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Fandom /Casual-Mass Effect C-Sec


Unlimited by Nature

  • The War...

    The war devastated so many colonies across the galaxy to the point that all seemed lost. That is until Commander Shepard came and delivered us from the Reaper threat, sacrificing herself to destroy all AI across the galaxy. The Reapers and the Geth are no more.


    In the years after the Reaper invasion the species of the galaxy started to rebuild, but sadly the Batarians slowly died off until extinction. They were unable to recover from the catastrophic losses inflicted by the Reapers. Most other species made a come back and are now thriving, almost back to the point they were at before the war. The citadel was moved back to it's original placement and once again became the center of the galaxy. The humans, asari, turians, and salarians remained on the council and added the krogan in appreciation for all they did to stop the Reapers.


    Now, a few decades later, everything is as it should be and relative peace flourishes across the galaxy. The Terminus Systems no longer consider themselves independent and the galaxy is no longer divided. Old grudges were put to rest and out of turmoil came hope. Sure, there are still gangs and those who wish to harm others but the galaxy isn't on the brink of full inter-species war as it was before the Reapers. The krogan have maintained their population and the genophage has been eradicated thanks to Morden Solus. All is as it should be.
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If you're interested you can fill out this mock CS, but it's not required since there will be a real one for the actual RP if this gains interest. If you're going to use a weapon not part of the ME universe please provide description of it's capabilities. Heavy weapons will be something that is placed in the RP by me for specific situations to avoid people using the CAIN to destroy everything. Would be hilarious, but no. I've broken the information up to make it easier to sort but you can code however you want or not at all. I'm not picky.

  • Name:




I am open to suggestions for a better CS if anyone has any.
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You know what, gotta go turn my dusty Playstation 3 on and start a new game of Mass Effect 3, i know damn near nothing of it, but i'll do my research, but yea i'm up for this.
I was in the previous RP you mention in the plot tab, but I never got to use the character I made for it so I'm pretty excited this is happening

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