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One x One Castlevania: Throne of Perdition


Senior Member
Name: Fane Lazar.

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Physical Description:


Fane is 5'10", with long, curly hair, green eyes and pale white skin. He wears a large black overcoat, black pants and dark grey heeled boots. He has two piercings in each ear.

Biography: When Fane was a young child, he was stolen from his parents arms by the Coven of Heccubus and taken to their disguised encampment within the Aolin Ruins. The coven often took in children they sensed possessed magical ability in hopes of sparing them a life of pain and rejection. Through the guidance and instruction of the covens most powerful sorcerer, Fane became a capable Witch. Fane was especially talented in two specific schools of magic; conjuration and necromancy. At the age of twenty four however, he began to have disturbing visions of the outside world: men and women being kidnapped from the streets of Cordova and experimented upon by a mysterious figure.

After struggling with these horrific visions for over a year, Fane knew something had to be done to discover their source. Violating the ancient code of their order, Fane departed their hidden encampment, and departed for Cordova in search of answers.

Weapon: Ironbranch Wand-


While this 2 foot wand appears to be flimsy and primitive, in reality it's enchanted by to be as durable as steel. Fane can direct his own magic into the wand, causing the tip to become molten hot.


  • Tier I Skills (5 Energy):

    Flaming Serpents- With this magical feat, Fane conjures forth three flaming serpents and projects them toward his enemies. The serpents coil around their victims, charring flesh.
  • Wilting Hex- An exercise in necromancy, Fane can curse a group of enemies, causing much of the moisture within their bodies to violently evaporate.

[*]Tier II Skills (10 Energy)

  • Hydra- Reciting an ancient spell in his mind, Fane can summon forth a vitriolic three headed hydra which spews forth streams of acid from its mouths.
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Name: Aidan Melbourne

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Physical Description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Screenshot_2015-09-23-18-09-17-1-1.png.b8e59222eaf5a2b345451065415ab851.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76426" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Screenshot_2015-09-23-18-09-17-1-1.png.b8e59222eaf5a2b345451065415ab851.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aidan stands 5'11'', with dark brown hair that is kept short. His eyes are grey, and he he wears a black, and ragged clothing that shows they are worn. His boots are the same black like everything else and we'll worn.

Biography: Aidan was orphaned at a young age, and lived on the streets. He turned to a life of crime to survive. He started out as a thief, and pick pocket. Eventually he became quite skilled and found that he could make good money by taking jobs no one else wanted. Eventually he became a mercenary for the Silver Hand. Aidan didn't mind the work, and would rather kill whatever stood in his way when it came to dealing with obstacles. However he would only kill someone if he was paid to do it.

Recently Aidan had been taking on a lot of odd jobs. Some easier than others, but it had been awhile since he'd been back to the guild. He was looking forward to putting his feet once he got back to Cordova, and the Sliver Hand.

Weapon: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Screenshot_2015-09-23-18-27-27-1.png.e7c8bd796d77876f3413488e69bbd58e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Screenshot_2015-09-23-18-27-27-1.png.e7c8bd796d77876f3413488e69bbd58e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A simple one handed sword. It's nothing special, strong sharp and it gets the job done that's all Aidan cared about.


Tier l skills:

  • Combined Stab: This allows the user to stab a single enemy multiple times (3 -5)
  • Rising cut: Lifts smaller enemies off the ground and allows for an additional strike. Larger enemies will be hit once.

Tier II skill:

  • Counterstrike Stab: After successfully blocking an enemy attack, immediately after deflecting the blow attacks the enemy with a devastating blow.



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