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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

@Jayden Kisubo

The blush on Kasey's face wouldn't go away, and the other male calling him cute wasn't really helping. He was then asked what he wanted from Nahar. He merely blinked, not fully understanding the question. He looked over to see the Mew leaning back against the bed board of his bed, and he seemed tired. Maybe the question was to get rid of him, or something to that context. He shrugged at the question and listened to Nahar for his next statement about what he wanted to do next. He shrugged yet again, looking out the window briefly, and noticing that the sun was no longer at its peak. Thinking about it, it had been quite the day, and Kasey knew that he was still injured and needed healing, so, he finally spoke up. "Oh k-kay, I'll go." His words were almost inaudible and were quite hard to hear. He then slowly floated himself away from the bed, then nearing the door. Nahar smiled at him after the question, and Kasey seemed to shy to answer it. He then turned the handle of the door and was about to exit, but paused for a second in the doorway.

Nahar blinked when the boy began to float to the door. He didn't want him to leave, it just had to be completely his choice to stay or Nahar could get into trouble. He didn't want to lose his job at all, but he didn't think Kasey wanted to leave either. "You don't have to leave if you don't want to. I just can't ask you to stay." He spoke softly and smiled at the shedinja. He kinda wanted him to stay at least for a while longer.
(I can, actually xD I still have the old tab open and not refreshed from before you edited it xD )

@Jayden Kisubo

Kasey was then stopped by the words of the other male, as he then explained the situation as well as his choice of words. He looked back at Nahar, and wasn't quite sure how to respond. He didn't want to leave either, but it was getting late out and Nahar needed his rest quite obviously. "Nahar, y-you're hurt...and...n-need s-sleep." he said, needing to raise his usually soft-spoken voice so that the Mew could actually hear him from across the room. Kasey then looked at the door behind him again before he floated halfway within the doorway once again.

"If you don't want to go, then stay. I'm not stopping you either way." He settled onto the bed more comfortably and looked out the window. He then looked back at Kasey and smiled. "Its not like I'll be going to sleep any time soon. Too much going on in my head." He muttered the last part and then reached over beside his bed and grabbed his guitar. Humming slightly he began to strum the strings lightly. It was normally how he spent the time before he went to sleep.
@Jayden Kisubo

Kasey then slowly exited the room after, listening to the Mew's words about him not stopping him either way anyways. So that meant it was okay to leave, right? He felt guilty when Nahar smiled at him and told him that he wasn't going to sleep either way, because of 'too much going on in his head'. Kasey wasn't sure how to respond, so he just slowly floated out of the room and through the doorway, closing the door behind him softly. Once in the hall, he heard the other male beginning to play a guitar, it sounded like, as well as himself humming.

It was nice, and he lingered by the closed door for a couple seconds longer before finally making his way down the hall and heading to him room, finally. The door was locked for privacy, so Kasey assumed that he had a roommate, which was just great. He would have just floated through the wall to enter the room, but that was impossible when he was as injured as he was at the moment. So, he fumbled around at his pockets for his key that he had been given and soon opened up the door and floated over to his bed without a word. Kasey didn't even look over to see his roommate.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

@InsaneKiller19 @Lunar\-Eclipse

Angel frowned. She disliked dresses with a passion. They didn't offer the freedom of movement that pants normally did. "It's going to get caught on something." She muttered, annoyed. She tugged at the dress, only to get her hand tapped by an all-too-happy terrakion.

"Now, now. You don't want to remove that just yet, do we?" Aellas asked teasingly.

"What?" Angel frowned and raised an eyebrow. What was she talking about? Aellas shook her head, looking amused, which made Angel wonder how much of Nahar's 'talk' she had heard.


Lyra turned in the bathroom of her dorm. "I think I'm wearing it right..." She thought out loud. She didn't even know that there was a dance, so she ended up borrowing a dress from Anita, since she didn't have her own. Luckily, they were apparently the same size. She walked out of her room into the hallway, looking around.


Alanna had been ready hours before. She was currently in the forest just outside the school, giving her Steelix, Thumper, some well-deserved affection, with a glove made of sandpaper. She scratched under the pokemon's chin, which made the steelix's tail slap the ground repeatedly with a loud crash. "Oh, who's a good Thumper?" Alanna cooed to her pokemon happily. The pokemon seemed to be in bliss.


Katrina smoothed down the front of her dress nervously. She was going on a date. With Lue, of all people. She had to admit that it made her nervous. She looked down, letting the odd combination of pink and blue relax her. Some people would say that it was a bad combination, probably, but she couldn't care less.


Lorelei smiled at her reflection. It will go well. She looked good in her clothes- she wasn't conceited, but she knew how she seemed to others. She had caught enough boys- and sometimes girls- staring in her old school to know what people thought of her appearance. Who knows? I might even have fun. She thought, then shook her head. She shouldn't be thinking of possible attachments. There shouldn't be attachments. She was working, simple as that. They don't know that, though. So it's okay if it looks like I'm having fun. She walked back to the main part of her dorm to wait.
Adi was getting ready for the dance, she was so excited yet nervous and scared that it won't go well with her joining in. She sighs but then smiles a bit seeing her reflection in the mirror, "Well...its now or never." she smiles before pulling out a necklace and puts it on. Adiana smiles at herself, "There..oh if only nurse joy could see me now." she giggles to herself before looking over to the door as someone knocked on it, "Come in!" she called out towards the person. Carson enters slowly before looking at her and if she could see his face clearly, he was blushing a bright pink looking at her. "You look wonderful Adi! How about me?" he smiles as he said the last part, twirling for her in his suit. Adiana laughs watching him, "You look fine Carson, and thank you." she smiles at him twirling around before laughing and smiling. Carson clears his throat, "Anyways....are you nervous about the dance?" She nods and sighs, "Yeah..I'm just...scared, that's all."

Adrian was combing his hair back, before setting the comb down and adjusts his tie looking at a mirror, making sure he was ready. He nodded in agreement about what he had on, 'Pity that Lana and Luke can't make it...surely they would have loved this.' he thought before shaking it off and sighs. Adrian then gel his hair, so it would stay back and then went out of the bathroom. Sitting on his bed as he was getting his socks and shoes on, tying the shoes and such. He wasn't the type for dances, but...he will try to at least go. If not, Adrian could just spend the rest of the time doing something else than just watching people dance and have fun.
Aeryn smiled at his reflection in the mirror and nodded. While he normally didn't care too much about his appearance, he wanted to look good for this. He grabbed the violets he had gotten and walked out of his room. Walking casually, he took his time getting to Angel's room. Once there, He knocked quietly on the door.


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Anita stood outside of Lyra's door, waiting. She'd gotten ready a little before and figured that she could just walk to the dance with the girl she'd met yesterday. She had gone to talk to her this morning and found out that she didn't have anything to wear to the dance. Since her brother had made her buy a few dresses, she had extras. Now she looked up as the other girl came out the door and waved. "Hey"

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Nahar looked up from getting ready and blinked. He could have sworn he'd just heard an earthquake. He turned back to the mirror and finished messing with his hair. He smiled and grabbed his guitar before teleporting out to the gardens. He sat down and began to play a slow melody. He then heard the shaking again and narrowed his eyes. Deciding to go check it out he began flying around the forest and eventually found Alanna and her steelix. He raised an eyebrow and winced as the slapping of the steelix's tail shook even the air this close. "Hey Alanna..."

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Lue smiled as she watched Kat from the bathroom doorway. She'd been in there getting dressed and when finished, she'd come to the door and saw Katrina in the bedroom freaking out. She sighed and spoke up. "Kat, you look fine. Don't worry so much."

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Draco walked across the school, bypassing the courtyard for now since he was told they weren't allowed there until the dance started. He could go and play a few pranks, but then he'd probably be banned from attending and he didn't want to get Lorelei mad. Never a good thing as far as he could tell. He made it to the girl's dorm with only two girls trying to get his attention, which was a record for him. He sighed and stepped inside, seeing Lorelei immediately. She looked amazing, he smiled and walked over to her. Bowing he offered her his hand. "Hello, beautiful." He looked up and gave her one of his best smirks.

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Lily felt the dress she had just put on and shook her head. She didn't like it and grabbed another to wear. Draco had come by earlier today and set out all of her dresses, telling her which was where. She put her new one on and smiled. It felt better. She walked over to the phone and was once again grateful to her brother. When they had first got here he had spent hours rearranging things so that it was a replica of her room at home. That way she didn't have to memorize a new set up. She dialed Pantera's room and bit her bottom lip, hoping it was okay to ask the girl to come get her. "Hey, I need help downstairs..."


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Arrietta smiled as she looked around the courtyard. They'd put up huge curtains to block off the area from the students while they put everything up. She was almost done with the last minute preparations and pulled all of her pokemon back to their balls. She sighed and sat down on the edge of the stage.

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Cameron walked around the school with Gareth, his marowak, and sighed. He was already finished getting ready for the dance and had decided to let his hair down for it. He didn't want to go, but they had been told that it was that or stay in their rooms all night. He figured this wasn't the worst thing in the world.

Thump. "What is that?"

Aellas made a face. "Don't worry about it." Thump. The mewtwo was currently pacing across the floor, then stopped at the window and opened it. "Angel..."

"I have to see what that is. It'll be just a-"

"Don't you dare." The terrakion glared at the mewtwo, who seemed to be considering jumping when there was a knock on the door. For a moment, it looked like Angel was going to jump out anyway, but then sighed and closed the window. Aellas helped her straighten her dress back out before having Angel open the door. She gave the colbalion a small smile. "Hello, Aeryn."


"Hello." Lyra greeted the other girl, looking around. The girls seemed all either excited or nervous. They remind me of mareep. She decided. Just waiting around for someone to choose them. It didn't make much sense to her, but didn't say so. She looked at Anita. "So, what do we do?"


Katrina turned at the sound of Lue's voice and smiled at her. This will be fun. "Yeah, sure." She looked at her date's dress. "You look nice tonight. Have a hot date?" She joked, not quite sure what to do here.


At first, Alanna didn't hear anyone saying anything to her. It was only when Thumper looked over her shoulder that she turned around. "Oh, hello, Nahar." She gave a friendly smile. "What brings you out here today?" She asked, starting to slip off the sandpaper glove when she was nudged for more by the Steelix.


Lorelei smiled when Draco walked in. "You don't look bad yourself." She told him, taking his offered hand and stood. She noticed some girls casting envious looks in their general direction, and a small, petty, part deep down enjoyed that. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you still resigned to accompanying me tonight?"
Pantera had been getting ready, just like everyone else, as she dressed herself in the only real formal outfit she owned or happened to pack with her. It was essentially a black pinstriped pleated purple dress with a black trim. Accompanied with a black Victorian-style corset vest, she felt way too dressed up even with this. To feel less naked, she pulled on a pair of ripped black nylons to cover her legs at least somewhat. The dress' collar came up high, as the Hydreigon closed her eyes as she buttoned it up and adjusted the silver and red chain around her neck. Pulling on a pair of black flats, Pantera was about to leave her room when her landline rang. It was Lily, and she froze a little when she said she needed help. "Yeah, I'll be right there." she said, trying to mask concern in her voice as she set the phone down and hung up. Then she left her room, thankful that her dress had pockets, and soon made her way up the stairs to Lily's room. She knocked on the door, and stared at the bright corsage she had made for the Leafeon. It had many different colors of flowers all pinned together with a unique and mixed scent unmistakably floral.

@Jayden Kisubo


Rushing around floating in a pacing manner in the room, Kasey was so nervous he had to force down the feeling of vomiting from anxiety. In a cute brown vest with a nice white button-up, dark gray dress pants, and finally a plaid scarf to complete the look, he still didn't want to go. He hated dances, honestly loathed them. There were too many people, too loud of music, and loneliness all around in the Shedinja's opinion. Yes, he was certainly to be described and labeled as an outcast, and he had no problem with that fact. He just plain didn't want to go, and no one was going to make him. But, Nahar was going to be there. He was more of an outgoing, optimistic individual, and probably even liked such school dances. Kasey's dark brown wings twitched behind him, as he had finally forced himself out the door. Floating along the ceiling in the hall, he soon found himself at the destination where the dance would be held. Floating high above everyone's heads, he looked down at all the nicely dressed individuals, and once again felt that feeling of extreme anxiety.


With a wide smirk, Mr. Xander Cassioraius, certified teacher and fashion extraordinare, stepped out of his closet and flashed himself in front of a full length mirror in his own room at the school. He looked dashingly handsome, with his pure crimson tux equipped with a pale teal bowtie in the center of his throat, he was a shiny Scolipede for all to behold. He loved dances, as his more extroverted nature found them too be incredibly exciting, and he was often the 'life of the party'. With his bright humor and love for dancing, Xander would definitely be a choice dancing partner. He adjusted his tie momentarily before running a cleansing wipe along his tall Scolipede horns, leaving them shining. Xander took one last selfish and narcissistic look at himself in the mirror before setting off and leaving his room for the dance that awaited him.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Adrian started walking towards where the dance was taking place, he had luxray with him since Lana decided the two should hang out. The Luxray had a black bow on. It complimented him, so Adrian thought it was funny. Adi walked over, with Carson. She was nervous but she knew that Carson was gonna be there for her. So she smiled as she entered and looked around in awe, "Its..beautiful." Adi breathed out. Carson nodded in agreement, seeing that of the place "It sure is..."
Marie was laying down in her bed until she heard her roommate leave the room. The delphox got up the moment she left and locked the door to the room. She sighed and slammed her fist against it before going back to her bed. It seemed as if everyone but her had a reason to go, friends or someone they loved. Neither of these were things she had. She laid back down and began listening to music on her phone. The night was going to be like any other for her, alone and boring.
Madoka gets all dressed up. "I love cute dresses!" she says as she puts her dress on. After her dress she proceeds to put on makeup.

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