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Futuristic Centaurus Military Academy

"Alright, and yes i am." Cartius yawned and than started walking to the exit of the cafe "I think it would be best if we make some allies while were here. Cant protect the world on our own. You see it didnt work out for my ancestors." he giggled at his snude remark
Echo nodded as she walked. "Very true. Thankfully there are many students attending here, there will be plenty of time and chances to meet others and make allies." She commented. "Also, this way." She added turning down a hall that would take them to the main training grounds.
"Most likely....Well, I know I'll be back here again. This place is awesome, " She gave another look around before turning back to Eldirir. She took a glance at the map, noticing they had to go through the main doors leading out, "All right, Medic area it is then," Zeon led the way this time, as they were walking out, two other students walked in.

Eldirir followed behind Zeon. "I'm so excited! It's going to have all kinds of instruments and medications!" As they left he took notice to the students who walked in. One was at a glance appeared to be a female oh what was the race? I think it started with an H? and a giant lion. "Hey, Zeon there's other people looking around just like we are! I wonder if one of them could be a foot soldier like you."

As they entered the training room Cartius gazed at all the weapons and training gear. It was mothing like hes seen before but it didnt amaze him, it was similar in purpose to his training facilities at home but the shape and form was way different. Looking back at the two other people he turned around, his mane swing over his right eye and he adjusted it. "I am a foot soldier." he extended his hand to the two of them, still rrying to adjust to this informal greeting. "I am Cartius Leo and this is my friend Echo." He inspected the two figures taking in every aspect, this was a bad habit he had gotten from his father. His father tild him this was a key part of being King, knowing your subjects. But he wasnt king anymore just a lowly foot soldier.
Zeon eyed the lion for a moment, taking his hand, she had to look down a bit to look in him in the eye, "I'm Zeon and my friend's name is Ri-I mean Eldirir, he's aiming for Medic and I'm also a foot soldier," She look go of his hand, noticing he had a firm grip, "You two also touring the campus?" She asked, but she knew the answer, this was the first day, what else are students gonna do here?

@Ninja God

Eldirir stared as the lion's hand. What is this? What do I do with this? Is this how his people greet each other? He watched as Zeon shook hands with Cartius. This gesture was unknown to him. Zeon was kind enough to do the introduction for him. Eldirir extended out his hand to shake Echo's hand. "Hi, It's nice to meet you."

@Ninja God @Rosyshark @VictoriaFirewriath
Echo looked at the other two students. They both reminded her of animals she had studied. One reminding her of a fish or shark and the other a snail. She had yet to learn about their races yet. Still she held out her hand and shook the snail-like creature known as Eldirir's hand. "Hello. I am Echo. Division, Technology support." She said, using her normal introduction. "It is nice to meet you."
Zeon gave a nod to Echo, "Nice to meet you too," Though, there was something off about the other girl, Zeon couldn't place it though. She smelt of something metallic. It was quite odd for Zeon. Then there was Leo, Zeon noticed he had this air around him, as if he was trying to act like...something. It frustrated Zeon that she couldn't think of anything.
Eldirir felt a little uncomfortable. The way Echo spoke seemed very monotone. Leo spoke very matter of fact. I wonder if they're just as uncomfortable as I am. Meeting new people can always feel strange. Zeon was a little rude at first, but now she excitedly talked to a small little snail about training equipment. I'm sure they'll open up soon. "What's the technology division used for? I was always a snittle confused on it." Eldirir didn't even notice the accidental quirk when he spoke.
Echo looked down at Eldirir, her expression unchanging. "We are hackers, decoders, and are in charge of making sure that the security systems stay on check with no bugs." She wasn't sure if that had been a good description. "Essentially, if it involves a computer, A.I, or something of that sort. We're who is called." She finished.
Eldirir smiled. "OH wow that sounds amazing! I don't really understand what all you said, but that's why I'm not the one snoing it!" He laughed hoping maybe someone would too. The air felt very tense, and he wanted to try to break it. It didn't seem to work well.
Zeon stood there, listening to Eldirir and Echo talk. Eldirir laughed at something, but she wasn't paying attention.

What the hell is a snittle?! She thought, trying to make sense of the strange words the snail had just said. Snoing? What in the Seven is he talking about???
Atheris was highly embarassed, though she'd rather die than show it. She had somehow gotten herself lost while trying to find where the pilot division was. She was just walking in circles at this point, holding her head up high and acting like she knew exactly where she was going. She couldn't show weakness, she told herself, being lost is weakness. Only the weak can be lost, of course.

...Though then again, here she was, sixth loop around the area and she wasn't any less lost than she had been originally. She knew it was foolish to continue with this ouroboros of a search, so she reluctantly swallowed her pride and looked for someone she could ask for directions. It didn't take long before she saw a cluster of students, and she made her way towards them, her head still held high. "You." She barked, "You there. One of you tell me where the pilot division is." She demanded, her tongue lashing out as she spoke.
Eldirir jumped as a voice roared behind them. He turned his head to see a tall scaly woman. She shouted orders at them. He was too scared to talk. Eldirir was happy he had Zeon with him because he knew she would always help him. He looked up at her in fear.
Echo was looking at the snail blankly. He's laughing.... Why? Did he make a joke? Did I say something amusing? I must learn humor. Her attention was taken away from the odd snail as a a voice called out at them. She turned and saw a lizard-like person coming over asking... Or demanding really to know where the pilot division was. Echo could tell her that. "It's in the lower levels of the school. In the same area as the hanger." She answered stepping forward to meet her. "I can show you where if need be."

(Don't worry it's all good. ^^ We haven't even gotten into the main plot yet. We're gonna let everyone meet and greet for a bit until we actually get to that)
Zeon bristled at the newcomers tone, even catching Eldirirs glance for help. Taking a deep breath, Zeon calmed herself before breaking into her rage, but (left a little in her tone).

"Guess you're lost, huh? You even found yourself a walking map to show ya around..,"
Eldirir was shocked at what Zeon just said. He poked her on the arm and gestured for her to squat down. He whispered, "Zeon, you shouldn't be snude. You can't make friends that way." He hoped his words didn't upset her, but snude against snude just ends in hurt feelings.
[Alright! Thank you ^^]

"I'm not lost," She said scathingly to the shark-like creature before her. "I don't get lost. I could find it by myself if I needed too, It's just... More efficient this way." She said before turning back to the 'walking map'. "Yes, it would be preferable if you could escort me. It's nice to know that someone is actually helpful in this place."
Zeon felt Eldirir poke her, mentioning for her to get down. She listened to his words, she understood most of it except for that one word. Snude.

"What the hell is snude?"

Zeon decided to pointedly ignore the snake-lady, Echo can be the walking map for the other, and pay more attention to her snail friend, trying to figure out his language.
Echo nodded to the reptilian woman. "Very well. By the way. I am Echo. Division, Technology support." She added before looking to the others. "If you wish to follow and keep speaking you may. There is also the benefit of knowing where the hanger is if you follow. You will also know where Ms.Naran's office is." And with that she started to walk in the direction of the hanger.
Eldirir started to feel anxious. "Oh! Um... I mean you know.... Snude." He was fidgeting a little bit. He didn't mean for his quirk to come out. People on his planet tend to change words around like this. He meant to say the word rude. "Just because she was snude to you doesn't means you should be snude back. That's no way to get to know people and make sniends."
Zeon stared at him for a few moments, they were still eye to eye. She gave a sigh, taking a small notebook and pencil from her back pocket, and scribbled the word, snude and sneind.

"I don't have a Seven clue on what your talking about, but I'll do my best to understand,"

Zeon placed the items back into her pockets when Echo asked if they wanted to go along, "Yo, Riri, do you want to go?"

He watched as Zeon wrote the word in a notebook. That's so nice. Instead of making fun, she's going to try to learn my language. I've really made a good friend today. "If you want to! I don't mind. I was looking forward to checking out medical though."
Zeon took out her map, "nah, the medical building is this way and they are going that way," she pointed at a part of the building on the east side, "see?" she folded her map up once again, turned to Leo, "You wanna go with us to medical or catch up with those two, they gonna see the hanger,"

@Ninja God

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