Central City

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"Ezekiel and Zackiel... Ezie and Zacky!!!"

Rin cheered to herself at how similar the names of her two friends were. She was ready to make a comment about that when the magical floating envelope replied with it's name... The girl's smile faltered and though she felt like starting a ruckus on the issue again, the older twin could still realize that whatever the discussion going on was, it seemed rather important to interrupt. So, her way of letting the little frustration out was shooting her brother an upset and defeated look. He would understand what the message was at least:

"Ehhhh!!!??...I can't... nickname Mail too......!!"

Meanwhile, Len had been on stand-by, picking up all of the information and planning the rest of the group was doing. First, William explained how the DDCB's worked, well kinda. If you ignored the part where alternate dimensions could barely be proven by science in it's current state, and not think too hard about it, the concept was similar to walkie-talkie, though it only had one frequency, the Dimension D, whatever it was. So yeah, sound goes in, passes through some reality rift (???, Don't think too hard about it, don't...), and it plays on all the other boxes tuned to that same frequency. The boy was already in awe and fully drawn to understanding the deeper machinations of the mysterious devices, but when 'Double indigo' reverberated on every single box, he couldn't help but mimic Rin and her usual reactions:

"That's truly amazing!!" He exclaimed, already dying to try it out himself.

A couple steps away, his sister was looking at him sadly, actually, disappointed would be the right word. Judging by the earlier exchanges with the newcomers, it could be two things: One, Mail was going to be hard or nearly impossible to nickname, and quoting Rin herself 'she couldn't show that she cared' unless she nicknamed people. Two, Maybe she's finally caught up on how hungry she was. Knowing his sibling, he would bet it was option one. Hadn't they had this conversation before though? NO ONE would be upset if they did not get a nickname! Heck, they weren't even EXPECTING to be nicknamed. Guess he would have to talk with her about that later...

Not long after, Ava seemed to be going impatient, and responding to that William and Mail had teamed up for the Northern District.

Rin that was still a bit moody, only waved at them with a weak 'Bye' before they disappeared, probably to their chosen destination. Teleportation... Len would never get used to seeing that... And then the boxes went off again catching both of them by surprise. The older twin had been startled when her floating friend 'Cubey' apparently spoke with William's voice. Her brother, though excited to have seem the DDCB work live AND from a distance, sighed when he caught the girl's confusion. So, it seemed like Rin hadn't paid attention to the extremely important explanation, again. Ahh. What would she even do without him around?

Making a mental note to give her the explanation on the way to...whatever District they decided to go, the younger sibling watched as a newcomer seemed t enjoy Ava's exploration group and Ezekiel talked with Avalon. Okay, so maybe it was time for him and Rin to move along too? They had already been assigned to each other anyway... He glanced at his sibling, and she was still rather puzzled and down. Len had been surprised at how she hadn't jumped over the newcomer yet, or heard Zackiel's departure. Well, she was very prone to distraction but definitely not like this... 

Taking a deep breath, the boy walked over to his female counterpart, so matter if the issue at hand seemed so... so silly to him. If it was troubling her, then as a good brother he would do his best to cheer her up. He approached the girl slowly, giving her time to notice that he was coming at all. She took a while to notice him, but once she did, Rin smiled at him. Another classic move, she would never quit pretending something wasn't bothering her. To counter this, he had to bring the issue to surface:

"Hey, is this still about the nicknaming?" His sister looked away, a little ashamed that he had seem right through her again. "They're... No one is expecting you to give them nicknames..." "But. But I want to!", she protested, "It's like, uhh, a bound thing! Like when we call Luka 'Lulu', or we call Miku 'Mikyun' for fun, because she's so so cute at times... It kinda brings us all closer, doesn't it? As a family?"

To be completely honest, Len hadn't thought of the silly names they gave each other like that, but he could certainly understand why Rin would feel that way. He nodded in response and thought of a way to lift her spirit, "Let's do it like this. When we're alone and somewhere safe again, I'll sit down and help you think of nicknames too, okay? But not right now, we're trying to set a exploration team, and it's very important. So, what do you say? Deal?"

The girl looked up at him. First came a expression of surprise, she had though Len wouldn't understand the sentimentality behind the nicknames, because he was so rational and a huge nerd. She though that maybe he would just find it too silly. She had been wrong. Not only he seemed to understand, but he had also offered to help her think about them! Rin's eyes sparkled with amazement and hope:

"Yes!" She let out before hugging him, "Oh Lenny, thank you so much..." The boy blushed a little, "You're welcome. Now, uhh, would you like to pick what way we're going to explore? Everyone else seems to be picking a place-" "That way!!" She pointed towards the horizon, her usual mood completely restored. "T-that way??" He repeated puzzled, "We don't even know what district lies that way!" "Len." Rin spoke with a serious tone, "You said I could choose." "F-fair enough..." He sighed defeated, "That way it is then..."

Whilst the girl started hopping happily exclaiming "Yay!" in the background, Len went back towards the group to let them know of the choice the twins had made, though it was a rather uncertain decision... They could end up anywhere!

The boy cleared his throat to call everyone's attention, "So, Ava, Avalon, Ezekiel, Newcomer I don't know the name of, and everyone else. Since we, the Kagamines have been assigned together, we have decided that we are going to be exploring... That way." He pointed out the direction his sister had shown him earlier, "Now, I know that's not a very concrete destination but..." Len approached them a little and started whispering, "I let Rin pick because she was a bit down, and I won't be able to talk her out of it... We'll, contact everyone once we discover what district we ended up into. I promise. Just, no one else go that way, okay? Please do this for me..."

He finished it, giving his sister a glance and returning to his initial position:
"And that's it! We are going that way, right Rin?!" "YEEEES!!" She cheerfully replied for behind, "FOR ADVENTURE!"

@King in Yellow, @LaDyGrEy, @Trust (no longer online)@Ignie, @Silver Lightning Blade@JR260,  @Scattered Ambitions, @Vagabond Spectre
@Catnapper, @LegoLad659 (Still on the Hub)
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"I..." Ezekiel went silent for a moment, trying to think of an answer, "I... I usually know that South is where it's warmer!" He said, smiled, revealing sharp teeth. "So, I'll go for the south. If you are okay of course." He then bent over, "Hey, you can climb. I'm still not a Skell, but i guess that if it helps you, you can climb."

@Scattered Ambitions

"Huh...I've never...I've never done this before." Avalon attempted to lift a leg over Ezekiel's back. "How exactly does one do this?" She tapped her chin for a moment. "Ah, I know!" The mermaid lifted her leg up and over the dragon's back, then hoisted herself all the way up. "There we go! Alright, so the south, right? Yeah, that's fine. Let's go."

"I... can't help you either." Ezekiel answered as Avalon climbed on him. "I mean, i never climbed a dragon before." He laughed nervously as he stood up, and started walking, after saying goodbye to the other. "So..." He said, trying to start a friendly conversation, "From what place do you come from? I guess you're not from here, aren't you?" He asked.

@Scattered Ambitions
"No, I'm not from here. I've no idea what or where this place is either. I'm from what I think you humans, you were a human once, right? I think you humans call it the...Atlantic. So uh, I heard you mention another planet. Mira? IS that where you turned into a...a dragon?" She rubbed the back of her neck. Her scales were still there. Good. "What do you think is in the south? I've never been out of the water, but I've visited some ports before and all I've really seen of the human world has been cities. Like this one."

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Len waited a bit to see if their 'plan of action', if you could call walking in a random direction that, would raise up any protests from the others. Luckily it didn't, so it's probably meant they were good to go. While waiting for her brother to 'start the wagon', Rin had been excitedly jumping in the background, Cubey floating in the air, struggling to keep up with it's ridiculously energetic owner.

Since Avalon and Ezekiel seemed to be preparing to move too, the younger sibling turned to his sister and gave her a nod indicating they were ready to leave. The girl happily cheered and came at once. Avalon had took a while to, but managed to mount the dragon in the same way the older twin had done before. With a cheerful 'Bye Bye!' and waving from Rin, the twins watched the other two start their trip.

Then it was their turn to go on theirs. A couple steps later, the boy turned around to his female counterpart:

"Okay, now while we go I need to explain you how the DDC-, I mean, how 'Cubey' works..." "What do you mean with 'how Cubey works'?", the girl looked at him puzzled. "Oh boy, this is going to take a lot of patience." "For starters. 'Cubey' is not alive, no matter how much you want it to, okay?" "Awww... Really?"

"At least this got through her..." He thought before tackling the subject again, this would be quite the long tale! "Really. Now to explain...Cubey, I need to tell you about what we were discussing about, before you left to chase dangerous spiders... Are you still listening?" "Yep!" "Good. It all started when Chrysalis worded her concerns about standing out too much..."

Yeah, definitely a very long story. Good thing the walk will be just as long...Right?

(Not sure if I should tag anyone?)
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"Yeah, i was human before turning into.... this." Ezekiel said "However, i don't know a lot about the Atlantic. It's... complicated." He continued anyway, "You see, i woke up on Mira, without any memories of my homeland. Weird, right? But i tunred into a dragon here. I was still a human on Mira."

He nodded to the twins as both of them departed, and turned his attention back to Avalon.

"I don't know... on Mira, it was always warmer in the south, there were beaches and all! You could even take a bath into the water... if there were not Tyrant around of course." He winced, as if bad memories came back to him. "From what Elma said, Elma's my friend and the one who rescued me, " He added, "It's the same on the Earth. Given the towns... We only have one, that looks like this one, it's called New L.A. and it's inspired from a real town on Earth!" He smiled, "Elma told me that."
"maybe, but we've got a lead." The box with the snowflake talisman was spinning on his finger. "This is from a man we found with a submachine gun who works for a person, 'Snowflake', some sort of corporative leader. There's others too, so I figure that's a good place to start."
"But... what about the plot? We need to wait until the other districts are explored."

What's this 'fourth wall' you're talking about?

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