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Futuristic Centaurus Military Academy

Grabbing a plate gently he inspected the meat and picked various portions of the raw meat selection. Having almost three plates full he turned to the tables and looked at the girl "Im guessing you dont eat food. Well in that case, you shall choose were we seat." his eyes moved to the girl but his head was still held high.

"You are correct there." Echo simply replied before looking around at the other seats that were not occupied. "This one seems okay." She said, walking to an empty table not too far from where a snail-like creature and a shark-like woman were sitting. She recognized one of then. Not so much on the other though. She made a mental reminder to speak with her later and find out more.

@Ninja God
Eldirir munched through his carrots at a slow pace. "I wonder when classes are going to start. I'm so excited to learn about the different medical requirements of each species." He said to Zeon unsure to if she was paying attention or not. She seemed a little rough around the edges and kind of to herself even around other people. That's just Eldirir's assumption though.

Going up to the table Cartius sat down and looked at the food in front of him. He chose a raw T-bone steak and started to cut into it with a knife and a fork. "So Echo what exactly are you, Im not too familiar with your kind, for my planet magic was a formality, technology was a lost dream." Cartius looked a the fork and knife and then at the meat. 'Why not' he thought to himself and put down the fork and knife and grabbed one steak with his paw like hand and bit into it.

Eldirir blushed, "I am? No ones ever said that before! Thank you! You're pretty cool yourself Zeon!!!" Eldirir finished eating his carrots. He looked around the room and saw some pretty interesting aliens.
Zeon was silent for a moment, no one had ever called her 'cool' before. 'is this what it feels like having a friend?' she thought. She watched Eldirir look around, she smiled, and then gave a big laugh that echoed across the room, slapping him happily on his shell, "This is great Eldirir,"

Echo thought of how to respond for a bit. ".... I'm an android." She started, not realizing how obvious it was. "Created by the Centaurus military. But not one of their battle androids. I was created as a prototype Artificial Intelligence to see is they could make one that can learn and comprehend human emotions, but still have the capabilities to choose the best possible outcomes in situations that will save the most people." She finished, hoping that description would suffice. "What about you? I can tell you're one of the zodiac, but my knowledge is limited. I was programmed to learn the rest on my own."

@Ninja God
Eldirir looked up at Zeon and smiled as best he could with his snail face and said, "Me neither! They all thought I was weird because I wanted to join the fight. They just wanted to roll over for their new masters. I love my planet. I love the flowers and the grass. I don't want them to destroy it. I'm so happy to finally have a friend!"
Zeons stared at Eldirir for a moment, a soft smile on her face, this won't be so bad at all.

"Me too, Riri. This is gonna be one hell of a year,"
Zeon is so nice! She seems so stern but in reality she just wants friends like I do! "It really will be! I can't wait to get started!" Eldirir laughed. He felt so relieved to make an ally so quickly. Maybe she will let me practice curing wounds on her!
((Sorry for the late reply))

Cartius nodded and continue to eat. Putting a bone down he licked his lips and then turned his head towards Echo. "My people were first born from each of The Divines Zodiacs. Me of course Leo and Then Gemini and so forth so one. Each first child og the Divine Zodiacs had specific duties and were only born to create balanve and peace between the universe, but as time went on this job was far to much for the first 12. So the Divines gave each 12 there own kingdom in hope to make it easier. But it only made things worst. War spreaded between The Firsts and this maddened the Divines. The divines took away each first Magical powers and this almost destroyed the race. But my Great Grandfather Leonitus Leo won back the Divines trust and restoring the Magic in the world. The Divines made Him the ZodiacKing and this united all of the Zodiacs." Cartius bleathed in and wiped off his brow he hadnt had to tell that story in ages. He picked up another piece of meat and devoured it in a matter of seconds. Finishing his foodvhe stood and discarded his plate. "Were shall we go now Miss Echo."

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"Yeah...be great to finally to go into battle....where shall we go next, Riri?"

Zeno asked as she pulled out her map once again, "looks the training grounds are this way and Medical building is over yonder, "

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"Well let's look at the training grounds first! I probably won't be there often except for when people get injured, but I'd love to take a look at it." Eldirir observed his map and looked at all the buildings this academy had. "It's also closer to us."

Echo listened closely, taking in every word he said. She hadn't known all that history yet, so it was something new to her and fascinating. Especially his talk of "Magic." From what she had researched it wasn't supposed to be real, and there could be science found in it all. Yet she also knew that there was a bigger story to everything and that sometimes it was better to not look too deeply into it. "Fascinating." She finally replied. "You said you still have not had a tour of the facility, is that correct?" She asked. She was willing to show him around if he wanted to.

@Ninja God
"Yes, If it isnt to much trouble would you please escort me. I would like to see where i will be training and what i have at my disposal while im here." He looked at the group of people around and waited for Echos reply
Eldirir and Zeon walked to the training grounds. "So, aren't you scared to fight like that? I don't know how people do it. Go head to head."
"Fighting is one of the greatest pleasures I ever had, perhaps the only thing I had to live for," Zeon replied to him. They soon entered the training grounds and Zeon's eyes lit up, "Holy Seven! Its got everything a fighter can use!" She pulled on one of Eldirir robotic arms, "Riri, look at that!" She pointed at a few dummies with fake arms moving side to side and punching in the air, "Those are to help with hand-to-hand combat! and over there!"

As Zeon pulled on the poor snail's arm he used his remaining to walk faster and catch up. "Wow this is a lot of equipment! You'll be able to beat up everyone in the universe training with all this! I wonder if the medic center is as stocked up as this!"

Echo nodded, pulling up a map in her head to remember where the training facility he would be going to was. "Very well. I'll show you to the main training areas someone in your division will be using. You said you were a foot soldier, correct?" She asked, though she actually did remember, if seemed more human to ask questions.

@Ninja God

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