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Realistic or Modern Card Caste Heaven

@Brown Yeah that is probably a better idea.

@oOBubblesOo @Brown @Stoked911 @Fallout Bandit

Hey everyone! Sorry that the rp and the 'Admin' has been a bit quiet today. I preparing a time skip (so we can actually have our characters rp in classes) and also me and Nat are planning an event for your characters to enjoy. X3

Tbh, I little part inside me is slightly scared of what's in store.

Then the rest of me is just like "OH YAY."
I'm just gonna let Nat post before I do :P that way, we can kinda keep a small-time post order or something between the three of us. At least, until our characters disperse from each other.
I have been with friends all day, sorry for the inconvenience.

We had a good DnD time but I had to head home because we live 40 mins away from each other.
I might actually reply with a filler post then tbh! Because I'm gonna hit the sack pretty early tonight. And I guess I can add my characters slight reaction of seeing Val. @LadyOfSixVillages

@BlackJack filler are best posts to read in my opinion, only because they give me a feel for the characters. Something CS's can't quite capture :P

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