical charge throughout their bodies.

"The time of fruition has come. The prophecy is at hand. You..." He smiled at the grouping of people. "Have been chosen to aid or harm the Electi. The choice is yours, but know that your decisions now hold weight. You are the first to see the Ramai in over one thousand years." As he came to the center he shrugged. "You are all confused, have many questions. I understand, but my time here is limited. You may all ask one question each. Choose wisely." He stood, confident that no force in the room may harm him.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

As Ivros touches your shoulder, words sound within your mind. "The world is yours forest dweller. Chase the salmon, feel the leaves under your feet. Embrace who you are to find your purpose, finder of paths." You feel clarity through the fog of questioning doubt. Your mind clears and you are able to focus as you once did before your father fell ill. You suddenly have an itch on your back that can't be satisfied by mere scratching with fingers.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


As Ivros touches you, words sound within your mind. "He lives but he is not free. The duty of blood will soon challenge the duty of love and soul. Beware the future, danger lies on every road." A solid image of your brother, now a grown man fills your mind's eye. He sits by a fire writing on parchment. It is as if you are floating in front of him, as you round about his body you see his face is bruised and what you thought was serene contemplation was dutiful fear forcing him to continue writing. As the image floats away you focus on a man in chain mail armor standing behind him, a Jager but his face is distorted. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


As Ivros touches you, words sound within your mind. "You stop yourself from seeing his killer. The creature returns soon, so will a hunter. Find him, kill him, the world needs it." Images of a shadowy man flitter through your mind, the black sword on your hip hums with vibrations for a moment. You know instinctually that this is the creature that killed your parents.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .



As Ivros touches you, words sound within your mind. "The judgement of the frightened is not your fate. Shield those around you and you will find happiness. Protect and love." Power fills you, you see yourself as a child healing the impossibly sick. Shouts of abomination and demon ring in your mind, but you know that this is natural, people fear what they don't understand. You know that something has just been awakened within you.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


As Ivros touches you, words sound within your mind. "Choices of old hold sway only as much as you let them. New choices await, the group needs you Erik Curse of Satu."  A light caressing energy fills your body, every ache and pain flows out of you with each breath. It seems just a moment but also an eternity of pain seeps from your body. You feel as if you are twenty again. What doesn't leave is the memories of what you've done with your life which seems to be in prime focus in your mind. It is as if you've been given a gift but the choice of what to do with that gift is yours.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


As Ivros touches you, words sound within your mind. "Your journey is yet to start, you need to be open or death is all you will find." Images of fields come to your mind's eye. You see the harvest then the death of the land in winter and the rebirth in spring. You see the cycle of all life, you see beauty in its pain and its joy. Something within you tells you that all pain is brought so you can embrace the good. What this means to you, you don't know yet. Only time will tell you your feelings and what importance this is in life.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


As Ivros touches you, words sound within your mind. "The crucible was just the start. There is more pain for you but the Honey can still glow if Howie chooses the right path." Images of Arthur smiling, surrounded by blackness fills your mind's eye. He shakes his head and holds up his hand. "Not your time Howie. Go live." He flashes from your mind and you feel some measure of comfort that he is happy, though what the rest meant you aren't sure yet.
As the innocent breeze morphed into a turbulent mass, Lexis gripped the blood-red robes around her body and stood her ground. The task proved more difficult as her feeble build was manhandled by the squall. When it all came to an abrupt halt, the girl was found crouching on the floor, golden hair tousled with her hood thrown off. She was unperturbed by her own state however as her sight fell on the man who appeared out of thin air.

Ivros... Ivros the Protector.

The resemblance from the tomes she read with the teacher was striking. However, if her assumptions were correct, the man before them was a Ramai. A god who has not set foot on human land for over a thousand years.

Why? Why is he here? Why is he here now?

Her doubts were dashed entirely as the entity introduced himself as indeed the hunter of the pantheon. Lexis remained rooted on the floor as fate let the events unfold. Her elders remained bowed in prayer as the Protector revealed their late son's fate. Unease filled the young woman's chest when unearthly light illuminated the two she held dear, but it was soon replaced with relief when they appeared safe and brimming with life. Then Ivros approached them all, and it was with great apprehension that Lexis realized that the god was reaching out to her. At his touch however, her senses were immediately taken over. In her ears echoed the man's words

"Your journey is yet to start, you need to be open or death is all you will find."

 and her sight was filled with visions of life and death, birth and passing. So much pain yet boundless joy.

The tears have fallen before she was brought back to the present. Anxiety had taken hold of her consciousness as Lexis pondered over the grim prophecy. Regardless of her years as the lore keeper's apprentice, the meaning of those words were lost to her. 

She remained motionless as Ivros continued to speak. The time of the Electi had come ― protest as they may the individuals gathered in the Longhouse have been chosen to aid or impede its fruition.

A tome of questions begged to be asked, yet her lips remained sealed.
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No... No, it was happening again. The air was unsettled, and began to writhe about the room, causing no small amount of confusion. Beish stood still, awestruck, as his hair whipped about his face, and his lungs filled with the wind of unknown source. He felt like cowering, but could not tell why. There was something at play here, something messing with his head. How could this happen? Was he actually awake?

The man could feel his heartbeat rising dramatically as a new presence entered the room. It hadn't been there before, but it was now. It was a man, but he was no ordinary man; that much Beish could tell. He looked over the gathered assembly, then spoke: "Their words are true. You have all been chosen." What- him? He wasn't talking about him, right? No, he couldn't be. No one paid attention to Beish. 

The stranger in their midst introduced himself as Ivros the Protector. What kind of a name was that? It was when he said that "we have heard your prayers," Beish widened his eyes. This... This was about the Ramai, wasn't it? Ivros cast a glance to Beish, and it was filled with... He couldn't tell. Was it abger? Betrayal? Whatever it was, Beish knew it wasn't good. Were the Ramai even real? They were a rumor, most likely spread by those who hated Satu. It was sacrilege!

Ivros came closer to all those near the door, touching them with a hand. When he came to Beish, the man tried to shy away, but he could not avoid Ivros 's touch. His body was immediately filled with a shock that went to his head. Like before, words filled his head that had not been really spoken.

The world is yours forest dweller. Chase the salmon, feel the leaves under your feet. Embrace who you are to find your purpose, finder of paths.

Beish could not help himself as a tear sprung to his eyes. His mind felt fresh and renewed, as if he was a young boy with dreams again. He felt something in his soul, a longing that he could not identify. He wanted to do what he had dreamed of his whole life, but he didn't know exactly what that was. All sound was blocked from him as his mind halted his usual thinking process.

With a cracked voice, Beish could jot help but say, "How... How can you do this to me? If... If you know this much about me... Then... Then you'll know what I believe." Beish wanted to hide in the shadows, to get away from this man. Religion was very important to this man, and he felt as if he was betraying Satu by merely listening to this stranger. 
Briar's eyes went wide as the stranger introduced himself, she immediately dropped to her knees. " Ivros the Protector? But...but how...I...I" she stammered. One of the Ramai, here in front of her... But

She shook her head and staggered back to her feet so she could bow properly. "I'm honored to be,.," She could barely stammer out what she felt were the proper words. Briar could not count how many nights she'd stay up, praying for the safety of the brother she left behind. Jasper... Her heart ached just thinking his name. She often wondered what had become of her brother, she'd been so afraid after attacking their father she'd run. Fear kept her from returning to free her kin from the grips of the Satunum church, though not a day went by that she didn't think of him.

She was so lost in thought she didn't notice Ivros approach the group, it wasn't until his hand touched her shoulder that she looked up, and then immediately averted her eyes. As his voice sounded in her head she froze.

"He lives but he is not free. The duty of blood will soon challenge the duty of love and soul. Beware the future, danger lies on every road."

Briar felt tears well up in her eyes as the vision played out. Jasper, her Jasper, sitting by the fire, frantically scrawling words onto a piece of parchment. Her blood boiled as she saw the bruises. How dare they lay a hand on her little brother!

"Blasted Satunum followers" she spat angrily, rage filled her uncovered eye. She'd see to it Jasper was free, no matter what danger may await her. No matter what it took she'd see to it her brother shared in her peaceful new life.

As the vision faded, she couldn't shale the distorted image of the knight who had been guarding her kin. She'd see to it he payed...that they all paid. "I promise Jasper...I'm coming little brother..." she said aloud.

As Ivros said they could ask him one question a million ran through her mind. Where was Jasper, was he well, who was hurting him... But even with all those, one thought came to her mind. she took a small step forward.

"...t-Thank you for showing me my brother is safe...but I must know..." she took a shaky breath and wiped away the remaining tears. "...what became of my father...did...I...did I kill him...or did he survive my attack...?" The fate of her brother had always weighed heavily on her mind, along with that of their father. had he died...or was he still out there... If the latter was the case... Briar clenched her fists.She wouldn't hesitate this time. She'd end him, if it meant saving Jasper...

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Ivros addresses each of you at the same time, as you receive a response to your question he disappears to your view. No one can see or hear his reaction to the questions, only that he stands there with his eyes seemingly on you.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ivros smiled at Lexis. He didn't move from the center but she could feel his presence coming toward her, surrounding her in a cushion of comfort. The wind whispered sounds into her ears, sounds that slowly took the form of words. "Rest easy my little word. Your life is safe as long as you are crowned with gold. Stay the course and speak your mind. My time is short." His image starts to falter from your view. "Ask swiftly!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Ivros scowls at Beish. His cheek quivers as he looks at him. The rest of his body is completely motionless as he watches the man.


"You are brave, faithful of the Betrayer." His face grew slack and neutral again. "Your God was once the leader of the Kurator. You are a mislead cub, Beish the mapmaker. Beish the secretive. Strengthen your resolve and come to the Cave of Hrez for your answers..." Ivros raised chin and finished his statement. "And what your God has taken from you."


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Ivros lowers his head and sighs. "The blood father lives." As Ivros looks up to Briar tears are seen flowing down his cheeks. "The blood betrays his family. Beware the dubious relations. Beware the intended savior. Your life, and others, hang in the balance."
Briar gulped and felt a shiver run down her spine as Ivros spoke. He lived. That blasted man lived...

"...Thank you..." she bowed her head toward Ivros, when she looked back up, she could just make out that he appeared to be crying as he faded from her sight. 

Briar didn't know what to think what to do. Jasper was alive, and he was being abused, a fact that made her feel both elated and enraged. Enraged at the fact the church was harming him and that she hadn't gone back for him sooner. "i'm sorry Jasper...I...i'll be there soon..." she said softly. 

Ivros remaining words troubled the young fighter. 

"The blood betrays his family. Beware the dubious relations. Beware the intended savior. Your life, and others, hang in the balance."

She didn't know what that meant, but it had clearly affected the Ramai that had stood before her. He'd been in tears. Ivros the Protector had been crying, Briar could only imagine the implications. 

she would heed his warning and tread cautiously, there were lives on the line here, more than that of her blood family. She still had her adopted parents and siblings to think of, as well as all of Lagna. 

Briar took another breath and tried to calm herself. She was itching to get going, the sooner they reached this cave and accomplished what Ivros had asked of them, the sooner she could find Jasper. If that meant finding her father again...

she clenched her fists and a determined light entered her eye. 

"I won't miss your heart this time father..." she hissed under her breath. "Your blood will pay for the pain your children have had to endure"
Aspen felt a strange rush of clarity. But this sentence. It echoed her mind. 

"You stop yourself from seeing his killer. The creature returns soon, so will a hunter. Find him, kill him, the world needs it."  

'What did this mean? A monster? But those were only in fairy stories. And a hunter? But the killer, did he mean my parents assassin? The one who motivated me. How am I supposed to forget?' Aspen thought this in a flurry. 'And who am I supposed to kill? The monster or the Hunter?' 

She looked around, she had to leave. She began walking to the door, if this place was only creating more questions she better go out and find that hunter, or monster, or whatever she was gonna kill. If it meant something, she would do it.
Both Carmichael and Darla stopped short in their prayers as the god addressed them. As he spoke, tears welled up in their eyes. Aches and pains centuries old suddenly were cast out as if they were in their early twenties again, fit and free to love one another. The two embraced, over come with joy. Tears snaked down their aged faces as they both thanked Ivros. The other Council members were still in shock, unable to move in the presence of a god, let alone an entity possessing magical qualities.

Instinctively, Howie recoils from Ivros. The pure raw power emitted from this being was overwhelming Howie's senses, causing the Carpenter to feel disorientated. But as his mind refocuses, he sees an image. The world falls away in a splash of light. The only thing before him is Ivros who smiles kindly.  

"The crucible was just the start. There is more pain for you but the Honey can still glow if Howie chooses the right path." Suddenly, Ivors falls away as well, and is replaced with images of Arthur. Arthur... the man who had helped Howie survive the ruthless slums, the man who had taken him into his own life and taught him how to fight. Arthur... "Not your time Howie. Go live." The words rang through his head. Howie's constant scowl began to perk up for an instant, almost forming a smile. Arthur, the man that had been for so long what Howie considered to be a father, was still there, looking out for him even in death. And yet, the happiness only lasted an instant. A stoic expression now controls the handy-mans face, as he gazes into the eyes of Ivoris. Cold, hard eyes, the lights of which had died out years ago, now starred deep into the shinning irises of the god of protection. And then he laughs. It's dry and rough from disuse, but it's clearly still a laugh. As he finishes, Howie lets out a long breath and shakes the grin from his face. "I really don't know whats goin' on right now Mr.Ivros. And I won't lie, I'm a simple man. All I really know in this life is how to do my job, and that's all I ever expect from others in return. So I guess... I don't really have a question for you Mr.Ivros. Much more of a request to be truthful..." Howie stares Ivros in the eyes again, holding the god's gaze once more. "Look after that bastard for me will ya?" Howie claps Ivros on the shoulder like one might an old friend. "And tell him I'm sure I'll see him soon." 

"Rest easy my little word. Your life is safe as long as you are crowned with gold. Stay the course and speak your mind. My time is short. Ask swiftly!"

In her eyes Ivros remained in the center of the room, yet his presence enveloped her huddled form. It felt warm. Akin to the elusive fatherly embrace denied from her in the past. The anxiety clawing at her consciousness melded into a calm whisper of peace. Slowly the apprentice pulled herself from the floor, sheltering her head under the scarlet hood. Her mind brimmed with countless questions ― 

What is this crown of gold that you speak of? 

What course shall fate lead me to?

Why show me life that death consumes?

Why fear death when there is life in its hereafter?

Yet her lips formed the words, "Why do you answer our questions?" For a god was not bound to answer to humans, this Lexis was highly acquainted of. 


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