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Realistic or Modern Cemetery Drive


night of the living punk

Head down, trudging through the leaf litter to wander lost for all eternity. Dante’s wood of casualties, the Black Forest level for high-school misfits in make-up. Maybe there would be werewolves.

Crash the cemetery gates.

The fact that Glen Fell was so far off the beaten path hadn't helped matters. The local same pattern of farmland-forest-forest-hills-forest scenery scrolled past like a deary screensaver. Cars rarely sputtered past on the dust and gravel roads, aside from driving in the opposite direction. Most may be increasingly convinced that there was no Glen Fell and the entire town was an elaborate hoax - until a ridge overlooking a river, and furthermore a sheepish town peeked through the pine branches.

The town was small, smaller than what anyone would wish it was. Any rumors or news spread from citizen to citizen like roaring wildfire. The main supplier of juicy gossip and 'round-back-brawls was the sole high school in the area, backed against a dark stretch of forest. The school, Glen Fell High, is the drab, 7-hours-a-day housing of southern-drawl John Deere Antler McBigots, soap opera-watching and nail-filing secretaries, hair-flipping popular, lip gloss-smeared Valley girls, and crumpled up, life-disgusted, B.O. reeking teens. It was absolute hell for 5 days a week.

That is, for most people.

Some of us know a secret about Glen Fell High, and its students. A collection of us are different. Not special-ed, I-don't-conform-to-society's-expectations sort of different.

We are the people who are dead. Undead, even. Creatures trapped inside sad teenagers, and teenagers with the spellbooks to create creatures. Snobby rich-kid witches, never-speak skeletons, jock zombies, cheerleader werewolves and punk ghosts. We are all sworn under secrecy to never show normal beings who we are or have our abilities cross paths with our school life - but once nighttime hits, we are free to be who we truly are.

Every night, we decline friend hookups and bar parties to head down to
Cemetery Drive. Cemetery Drive is a dingy sort of field of gravestones, off the skirts of the forest of the town. It feels humble and cozy there, the crooked stones shoved into the brown grass, dead, gnarly black trees clinging onto tiny hills. It is our home, our hideout, our heaven.

We have managed to keep our gatherings Cemetery Drive hidden for decades and decades now. But now, this new year of high school, people are starting to get suspicious. They have noticed how different the Cemetery Kids act around normal people, overheard their whispered conversations about afterlife and "tonight", and some being mistaken for a kid who died 20 years prior. Things have been getting weird, and some students have gotten together to get to the bottom of it.


Glen Fell is a tiny, never-look-twice town, smack in the middle of Nowhere, Vermont. The teens at the town's high school trudge along with their lives, oblivious to the group of undead, Halloween-creature, supernatural teens who walk the halls alongside them. Every night, those kids transform into their true horror-movie-like selves, in the town's famous cemetery, on Cemetery Drive. At Glen Fell High, an opposite band of students have found out about the Cemetery Kids, and have begun investigating about them, and even sneaking in the middle of the night to Cemetery Drive to watch them turn. It is a war, between the Cemetery Kids keeping their identities secret, versus the Normals trying to sabotage the Cemetery Kids' secrets.

Who will win?

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