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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse]The quiet sound of footsteps could be heard in one of the many halls inside the academy from a very aggravated looking delphox. All she could think of at the moment was of all the places in the world I could go...it had to be this dump. The school she went to before was bad enough on her already, but one where she was stuck with students all day long was far worse for her. Still feeling frustrated, Marie slammed her fist against the wall and continued on her way as if nothing had happened. She sighed and looked over to her side to find an empty room. She needed time alone, and she knew she wouldn't get it in any form room. Luckily the door wasn't locked, and she entered closing the door after entering. The classroom was a standard one, rows of desks and all other things found in a typical classroom. She walked over to a desk at the last row and sat down. She took a deep breath laid her head on the desktop. She remembered hearing from some people around the school that there was a dance coming up pretty soon. Just one more thing for me to avoid. Marie thought as she looked at the floor of the room.
The school's art room was filled with the sound of lively music as a pink haired young woman with a bright outfit on hummed to the beat. She was getting everything ready for classes that were going to start in a short while. She was beyond excited to meet her students to the point where she felt anxious about it. She put the last of her various papers for each course she taught on the tables and lowered the volume of the upbeat music playing from her computer. Bonbon took a step back and had a look at everything. Perfect! She thought. Now all that was left was for classes to begin.

(Class doesn't start until after the dance and the dance is idk....)

yay rabbid is not dead xP
Luevia raised an eyebrow at Kat's reaction and then realized what was probably bothering her friend. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Baka." She reached over and tugged on the back of Kat's hair until she looked up. When she did, Lue leaned down and captured her lips in a quick kiss before pulling away. She smiled and shook her head again. "Baka." She stepped back slightly and looked away. She'd actually liked Kat for a while and had missed her dearly during the summer. Her father hadn't ever taught her about gender issues dealing with romance so she'd never seen the issue with liking another female.



Aeryn thought about what his sister asked before nodding hesitantly. "I believe it would be best if she knew what she was getting herself into before hand..." He didn't want to take advantage of Angel's ignorance on human emotions.


"Letters are more interesting, but there are only so many letters, whereas numbers are infinite. SO they use numbers." SHe shrugged and looked down at her own paper. "Ah, I'm in room 103. Oh, it seems that we'll be neighbors." She smiled. "COme on, we can go together.


Lily leaned heavily into Pantera's side and gave her a small smiled when the other girl said she didn't care about the weakness Lily showed. "I'm glad..." She snuggled into the embrace she was given and sighed contently as she kissed Pantera's shoulder. Sighing as she realized she should give her friend an explaination, she soon began to speak. "They aren't sure of what I have exactly. They think I might have a weakness in my heart but it doesn't explain my blindness. So I'm kind of a freak to all of the doctors that have seen me. I've been on more medication than I can actually remember. It was always a trial and error thing to get to what I take now. I'd take one for a few months and if it made me worse or didn't do anything, they'd switch to something else. I hate being this weak though!" She almost growled the last part, angry at her own body.


Nahar nodded when the shedinja asked if he was okay. " Yea, I'm fine, just need to sit down." Blinking he watched the boy obviously go into distress at what he thought was his fault. Not even haflway through his sentence did Nahar begin to shake his head. "Its really not your fault! Trust me, Anyone I know would have been startle if someone they hadn't seen began to talk to them. Angel still gets jumpy some times. Its not your fault at all. Plus, you can't control that you're a ghost type." Nahar shrugged and grabbed the boy's hands, gently pulling him into his room. He closed the door behind them and only then did he give the boy a loose hug, conscious of any new teachers that might freak over seeing a student in a teacher's room. "I'm fine, no harm done, not your fault." He whispered the words.

Aellas smiled at her brother. "And they say chivalry is dead." This time, she wasn't teasing- she loved her brother, quirks and all. "Don't worry, I'll talk to her- make sure that she knows what she's getting into." She knew that she could rope Nahar into helping with this if necessary, and knowing Angel, she would take it as a learning opportunity, worst case scenario.


Katrina turned bright red, down to the tips of her hair when Lue suddenly kissed her. "Oh." She blurted, covering her mouth with her hand. "Oh." She then realized that she sounded like an idiot and looked down at her feet, trying to calm down some. "S-so, I guess we should do something about this, huh?" She asked, unsure. What if it didn't work out? What if it did? Would her parents freak, and would she even care?


Lyra nodded. "Okay, then." She said, following after the other girl. So far, so good. No fights, and maybe she made a friend.
@Jayden Kisubo

Kasey frowned at the Mew. He didn't look okay, therefore he wasn't. He was surprised when Nahar retorted his statements about the injuries being his fault, and didn't believe him on it not being as so. When he started raising his voice, the Shedinja instinctively rose his hands to cover himself be his face. He was shaking at that point, and flinched away from Nahar when he grabbed Kasey's hands and began to pull him away, which was relatively easy to do someone who was floating above the ground. The Mew closed the room's door behind them and Kasey couldn't help but blush shyly and turn away. He almost shrieked out loud when suddenly hugged by him. Nahar then whispered to him about how it wasn't his fault, but there was actual harm done. The Shedinja wanted both to push him away, but the embrace was very comforting, so he was just stuck there floating and not knowing what to do. "N-Nahar..." he whispered as well, shocked from the Mew's affection.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

@Jayden Kisubo

Pantera returned the smile to the Leafeon, holding her in her arms gently and affectionately. The girl kissed her red-spotted shoulder and snuggled up to her. They remained in silence for a bit until Lily finally began to speak. The Hydreigon frowned when she realized it was about her health. She squeezed the girl tighter and growled slightly as well. "Lily, you aren't a freak and you aren't weak." she said as she used a few fingers to lift up the girl's chin, then giving her a small yet reassuring kiss on the lips.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Aeryn smiled at his sister and shook his head. "Chivalry is dead, I just don't know it yet. Remember?" It was something she'd always told him when they were younger. He looked down the hall and noticed it was getting lat. "I should retire. Thank you for doing this Aellas."


Lue turned back to Kat when she spoke and nodded. "Yeah, I guess we should. Would you like to come to the dance with me?" She smirked, playing it off like it was no big deal. "And if none of this works, well at least we'll know we make awsome friends." She whispered.


Anita lead the way inside and noticed that the first floor was labeled with all 100's. "Well, that makes it easier.... See, here's your room. And here's mine." She pointed to the two room with a flourish when they got infront of them. "Feel free to come over and see me if you want." With that she walked into her room to put her stuff up.


Nahar didn't blame Kasey for anything that had happened but knew it would take time to make the boy see that. He just stood there hugging the guy for a few minutes before sighing and backing away from him. He went and laid down on his bed, facing away from the shedinja. "I'm sorry Kasey, I should touch you without your permission. If you would like to leave, you may do so. The male dorm is to the left of here in the next building." He kept his voice low and let Kasey decide what to do while he stared at the wall infront of him.


Lily blinked back tears at Pantera's words. "I'm not normal or healthy. I can't change that. I can't spend hours outside without having to nap somewhere. I hate it...." She shut up when Pantera kissed her, kissing her back. She sighed and laid back on the bed. "Pantera, what do you want from me?" She knew it was a random change of topic, but they hadn't discussed it at all.

Katrina looked up at Lue, her friend and... whatever, she didn't really know yet. Her hair was starting to go back to it's normal color slowly, starting from the roots. "Of course I'll go with you." She looked away when she heard what else Lue said. That is true. Maybe it won't be so bad. It could work.


Aellas smiled after her brother and shook her head. Good thing I already found a dress for Angel. It wasn't easy, either, given how tall the woman was. She walked back to her room, amusing herself with thoughts of the dance the next night.


Lyra walked into her room, looking around for a minute before claiming a bed, putting her things on the floor before laying down. She let out a long sigh then closed her eyes, not realizing how tired she was until she fell asleep.
Lue smiled and kissed Kat again before going to her bed. "Good night, girlfriend." She covered up and fell asleep


Aeryn went up to his room and put out the things he needed for the dance tomorrow. He took a shower and went to bed after that.


Anita fell asleep quickly and peacefully.
(Sorry, I've been busy so my posts are a bit shorter...)

@Jayden Kisubo

Kasey waited for the Mew to let go of him, still kind of unsure what to do, his arms remaining dangling at sides before he was let go of. Nahar then lied on his bed, looking away from him. He still wasn't sure what to do, as he remained floating there looking away from the Mew as well. Soon enough, he floated over very shyly and poked him on the cheek before quickly floating away, all while blushing wildly from his sudden assertiveness.


Pantera frowned as the Leafeon degraded herself after she had been complimented from the dragon type. Lily had soon stopped doing so when she had been kissed. She then sighed and lied on her back, then asking the question of questions. She quirked her eyebrows up and cleared her throat. "Well, um, Lily, you're beautiful, first off. And I really like your personality. It's very sweet and kind. And I don't see you as someone who is 'not normal' or 'unhealthy'. I see you as you, and you can't change that, no matter how hurt you are." Pantera confessed to the Leafeon, turning her body to look at the girl.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Nahar waited for the sound of the door opening and closing to be heard. He was about ready to turn over since he hadn't heard it when he was poked. He blinked and turned to look at the Shedinja with one eyebrow quirked. "I thought you would have run screaming from me by now." He teased Kasey in a friendly manner and smiled. "What would you like to do, Kasey?" He sat up lazily and watched the student.


Lily was about ready to call off her question when Pantera began to speak. Lily listened rapt as the girl spoke and then blushed and looked away. "Thank you Pantera...." She yawned and grabbed the girl's hand, squeezing it lightly. She was starting to get really sleepy and didn't think she could stay awake any longer. She smiled sleepily and closed her eyes. "So..... I guess this means that I'm you're girlfriend...." She mumbled and drifted off to sleep.

@Jayden Kisubo

Kasey smiled at the Mew's reaction, watching him as he had his eyebrow quirked up at the younger male for suddenly poking him on the cheek. When he said his statement about expecting the Shedinja to have left, Kasey blushed slightly and floated over closer to Nahar. When he was asked what he wanted to do at the moment, he merely shrugged and floated over closer once more, then situating himself above the Mew's bed. "Why d-did you w-want to go to your r-room...instead of...f-finding m-mine with m-me? he asked shyly, floating around the Mew to be in front of him. It was strange, but Kasey began to notice him opening up to the older male quite a bit, talking more to him and being more social, following him and letting there be contact. It was different to him, and he wasn't sure how he felt, except for the fact that he realized that maybe he finally had a friend.


Pantera looked down at the grass type after she finished confessing, noticing that the girl was fading away, fast. She blushed and kissed Lily's forehead as she yawned and thanked the Hydreigon, taking her hand and lightly squeezing it. She saw the sleepiness in the grass type's eyes as she mumbled a thanks to the dragon type and assumed the position of her girlfriend. "Mmhmm." she mouthed, agreeing with Lily as the girl finally fell asleep in her arms. After a couple minutes of just enjoying the Leafeon's presence, she carefully pulled her arm out from under her and gently pried her hand from the other girl's and slowly and cautiously stood herself up on the other side of the bed. "Sleep well." she said as she left the room quietly, clicking the lock of the door into place very gently and making her way back down the hall, now to go out and look for her own dorm room.
Nahar kept turning himself ever so slightly as Kasey drifted closer then finally above him. He smiled at the shedinjas shyness still and lifted one hand up towards him before ketting it drop. He wanted to tug Kasey down to the bed so he could sit, bit he was afraid of hurting him again. Instead he answered the question presented to him. "For one, my room is a lot closer to the nurses office than the boys dorm and for another, see a personal room is a private thing. You are only the second person in this room, the first being my sister. I wanted to show that I trust you, Kasey." Nahar smiled up at the shedinja.

@Jayden Kisubo

Kasey looked up at the Mew and remained where he was while the other male turned over on the bed to face him more, but shied away from him in the slightest when he raised his hand as if to touch him again. He didn't want to move away, but it just happened. Nahar dropped his arm, and the Shedinja felt a little bad for not being as close to the other as he wanted him to be. He finally answered his question, where Kasey just remained where he was in the air in front of the older male. When he realized the Mew was showing such trust to him, he couldn't help but blush, his arms then raising to cover his face shyly. He didn't respond, partly from being so shy, and also because he was purely flustered, so Kasey just hung there floating in the air in front of Nahar's bed with a bright blush and his hands covering.
After a while in the lonely classroom, Marie moved on to find her dorm room. She trudged down the hallway, not even caring about startling anyone with the sounds being made from her footsteps. She looked down again at what room number she was and looked ahead again with an irritated look on her face. The Delphox stopped in front of the room with the correct number on it and managed to open the door. She opened all the way, slamming it against the room's wall and stomped in only to slam it again. The noise began to echo down the hallway and she swore she heard sounds of shocked students coming from other dorm rooms. She could care less about anyone else there though. She groaned and locked the door so no one could come in and bug her. The delphox went to the top bunk and immediately slammed her face down onto one of its pillows. She screamed into it, letting out her pent up frustration and flipped over to stare up at the ceiling. I should just run away...I mean it's not like anyone here would even care that I'm gone. I'm just a nobody trapped in a prison with other victims trying to get by... Her self deprecating thoughts were almost enough to make her well up tears. But she knew she could never let herself become that weak.

Pantera traveled down the school halls to the shared dorms, as she had been told that she was dorming with someone. She sighed, thinking about how her day had went. From meeting a socially awkward Jolteon to be swamped out from a talkative crowd, to then meeting a perfect Leafeon that she had happened to meet by pure chance down the halls. She ran a hand through her black and pink hair and looked around the wing where her dorm supposedly was. Once finding the proper door, she heard muffled screaming in her room, thus forcing her to rush for the doorknob, which had happened to be locked on her. "Hello!?" Pantera then quickly searched herself for the room key, her heart racing, as she then fumbled with it and stuck the end of the key in the keyhole. She threw the door open in a frantic manner, and, to her disappointment, nothing really as exciting as she had hoped was going on. All there was was a Delphox with her face in her bed's pillow. The Hydreigon attempted at easing and evening out her breaths, and frowned at the person in the dorm. "Hello there, roommate." she said flatly as she walked over to her bed and placed her purple sidebag down on her bed.
Nahar smiled when Kasey hid his face in embarrassment. It was adorable and he couldn't help but laughed slightly, not in a bad way, just amused at him. Nahar reached up and grabbed the shedinja's hands gently, pulling them away from his face. "Hey, you don't have to hide around me. You're too cute to hide your face." He smiled and tried to get the boy to come down closer to the bed.

@Jayden Kisubo

Kasey remained there in the air, until he then looked through a gap in his fingers to see the Mew laughing at him. His blush reddened in embarrassment. He then felt a hand on his own as well as pulling on his wrists to take them away from his face. Then did Nahar call him cute. He made a small noise from being complimented, sounding somewhat like a 'nuu' but was more like a squeak as he obliged, floating down closer to the other male's bed with a small and shy smile. "I'm n-not...c-cute." Kasey mumbled as he floated directly over the bed next to Nahar.

Nahar nodded seriously when the shedinja said he wasn't cute. "Yes you are. Very cute." He stared at the other male quietly for a few seconds before leaning back on the bed. He was slightly confused about everything happening right now. He did know that as a teacher, he could get in trouble if he asked Kasey to stay there. He also knew he probably wouldn't be able to get back up until tomorrow, considering how hard it was to just stay awake right now. He sighed and spoke softly. "Kasey, what do you want from me?" He didn't want to scare the boy from anything, but he needed to know what he was getting himself into and how he should act. "Do you want to go to your room now, or would you like to continue to talk?" He smiled at the boy.

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