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Completed Chapter IV: Forgotten Sands

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Varden. The name would probably be alien to people like Dina, but others, especially Henvei and Laurolf, would know much more. Silverlane's transformation left no one indifferent. It even got Xenthriss' full attention.

It was the dwarf who spoke first. "Varden? What might a dweller of the Northern Kingdom be doin' this far south, hm?"

"I knew there was something off about that guy."
Feyn said, fixing the man with a cautious glance.

Sure enough, Laurolf had it right. Sometimes referred to as the Northern Kingdom by Asgardians, the realm of the Varden lay far to the Northeast by the sea, across the Wilderness. It was so detached that alot of folks didn't even know it existed; those that did knew little beyond - and few had ever risked the long journey to see it for themselves. The Varden kingdom was significantly smaller, populated by just a few scattered cities, but an independent land nonetheless; in spite of Asgard and its conqueror kings.

The knight reformed lowered his blade and sent his gaze towards Laurolf. "The wicked Sorceress gave cause for me to descend from my ancestral realm, good dwarf. I fought along side the king of Asgard and was one of few that survived the final onslaught. I escaped to Ridge where I worked with the Resistance and as a resident black smith under the guise of Tharos Silverlane. I was concealing my identity until it became evident I was no normal knight or the time arose where my true colors were necessary." The glowing amber eyes turned to Dina. "You have been curious, Dina?"

Dina Ailsa

http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/Lost Child of Asgard


Dina looked at A'kal, her eyes holding amazement and satisfaction."What made you think that?"she said jokingly. "Sadly, I must say that I have no previous knowledge about Vardens so I don't really understand what all this is about. I see runes on you. Are they of a same sort as those carved around this Temple? Does this mean you are of the blood of the angel? And can you lead us to the other side of this test?" Dina got serious and barraged him with questions.

"These runes are similar to those of the temple, yes." He looked at the sword in Henvei's hands as he latched his to his waist. He took the blade and examined it, going over the runes once more. Justice, guard, and hell. He looked to the archway and walked just underneath it, looking beyond with the sword in his hands.
If anyone expected the runes on the arch to blaze to life or the angel to appear and congratulate them, they were disappointed. Nothing extraordinary whatsoever happened when Silverlane - or A'kal, stood under the archway. Henvei murmured something about faint power emanating from the runes, but that was to be expected. The entire place was one big magic-imbued challenge.

Standing where he was, directly underneath the runed arch, A'kal was at the very edge of the precipice. The wall of vertical rock disappeared in darkness far below. In front, beyond the 30-ish feet gap, the wall facing them was even and featureless.

No one said anything, clearly placing their hopes into the man who turned out to be more than expected.

A'kal looked at the sword and then ahead of him once more. He reflected on Meric's words on how the runes upon the arch would respond upon the passing of the runes of the sword and its wielder. He looked ahead with the blade in hand and took a daring step forward... Maker guide me...
A moment of suspense as A'kal's right foot hovers over nothingness, and then a mixture of relief and surprise as he lowers it to find an unexpected foothold in thin air. Indeed, shifting more weight on that side proves that whatever he is standing on holds. The invisible surface seems to be in equal height with the cliff, and hopefully as wide as the archway, maybe?

Meric and the others slowly draw closer, eyes filled with disbelief. "Amazing!" says the elf. "A test of faith, it seems. An invisible bridge..." Meric comes even closer and carefully places his own foot alongside A'kal's. He finds footing as well, and flashes an encouraging smile towards the others. Very carefully, the elf tries to step beyond but fails as his foot goes down below. He withdraws back to the cliff. "It would appear that this bridge isn't there until the rune-bearer tries to cross it. We'll need Silverlane to lead the way, then."

"But to where!" Laurolf protests. Indeed, the path would end in a solid rock wall if it kept going straight.

Dina Ailsa

http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/Lost Child of Asgard


Dina smirked when A'kal skipped her question about the blood of the angel but fell right into his steps as he moved across the invisible bridge. She froze for a moment when Laurolf pointed out their destination to be. It must have been some sort of illusion to distract them. There was some enthusiasm in her steps and a backpack of faith. Probably the same kind of faith A'kal had to have at the moment to lead them. Maybe this was strange, but Dina realized that she trusted her companion in that measure that she was willing to discard everything she saw as an illusion without a second thought. It was naive and dangerous to trust this much. In the end, the only person she really knew in the group was Violet. This must have been pure foolishness. Was it the Taint? Making her too idleheaded? Who knows.

With the sword in hand, A'kal progressed over the invisible bridge, ignoring his companions for now. He proceeded toward the rock face. His faith would lead him as he lead the fellowship onward.
It was unnerving to say the least - walking across a dark ravine along a bridge you couldn't see. One wrong step would spell inevitable demise, so the fellowship marched in single file even though it seemed that the bridge was more than wide enough for two (judging by the width of the archway).

"By the rock, I'll be happy to set foot on solid stone again!" said Laurolf on the middle of the crossing, even though the whole thing was just thirty feet in length.

Upon nearing the rock wall at the end, the stone seemed to blur like air above fire. Within seconds a gateway faded into vision in response to A'kal's approach, timed so that he didn't even need to stop walking. It too was covered in runes, one of which looked similar to the Varden word for "friend". There was no door; one could simply walk right inside the hallway beyond the arch built into the cliff.

"Just to be sure," Meric called out to A'kal, "It's probably a good idea that you don't step off the bridge until everyone is across."

Vittorio Valtieri

The Gentleman Necromancer

Curious but cautious, Valtieri walks across behind the rest. How was this miraculous bridge made? He wonders. He wonders, too, whether casting his lot - even briefly - with these people was a mistake.

Dina Ailsa

http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/Lost Child of Asgard


Dina took everything in hungrily. Everything about this place was indeed fascinating. This made her wish that the times were different and that she was a scholar on an expedition. Dina couldn't deny that she would love to study magic and this place was filled to the brim with it. "Wow." she exclaimed in a half whisper as she watched the shimmer of illusion and the appearance of another archway.
Following a hallway cut through the rock, the entire fellowship soon emerges into a medium-sized chamber. The floor here was of white marble and the sole point of interest a thin archway on the opposite side of the entrance. Beyond it was just a wall, no door or gate of any apparent sort, and it was flanked by two large winged angel statues resting their hands on the hilts of the swords they held vertically towards the pedestals they stood on. There were runic inscriptions all over. What was missing was the statue of the specter angel that guided them so far; perhaps this was a confirmation that they had completed the last of the tests.

Aside from the way the fellowship just came, there were but two exits from the chamber - one to the left, which gently curved around a corner, and one to the right. Faint golden light could be seen emanating from beyond the corner of the left exit. The right exit, however, is not much of an exit; at least not anymore. It's ruined and impassable.

"I'd say we've reached the temple proper," said Meric, "For what it's worth."

Violet meets Dina's eyes, saying: "Stay close to me."
As the others slowly fan out to look for clues, Violet lowers herself on one knee next to Dina and gently takes hold of her right arm.

"Does it hurt? What do you feel?" she asks with a worried expression.

Dina Ailsa

http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/Lost Child of Asgard


"It doesn't. I fear what it might do if it spreads so I keep myself from experimenting with it. Haven't felt anything directly related to it since we left that place. I believe it would take more atunement to get it active away from the strong source of Taint." Dina explained. She felt a little uneasy about Violet's kneeling. "No need to worry." she tried to persuade the girl.
"No need to worry? Oh, Dina..." Violet's tone is borderline desperate. "How could I not? You've come in contact with something no one from our colorful company can identify, and... It's... It's clearly dangerous. Also, it has already spread, hasn't it?" very gently she traced the lines along her arm with a finger. "What if..."

"The girl is not yet doomed, I think." says Henvei, joining their little conversation. "So unless you're trying to needlessly frighten her, I don't see what you are trying to accomplish. Truly, it is somewhat concerning that one such as myself is not familiar with the origin of this Taint, but the answers are surely out there."

Dina Ailsa

http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/Lost Child of Asgard


"It spreads only if I use it." Dina insisted. To be truthfull, she didn't pay attention to it since the battle. It might have spread further without her noticing. "Maybe it is a force as old as the Nature itself but forgotten. It wouldn't be as known as some other. I don't think many wield it. The Taint I mean. That's how you hear about new magic, right? Someone has to know it first. And it did say so itself. That it has been a long time since it had someone to play with." she conversed with Henvei. "But why don't we concern ourselves with the task at hand for now, yes?" Dina tried to change the topic.

A'kal held his sword's handle tightly as they advanced into the temple. He looked up at the statues. He figured they were mechanical like the first of the guardians, but their lack of movement seemed promising. Still, he kept his eyes open as he scanned the new room that they have been tested so many times to reach.

He was looking for signs of life, be it mechanical or natural, as well as magic or connections between the Varden and these angelic figures. He stood in the room's center and gazed upon all the runes around him.
A'kal recognizes only a handful of the runes - those that looked alike to some in the Varden script - hell, guard, sacred, war, aid. Though of course, that alone was no guarantee that's what they really meant, but it was very possible. However this time it is the dwarf who triggers a discovery.

Laurolf had approached the arched part of the wall on the far side of the room, having very, very cautiously sneaked past the statues. They did not stir, allowing him to examine the arch unhindered. The wall was completely smooth underneath the arch. The dwarf extended a hand and touched it, but as soon as he did, golden ripples spread from where he had placed his palm, spreading as if the smooth wall was a surface of water. "Uh-oh." the dwarf backs off, startled, as the entire area under the arch becomes framed in gold, with the center blazing white. The runes along the arch were vibrant with gold and white as well. By now this had gotten everyone's attention.

Everything remained unchanged for several long moments, long enough for more people to draw closer - or as close as they'd dare. Just when you'd think that this was it, and ponder what now, a figure appeared within the arch. At first it looked like the angel specter that guided them through the challenges, but this figure was not made of golden lines, and certainly not a ghost. It - or more precisely, he - looked like one of the large winged stone statues, but without the stone; what they were looking at seemed to be a real, come alive angel in white gold-trimmed armor complete with wings. He was still just framed within the arch, filling most of it (which meant he was slightly larger than A'kal and even Xenthriss), so it was clear that he wasn't really in the room with them. The archway seemed to actually be a portal of sorts.

"Zrav ama, utni."
the angel said. His voice was almost a roar, though he wasn't shouting. "Mrniki - mortals," he translated and began using the common tongue of Asgard, "You are not of the Ako-guard, yet you stand in Zvern Azna. What need drives you to this forsaken place? Speak."
Having caught A'kal's glance, Meric steps forth with the intention to address the angel. After a brief contemplation, he opts for the direct approach.

"We seek to recover the divine Amaranth,"
he says, bluntly, "Before the Sorceress finds it first."

There is a moment of silence and a hint of astonishment on the angel's face. "Ilhirel seeks the Amaranth? How do you know this, mortal?"

"We have been told..." The elf quickly glances at the others, "By the Spectral Council."

"So you are sent by the Council." the angel concludes. "What else did the specters divulge?"

"They said that the Sorceress is searching for the Amaranth with the sole intention of using the artifact to destroy the world."

"Impossible." said the angel, but he looked concerned. "The Amaranth is a vessel of Creation. But regardless, none would have the power to use it, even if they were somehow to remove it from its hidden resting place. And yet..."

Meric waited until he was sure the angel would not speak again, careful not to interrupt him. "The Council seemed sure that the Sorceress will find a way. Sure enough to send its Chosen to beat her to it. That is why we are here, great one."

"The Hellguard has watched the Sorceress Ilhirel ever since she arrived to this world, but this is the first we hear about ambitions of such magnitude. She took the throne and went no further; we assumed that she got what she desired. If what your Council believes is true, then these are troubling news."

The angel seems to become lost in thoughts at that time, pondering this new development.

Dina Ailsa

http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/http://www.rpdom.com/threads/dina-ailsa.53054/Lost Child of Asgard


"There is also a war at hand. We have to act fast and secure the Amaranth before our forces scatter and diminish further." Dina stepped forward. She wasn't sure how to act before Meric spoke. The company was not alone here, after all. Vittorio was a newcomer and Dina wasn't sure whether they could speak about this matter freely in front of him. When you think about it though, he sides with the Resistance...

"What is this 'Hellguard' that has supposedly been watching Ilhirel? I've heard the name before and it sounded familiar... but I am unsure." A'kal stepped forward with the hope that the angel might elaborate more on what the guardian at the beginning of the temple had said previously.
Fortunately, the angel seemed to be in the mood for answering questions.

"The Hellguard are we, angels, entrusted by the Maker himself to watch over this part of Creation in His stead. Ours is the sacred duty to safeguard the realm from threats beyond the Veil. You of all beings should know this." he distinctly pointed at A'kal, "Or do they no longer teach this at the Temple of Time? Long has it been since Uriel's Ascended fell. The few of you that remain are but fragments of a lost age."

"If it was your duty to 'safeguard the realm'," said Feyn, ignoring the rest of what he said, "Then you didn't exactly do a great job, it seems."

The angel's eyes flashed with golden fire. "You are insolent... but sadly correct. The Hellguard has failed. Since Ilhirel's victory we have been keeping our vigil from a place far from Asgard. We know of the war," he looked at Dina as he said this, addressing her question, "As well as of all the main events, but detached as we are, much slips past us that does not evade the Spectral Council. How they learned of Ilhirel's ulterior schemes we do not know, but we had no way of finding this out ourselves. If we had, then perhaps we would have acted. Still, the Amaranth is not simply out there for the taking; even for one as powerful as Ilhirel." he concluded.

"Are you in charge of the Hellguard?" Meric asked.

"No." said the angel. "I am Raziel, and I serve the Hellguard as the Angel of Secrets. It is in my temple that you stand, and that is why I have deemed it appropriate to grant you an audience." After a moment, he added: "That, as well as curiosity. No one has used the Atavr in millennia."
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