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Fantasy Celestial Twilight {OOC}

Cosmo Cosmo
Hm.......I see. I shall take your criticisms to heart. He's certainly not as fleshed out as I'd like him to be. Personality has never been my strong suit in submissions, but I like to think that's because I do better actually writing for the character than I do describing them. I'll see what I can do about that history; maybe an example or two of the bandits he's destroyed could help some. I always find trouble trying to fit in lore, but I'll manage. I have to ask though, what did you think of the theme I gave him? Too sprightly? Too fast? Not enough cowbell? I always say that a good theme really helps define the character in your mind, so I'd like to get that down as well.
Cosmo Cosmo psst, psssssssssssssst, going with picture number 1, got a better idea >.<

...Plus, we got to much muscle, so a slim tricky fellah is a palate cleanser.

Also what is your thoughts on servants? Basicly just a small secondary character thats less fleshed out but comes tied to the main?
C Chromatica You know what I write a lot on my CSes? XD Because I have trouble remembering my characters, their personality, etc, as the RP goes on. So rereading a lot of text on the character helps me get back into the character. Its entirely for selfish reasons that I write a lot. I just like a lot in other's characters cause I enjoy reading CSes. Don't try too hard to think of the lore just imagine your character doing a 'job' as he is a merc.

For me the theme was too.. consistently upbeat. When I think of your character, I think of something more subdued, something quiet yet potent that, occasionally, spikes up to a great crescendo. That said I hate finding theme songs for characters (and I die a little inside when someone wants one) because it takes me hours to find one because I will search and search until I find one that makes me go, 'Perfect!' as I do with pictures. ._. (Like on my cs for this, I spent more time looking for her picture then I did writing.)

Orikanyo Orikanyo I did say it was okay to make a servant misc character if ya wanted. :P So I don't mind at all. Would be neat.
C Chromatica You know what I write a lot on my CSes? XD Because I have trouble remembering my characters, their personality, etc, as the RP goes on. So rereading a lot of text on the character helps me get back into the character. Its entirely for selfish reasons that I write a lot. I just like a lot in other's characters cause I enjoy reading CSes. Don't try too hard to think of the lore just imagine your character doing a 'job' as he is a merc.

For me the theme was too.. consistently upbeat. When I think of your character, I think of something more subdued, something quiet yet potent that, occasionally, spikes up to a great crescendo. That said I hate finding theme songs for characters (and I die a little inside when someone wants one) because it takes me hours to find one because I will search and search until I find one that makes me go, 'Perfect!' as I do with pictures. ._. (Like on my cs for this, I spent more time looking for her picture then I did writing.)

Orikanyo Orikanyo I did say it was okay to make a servant misc character if ya wanted. :P So I don't mind at all. Would be neat.

Was thin king of having the sassy fool a merchant type of character, or at least have it as a front, so a servant makes things come together. Espeacially to order around~!

Was thin king of having the sassy fool a merchant type of character, or at least have it as a front, so a servant makes things come together. Espeacially to order around~!

The group could use it as a front to better get into the Ascendancy, so... XD Still all for it.
The group could use it as a front to better get into the Ascendancy, so... XD Still all for it.
Don't you worry, thats what he's there for~!

He may have a face that makes you wonder what hes up to, but i assure you, he is nothing more than a honest and honorable merchant!
Don't you worry, thats what he's there for~!

He may have a face that makes you wonder what hes up to, but i assure you, he is nothing more than a honest and honorable merchant!

How could I ever doubt the intentions of one so noble as a merchant from the glorious and most trustworthy of Clans?
How could I ever doubt the intentions of one so noble as a merchant from the glorious and most trustworthy of Clans?
Quite so!

I mean, who wouldn't trust a clan with such a fluffy tailed being as their emblem?
Does anyone have any recommendations for where to look for characther songs because I can’t find any that I like.
Well, got alot done, just need personality and history... and the rest of the stuff in the middle, but family is done~!
Alrighty, all that is left is the history~!

my, awefully quite around here today.
Well got my backstory done, and I once again recall the allure of a younger character. I don't have to think of what they were doing for 4 decades.

Cosmo Cosmo if it's not too much let me know, might add a sentence on how he got his horse and bow when he departed his tribal allies, but otherwise done.
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Good luck~!

I got lucky for mine, a dancing fox was easy enough to find in the correct style.
I think what's quite intriguing in this RP is you have a lot of military elements with armies and warfare- and so on, and unlike most typical rp's I've seen with this general setup, it's not based on warfare. There's a very specific task at hand as opposed to simply war and battles. It's a good sign, I'm sure, and pleasantly surprising.
Lots of military related things to be had, but what do I do? Make a diplomat who's more prone to running than actually fighting.

But he shall have his place, for not every battle is with a sword, and not every war is won by it either~!

Granted he can still fight, just like anyone can. But don't expect any high flying stuff!
ChimpMan ChimpMan Thanks! XD I wanted to build a lot of background lore to really make the world feel a bit more real and let you have a lot to work with, the suicide squad thing was all Bunneh, and its a good idea. Makes it more.. compact and easier to direct the RP.
Lots of military related things to be had, but what do I do? Make a diplomat who's more prone to running than actually fighting.

But he shall have his place, for not every battle is with a sword, and not every war is won by it either~!

Granted he can still fight, just like anyone can. But don't expect any high flying stuff!

To quote a certain ancient Chinese strategist (brownie points if you can guess who): 'There is no greater weapon than the prepared mind.'

ChimpMan ChimpMan Thanks! XD I wanted to build a lot of background lore to really make the world feel a bit more real and let you have a lot to work with, the suicide squad thing was all Bunneh, and its a good idea. Makes it more.. compact and easier to direct the RP.

The key is always in the details!
Oh absolutely, I've often seen RP's fall and die because someone was overly ambitious with what they wanted to do as opposed to what they realistically can do. Not to say you can't be, but it needs time to grow and develop. A RP is usually sustained by its first few core-members, I think.

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