
He cringed slightly at that name. It didn't feel like his own anymore. It was taken away and thrown out to die slowly and painfully. She was about the only person who could say his real name without him blasting her away with his hellfire shotguns. He listened to her carefully and looked unamused. "If you think that piece of junk will help you at all consider it done...I don't really care about why you need it as long as you continue giving me intel on Overwatch. My other less reliable sources tell me they have not only called back the remaining agents but a few newbies will be there as well. Ill bring you your gauntlet. When I get back I want I can use. Ill even bring one of Talon's best to help secure the gauntlet." He said still not having moved due to the weapons trained on him. He knew she would never fire at him. It was counter productive. But still common sense was to stay put. "If you don't have anything else. I'll be on my way..."

After all this time.

Tracer knew what it felt like to be a hero, even if not an official one, and she liked it. But there were others, others who weren't confident, who weren't ready to...embrace their powers, their technology, their duty. And that was about to change. She was going to make sure of that. Because Overwatch was back, and it was going to be better than ever. She may have been young when her journey first began, but she'd changed since then. She'd grown up, and now she was going to be a true inspiration. She was going to show everyone what a real hero was.

She was currently in England, but that didn't matter: all she could think about was how much she wanted to see Winston again, and how ready she was to do whatever it took to fight the good fight. Overwatch was back. And she was going to make it better than ever.
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"It would've been easier to gather the intel that you want if you didn't screw up the raid, ese. That hack was my way past that damn AI, Athena. Anyways about that gauntlet, Talon can mass produce it, and we'll have a huge advantage in the coming war. Don't screw up things this time," she retorted, "I'll get back to my business too. I have some puzzles to make to tease these imbeciles on the web. Apparently they like playing this so called 'ARG' that I've created. " She sat back down in her chair and reconnected the wire to the back of her neck. Her consciousness was reconnected to the computer.

@Dante the Fallen
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Despite being outside and near the bottom floor of the hospital, she'd still been able to feel the small gusts of air originating from the shuttle that'd arrived and landed in a timely manner. The craft was currently situated on the roof of the building she'd been in previous to the message she'd received regarding 'Operation: Recall'. Once everything seemed to go quiet once again after the craft's landing, she'd been instructed to grab her things and thus board as soon as possible. There wasn't much she needed, frankly, for her two most important tools were still being carried on her person in the case where she'd need it- even if 'Operation: Recall' hadn't been active at this moment in time. With this, she let out an anxious sigh before entering the hospital once again and making her way up towards the top of the building where her transport was located.

On her way up, she was approached by one of the other head doctors and asked a single question, "Where are you going, Dr. Ziegler? I thought you were monitoring one of our newly admitted patients," he questioned. Being approached like this was one of the worries that she had, and she didn't want to lie, though that's what was she felt was required of her in this circumstance. "I'll be attending to some very important business in another location, my apologies; i'll be back when possible. I'm sure you'll be fine here." In reality, she wasn't lying, her statement was simply lacking the specifics of her so-called 'business'. It was unlike her to get up and leave so suddenly, so clearly the doctor knew something of utmost importance must've come up, so he walked away, but not without first nodding his head in approval (despite not really needing to check with others before taking her leave). It pained her to withdraw from the location, but the doctors working there were chosen for a reason. 

Once she'd reached the top level and therefore, the roof of the building, she hesitantly boarded the aircraft that was there for her. It was now the time to return to Gibraltar and answer the call to duty. After properly situating herself in craft, she let out a sigh, afterwards stating:

"I'll be busy soon enough."
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Reaper glared at Sombra for a moment. "If Talon had more competent agents I would have made it in and out with ease. As long as there are no surprises the gauntlet is already ours." He said before fading back through the floor of the room leaving her back to finding more information and playing whatever game she spoke of. For now he would prepare as well as get one of Talon's best agents, Widowmaker. Hopefully not only would he have the gauntlet but also be able to eliminate a few more agents while he was at it. Now there was only time between him and Overwatch. Then....he could continue hunting.


 Jack walked up to the Overwatch station, cautiously entering the door with Logan close behind. "Dr. Winston?" Logan called out into the darkness. Jack wanted backhand the kid for being so idiotic. "Shut up." He growled menacingly. "Athena, contact Winston and tell him we arrived." Logan murmured into the comm.

"Winston, the first guests have arrived. It's Jack Morrison plus one Logan Walker," Athena stated over the intercom. It rang throughout Winston's laboratory so there would be no way he couldn't have heard it. 

@Dante the Fallen @LoneSniper87 

"Glad to have you back, Dr. Ziegler," Athena happily cheered, "setting course for Gibraltar. ETA 45 minutes. Please be seated and enjoy your flight." The shuttle took off from the rooftop and began floating up into the air. When the shuttle hit the appropriate altitude, the shuttle went into overdrive and sped forward to the Atlantic and the sunny shores of Spain and Portugal.

"Jack Morrison?" Logan asked, a bit in disbelief. "The Jack Morrison?" Logan asked. "Great... A fanboy... Look I ain't that man anymore, he died with Overwatch." He said sternly, scanning for any sign of the ape scientist. "Move upstairs." Jack said as he walked up the steps. "So who is Dr. Winston? What should I expect?" Logan asked. "You never met Winston? Yet you are a member of Overwatch?" Now it was Jack's turn to be in disbelief. "Well I got this in the mail like the day before Overwatch was exposed and shut down." Logan supplemented. "So now will you answer?" He asked. "Fine. He is a big monkey in armor." Jack said loud enough for Winston to hopefully hear. "Wears glasses, highly intelligent, and likes peanut butter." "Peanut butter?" "Peanut butter." "Why?" "Don't ask me, ask him." Jack grumbled in response.

Reinhardt laid in bed wearing the same casual clothing he wore all day. Unfortunately, the bed was too small for him, so earlier he moved an end table to rest his feet on, which would have normally been dangling off the bed. He was in a hotel room in Greenland, waiting for the blizzard outside to subside. This would be his final day in Greenland, after he stopped by for a few weeks to sight-see and clean up a bit of crime. His vacant power armor stood menacingly somewhere outside underneath a balcony, beside his rocket hammer. It would have taken a miracle to move it into his hotel room without damaging the walls. He did not worry about theft, because most people were not strong enough to open it up and move around in it, even with the strength boost the hydraulics provided. Normally, people would have stopped to admire it, and children would be climbing on it, were it not for the storm.

His hotel room mostly just featured what one would expect it to feature: a dresser, bed, bathroom, television, balcony, etc. Reinhardt was simply reading some old German literature he downloaded for his tablet. The only noise in the room was the icy wind outside, save for the occasional noises coming from TVs in other rooms, or from children who were playing inside. Suddenly, the monotony was ended by the Recall notification that sounded off on Reinhardt's tablet. He simply looked at it in surprise for a few seconds before a smile formed on his face. The organization he dedicated his life to had popped back in for a visit. Despite all that happened, a faint hope remained within Reinhardt that Overwatch would be revived one day. He would not waste a chance to help get it back on its metaphorical feet.

He opened up the notification, which brought him to a different app that would allow him to communicate with Athena. A simple "Hello?" was all he gave once the call started.
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The Talon agents gathered reinforcements and tracked down Ashylnn to a chapel in King's row. According to their intel, it was a former Overwatch Safehouse, a part of their network in Britain. The Talon Agents gathered around the entrance to the chapel and blasted it open. They pulled up their guns and cleared the room, scanning it from side to side to make sure there were no enemies.  An automatic sentry system mounted underneath the altar activated, pulling up an automated turret. It lit up the sanctuary and blasted away one of the Talon operatives. "Ashlynn, the Talon agents have found us. Here are the schematics to the tunnel network. You'll need to find your way to the subway system, a train will be waiting for you there and it'll take you to Gibraltar where you'll meet up with the rest of Overwatch." 

The Talon agents took care of the sentry turret by throwing a couple grenades underneath it. They found the entrance into the basement and walked down, careful of any other traps that could be in place. In front of them was the entrance to the bunker. One of them signaled to the rest to gather up in front of the bunker door. They placed thermite breaching charges on the heavy metal door and waited for the signal to break in.

Ashlynn followed these instructions to the dot. She found the subway system but the train was not there. She could hear the blast from the door as the Talon operatives broke in. She looked around anxiously as the train had not gotten She took a gun off the ground and got into a safe position where she was in cover and aimed at the entrance. As soon as she saw the operative walk through, she opened fire. Of course, she was not aiming for him, she was in fact aiming at and hitting the fire extinguishers all around the subway station. The Foam cooled everything down so they could not use their heat seeking goggles. Once the foam cleared and the hissing stopped, Ahlynn was nowhere to be seen. 

On the train, Ashlynn thought that was a pretty clever rouse to get away. "But... how did I think of it?" she asked herself as she began to relax on the train.
"Hello, Reinhardt, having a pleasant day in Nuuk? I heard the weather is nice this time of year, " Athena joked, "going back to actual business. Winston has ordered a recall of all available agents in light of a recent attack on Watchpont Gibraltar. Once the storm clears up I'll send a transport shuttle to your location, pack up your things and stay safe." A couple of Talon agents showed up at the hotel, apparently braving the storm to complete their mission. They barged in and showed up guns blazing, blasting their way through the lobby with their plasma rifles. The innocent bystanders inside screamed, yelled and dove for cover as the Talon operatives made their grand entrance.

"I'm looking for a certain old man," one of them yelled. He pulled up a picture of Reinhardt and held it in front of one of the civilians, "bring him to us and we'll spare your lives."

@Sir Galahad II

"Welcome to Overwatch, Ashlynn. Let's call these recent events your basic training as you've passed with flying colors," Athena said through the intercom on the train, "this train will connect to the Channel Tunnel and bring you to France.  Once you arrive in Calais, a Transport Shuttle will be waiting for you. I'm terribly sorry that I have to put you through all of this, but its for your own safety."

@The Unamed Beast
"Welcome to Overwatch, Ashlynn. Let's call these recent events your basic training as you've passed with flying colors," Athena said through the intercom on the train, "this train will connect to the Channel Tunnel and bring you to France.  Once you arrive in Calais, a Transport Shuttle will be waiting for you. I'm terribly sorry that I have to put you through all of this, but its for your own safety."

Ashlynn sat down with a large sigh. "You know... I would have expected this... no, I did expect this... just not this soon..." She said as she set her book bag down on the ground and opened it. She had not opened it at all and wanted to know what there was in it. When she did she found a picture of her mother in it with a note. "What..." She said to herself as she opened it and read it.
It'd been quite some time ago that Angela had set foot into an aircraft of any sort, and therefore, the shuttle's kick into overdrive had caught her off guard. Forty-five minutes wasn't very long considering the distance of her previous location to Gibraltar, and so she was patient. However, there was something about the sensation of being alone that made her a tad uncomfortable, for she was so used to being around either other doctors, her many patients, or the friends she now hadn't spoken to or been around in what felt like a few decades. However, there were reasons that she had problems with her superiors in the days of when Overwatch was openly active; conflicting viewpoints and ideas were troublesome to anyone regardless of their situation. With this, all she could do whilst awaiting for her arrival in Gibraltar was to mentally prepare herself for what she might experience along the line, and that's exactly what she'd do.
"Many thanks, Athena" Reinhardt replied, smiling. He put the tablet aside and started putting loose articles of clothing into a suitcase. This was interrupted when he heard gunfire in the lobby. He sighed, putting the suitcase aside, and stepped out onto the balcony, letting some of the snow escape the outside world before he closed the sliding doors. Then, he stepped over the railing and off the balcony, landing on the overhang that sheltered his power armor and nearly slipping off because of the snow. Within a few seconds he stepped off the overhang and onto a soft patch of snow, then entered his power armor and let the temperature control systems replace the frosty air surrounding him with warmth. 

Rocket hammer in one hand, Reinhardt trudged through a blanket of snow until he came across the lobby entrance, light leaking out into the frozen world. Fortunately, the double doors were large enough to allow a man and his armor to pass. The first thing he noticed when he entered was the frightened civilians. The second was the Talon agents threatening them. Reinhardt distinctly remembered them as the organization responsible for the assassination of Gérard Lacroix, and that alone was enough to make him angry.

"I am willing to spare you if you leave these civilians alone" he called out to them, not knowing they were looking for him specifically. Some of the bystanders looked at the frosty metal giant in awe.
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"Tracer, Tracer, are you there," Athena asked, "Winston has recalled all available agents to Watchpoint Gibraltar. Please head to the King's Row Tube Platform and a train will pick you up there. You'll rendezvous with another agent of Overwatch in France."


"Ashlynn, change in plans, once you reach Calais, you'll wait for the arrival of another agent. The two of you will take the transport shuttle to Gibraltar. I guarantee it'll be worth the wait," Athena added. Her mind was all over the place as she went around the world conducting multiple conversations at the same time. 

@The Unamed Beast

"Arriving at Gibraltar." The shuttle slowed down as it made its approach to the cliff-side fortress. A few other shuttles housing other Overwatch agents from other parts of the world were conducting their landing procedures simultaneously. Once one of the landing zones were clear, Mercy's shuttle made its approach. The jets winded down, angled themselves perpendicular to the ground, and descended to the surface slowly. The ship made a slight metallic tap when it touched down on the surface of the landing area. "Welcome to Gibraltar, Mercy," Athena stated over the intercom. The passenger bay doors opened and the change in air pressure between the cabin and outside created a small gust of wind. It was a mild 21 C/70 F outside, perfect weather for the time of year.


The Talon Agents turned around yelled, "there he is, blast him!" They opened fire with their plasma rifles and lit Reinhardt up. Their weapons didn't do much damage to the behemoth of a man and his armor as all their rounds merely bounced off him. One of the agents pulled back and pulled out a radio and called for back up. Upon doing this, another monster of a man started marching through the snow. This Talon agent was dressed in a fur cap and a heavy coat, the wind and the snow had no effect on him. He dragged with him a large chain gun pulled off an old Bastion unit. On his back he carried a a munitions pack that held all of the rounds to the chain gun. He soon found his way to the hotel and set himself up behind Reinhardt.

@Sir Galahad II
"So be it!" he yelled, in response to the plasma rounds that dissipated against him like rain. The jet booster on his back came to life, leaving fire trailing behind him as he flew towards the Talon agents. Any civilians left in the lobby fled. Fortunately for Talon, they were far enough away from Reinhardt to run out of the way before he came crashing into the front desk, sending stacks of papers flying backwards. The agents quickly retreated to the back of the lobby.

"Is this all the fearsome Talon could send me?" Reinhardt growled, taunting them. As if in response, he heard a minigun start spinning behind him. The yellow-orange glow from his helmet peered over his shoulder, then he quickly turned and put up his barrier to protect himself from the incoming hail of bullets as he trudged towards the brute that was firing them.
McCree sat in in the cave he had been using as hideout for quite a while now. He had a big cigar in his hand and tipped off the ashes. Around him were empty bottles of Whiskey and other strong liquor. McCree didn't look good. He had been living underground since the Act and occasionally worked as a bounty hunter. Only reason was to keep his aim sharp. He had recently taken up arms against a gang in a town just outside Indiana. He had already killed off more than half of the gang, but today he was planning on killing the boss. He put on his hat, loaded his gun and went out the cave.

McCree arrived at the place and scanned it out. He wanted to take a stealthy approach by climbing into the window, and assassinating the boss. He climbed in the window, and pulled his gun on the boss who stared at him, when he suddenly heard his old communication device. "OVERWATCH RECALL" It said. He grinned at the screen, not knowing that the boss had already called his henchmen. When McCree noticed, he dropped his device, quickly drew his Peacekeeper and shot the first two henchmen in the head. He heard that there were more coming. He threw a flashbang in the direction of the door and took cover behind the bureau standing in the room. He shot his last 4 bullets in 5 gaurds. One bullet hit two guards who were lined up. He now needed to reload. The thugs threw a smoke in the room. He couldn't see a thing. When the thick mist cleared up, McCree was surrounded in the small room by a the guards. He closed his eyes and whispered: "It's High Noon" He drew his second revolver as fast as lightning and swung his arms towards the circle of men standing around him. In less than 3 seconds all bodies dropped. He picked up the communication device and answered the phone. "Guess I'm not getting called to talk about the good old days, Athena?" He said and took a puff of his cigar.
The man laughed as he unleashed the hell fire spray of bullets at Reinhardt. The minigun sounded like an extraordinarily loud saw as it churned though hundreds of rounds of ammunition. The glow of many tracing rounds could be seen leaving the gun, but upon impact with Reinhardt's shield, the bullets were instantly reflected. The man grew worried as he the pack he wore grew lighter and lighter, and Reinhardt stood fast against the rain of bullet, his shield unbreakable. "Die, Die, Die," the man yelled. but to no effect as the shield stood firm. The rumors were true that Reinhardt's shield could withstand the gunfire of several Bastion units at the same time. Upon running out of rounds, the man dropped the minigun and ripped off his heavy coat, exposing his body to the elements but revealing an armory's worth of different weapons. He pulled out two automatic shotguns loaded with drum magazines and began opening fire on Reinhardt with them, again to little or no effect on Reinhardt's impermeable defense.

@Sir Galahad II

"Winston, has issued a recall of all available former Overwatch agents, in light of a recent attack on Watchpoint Gibraltar by Talon. McCree. It's about time that you fight with us again," Athena told him. 

"Ashlynn, change in plans, once you reach Calais, you'll wait for the arrival of another agent. The two of you will take the transport shuttle to Gibraltar. I guarantee it'll be worth the wait," Athena added. Her mind was all over the place as she went around the world conducting multiple conversations at the same time

Ashlynn nodded. "Hey Athena.... Did you know my mother?" she asked with a sigh. She looked at the note and then put it away. "It's a silly question to ask an AI, but I am not asking for info on her... just... want to know someone knew her..." she said as she sat back, waiting for the train to arrive at the destination.
Ashlynn nodded. "Hey Athena.... Did you know my mother?" she asked with a sigh. She looked at the note and then put it away. "It's a silly question to ask an AI, but I am not asking for info on her... just... want to know someone knew her..." she said as she sat back, waiting for the train to arrive at the destination.

"Searching Overwatch Agent Index... Pulling up data... Daily Written Logs found, 354 Video Logs Found.. Index Filtering by Relevance... Would you like me to play some of them to pass the time," Athena asked. It wasn't really in her programming to associate with people on a deeper level aside from small talk. That level of sentience was really reserved for the Omnics who had the ability to empathize with one another.

Adrian stood at the entrance of watchpoint Gibraltar.

"And I thought I'd never see this place again."

He said through the gas mask. Behind him was a small boat he used to ride from the nearest bay. The idea of recall startled him. By far it has been the most interesting thing that happened to him in the past few years. He observed the watchpoint, and compared it to the last time he saw it.


He muttered as he finished scanning the watchpoint for a few seconds. He sighed and walked forward.

"Now entering: Watchpoint Gibraltar."

He hummed a short joyful tune and walked.
"Jack Morrison?" Logan asked, a bit in disbelief. "The Jack Morrison?" Logan asked. "Great... A fanboy... Look I ain't that man anymore, he died with Overwatch." He said sternly, scanning for any sign of the ape scientist. "Move upstairs." Jack said as he walked up the steps. "So who is Dr. Winston? What should I expect?" Logan asked. "You never met Winston? Yet you are a member of Overwatch?" Now it was Jack's turn to be in disbelief. "Well I got this in the mail like the day before Overwatch was exposed and shut down." Logan supplemented. "So now will you answer?" He asked. "Fine. He is a big monkey in armor." Jack said loud enough for Winston to hopefully hear. "Wears glasses, highly intelligent, and likes peanut butter." "Peanut butter?" "Peanut butter." "Why?" "Don't ask me, ask him." Jack grumbled in response.

Winston hopped out of his hammock. His laboratory was still a mess despite the fight ending a couple days prior because he hadn't bothered to clean anything else up other than the glass that fell on the floor. The day before he spent walking around the campus, looking for any possible clues that Talon could have left behind, all he found were the bodies of the guards that they killed while marching into his laboratory. He sent the dead out to the sea and held a funeral for them. After doing so he continued work on his latest project, the shield generator. He had problems with it on the night of the raid, luckily the malfunctioning shield generator saved his life by exploding in front of Reaper's face. Today is a different story as he finally finished it to work properly. Winston threw the device down on the ground, and instantly a blue orb popped up and surrounded a large area in the laboratory. He pulled out one of Reaper's dropped shotguns and fired it at the shield several times; the shield did not break. 

"Winston,Agent  Jack Morrsion and one Logan Walker are here for duty," Athena said, "shall I let them in?" 

"Yes, please, I can't wait to meet them," he replied. With a press of a button, Winston deactivated the shield generator and picked it up off the ground, "this will come in handy," he said to himself.


The doors swooshed open to the main lab and the two walked in. "Dr. Winston?" Logan called out, glancing around. "What happened, quite the scrap you got yourself into!" "Yeah, we better not be the cleanup crew...." Jack muttered fairly loudly. Logan shook his head with a grin and went up to Winston. "Captain Logan Walker, at your service, Doc." He said to the ape. "Man Jack wasn't kidding, you really are an ape... I thought he meant like a strong build..." Logan said in disbelief. "Yep... Here we go... And hi Winston." Jack muttered. @TPBx
"Hello there, I'm excited to have you all back. Just like the good old days. I've sort of been working non-stop on finishing some projects. Though if I'm going to be honest, it would've only taken a couple hours of straight work to finish the portable shield generator. The rest of the time, I've been grinding up the Hearthstone ladder. I'm sitting around the lower half of Legend playing only a Paladin Murloc Deck, " Winston said excitedly. He stopped after realizing his audience wasn't necessarily the type to understand what would follow after that sentence.  "Anyways, Jack, Logan, we will be waiting for the arrival of the rest of the Overwatch Agents. I have a mission for you all that is the utmost importance. It's about Doomfist's gauntlet."

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