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Realistic or Modern Card Caste Heaven

Once Lady said the name of your character, I just went "I am posting that song once I see the character" xD

And yes. Fucking hell, we have a crazy king and a crazy queen and I need to keep my characters away from them both xD

But thank god, I can just kick Leroy in where Connor used to be :3

Is this when I go to sleep for like 7 hours so I can take part when it's starting up? :P
Now, remember. Are you talking about my evening, or your evening? because it's soon midnight here honey :P
Okay, I'll stay up 2.5 hours just to be able to go POST THE FUCKING POSTS YOU YOUNG LADY
Girl, you just ask me :P

Lady is gonna be posting before 2 am your time (3 am my time) and if she hasn't, we can yell at her
I will be asleep then my friend. It's like half 10 here and i'll probs make it to somewhere between midnight and 1 at a push
:3 I'll just let you go write all your stuff, while I find more music for when two potentially psychopathic characters can/will meet :3


LittleWolfie said:
I will be asleep then my friend. It's like half 10 here and i'll probs make it to somewhere between midnight and 1 at a push
Go to sleep youngster :P

You'll catch up in the morning
Nat said:
:3 I'll just let you go write all your stuff, while I find more music for when two potentially psychopathic characters can/will meet :3

Go to sleep youngster :P

You'll catch up in the morning
I'm not that much younger than you!!! It's 6 damn months missy. And When it comes to height I win easily :P

Plus I hate catching up in the morning cause that's like a whole 8 hours by the time i get up in the holidays meaning i'll have heck knows how much to read :P
LittleWolfie said:
I'm not that much younger than you!!! It's 6 damn months missy. And When it comes to height I win easily :P
Plus I hate catching up in the morning cause that's like a whole 8 hours by the time i get up in the holidays meaning i'll have heck knows how much to read :P
Dudette? I tend to sleep until like noon when I can, and these crazy americans go crazy active at like 4-7 am our time.

So just sleep now and wake up early xD
Nat said:
Dudette? I tend to sleep until like noon when I can, and these crazy americans go crazy active at like 4-7 am our time.
So just sleep now and wake up early xD
I know it's insane. I just wanna scream why aren't you sleeping crazy people at them. And you think it works like that? My brain is so glad to be done with all of my college stress it will happily sleep for over 12hrs straight, it's nuts
LittleWolfie said:
I know it's insane. I just wanna scream why aren't you sleeping crazy people at them. And you think it works like that? My brain is so glad to be done with all of my college stress it will happily sleep for over 12hrs straight, it's nuts
I know what you mean xD but for some reason I've started waking up after like 7 hours.


Also, like...

Who has songs that fits their characters perfectly because I just found Valentina's song O.o

[/media] I was looking for creepy/murderous songs, and found this :3

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