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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

Adrian looks around upon entering, "Wow..so this is what the dance is..." he walks around as Luxray follows nodding in agreement. "Its amazing to say the least." Adi enters the place, smiling in amazement "What do you think Carson?" she asks looking over at him. Carson was staring at her but then shakes it off, "What? Oh, its beautiful Adi...I know Nurse joy would be proud." he smiles at her. She chuckles before nodding, "Agreed..lets go find a table?" Adi suggests starting to walk around, as Carson follows her
[QUOTE="Jayden Kisubo](I would like to note that the actual dance hasn't started yet. All students are to wait outside of the courtyard)

(( Alright

Adi, Carson, Adrian and Luxray all waited outside the courtyard...waiting while interacting with each other*
Aeryn bowed when Angel opened the door and handed her the flowers. "Hello Angel, you look lovely today." He smiled as he looked at her. It was nice to see the headmistress in something other than her usual attire. He held out his hand, "Shall we? The dance should be starting soon."

@Lunar\-Eclipse I just wanted to mention that this character is completely free right now if you wanted to have Marie come to the dance. I could have his Marowak run up to her or something)
Angel tilted her head to the side when he complemented her appearance. "And you are... ascetically pleasing." She told him, then turned when she heard a slapping sound, seeing Aellas facepalm. She raised an eyebrow, then turned back to Aeryn. "Yes, let's go." She told him with a small nod, taking the offered hand awkwardly.


Lyra nodded. "I see." She never danced before, so the second option seemed better. She walked with Anita, feeling nervous. This would be her first chance to socialize with other students than Anita.


"Don't worry about Thumper. She wouldn't hurt anyone. I'll be at the... Huh? Oh!" Alanna shook her head at her forgetfulness. "Right. The dance." Why else would she be dressed like this? She turned back to her Steelix. "I'll play with you more tomorrow, okay? I have to work now." She said, then returned her to her pokeball. She began walking towards the courtyard, giving Nahar a sheepish smile. "Sorry. I lost track of time."


Katrina scowled at her, although no real anger was behind it. "You know that if you tickle me I can't be responsible for any injuries." She told her, then grinned and poked her stomach. "Besides, I know where you're ticklish, too. We'd never make it the dance if we started a tickle war here."


Lorelei smiled slightly. "Oh, really?" She wasn't completely sure if he was just saying it or not- he was one of the few people that she couldn't read easily. Maybe that was part of the reason why she liked him. When they made it to the courtyard, she looked it over with some approval. Not bad... She glanced over at Draco. "So, if you were waiting for me to make the first move, do you make the second and I make the third?" She asked, amused for no real reason. She had to remind herself that she wasn't supposed to be making attachments- even to a very good-looking eevee.
It didn't take long for Marie to get bored with sitting alone in a dorm room. Unfortunately, there much else for her to do in the school with everyone gone at the dance. The only other option for her was to venture outside, one she was perfectly content with. As soon as she exited the dorm, the delphox headed to the nearest exit out to the courtyard. She had a quick look around, making sure there was no one to get in trouble with. There was only one person in sight, someone with a Marowak. They looked unfamiliar to her, so she figured they weren't an authority figure. The Delphox walked quietly by, trying not to get noticed by them but was quickly stopped in her tracks by another gijinka, a bisharp one. He scowled at her and she only raised an eyebrow in return. "Do I know you?"

"You should! I'm an ex member of a gang! Your rival gang remember?" He snapped at her.

"Huh. Don't remember you in it. You must be pretty boring."
She replied flatly.

"You little b*tch! Now you're really giving me a reason to fight you!"

"Is that why you bumped into me? I'm more than willing to beat you to a pulp." She smirked.

Immediately, the bisharp lunged himself at her to which Marie reacted at the same speed, blocking his razors with her arms. She blasted flamethrower at him, knocking him onto the ground.
"A steel type like you should know better up against a fire type opponent like me."

The bisharp got back up on his feet,
"Same can be said to a psychic type against a dark type." He grinned.

He charged at her once again and hit her with night slash. She slid back and looked down at her arm where he hit her. Already there was a wound in the spot and a hint of anxiety could be seen in her expression. Marie couldn't give up already, so she began to charge up another fire attack at her enemy.
@Jayden Kisubo

Pantera stood at the door as she awaited for an answer. She became anxious just for a moment when Lily hadn't answered the door, and some wandering part of her imagination became concerned as to if something horribly had happened to her. She smiled brightly when the door was finally opened, and drew in a sharp breath accompanied with a pink blush as she looked over the Leafeon. "You look gorgeous, absolutely stunning." she spoke, her jaw nearly dropping while speaking. Lily reached out at the Hydreigon, probably to tell if it was really her, and soon dropped her hand to her side. Pantera reached over and took both the other girl's hands and kissed each once, an almost princess gesture. "There's no need to explain yourself, dear, as I probably would have come up here to get you anyways." she confessed with a smile, squeezing both Lily's hands lightly. She soon dropped the held hands after a small gasp. "Oh, I got you something for today." she said with a pink blush as she touched at a green, blue, and red corsage pinned to her side. Pantera unpinned it from her dress and gave it to Lily. The corsage's aroma was highly prevalent, with strong scents of many different flowers in a rainbow variety. She had made sure to find one with a strong scent to make up for the girl's lack of sight. "Here, this is for you."
(Eh I'm just going to continue the fight a bit)

Marie waited for the right moment before blasting Mystical Fire at her opponent. As soon as the Bisharp launched himself at her with another Night Slash, she used this window of opportunity and screamed, launching the bright fire attack directly at him. The attack made him fly back into a wall near the dorm rooms, creating an incredibly loud noise. The Bisharp staggered as he stood up straight and walked away from the wall. "Y-you broad...I think you burned me..." He snarled at her.

"Coming from the guy who gave me an open wound." The Delphox snapped back at him. "

Don't think I'm done with fighting you so soon."
The Bisharp grinned.

"Eh it won't be long before you are though."

Ticked off once more by her ill-mannered attitude, the ex gang member used Feint Attack as his next move. The attack was a direct hit at her stomach, causing a small burst of blood to spit out of her mouth.
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Alex had absolutely no interest in a school dance. She was, however, bored enough to go outside. It didn't take long for her to find two gijinka that started fighting after mentioning a former gang. She crossed her arms and leaned against a tree, watching until the bisharp used faint attack. "Okay, numbnuts. That's enough." She told them, walking over and pushing the bisharp away, standing between him and the delphox.
(@InsaneKiller19 The dance is starting and there's a fight outside trying to be broken up)

The Bisharp scowled in response to the newcomer. "I'm not done yet! This...this rat has caused a lot a problems to me and my gang in the past!" He exclaimed.

"And I'm not going to let you off the hook for giving me this wound you a*s!"

The Bisharp snarled at the Delphox and shoved the gijinka in his way to the side. As he walked towards her, Marie bolted at him, jumped up, and kicked him at his right side, causing him to tumble onto the ground. Luckily, he was able to stop himself from going any further and landed on his knees.
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Adi and her friend was watching, as Luxray and Adrian were already in the dance area. She wanted to help, but being the protective friend that he is. Carson didn't let her whispering, "Let them be for now...if they need anything I shall stay in the office." Adi frowns a bit, biting her nail lightly "No no, you shouldn't have to...I could stay with you!" She exclaims with a small smile. Carson moves her finger away from her lips and shakes his head "Adi..I don't wanna discuss this right now, you deserve to join in." Adi sighs, "You do to Carson...but alright, take care." She hugs him before heading towards the dance while Carson headed towards the nurses office, still in his suit.

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