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Capture By Research


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Word has it there are several people that are affiliated with these so-called 'Assassins', which as you know, are out for our artifacts. This is not to happen, however. I leave you with the task of seeking out the people listed below;

Miles Renue

Michelle James

Daniel Landon

Madison Reed

Anthony Noah

I trust you will be find the people listed above with ease, as if you don't, there will be consequences. Do not fail us. I believe in you.

Best regards,

Warren Vidic"

Closely observing the letter, he read it over and over. Silently repeating the names several times, he allowed a soft sigh to leave his lips. Ivan was mainly a researcher, though he was occasionally sent out to scout out areas for any hints as to where the next artifact might be. This time, however, was completely new.

Folding the paper neatly into a small square, he slid the letter into his pocket. It was a bit of a surprise that the information had not been emailed to him, and a bigger surprise that it was Vidic himself contacting him. Usually, other Abstergo employees would pass on the word. As to why, he did not know.

Sighing quietly once more, he glanced around, then crept over to a small alleyway. Pressing his body against the brick wall, he let out a soft whistle, sounding similar to a birds call. He knew those 'Assassins' often used those calls to lure either their victims or fellow members to where they were.

(private role-play with @Dashsie)
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Dashy said:
Word has it there are several people that are affiliated with these so-called 'Assassins', which as you know, are out for our artifacts. This is not to happen, however. I leave you with the task of seeking out the people listed below;

Miles Renue

Michelle James

Daniel Landon

Madison Reed

Anthony Noah

I trust you will be find the people listed above with ease, as if you don't, there will be consequences. Do not fail us. I believe in you.

Best regards,

Warren Vidic"

Closely observing the letter, he read it over and over. Silently repeating the names several times, he allowed a soft sigh to leave his lips. Ivan was mainly a researcher, though he was occasionally sent out to scout out areas for any hints as to where the next artifact might be. This time, however, was completely new.

Folding the paper neatly into a small square, he slid the letter into his pocket. It was a bit of a surprise that he had not been emailed to him, and a bigger surprise that it was Vidic himself contacting him. Usually, other Abstergo employees would pass on the word. As to why, he did not know.

Sighing quietly once more, he glanced around, then crept over to a small alleyway. Pressing his body against the brick wall, he let out a soft whistle, sounding similar to a birds call. He knew those 'Assassins' often used those calls to lure either their victims or fellow members to where they were.

(private role-play with @Dashsie)
Miles sat lurking in he shadows... waiting, waiting for something to happen. "Cuuuuuurrrrrnnncchh!," A noise from the left of miles unexpectedly sounded.

Miles just sat and stared. What he was staring at he doesn't know. Everything inside him felt like he was being turned off.

"Down," hissed a voice. Miles looked at his hands. Nothing. Miles looked at his feet and there just a few inches away perched on top of a small stump-

"Paper!," said Miles excitedly. Although this wasn't much of a surprise Miles was BORED. Miles turend over the paper. Nothing.

"Strange," Miles said.

Miles staring back behind him headed back to his house his brown hair waving in the wind every step he took.
The edges of his lips were tugged down, forming a small frown. No Assassins were nearby. He took no notice of the soft hum of chattering from nearby pedestrians, until he heard an excited voice nearby. Narrowing his eyes, he silently crept to the edge of the alley wall, seeing a man staring at paper, a rather excited expression on his face.

Ivan watched the man, raising a brow in curiosity. He was suddenly struck with a realization: This was one of his targets.

When the enemy began to walk away, he was forced to act. Pursing his lips, he spotted a temporary hiding spot, in a small group of men who did not appear to be talking to each other. Darting forward, he stood within the group, still keeping an eye on his target.

Did this man even know what Abstergo was? Much less 'Assassins'? Ivan tilted his head to a side, then sprinted over to a crowd of people.

Maybe this would be easier then he thought. He slightly shook his head. There was no room for mistakes- and if he made one, no doubt would Vidic be ticked at him. Glancing over at his car, he slightly nodded to himself, figuring out a plan. Now, he was one step one: render the target unconscious.
Dashy said:
The edges of his lips were tugged down, forming a small frown. No Assassins were nearby. He took no notice of the soft hum of chattering from nearby pedestrians, until he heard an excited voice nearby. Narrowing his eyes, he silently crept to the edge of the alley wall, seeing a man staring at paper, a rather excited expression on his face.
Ivan watched the man, raising a brow in curiosity. He was suddenly struck with a realization: This was one of his targets.

When the enemy began to walk away, he was forced to act. Pursing his lips, he spotted a temporary hiding spot, in a small group of men who did not appear to be talking to each other. Darting forward, he stood within the group, still keeping an eye on his target.

Did this man even know what Abstergo was? Much less 'Assassins'? Ivan tilted his head to a side, then sprinted over to a crowd of people.

Maybe this would be easier then he thought. He slightly shook his head. There was no room for mistakes- and if he made one, no doubt would Vidic be ticked at him. Glancing over at his car, he slightly nodded to himself, figuring out a plan. Now, he was one step one: render the target unconscious.
As Miles walked back he heard voices. Miles was not so sure what they was saying but turned anyway. As he then spoted something, something he had never seen before a necklace shaped like a triangle it had two wing like shapes on either side. Still not knowing what he was doing Miles walked back and picked up the necklace. A bright light appeared in his hand he quickly dropped the necklace and took a step back. Standing and thinking for a few minutes Miles stupidly picked the necklace up again. The light glowed. Miles didn't drop the necklace this time as he held it in his hand. A few seconds went by nothing then Miles couldn't hear only see he could see someone stepping out of the group of men his lips were moving but no words came out. He saw the group of men walk away and one man stayed behind. For a few seconds Miles stared at the man then started back again.
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Ivan continued to watch him, and there was a sudden, loud ringing in his ear. He was caught off guard, and he stumbled off to the side, clutching an hand to his ear. Usually, he'd be expecting it, and would ignore the pain, but he did not believe that this would be the time that the ringing would happen. Though, there was a good side to it- the ringing went an artifact was rather close.

Squinting his eyes, he saw the target had picked up something. With his head still ringing, he shakily crept forwards. Was.. was that a necklace? The next artifact was a necklace? Ivan stared, dumbfounded by this. Ivan sighed, shaking his head. As long as it was a piece of Eden, it was good enough. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw the citizens were beginning to clear up.

He continued to follow the man- if he was going into the woods, that would provide the perfect opportunity for him to strike. Walking forward, he acted like he didn't even know the man was there. Maybe, if he lured him to the forest, he'd end up following? It was worth a try. Ivan rushed forwards, and past the man, and began to whistle softly while heading towards the woods.
Miles stopped short a few houses away from his own, the necklace of which he was wearing started to glow. Miles took the necklace off and cupped it in his hands so he wouldn't draw attention to him self. The light continued to grow brighter and brighter the more places he tried to hide it. Miles ran home hopping that no one would see the light. Miles stopped him self in front of his house. He climbed the stairs and softly creaked open the door. Miles placed the necklace down on the kitchen table and walked away hopping that somehow it would be gone the next day.
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As Ivan entered the forest, he quickly hid himself within nearby shrubbery. How could he not notice an odd man 'casually' walking towards the woods? He let out a soft, annoyed huff as he continued to follow. Darting towards the bush, he followed Miles, then watch him. When he ran forwards, so did Ivan.

Unfortunately, following the man using the forest route wasn't quite easily. Stumbling over a root, he nearly flat on his face, if it weren't for the low-hanging branch that he quickly clung to. Letting out a quiet string of curses, he continued to follow, going slightly slower then the man so he wouldn't fall again.

Reaching a row of houses, he slid past them, and watched Miles enter a house. Sprinting forwards, he rapidly knocked on the door. Spinning on his heels, he ran to the side of the house, letting out a whistle to lure him to the area where he was. Leaning against the edge of the wall, if Miles came to investigate, he'd quickly grab him and put an arm over his nose and mouth, which would eventually render the man unconscious.
Dashy said:
As Ivan entered the forest, he quickly hid himself within nearby shrubbery. How could he not notice an odd man 'casually' walking towards the woods? He let out a soft, annoyed huff as he continued to follow. Darting towards the bush, he followed Miles, then watch him. When he ran forwards, so did Ivan.
Unfortunately, following the man using the forest route wasn't quite easily. Stumbling over a root, he nearly flat on his face, if it weren't for the low-hanging branch that he quickly clung to. Letting out a quiet string of curses, he continued to follow, going slightly slower then the man so he wouldn't fall again.

Reaching a row of houses, he slid past them, and watched Miles enter a house. Sprinting forwards, he rapidly knocked on the door. Spinning on his heels, he ran to the side of the house, letting out a whistle to lure him to the area where he was. Leaning against the edge of the wall, if Miles came to investigate, he'd quickly grab him and put an arm over his nose and mouth, which would eventually render the man unconscious.
Dashy said:
As Ivan entered the forest, he quickly hid himself within nearby shrubbery. How could he not notice an odd man 'casually' walking towards the woods? He let out a soft, annoyed huff as he continued to follow. Darting towards the bush, he followed Miles, then watch him. When he ran forwards, so did Ivan.
Unfortunately, following the man using the forest route wasn't quite easily. Stumbling over a root, he nearly flat on his face, if it weren't for the low-hanging branch that he quickly clung to. Letting out a quiet string of curses, he continued to follow, going slightly slower then the man so he wouldn't fall again.

Reaching a row of houses, he slid past them, and watched Miles enter a house. Sprinting forwards, he rapidly knocked on the door. Spinning on his heels, he ran to the side of the house, letting out a whistle to lure him to the area where he was. Leaning against the edge of the wall, if Miles came to investigate, he'd quickly grab him and put an arm over his nose and mouth, which would eventually render the man unconscious.
Miles walking to the second floor of his house. He entered the bedroom and there on his night stand sat the necklace. Miles growled. "DIIIIINNNNGGG," The door bell rang. Miles walked down stairs. Who could this be no one ever comes here? Miles opend the door... No one? Miles stepped outside... No one? Miles now was starting to wonder. But before he could take anther step-


Miles woke up in a room with old wall paper a kitchen a sink. "HELP!" Miles yelled. No one was around or they just couldn't hear him. Miles sat in a damp cold chair. Miles just sat in the chair for a few minutes before he saw someone emerge from a crack in the wall left of Miles. Miles watched the man walk over to the kitchen.

"Hello?" Miles said quietly not sure of the dissension he just made. The man kept walking. Miles tried getting up but sat back down from extreme pain coming from his foot. Miles looked down and saw that his shoes had been taken away as well as his pants and part of his shirt and little hole in it. Miles also saw that his foot was all bloody. It looked liked some one had tried to cut it off. Miles looked around the room for anything to hold on to so that he could walk over to the man. Miles looked in one corner next to him and saw a cane. Miles grabbed it and stood up. He hopped over to the man making sure to take stops along the way in case the man did anything to him.

Miles had reached the point where he was only a few inches away from the man. Miles now had the idea to try and touch the man. He slowly reached out his hand and tapped the man on the shoulder then backed away. The man did nothing. Miles went to tap the man again.

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