Central City

A shower of golden sparks burst into existence, shining rays of light spraying in every direction, adding to the already bright day and fiery glow of the flaming princess. The sparks abruptly dissipated, revealing a rather tattered-looking white envelope.

It dropped straight down to the pavement. After lying there for a second, it slowly raised itself back to eye level. Gradually, it surveyed its surroundings with its non-existent eyes, taking in the barefooted woman on the ground, the girl and the boy who looked like twins, the guy with the top hat between the two giant floating skulls, the flying two-dimensional clown eating the candy cane, the woman with six extra legs sticking out of her back, the person in yellow with scaly orange legs, the rainbow-shaded boy in the white suit, and the angry-looking girl that was on fire. It hovered in place for a moment, unmoving.

That wasn't the first time he fell from something, to be honest. He oftenly had to jump off a cliff so he could escape a Tyrant, or a Prone. He even jumped off buildings in New LA jump to jump on the water. Elma said it was a dangerous behavior but who cared? It was fun anyway.

However this fall was more... brutal than the other. He felt his head hurting like heck. From what did he jump anyway? He was just on the computer! What did happen after that, he didn't know. He may have forgotten, that wouldn't be the first time he forgot something, he even forgot who he was before waking up on Mira, except from his name, Ezekiel.

The boy opened his eyes, just to see he wasn't on Mira anymore. Or maybe he was. But he didn't know the place. Was he far away from New LA? He had to know, and try to find a way home «asap» like Elma always said. Ezekiel tried to stood up on his feet, but when he looked at his leg, his eyes widened. Why did he had paws instead of legs? A cry of surprise came out of his mouth, but it sounded more like a roar than anything else. What happened?

When Ezekiel turned his head, he saw his reflect against a window and froze. What he saw wasn't the small, ginger rookie of the B.L.A.D.E., but a... dragon? Well an orange dragon you may say, but still, a dragon. Ezekiel couldn't believe it, but he had the same scar and the same tatoo on the face, and the same bright, green eyes. No doubt, it was him.

"What the frick?" Ezekiel said, and nervously smiled. At least, he still could speak, that was something. He looked around. Perhaps he could find help, another member of the B.L.A.D.E., that could help him understand what happened? He tried to walk away, as good as he could with his poor legs, looking for help.

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When Ava moved towards Rin with the clear intention to stop her, Len looked at her as if an angel had suddenly come to his rescue. It was a very grateful and relieved expression as he mouthed a 'thank you very much' and bowed down in respect. Perhaps this had been too much formality, but the boy felt like he owed at least this much to her, for this tiny moment of peace... And talking about tiny, the second he looked around him, that peace was entirely gone.
It was all due to fact that A HORDE OF SPIDERS WAS SURROUNDING EVERYONE, AHHH! Len's first instinct was to turn around and run away, but again, HE WAS SURROUNDED! Fearing making a wrong move and possibly enraging or injuring one of the arachnids, the younger twin stood by, and did not dare to make a single movement. All he could do was hold his arms together and shoot a glance of utmost unpleasantness and dread toward Chrysalis, praying that these 'guests' wouldn't stay for long... Though, seeing as how the boy had not actually for the spider queen's attention, it was most likely his distress wouldn't get noticed at all.


Meanwhile, Rin had been practically 'pushed aside' by Ava. At first, the girl protested something about bonding with the stranger, which for Rin meant bombarding him with questions like 'Oh, what's this? And that? Oh-Oh, do you like this?', just replacing this and that with either objects in the environment...or random candy. Either way, the older twin didn't enjoy the intermission at all... When the other girl requested to have the man's attention for a while, the teenager's only reply was a muttered, spaced out 'okay' filled with air, almost like a defeated sigh. 

Reluctantly taking a step back, Rin let Ava do her thing and turned back towards the group. She was surprised to see that out of nowhere, spiders had come to take over the place! Some of them were cute, while other were outright terrifying, but nonetheless they all looked so interesting... Rin wanted to poke one. Just one. The girl approached a little one farther from the group and slowly leaned towards it, careful to not scare the poor thing. Just a little bit more... She raised her arm in a similar pace and was very very close to touching it:

"Don't even think about it!"

The warning startled Rin, who let out a high pitched 'yelp' and scared the little spider away from her. Ah Len, that party popper! She had been so close!!!

"What did you do that for?!" The girl complained, approaching her counterpart in a fast pace, giving him an annoyed, "I was almost there!" "Oh, yeah. Because poking an unknown spider is such a smart thing to do... Did you know some spiders have barbed hair that can irritate your skin? Or that some of them have such powerful venoms they can kill you? I might have just saved your life!" The boy promptly replied with a tone of disbelief, suddenly the spiders were bothering him a lot less than his sibling's thick-headedness.
"It didn't look dangerous thought..." She muttered, it was if nothing he had said had gone through her, it was rather frustrating. "Things don't have to LOOK dangerous to BE dangerous Rinny... That's a stupid trail of thought."

Can you believe this? This, this scaredy-cat wouldn't let her poke it because it 'could' be dangerous. Really?! That itty bitty little spider, dangerous?! Ah come on!
Unable to think of a smart reply, Rin did the one thing that always made Len stop whatever lecture it was he was about to blur out. She showed him her tongue in a defiant manner. It served as a reminder to how much a big egghead he was sounding like, and he hated when she did so.

Len's reply was a loud facepalm, followed by 'not this again'. The girl beamed, boasting about her win. At least to Rin, this felt a lot like a victory, even if she had not won the actual argument. Just her brother's expression of incredulous disbelief was enough for her.

When the twins had finally stopped arguing, the stranger Rin had assaulted before was taking about how this city was divided in several districts. The younger twin was interested and approached wanting to inquire more about the details. However, before he could do so, the man declared her needed to go and seemed to leave in a hurry... A little down perhaps, but definitely in a hurry.

"Goodbye friend that never told me your name!" The girl waved in the direction he had gone, before she realized something, "Hey! You never told me your name! Hey!! Ahh... he's too far... What a bummer! If we meet again I won't know what to call him now..." "That is, IF he doesn't run away from you first..."

The girl eyed her brother annoyed by his undesired commentary, but soon, she dashed off again, having decided to chase after a couple of the spiders Chrysalis had sent away. This was now or never! It could be her last chance to poke one! Why wouldn't they answer to her call? She was asking them to slow down... She would just poke them!
Len sighed at the scene, at least he was certain the spiders were too fast for Rin to ever get close enough to touch one... How long until she realises that though? While his sibling distracted herself, the boy listened into the others' conversation, promptly making a commentary about how splitting up in a complete new place was a recipe for trouble. Just look at horror movies for example! Splitting up almost never ends up being safe! It just splits their strength and makes them easier targets... Not that they were been targeted by anyone... He hoped that wouldn't happen.

That's when a freaking Ferrari entered the scene! Len simply watched wide-eyed as the car came towards then and parked close by. The driver? Surprisingly it was one of them. Floating katana boy to be more specific. The younger twin wondered if maybe he had gotten out of the anomaly before them, or perhaps he had been dropped somewhere else? Did this mean that other might have been scattered around the town? Wait, wait. There was something more urgent than that actually...

"Please tell me you did not steal this Ferrari..." He let out with sarcasm. Of course it had been stolen it was so damn obvious! "Wow, we do such a good job at stealth guys! Congratulations, we're just missing a huge pink, flashing neon sign with an arrow that says: 'We come from another world' now... Who wants to make the honors?"

Argh, why?? That's it, he was tired. He would just, remain completely silent for the next hour or so. Really, the only one still thinking straight in here was Ava! Actually, Len was extremely impressed by how calm she seemed to take in the chaos going on, and patiently tried to make the best with what crazy stuff everyone else was up to... Well done Ava, Well done!

In response to the girl's earlier inquiry about communication from distances (Though Len still supported the idea of how bad splitting up was), William materialized squares, ripped a green hole on the universe (Not really, but close enough) and assembled everything into boxes, very similar to the ones they had been trapped inside before, but a lot smaller. Len watched as the one of the boxes floated towards him, partly in an awe state and partly anticipating all the questions he could do about the subject, like how to use it, for example. He had barely opened his mouth to ask that when a burst of vibrant colors seemed to bring yet, another member to their, weird and no longer that little, group. It was a girl seemingly entirely composed of fire, and she didn't look happy. 

The younger twin just remained quiet and stood still, mouth agape, very puzzled about this newcomer. Once again someone seemed to be playing with him and throwing at his line of sight something completely inexplicable by science. Because fire can't be alive! It just cant! As expected of her, Ava quickly explained their current situation to the new 'girl'. At least, the shorter version of it, which Len appreciated a lot. He doubted anyone would believe half of things they had been through so far, better to just not mention it at all...

William gave fire elemental girl a block too, explaining that those were called 'Dimension D Communication Blocks', whatever Dimension D was... The younger twin really needed to ask about that when given the opening. And then, a very familiar voice rang in the air:

"Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuys!" Rin came through a bush, following one of the DDCB's, it seemed like hers had gone all the away after her, "Look what I found! Isn't it cute?! I called him Cubey~ Oh..." Her excitement died a little upon seeing the other blocks floating around, "I didn't know Cubey had friends... Cubey why didn't you tell me anything?"

"Rin. It can't talk." The boy intervened, "William just made us these so we can communicate from far. Though, I have no idea on how it works..."

"Ooooooh! That explains why he would never reply to me! I thought it was just a shy block~" She laughed softly. That's when she realized, they had someone new in here, "OMG! Who's the fire girl?! Did I miss her entrance? Dang it, it must have been so cool..." "Hello new person!" Rin waved cheerfully at the newcomer, "What's your name? I'm Rin! The boy who looks like me is Len, and these are A-"

She had barely started the introductions when suddenly, someone else appeared! What a lot of excitement! The girl was completely distracted from her current task and never finished saying everyone's names.

This one was...Uhhh, it looked like a letter. YES! An adorable white envelope had dropped to floor and then started floating in the air 'facing' each one of them for a while before letting out a rather not excitable 'huh'. It was almost as if the envelope had checked them out, but had decided none of them were suited to be it's love interest. Haha, now, that would be silly!

"Welcome little envelope!" Rin approached and smiled at it, "Are you here to deliver someone's letter??"

Before the object could reply however, the girl caught sight of something else, a mass of orange, waking down the street very, very, very slowly. The girl stared at it for a couple minutes, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. Len, after having being confused with the strange sight of a floating and talking envelope (All that's left for it to do it turn it a person too...), realized Rin had gone silent, which was really unusual. Following her gaze, he also was welcomed with the sight of a orange...something walking around... It looked, like some kind of giant lizard? Actually, deep down, his knowledge of RPG games and mystical creatures was screaming the answer to him, but his rational side refused to take as the answer... That is, until his sister gasped and said it out loud while sprinting towards the being:


She had just tackle-hugged it without prior warning. Classic Rin.

Now Len? Len didn't know what to take of all of this, specially the dragon. He was so catatonic, that he lacked the power to even reply to Ava's past questions. As if an ode to his breakdown just a few moments ago, a single question filled his mind: What is going on?!

@King in Yellow, @LaDyGrEy, @Trust (no longer online), @IctoraPost, @Ignie, @Silver Lightning Blade, @KAmber, @JR260,  @Scattered Ambitions
@Catnapper, @LegoLad659, @Vagabond Spectre (Still on the Hub)
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'Ok everyone, we should get going before it gets too late. There are five districts, and 10 of us. That means..." She started doing calculations in her head. "Well, if Chrysalis an Ava are going together, and taking central, then there are two people for each district. Whoever I go with is going to have to help me walk. I haven't really figured out how to use...these yet." The mermaid gestured to her legs. " I'm assuming Rin and Len are going together. Besides them, and Ava and Chrysalis, who wants to go with who?"

@King in Yellow @Everyone else 
The boy was still struggling with his feet when he started to hear stomping getting louder and louder in his direction. He rose his head from his feet, just to see a girl going toward him... and not stopping? 

Before he could do anything, she jumped on him. He wanted to let a yell but instead a powerful roar got out of his mouth. Heck, it frightened him, how could he even screams like that? However, he soon recognised his own voice as he was trying to get free from what seemed like the girl's hug.

"Kya! Lemme go, lemme go!" He yelped, "I'm not a dragon! Well... currently yes, but it's different! Lemme go!"

He opened his eyes, just to see that he and the girl wasn't alone here, another bunch of people were there as well. But they never saw them on New LA, neither on Mira. Were they new species? Was he still even on Mira anyway?

He tried to get on his legs again. The girl has stopped hugging him, and was now on his back. He sighed. "I am not a Skell. I don't want to be rided, y'know" he pouted before turning his attention to the group before him. "W-Who are all of you?" He asked, "Where are we? I... I guess i'm not on Mira anymore..." He finished, more to himself. Who knew this planet anyway?
Mail was a bit taken aback by the sudden greeting by the girl, then by the abrupt about-turn-sprint-towards-the-weird-orange-dragon-while-screaming-something-then-tackling-it-in-the-stomach-while-it-roared-into-the-air action. Well then. It looked about at its surroundings for the first time while the dragon tried to shake off the excitable girl, who was currently clinging to its back. What was this place? One minute, it had been floating around that huge metal spike in – what was it called – Parij? Parais? The human city with the giant arch things and the big see-through rectangular prisms. The point was, one minute it had been there, and the next, here. Strange.

The envelope caught a fluttering breeze and spiralled up into the air. Cars, people, classy clothing. Tall buildings, concrete everywhere, stretching far into the distance. Looked like a big, big city. But something seemed… off about it. Something that resonated with Mail’s offness-sensitive artefact of a heart. There was something out there. Something dangerous. Something… off. A swift gust forced it back towards the ground, and it went along with it. It reached the group of weirdos just as the girl on the pavement announced something about splitting up.

“Hey, hold on. Don’t be so hasty. You people don’t look like the inhabitants here, so just who are you? And where is ‘here’?”
Did he say five districts??? Wow!!! That's alot bigger than the city WE were in before isn't it? Big big city he says. Hm. So what do you guys think? I think we should get a bit more- And just before Kickster could finish his response, the man was already on his way. information.... Welp, there goes that idea. Sixster? I... Sense a faint presence here.... Back into reality Zackiel went, as he looked around once more. The others- Well... Ava seemed to be assessing the situation and configuring a strategy around what the man explained. Chrysalis's less human parts would be a problem so Ava decided to join her in search of cover-up, leaving us to split into other teams, though the only problem was communication amongst each other. Zackiel gave a slightly displeased face when Ava suggested spiders, and frowned when the clown brought boxes betwixt them. "Actually." He back-handed the cube several feet away, with an elegant swish! of his right hand. "I won't be taking shit from you, foolish clown." He began his stride away from the group after the anger filled statement towards the jester, when a blinding white vehicle suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It was Shade, and he was just as shining as the car with those rainbow shades. "I like my duds just fine." He answered with and slight head bow. "By the way, how'd you get yer hands on that car?"

If we plan on picking anyone to team up with us, i suggest Shade be our partner. Obvious reasons? He can actually defend himself, he's got transportation, and clearly he must have a lay of some of the land, judging from the customized 2009 Ferrari F430 F1 Spider. Whoaaaaa, dude! You know cars??? My boy, i have a loot to teach you. Really? Awesome! That's really badass just saying. Well here's the first lesson. Yeh? Pay more attention... We've seen this model countless times in the past, it's one of the things subconsciously engraved in our minds. Zackiel face palmed at what Kickster said, just now realizing the new guests that had arrived. PPPFFFTTTTT!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! Alarmed by the sudden burst of laughter in his head, Zackiel flinched. Jeeze Sixster, try'na give me a heart attack??? No no i'm-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! What the hell man! What are you laughing at? The letter... His eyes widened for a moment as it talked. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! I just can't take it seriously!!! oh my god a talking letter!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! This is going to be a long day.... Seems we aren't the only super-powered being here. Huh...? 

"Wow." Lost for words as the flaming female blazed on nearby the group. Okay i didn't expect that. No? Then i guess you won't expect that one either. A... dragon??? Zackiel gawked at it for a moment as last time he checked, they were all annihilated in the great war, but then remembering they were no longer home he realized. We gotta get whatever this is over with and get back home guys. I agree, as the door merely sent us to another world. Just not ours. So i'm assuming it sent us here for a reason. And to get back home.... We may need to accomplish the set task. With new means, and a goal to find, Zackiel disappeared and reappeared behind the mermaid, sweeping her up into his arms and walking towards the car. "Come on Shade let's go, we've got a district to scope out."

@Scattered Ambitions @KAmber @Silver Lightning Blade
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Still confused as to why the heck there was a dragon walking down the street, now having been joined by sister even, Len half listened to Avalon asking about the exploration groups, while still staring at two mentioned earlier. Welp, it seemed like they would be splitting up after and nothing could be done to change it. The boy sighed, he hoped nothing would go wrong while they explored... Thinking about how he and Rin, would (More like HAD) stay together in this, The teenager took a glance at his DDCB, it was still floating by his side, since he hadn't really done anything with it yet. For a while he wondered why they have been given one each, since well, it was clear they would be going together, so they could communicate with everyone else by a single one. However, glancing back at Rin and the dragon, he recalled the bad habit the girl had of running around and dashing out of sight... Yeah, thinking again, two boxes sounded about right...


Rin had excitedly launched herself towards the great lizard, causing both of them to topple to the ground and the creature to roar. Laughing cheerfully at her current fun, the girl didn't seem any scared, instead felt like she could and would do it all again over and over, it had just been so amusing! At the dragon's protest, the older twin jerked her head in surprise, now making to eye contact with it. OMG, did it just talk?!

"YOU TALK??!!! OH.MY.GOD THAT'S SO COOL!" The girl had instantly jumped from the floor, now standing very close to the dragon with her eyes wide in awe and irradiating excitement, "OH!, You must be like Ava! She wasn't a tentacle-cloak monster as well... I mean, Ava before, because Ava now is a normal person again! I know, SOUNDS FUN right?" She smiled, but since the mention of tentacles was also extremely hilarious to her, it ended up being an amalgamation of smiling AND almost laughing.

Right after that exchange, Rin walked around the dragon-but-not-really and couldn't help but notice the wings, and the stripes, and the tail too! WOW, everything looked so cool!!! Then it hit her, you know what you be even COOLER?! Riding it! YES!
The creature had just gotten back on his feet when it was unsuspectingly attacked by Rin again. This time, the girl leaped over it, landing in a riding position. With a mischievous grin, she quickly raised her right arm and pointed towards their little group:

"Onwards my scaled friend!!!"

It had been the line of an old bang-bang movie they had watched once, well almost, the real quote was 'hooved friend'. Because you know, old west, they did not ride dragons, but horses! Not that this changed anything, this was all too cool to be ruined! Also, didn't that make her BETTER than the cowboys as well?! SHE'S RIDING A DRAGON! WOOHOO!!

As the two moved towards everyone else, the great lizard had started saying some very interesting things Rin did not know about. Huh, this seems interesting!

"What's a Skell??!! Is it food? Wait, can you even ride food?!" Once the subject had been set, it would difficult for the girl to ever drop it, "Oh! I want to ride a hot-dog! Or, or, uhhh, I forgot the name... Oh! I want to ride a Mont Blanc! Can I? Pleeeease~" She begged with the puppy eyes, as if the dragon had an say over that "Hey, I would end up dipped in whipping cream if I did that! Hmmm, that's not a bad idea. YUMMY!"

The rest of the ride consisted of Rin solely talking about food and riding some kind of, mystical floating food rides she was thinking about. Who knew what the girl's imagination was doing at this point?? Cubey had also finally caught up with it's quick to dash owner, causing her to greet it back happily.

Len had watched the entire thing. Actually, Rin was being SO LOUD that he was sure everyone could HEAR everything she was saying from miles. When the conversation somehow ended up on food, he snorted. Again, classic Rin. She'd get hungry and start making everything about food, WITHOUT really realizing how hungry she was! Don't ask how it works, his sister was certainly the most unsolvable mystery of the universe ever. Sometimes it was like they didn't actually had anything in common...

Soon, both her and the dragon had reached their group, the last one quickly launching them a couple of questions. Rin had been about to open her mouth again, knowing what it would be about, the boy quickly intervened and started answering the questions:

"We're have all been brought here without explanation, like you. We just discovered this place is called Big Big City, but we know as much as you in that regard... I'm Len, and you have met my sibling, Rin. She's is all over the top, but she mostly means well...Mostly." Rin, who had been staring ever since she had been cut out, complained a bit, "What does that mean? Also, why did you jump in like that?! I was about to ask something..." "Let me guess, it had to do with food?" "No, it was about fo- Wait, what? How did you even know that?!" The girl stood with her mouth agape. "Twin Telepathy." Well, see that wasn't entirely wrong... But of course, Rin took it literally and gasped, "You've been hiding that from me ALL THIS TIME??!!! FOURTEEN YEARS AND YOU ONLY LET ME KNOW NOW?!"

Argh, why had he said that?? Len didn't even answer, all he did was glance at his sister as if he asked 'Am I really hearing this?'. Rin wasn't satisfied however, and quickly pestered him with another question:

"Can I use that too?" The boy sighed, "Probably." Then realizing that his sister was still riding the dragon, even after they had arrived already he asked, "Will you get down from the nice dragon now? You've been there for quite a while... We don't want to tire him, right?" Rin wanted to protest, but having been appealed to her kindness, she figured out Len had a point this time... "Oh, right." She replied before leaping from her new friend's back, oh! She had forgot something important! "You forgot to tell me your name!" Then she turned back at the envelope, she had almost forgot that one was there, "You too!"

@Ignie, @IctoraPost
(Might edit to reference Avalon's new post afterwards, I didn't do so cause you said you would edit >w<)
(I'm too lazy to tag everyone this time)
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He didn't even had the time to react, that already, the girl started asking Ezekiel an enormous amount of question. He was about to ask how could such a small thing could say so much, however, the fact that a small person was asking way to much questions at once reminded him someone (yeah, actually him.). He sighed and tried to take one questions at a time to answer then.

"A... A Skell is not a food!" He protested when it hit him, "It's one of the best way to move around Mira!" He was about to continue, but apparently, the girl started to talk on her own, as she seemed to have completely forgot the first question she asked. Well, better reach the group, now... Or trying to reach it.

The Boy-that-now-was-a-dragon walked awkwardly to the group, the girl still on his back. As he asked his question, a boy answered, he looked like the girl riding him, but he was... well a boy. He listened to his answer and his eyes widened. "Wait, you mean... We aren't on Mira? Oh, man, where am i then? Is Elma, Lin, and the others okay? And Lao? What about Lao? Damn..." He has never been alone since he woke up, so it was the first time for him that he was on his own. That's when the girl started.... Arguing? Well, Arguing meant "The girl was babbling about something."

When the girl asked his name, he looked at everyone, and answered: "My name is Ezekiel. Ezekiel Moore... I guess."
Mail felt like it was being ignored, or forgotten. Its first question had only been partially answered, and its last completely disregarded. The top hat guy called the rainbow shades boy “Shade”, the twins were apparently Len and Rin and the dragon said his name was Ezekiel Moore. Strange name for a dragon. Then again, it had never met a dragon before, so it couldn’t judge. It seemed like these people didn’t actually know where they were either, which was probably why there was this talk about splitting up and exploring.

The envelope brought its mind back to the matter at hand. Replying to that annoyingly excitable girl that had asked for its name as an afterthought. “My name? Just call me… Mail.” Mail. What an interesting, super original name. Great job, Mail. You really outdid yourself this time.
"Okay, these boxes are made from a bit more than a rip in space. They let you talk through an aperture in space to my green dimention. Basically you are able to input audio in and it goes to a dimension, so you can communicate with others with the cube."

To demonstrate, he opened a portal and said "Double indigo" and it went out of all the boxes. "so, we need pairs? I'd find it optimal that we have one person do Central because everyone else is going out of central district and therefore also scouting part of central." 
Ava was growing impatient. She knew that introductions and explanations were necessary for the new people, but she also badly wanted to start looking around the city and getting to the bottom of why they were there. She was grateful that Len had handled the explanations this time, as she was growing tired of telling everyone that no, she didn't know anything. She took in the newcomer's names, and William's instructions as to how to use the cubes. Then she turned to Chrysalis. "Should we go ahead and leave? You guys," she addressed the others, "Can take your time picking groups, and we'll let you know through the DDC... through the boxes if we find anything noteworthy."

@LaDyGrEy, @Scattered Ambitions, @Necessity4Fun, @KAmber, @JR260, @Ignie, @IctoraPost, @Catnapper, @Silver Lightning Blade, @LegoLad659, @Vagabond Spectre
"Then I'll be off for a stroll through Northern. Should be colder." He did'nt have the burning peppermint cane in his mouth, though he had the pizza sticks back. "Anyone want to come?"
Again with this talk of splitting up and leaving. Couldn’t they just settle down and think this all through first? Mail flopped round in the air for a bit. It was a good idea, though. Having small teams quickly go through the city to gather information seemed quite efficient, if somewhat dangerous. And they had the advantage of communication too, through those boxes the girl in yellow and the jester had mentioned. Wait, boxes? It was only then when Mail noticed the strange floaty undescribed square box thing that had been following it around. Where did that come from? Never mind. Nothing made sense here.

Mail turned to the clown guy. “Looks like I’m the only other one here that can fly. I’ll go with you, then.”
Specter had no idea what was going on. He scrolled his surroundings looking for a group as the yellow cloaked being instructed. Specter saw different kinds of beings that doesn't seem to appear casual or even human. "A group huh..." He said to himself quietly.
"Okay. Feel free to barf." He went over to Mail and Flipped over to Northern District.

(heading over there for the rest of my post.)
"A... A group of two?" Ezekiel said, as he still tried to get used to his new form, "In Mira, we often do groups, to go scouting around this planet, in case we meet a Tyrant or something. I... I was an Harrier back then, when i was... not a dragon. That means i was used to take care of big, big monsters. That was my job." He nodded, "But i don't know what i can do into this form, instead of raoring really loudly, i guess. But i can try my best to protect anyone who will come with me... if they want to of course." He finished, as he tried walking a bit, to get used to his new feet, without much success, unfortunatly.
Avalon turned to the dragon. "How stable are you?" If she were to go with him, she could ride on his back. They could get around much faster that way than if she were to walk. And, if he was anything like the water dragons she had met, it would be good to have him on her side. "You know what, it doesn't matter how stable you are. I'll go with you, if you don't mind me riding on your back. I can't exactly, well, walk very well. I guess I have that in common with you!

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Ezekiel raised his head and looked at the creature before him. It looked like a mermaid, lile those she saw into the books Lin lended him. Instead she had legs, not a tail. He was about to tell her he didn't know how to use his own new form yet, but she didn't seemed to care as she said she was coming with him, no matter how used he was to his form. He approached the mermaid. And crawled next to her.

"Sure, i guess. I mean, if i can help, then i'm fine. Climb on my back, and i'll do my best!" He smiled. If he couldn't go back to his human form then he could at least help people with his dragon form.

@Scattered Ambitions
    Ava winced as William's voice blared through her box. Anyone hear me? "Loud and clear." She responded. Meanwhile, it appeared yet another new person had shown up. "Hello. Let's see, none of us know how we got here, we've learned that this place is called Big Big City, and comprises five districts, North, South, East, West, and Central. We're splitting up to look at all of them. Oh, and William, that was his voice a moment ago, gave us these boxes to communicate. Does that cover everything." A rushed explanation, to be sure, but they were never going to get out of here if they took the time to give everyone a full explanation. "You can come with us, if you want, and I can explain more in-depth."

@Vagabond Spectre
Specter was absent minded. He turned his head to the entity that seems to be calling his attention "I'll be happy to join you." Specter replied with a soft tone. He gently flew closer to the being that was dressed in yellow. Specter was still thinking on how he got in this situation. He dismissed the topic in his head and descended down to the yellow cloaked being's eye level. "So where are we going?"  He asked as he hovered smoothly.
You know what? I change my mind. Huh? We're going solo on this. Zackiel stood still for a moment, he wasn't really fond of the idea of leaving his new friends alone in this..... new area. I've got to ask, why are we ditching? It was a long pause of silence. Earth to Kickster, come in Kickster, helloooo? The voice didn't respond. Sixster, what do you think we should do then? Do you agree with ditching our friends? Uhhh... Well.... Zackiel sighed before returning to the outside, he noticed the clown and sentient letter was gone, and saw the others preparing to take their leaves as well. Guess that's it then. "I'll see you guys later." With a little wave to the others, he took off. "Just shout for me if you need anything okay?!" Starting of a brisk jog across the road he made his way deeper into Central District. I have a lock on everyone's presences! That means our Cosmic Awareness is back. Mmmhmmm! Zackiel was running now, simply bolting through crowds of people and maneuvering gracefully along the sidewalk. I'm confident in our recovering abilities. Ah, now you respond. I had my reasons. Soooo where are we heading exactly? The big tall building ahead. But they're all big and tall. Kickster sighed.

Skidding to a stop, Zackiel found his way before the doors of the highest point in the city. Upon analyzing top to bottom with unsure looks, he closed his eyes and stepped back. Something wrong? He opened his eyes slowly, acknowledging the incredible amount of people around the building. There's just no way.... Let me handle this one Zackiel.  The balance within the body shifted as Kickster took control, causing it to undergo slight changes; His hair grew a bit longer and wilder and went a darker shade of violet along with his eyes. I didn't know we could do that!!! There's alot you don't know Zackiel. Kickster now the entity in control, sank mysteriously into his shadow and in turn zoomed up the side of the rather tall building. Holy crap!!! When the shadow reached the top of the building, Kickster emerged from it. They were now over a 500 meters above ground. "Now this is what i call a look out." He sat on the roof looking down below. Everything was tiny and hard to see. "If only i knew what we were looking for." Kickster sighed, displeased with himself. He felt just as lost as the other two, and that's when it hit him. Sixster, you said you felt another presence earlier right? Yeah? Could you verify it via area wide detection? Uhhh... Maybe? I'm not sure... What crazy idea do you have now? I'll charge some energy while you decipher what the faint presence was. Okay. Ignored. Awesome.

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"Awesome! So, district wise, where do you want to go? I don't know if you heard, but there are five of them. North, south, east, west and central. Central already been taken, as has north."
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"I..." Ezekiel went silent for a moment, trying to think of an answer, "I... I usually know that South is where it's warmer!" He said, smiled, revealing sharp teeth. "So, I'll go for the south. If you are okay of course." He then bent over, "Hey, you can climb. I'm still not a Skell, but i guess that if it helps you, you can climb."

@Scattered Ambitions
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