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Fandom Casual small group Pokémon adventure?


Omnipotent Burro
So as the title states, I'm aiming for this to be a small casual rp, using elements from the show, games, and manga. Having just finished a table top rp with dungeons, stat sheets, saving throws and everything else, this will be my extremely laid back attempt to get back into online rp. There will be no limit on number of moves learned, no leveling system, or tms even. The premise will be the same as the show, following a small group of young people on their adventure. I say young people, because we wont be having 10 year olds running around aimlessly in the forest. So with that let me segway into some guidelines:
- People don't start their adventure until finishing school (16 minimum age as thats when you can drop out)
- Starters arent given out by professors. Trainers are taught how to catch pokemon and are taken on safari tours where they can attempt to catch their first pokemon
- Money is not exchanged after battles
- The Pokédex isn't distributed to children
- No evil teams. They've already been defeated/prevented by the international super spy known as Looker.
- Pokémon don't say their name

As for the group itself and the plot, its all very simple. I want to make this a fun and easy experience, so there won't be any villains constanly pestering our travelers or trying to end the world. Its simply going to be a group of trainers traveling, earning badges/winning contests, making their way to the Pokémon League. So Ive already decided that a maximum of 4 people is best suited for this rp.

So minimum we need two trainers, who are both trying to get 8 badges and become champion. These are going to be our rivals, with lots of battles between eachother, and constantly trying to outdo one another. Despite their rivalry they remain close friends and give eachother advice and encouragment.
Then we have the Coordinator. This character is going to be competing in all the contests trying to get as many ribbons as possible, in hopes of one day competing against the likes of Wallace or Fantina.
And finally, theres the experienced one. This character has been gym leader previously, despite still being the age of a high school graduate. They have, for whatever reason(reason is up to you), left their gym, to go on a journey. (You also only brought 1 pokemon with you.)

So as for the structure of the rp, here is what I have planned. We have our main goal, to get to the pokemon league/grand festival. Thats the Arc. To help move things along, we will establish smaller goals that we can accomplish in a much smaller number of posts. Those smaller goals will be 'Episodes' as each episode ends once we achieve said goal. For instance, episode one's goal would be to travel from pallet town to viridian city. Whatever happens between leaving pallet town and arriving at viridian is just what we decide to be post about, such as pokemon encounters, trainer battles, learning new moves etc. Gym battles will be their own two part episode, as we'll have 2 trainers competing for each badge. As such, well be limiting all gym battles to a 3 on 3 scenario so both battles csn be fought consecutively. Contests will also be episodes, with it being the performance part and battle part. It will be encouraged to create a second, Coordinator character to compete here as well. They'll only appear at the contest halls.
Deciding the goal of each episode will be done in the OOC so everybody always knows what our current objective in the rp is. Ideally this will allow everyone to communicate what they want they're character to accomplish in the short term, while we move the story along.
This means everything from the start of the rp to the final battle between the winner of the pokemon league and the champion will be considered 'Arc 1' as i have hopes we can have an 'Arc 2' in another region.
I will be playing the role of Narrator/Gym Leaders/Contest Judges/E4/Champion.

The adventure will be taking place in the Sinnoh Region, and everyone will be starting in Jubilife city. Assuming we have 4 people, we will begin with our 3 newly graduated trainers meeting our former Gym leader.
I think that about covers most of what I've got so far. This will be a first come first serve basis. Once the 4 positions are claimed I can drop an ooc with character sheets. Questions, Comments, Concerns are welcome/encouraged!
Ayyyyyyye always love a Pokémon rp, especially one with some structure! I’d gladly take the gym leader tagging along on the journey role, hit me up with that character sheet and I’ll bring’m in. (:
It's been a while since I've had a good pokemon RP, and if arc 1 goes well I'd be game for an arc 2 hopefully! I think I'll grab one of the trainer roles while they're still available.
Alright!! Ill drop an ooc shortly with the character sheets. Everyone will be starting with just their First pokemon, so for now just pick your starter. In case it wasn't obvious, legendaries/mythical Pokémon aren't allowed. Pseudo legendaries are fair game, but it will be a LONG time before they evolve the first time. More info will be in the OOC.

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