

Simpin for Witch Tea
"Hello, player, my name is Athena, I am the Overwatch's Administrative Sentient AI. I will be in charge of moderating this topic. Please refrain from posting out of character content in this topic. Thank you and have a wonderful day."
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Watchpoint: Gibraltar

A computer flickered on. A bunch of machine code filled it and suddenly faded to black. Accompanied by a small ring, a stylized logo appeared on the screen and the computer began to speak, "I think I have already introduced myself, but I will do it again. My name is Athena, Overwatch's Sentient AI. It is always nice to welcome new and old Agents back into our fold. Now, I'll guide you through the combat training program."

"Look up and Look down." The character did as it was told, looking around the room inspecting the different objects and other things such as the shuttle in the background and Winston's tool box, complete with an empty jar of peanut butter. "Very good," Athena said after completing the exercise. "Now get up and walk around, follow the training bot out of this room." In front of the character, a training bot assembled itself together. The cartoonish drone hovered in place for a bit then began gliding around the room. The character followed it around Winston's tool box and work desk and up a couple flight of stairs. The Training Bot then stopped in front of a large blast door. The Training Bot left the room and exited through a different door while the large blast door opened revealing a firing range. The character walked around and placed itself in one of the stalls at the firing range.

"You'll need to get some practice using your weapons and abilities. I have set up some training bots along the range to fire at. Do your best to eliminate as many of them as you can." A row of training bots began to float around on the first and second floors of the practice range. The character pulled out a Heavy Plasma Rifle similar to Jack Morrison's, however it fired out shots in accurate three round bursts. The character destroyed all the training bots quickly. The training bots fell quickly as he laid out round after round into their metallic bodies. "Good job, now I'll have you test your ability, 'Nano-stimpack.' But first I'll have to damage you a bit, this will sting." A training bot popped up in front of the character and shot him in the chest. The wound though non-fatal, hurt like hell. The character pulled out a syringe from his tool belt and stuck it into his neck, injecting a light blue substance into his bloodstream. He could feel his muscle tissue and bones repair themselves, and he was able to get back on his feet.  

"Good job, now for the final part of this training program, we'll have you capture an objective, outside there is an area highlighted by red spotlights. Stand on it to capture it." Another set of blast doors opened revealing a large open area out on the deck of the Watchpoint. The character ran out to it with his weapon armed. He inspected his corners and ran onto the point. After half a minute, the lights turned blue. "Congratulations on completing combat training. I will... watch out enemies incoming." The character raised his weapon and saw three gunships heading inbound to his location. He looked around and saw a crate containing a rocket launcher. The character pulled it out and locked onto one of the enemy aircraft. The enemy returned fire with the mounted turrets on the gunships, but it was already too late, he pulled the trigger and launched a volley of rockets at the approaching aircraft, downing one of them. The others pulled in and hovered over the control point. 

"It's Talon, I'll warn Winston, defend this point for as long as you can, we can't let them get in." As the sun set a squad of six Talon soldiers dropped down from the gunship, dressed in completely black uniforms. Following them was another black robed figure wielding two shotguns. The Overwatch Agent downed one of the soldiers as he hit the ground. The rest returned fire but were met with decent resistance by the Overwatch Agent. They dove behind a bunch of shipping crates to use as cover. One of them peeked his head out from cover and saw the Agent, only to be promptly shot through the head. Reaper joined them and motioned them to head towards the labratory. He stealthily turned into a cloud of black mist and wandered around the battlefield unnoticed by the Agent. The Agent turned around and saw that Reaper had materialized behind him, he tried to react but it was already too late. Reaper pulled the triggers on his shotguns and unloaded an unholy amount of lead into him, ending his life. Once finished, in stylistic fashion he dropped the pair of shotguns and pulled out a new set from underneath his cloak. After killing the new Agent, Reaper joined the rest of Talon's forces as they rallied up in front of the gateway leading into Winston's Labratory.


Ashlynn walked from her house in Kings Row. She had A large backpack with the strap across her chest. With her hood pulled over her head, she walked towards the center of town. This was the place most Omnics hung around and asked for some help. As she walked through, her mechanical limbs shone in the moonlight. She passed by a few humans around an Omnic and were beating it with a bat. "Hey..." She said as she stopped and talked to them. "I suggest that you stop that..." She said as she started to take her bookbag off. The humans laughed as they walked to her and looked at her skeptically. "Oh yeah? and who is going to stop us, cutie?" The guy closest to her asked.

That word seemed to set Ashlynn off as she had dropped her book bag to the ground and punched the guy straight in his jaw which sent him flying back a bit. The force of her punch seemed to have made her hood fall off her head and to her shoulders. "How about me?" She said as her arm made a hissing sound from the shoulder. The other two men that were there backed off and ran, while the man on the ground seemed to be unconscious. Ashlynn picked her backpack up from the ground and put the single strap back around her chest. She then reached for her hood but felt a mechanical hand on her arm. She looked to the direction she felt it and saw the Omnic she just helped. "Thank you, and you look better with it down. You have wonderful green eyes." With that, Ashlynn sighed happily. "You're welcome... take care, alright..." She said as she started to walk off. As she walked away, the symbol for OverWatch was seen on the back of the large Book Bag.

@TPBx@Dante the Fallen
With Operation Recall activated, Athena spread out her digital arms across the globe, contacting all the former Overwatch Agents. Athena soon found one of her targets, Agent Gringe. Athena did not know whether or not the Agent was alive, but she did the job that she was programmed to do. Oddly enough, Athena managed to establish a connection with the target communicator, most former Overwatch Agents had either lost or broken their comm devices over the years so this was a pleasant surprise for the Sentient AI. Once the connection was established, she pinpointed the exact location of the device.

"King's Row, London, England... Scanning for inactive drone units... Drone found... Running remote control scripts and self repair... Status clear." An old, sparring drone came to life in an alleyway not far from Ashlynn's location. It shared a similar appearance to the Practice Range Robots used by Overwatch back at the old Swiss HQ. However, the drone was slightly larger and padded with rugged, worn down, pig-skin leather traditionally used by professionals for hand to hand combat practice. The drone followed Athena's command and hovered toward the source of the comm signal.

@The Unamed Beast
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Ashlynn saw some commotion coming from the alleyway a ways in front of her. She did not want to get involved with all the commotion but just as she was about to head away from it, her mothers comm started to glow. "What the... Link established.... Athena program.... what the heck is that?!?!" she said a bit confused as she looked at the comm. It seemed to have connected to an outside program source. Either way, Ashlynn figured whatever was causing the commotion that it was linked to this Athena program.

Sure enough, a training drone with its guns pointed forward came from the alley. It turned in a full circle seeming to scan the area until its gaze landed upon Ashlynn. "Okay.... should I take this as my cue to start running?" she asked herself as the bot started to go towards her. "I think I should take that as a yes..." She said as the bot seemed to have gotten almost in arms length. Before it could come right up on her, however, Ashlynn launched back with her cybernetic legs and ran to the left through another alley to get away from the bot. She knew the bot would follow, what she didn't know was that the bot got a good long look at her entire body, which was able to get a clear picture of her.

Logan stood in the field of a military base, looking out a four rows of cadets. Each one had a set in stone look as they were about to face thier greatest challenge: facing off in a non-lethal battle simulation to determine who folds and who gets to officially become Navy SEALs. "Alright, men! At ease." They all relaxed slightly. "Today is ground zero for you guys, you will be up against Whiskey Squadron, and they are mean bastards!" He paused and glanced at the three racks of rifle/handgun combination weapons. "Load up and be ready in five, gents! I expect great things of you!" He shouted, and all of them gave back an "Hoorah!" As they walked over to grab their armor and weapons.

 He walked up to the observation deck, where him, Whiskey Squadron leader, and a few high ranking officers stand. The battlefield below them was modeled after a district of a randomly generated town. The gates opened and both teams walked into the hot zone, and the battle for supremacy began.
Maxwell has seen a lot of things in his time as a vigilante - tragedy, stupidity, bravery, cowardice, and desperation, to only name a few - but he would admit this his first time he seen anything like this.

Maxwell has found in himself in the Black Forest of Germany, there has been reports of Talon agents looking for something in the Dense Forest, also reports of a Rogue Bastion unit wandering the forest. Maxwell put two and two together once he heard of both rumors. The implication of Talon Agents looking for a fully functional Bastion Unit is horrifying. Bastion units made the bulk of the Omnic threat back in the Omnic Crisis, after the war was over, Overwatch destroyed all known Bastion units and all the blueprints to their designs so they more couldn't be created. But an active Bastion unit would be more then enough for Talon to replicate more Bastions. But from what he kind from the local databases is that the Bastion hides from people and the only reason he knows Talon is involved is that one of the police reports reported people in black combat armor wearing an insignia before it was 'deleted due to violations' and the cop quit the next day before he 'committed suicide' a week later. It was rather unsubtle of them, but nobody can't prove it was them that did it no matter what the actions says. But if he was more careful he would've found himself in this situation.

He kept his shield up in front of him as he kept his eyes forward, observing the Bastion Unit in front of him; though he can't read it's face or body like a human or most Omnics, he peg'd it to be dangerous. The Bastion Unit just kept looking at him with it's light/camera, before it tilted it's head at the man. A small yellow bird was perched on it's shoulders with a small pile of twigs and leaves around it as if the bird has been making a nest on the unit. This Bastion unit was rusted and covered in moss, leaves, mud, and other natural messes. Maxwell wondered how the unit is still working looking like such a mess.

After a few long moments of a tense standstill, the Bastion Unit finally let out a series of beeps and boops, as if trying to ask him something, Maxwell looked at it before he asking the Bastion unit, "Are you saying you won't attack me?" The Bastion unit then let out a quick beep seemingly in agreement. Maxwell swallowed the lump in his throat and started to lower his arm, the shield dissipating before vanishing out of sight once his arm was resting at his side. This seems to have gotten the approval of the Bastion unit, as it cheerfully beeped at Maxwell. Which he couldn't help but smile at. "huh, I expected to be blasted away by you, but it seems you have other plans for me." Maxwell joked, the Bastion seemed to take offensive by that comment at it let out a quick beep. Maxwell chuckled, "You must be the nicest Bastion unit in the world." Maxwell joked as the Bastion beeped twice which Maxwell couldn't understand.

Suddenly his Overwatch communicator went off, Maxwell pulled it out of his pocket and looked at it, all it says is " Operation Recall ".

The Bastion unit tilted it's head at the beeping communicator, even Maxwell was perplexed by the thing suddenly coming to life, he got this thing at the very end of Overwatch, he was supposed to be an Overwatch Agent but the end of Overwatch ended his agent career before it started, Maxwell has never expected for this thing to ever be used, and is only keeping the thing as a memento of his days at Overwatch. But from the looks of it,

Overwatch is back.
"Scanning Target...Running Facial Recognition Protocols...Target Identified: Ashlynn Gringe," Athena murmured to herself. She noticed that the girl had begun running away, so Athena deactivated the robot. The training drone's lights shut off, and it clunked on the floor as its hover jets shut down. Athena infiltrated the camera systems in King's Row to keep a watchful eye on Ashlynn. She noticed that she wasn't the only one trying to track her down. Two Talon operatives dressed in street clothes began making their way towards Ashlynn, they were pushing and shoving through the small crowd of people and omnics that were in the streets at the time. "I have to warn her, but she needs to pick up first," Athena said to herself frustrated by the current circumstances.

@The Unamed Beast

"Hello, Hawke," Athena said to the former Agent, "I trust that you still remember me? Anyways report to Watchpoint Gibraltar immediately and bring that Bastion unit too. It'll probably be some of some use to us, and it'll keep it out of Talon's hands." A scout drone flew over the German skies keeping a careful eye out on Maxwell. "We'll send you a pick up at the old castle in Eichenwalde. Go there ASAP."

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Ashlynn noticed the bot had not followed her through the alleyway so she slowed down to a walk. She sighed as she continued walking but then noticed the comm was going off. "Hello..." She said as she brought it to her ear. She was not expecting anyone to answer since it was so old. "Gringe here... what is it?"
"Hello, Agent Gringe, this is Athena, the AI Administrator of Overwatch. I'll be able to explain more soon, but right now you have to run. There are two Talon operatives following you as we speak. There is an old Overwatch Bunker in the Chapel. I'm sending you the coordinates now," Athena stated. The comm-device went offline, and the two Talon agents that were chasing after Ashlynn caught sight of her. The duo broke off into a fast sprint and pulled out their stun rods in order to capture Ashlynn.

@The Unamed Beast
Logan stood in the field of a military base, looking out a four rows of cadets. Each one had a set in stone look as they were about to face thier greatest challenge: facing off in a non-lethal battle simulation to determine who folds and who gets to officially become Navy SEALs. "Alright, men! At ease." They all relaxed slightly. "Today is ground zero for you guys, you will be up against Whiskey Squadron, and they are mean bastards!" He paused and glanced at the three racks of rifle/handgun combination weapons. "Load up and be ready in five, gents! I expect great things of you!" He shouted, and all of them gave back an "Hoorah!" As they walked over to grab their armor and weapons.

 He walked up to the observation deck, where him, Whiskey Squadron leader, and a few high ranking officers stand. The battlefield below them was modeled after a district of a randomly generated town. The gates opened and both teams walked into the hot zone, and the battle for supremacy began.

Reaper sat in his own little closet of the world. A pitch black room other than the terminals and electronics surrounding him. Besides him there were two Talon guards who looked very worried and carefully not to even draw his attention toward them. What were they here to guard...the three young individuals sitting at the computers and terminals. Brought here by Talon for their skills in computer science, technology, hacking communications etc. The three were here against their will and knew the protection they were offered from Reaper was weaker than air. Reaper had his own agenda and knew Talon would assist without question. He watched the screens with interest but was losing his patience.

"Your almost over.." He said raising his shotgun to the back of the head of the first captive hacker. Cocking back the hammer to make a intimidating and familiar sound that made the young man almost have a seizure.

"I! I! We may have something! Just five mo..." he said before being stopped. But surprisingly not stopped by Reapers shotgun. But by a beeping on the main screen. In bright big letters. "OPERATION RECALL"

Reaper was a bit disappointed. They had proven their use for now. "I guess I will let them keep you." He said lowering his weapon. He knew what that meant. The monkey had called for some reinforcements..calling back the team after his attack. Remembering what had happened still infuriated him. He was so close to completing the hack. He would have been able to hack into the communications, find all agent locations, draw them into a trap or eliminate them one by one. But that damned ape...Now he had to actually hunt them. He would not complain too much. "See what other info you can find....If you can find where they are going or any of their locations I'll be back." He said before enveloping his body in darkness turning his body into a moving shadow as he sank into the floor and disappeared.

Let them regroup. He would still find them. Everyone of them including his dear old friend...Jack.

Jack Morrison

 Jack stood on a rooftop in Downtown L.A. It was dusk, and the sun had almost completly set when his cracked watch startsd beeping, with 'Operation Recall' in bold letters. After what happened he wasn't sure he wanted to go back, but if a whole bloody recall was necessary then he was needed. He activated the comm and looked around once more. "Athena? Winston? The hell is going on?" He asked as scanned the horizon for anything of interest. "What's the reason for this recall? You remember what happened last time, I sure do..." He muttered the last part, then went to listening to any response.

 Logan Walker

 The simulated fight was well fought, with his Squadron coming out on top, though in the end it came down to handguns and luck. He went to the other teams leader. "Good match, perhaps next year you wil have better luck." He said. He shook his hand and went down to greet and congratulate his men. The watch that was mailed to him about a day before Overwatch was exposed started beeping furiously. He quickly stopped the beeping to reveal 'Operation Recall.' He went down to say his speech to his men, and they all went off to celebrate. He turned on the comm when they all left. "What?" He asked into the comm as he jogged to his personal room.
"There has been an attack at Watchpoint Gibraltar. A powerful terrorist organization called Talon was responsible for the attack, and Winston has sent out the distress signal to all available agents to regroup and reform Overwatch," Athena said to both Logan and Jack. "I will be sending transports to your location as soon as I can, Athena out." Athena turned her attention from those two, to a breach in her firewall. The source of the hack came from the location of Gabriel Reyes's communicator. Athena immediately locked out the ports from that location, additionally locking access to Overwatch's database from locations within 2 degrees of connection from the source to  prevent the attackers from furthering penetrating into Overwatch's systems.

@Dante the Fallen @LoneSniper87
Jack Morrison

"Understood, Morrison out," he said and ended his transmission. "Here I am, back into the thick of it..." He muttered as he waited for his transport. He got in and flew to the location under attack.

 Logan Walker

 Logan nodded and gathered his things. Mainly his weapons, grappel hook and armor. He got onto the buildings helipad and climbed into the aircraft. Once in he headed to Gibraltar, he calmly checked over his weapons and made sure he was good to go.


Morrison and Logan got off a couple hundred feet out of the main complex, and Logan whistled. "So this is the place..." He said, which got Jack's attention, causing him to raise his rifle and aim at him. "Who are you?" He asked sternly. "Logan Walker, United States military," was Logan's response. Jack grumbled something and set off for the building, to which Logan followed.
After the disbanding of Overwatch some years ago, the suffering of others, and evidently innocent people hadn't ceased. However, despite how much this was to be expected, Mercy herself, as well as many others, were pained to see it happen- even if inevitable. This single truth was crystal to her as she'd been in Iraq for some months now treating the injured and sick of those who were affected by both the all-out war she'd been involved in one way or another, and what were normally simple local altercations.


Mercy's shoes clacked against the hard floors of the hospital's corridor as she made her way towards the room of one patient in particular, a man who'd suffered from both previous injuries and the loss of two vital limbs- his legs. There was a plethora of other patients in need of assistance, but she was sure that some of the other doctors stationed in the same hospital were already in the midst of doing their job. She occasionally turned her head from left to right as she traveled down the relatively long hallway as she was looking for the room the man who'd resided within room 103. It'd only taken a few moments after the number rang throughout her conscious once more before locating him; he was still asleep, though he needed it. The sight of a man lacking what was essentially his lower-half deeply saddened her, as it had the other doctors, and she'd for some reason blamed herself due to her absence in his time of need when the tragic event had occurred.

Her sea blue eyes seemed to regain an 'emotional stability' as she'd become focused more on taking note of the man's vitals. The list of other injuries he'd sustained had been quickly treated once admitted into the establishment due to the genius she'd founded in the field of applied nanobiology many years ago- what could've been life-threatening injuries or illnesses were healed within a matter of minutes or even hours within the worst cases. "Ich kümmere mich un dich," she muttered with a small smile having begun to form on her pleasant features. However, her moment of silence had been interrupted upon a small beep coming from the small electrical unit she'd kept on her person in the case of an emergency- 'Operation Recall' are the two words that'd been displayed on its small screen. Despite them only being words- a shiver had run down and through her spine, 'Why-?' was the only word she was able to let out within her mind as memories of that terrible war began rushing through her head.

Quickly, she pressed a small button situated near the door of the hospital room to comm some doctors to her location so they'd be able to take her place in assisting and monitoring the patient. She rushed down the numerous hallways with both of her eyes fixated on those words before having found herself outside and in the quiet- "Hallo?" she questioned the small device, hoping not to receive an answer, though ready for whatever was about to come through the harmless device that she now hadn't wanted anything to do with.
"Hello, Agent Gringe, this is Athena, the AI Administrator of Overwatch. I'll be able to explain more soon, but right now you have to run. There are two Talon operatives following you as we speak. There is an old Overwatch Bunker in the Chapel. I'm sending you the coordinates now," Athena stated. The comm-device went offline, and the two Talon agents that were chasing after Ashlynn caught sight of her. The duo broke off into a fast sprint and pulled out their stun rods in order to capture Ashlynn.

@The Unamed Beast

Ashlynn put the communicator into her pocket as she took off running. She turned a corner towards the chapel as the Talon Agents followed. As they did, she was nowhere to be seen. She was hiding in a taxi nearby that had been waiting for someone to get in. "To the Chapel please... double the pay if you get me there pronto." She said as she showed the money and the taxi took off. Ashlynn arrived at the Chapel with no sight of the Talon operatives. "Alright... time to see what this is all about... what were you getting into mom..."She said as she went into the chapel to explore.
"Hello, Dr. Ziegler, I see that you have responded to this message. In light of a recent attack on the Overwatch Headquarters in Gibraltar. Winston has issued a recall of all available Agents. Normally this would be a direct order for you to return, but I know that you don't like fighting so I'll leave the decision to return be up to you," Athena said over the comm device, "if you want to return to Overwatch, activate the tracking beacon on your comm-device and a transport shuttle will be sent to your location. Anyways, Enjoy the rest of your day, Mercy. "


"This is a map of the chapel. Head to the basement and locate the biometric scanner. You'll need to scan twice. Once to register your name into the system and become an official Overwatch Agent and another time to open the door. You won't have a lot of time to do this as Talon will be back on track soon enough. I'll give you further instructions once you're inside the bunker."

@The Unamed Beast

"Welcome to Gibraltar gentlemen," Athena stated proudly, "Winston will take care of you soon. He's just been busy trying to take care of a lot business and finish up his projects." Blue spotlights in the road in front of them lit up,  pointing them in the direction towards. "Follow the directional markers to Winston's Labratory." 

@Dante the Fallen @LoneSniper87
The voice of Athena, the Administrative Overwatch AI replied to her call for the presence of something or someone on the other end of the device almost immediately. The news of an attack on the Overwatch headquarters in Gibraltar was troubling news and she'd hoped that no one had been hurt amidst the violence, though her hopes were probably unlikely. However, she was pleasantly surprised to hear that her return was optional due to her stance on the topic of war and how much she loathed to directly participate within it. She would've declined the request of her return, but the more she contemplated over the event in which she didn't return, the more she worried. There were countless friends of hers that were likely to return to HQ and take action against the new threat they were faced with, and she refused to stand idly by and watch the events unfold.

She'd gotten so lost in thought that she'd forgotten to reply to Athena and thank her for the kind wishes she'd left her regarding the rest of her day. "Oh! Danke," she replied. Though, expecting a reply was the last thing on her mind right now, for she needed to make a decision. As badly as she wanted to stay in her current location and aid in the support of the safety of others, there was something much bigger unfolding and it would likely devastate the lives of even more people- that is something she couldn't argue with. If she was given the blatant oppurtunity to take part in saving the lives of the innocent, she'd gladly rise to action. With this, she activated the tracking beacon on the device she'd been notified of both the recall and the new and distasteful news of  what could be another and oncoming war.

There was nothing she needed to retrieve from within the building that had essentially become her home, for she'd still donned her Valkyrie suit and possessed two of her most vital tools on her person at all times- the Caduceus staff and blaster. 

Within the moments of waiting for the promised transport shuttle, had she activated the tracking beacon, she wondered as to who would be there and who wouldn't. What'd become of those who'd worked by her side all that time ago?
"Hello, Dr. Ziegler, I see that you have responded to this message. In light of a recent attack on the Overwatch Headquarters in Gibraltar. Winston has issued a recall of all available Agents. Normally this would be a direct order for you to return, but I know that you don't like fighting so I'll leave the decision to return be up to you," Athena said over the comm device, "if you want to return to Overwatch, activate the tracking beacon on your comm-device and a transport shuttle will be sent to your location. Anyways, Enjoy the rest of your day, Mercy. "


"This is a map of the chapel. Head to the basement and locate the biometric scanner. You'll need to scan twice. Once to register your name into the system and become an official Overwatch Agent and another time to open the door. You won't have a lot of time to do this as Talon will be back on track soon enough. I'll give you further instructions once you're inside the bunker."

@The Unamed Beast

"Welcome to Gibraltar gentlemen," Athena stated proudly, "Winston will take care of you soon. He's just been busy trying to take care of a lot business and finish up his projects." Blue spotlights in the road in front of them lit up,  pointing them in the direction towards. "Follow the directional markers to Winston's Labratory." 

@Dante the Fallen @LoneSniper87

Ashlnn nodded as she looked at the map on the communicator. She walked inside and looked at the map again. "So it is this way..." She said as she walked to the stairwell and downstairs. She did as she was told and scanned herself twice. Of course, this took some time as she had had no idea on how to work the thing. As she stepped into the bunker a thought crossed her mind. "Doctor Zeigler was a part of Overwatch... wasn't she?" she asked herself as the bunker doors closed. "Wonder if I will get to see her again... never really got to thank her for saving my life." She said with a relaxed sigh as she waited for further instructions.
Maxwell Hawke & Bastion

The artificial voice of Athena came out of the communicator, this is Maxwell's first time hearing a voice from the communicator. Maxwell couldn't help but smile and say, "Long time no see, Athena, and roger that, I make my way there now." He was excited to finally be an actual agent of Overwatch this time around. 

The Bastion unit tilted it's head and let out an inquisitive beep, Maxwell looked from his communicator up to Bastion and asked, "Well like what the voice said I have to take you with me to the Watchpoint, it'd be safer than here for you, as a group of bad people are looking for you... Have you seen any people like that?" A few moments passed, it seemed Bastion was contemplating his question, before it let out a beep and nodded its boxy head at him. "I figured, you and your bird wouldn't mind coming with me would you?"  Maxwell asked again. Bastion turned its head to the yellow bird perched on its shoulder ever still, after a silent moment, the bird let out a cheep in seeming agreement, the Bastion then looked back to Maxwell and beeped at him in what Maxwell assumed was agreement to his plans. "That's good to hear, now let's get going before we miss our flight." Maxwell said with a smile as the odd pair started to make their way to Castle Eichwalde.

Mei-Ling Zhou

The stalwart environmentalist has found herself in Nepal, in the monastery of the Shambali. Mei was looking over the group's collected weather reports for the past 10 years or so. The weather reports were a telling sign for her. Mei when she awoken from her Cyro-stasis, the world's environment was deteriorating at an unprecedented rate, it was far too fast and steady for it to be accidental pollution, it has to be man made. But nobody would listen to her, calling her a woman out of time and emotionally unstable due to her cyro-stasis failing and killing everybody but her. It was true that it caused her great distress and pained to learn that her friends and colleagues died, but she cannot mourn just yet, she has to make sure their deaths weren't in vain. She has to use the data they died for. So now even without Overwatch helping her, she has to do something.

As Mei was deep in thought reading the weather reports, a Shambali monk floated into the room without her notice. When they were only a few feet away they asked the woman, "did you find anything Mei?" Which caused her to almost jump out of her thermal coat. The Omnic monk let out a chuckled and apologized, "Hehe... Sorry Miss Mei, I always forget to say something when I walk into the room... Well float into a room I should say." Mei chuckled sheepishly and waved a hand at the Omnic and a causal manner, "No, no, I should've been paying more attention to my surroundings." Mei responded sheepishly, but her sheepish expression change to a more causal smile and then said. "But I did find something." Mei spoke as she pulled the reports from the table she was reading and looked over the weather reports again then told the Omnic monk what she found out. "What I gathered from the Shambali's weather Reports is that the weather has stayed consistent over the past decade, well, compared to the rest of the world, this helps prove my theory that neither omnic nor technological advance is the leading cause of global warming." Mei spoke confidently, before speaking up again. "If Omnic's were causing global warming an area with such a large Omnic population would cause the area's weather to become warmer and unstable, but Nepal is as stable as when I left it, but I still have no idea what could be causing such environmental damage at such a dangerous rate if isn't omnics or technology advancement..." Mei mused as she placed a gloved hand under chin, the Omnic looked at Mei intently, before suddenly the communicator in Mei's backpack started to beep at Mei.Mei let out a quick "huh?" As she walked past the monk and picked up the communicator and when she seen the screen and all it says was

"Operation Recall"


Bastion & Maxwell Hawke

After a half hour of hiking though the black forest of Germany the hacker and the Bastion found themselves in an abandoned village, throughout the village's walls was posters in German and graffiti with anti-omnic sentiment and slurs, it made his skin crawl, it also didn't help the whole place was empty of people and life, the only thing there was the reminds of crusaders, Omnics, and people caught between their fights, with roots and plants taking over the village inch by inch.

As the pair walked, Bastion suddenly stopped and looked at a follow fallen Bastion unit. It seemed to contemplate the fate of it's brother and it looked back to Maxwell, who noticed it wasn't following him, maxwell's expression looked concerned then he looked at what Bastion was close to, then his expression changed to a more worried and apologetic expression. "Hey buddy, I'm sorry I have to take you here, it must feel horrible to be surrounded by your follow Bastion units reminds... but we have to keep moving forward, that's all the living can do." Maxwell said with a dour expression.

Bastion looked down at the fallen unit then after a few quick beeps moved forward towards Maxwell, who simply nodded, and the pair made their way to the castle which could be seen from the bar they were just outside of. It shouldn't be too long for the two to meet up with everybody else.

Logan nodded and proceeded to jog while following these markers, head on a swivel. Jack just walked there, calm as ever. If something was here, let it show itself first, not the other way around. "Kid come back here your gonna gets us both killed." Jack grumbled as Logan slowed up and waited, "Yes sir." "Don't call me that." "It's just a for-" "I don't care about formalities! You aren't military anymore kid, you're an Overwatch agent and so am I! So keep the yes sir no sir crap to yourself!" Logan was stunned by the outburst and quietly nodded. "Alright... What do I call you?" "Just call me Soldier... It's all I am." Was Jack's response.
(Hmmm based on what I looked up Sombra is to be released soon)

It didn't take long to show up in Dorado. Not only was this place somewhat a home for him and familiar to him but also home to one of the few people he knew he could not only trust...but not have to kill for being completely useless. Sombra was anything but. His black cloaked form started rising in another dark room where the light was only made by the electronics around him. Immediately alarms had gone off all around the room and laser pointers trained on him from nearly all directions. Reaper chuckled and grinned under his mask. "You have upgraded your security Sombra....even for me it would seem. Tengo trabajo para ti. But I'm sure you already caught wind of what is happening. Overwatch. Is forming back together." He said to the blackness of the room where he knew Sombra stood within.

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The transport came to the Swiss hospital in a timely matter. It's jets slowed to a halt and angled themselves perpendicular to the hospital roof. The craft slowly descended onto the building and made a loud metallic clank when it touched down on the ground. "Dr. Ziegler, the transport shuttle is waiting for you on the roof. Assemble your things and board as soon as you can. The shuttle will take off as soon as you are on."


The Talon agents gathered reinforcements and tracked down Ashylnn to a chapel in King's row. According to their intel, it was a former Overwatch Safehouse, a part of their network in Britain. The Talon Agents gathered around the entrance to the chapel and blasted it open. They pulled up their guns and cleared the room, scanning it from side to side to make sure there were no enemies.  An automatic sentry system mounted underneath the altar activated, pulling up an automated turret. It lit up the sanctuary and blasted away one of the Talon operatives. "Ashlynn, the Talon agents have found us. Here are the schematics to the tunnel network. You'll need to find your way to the subway system, a train will be waiting for you there and it'll take you to Gibraltar where you'll meet up with the rest of Overwatch." 

The Talon agents took care of the sentry turret by throwing a couple grenades underneath it. They found the entrance into the basement and walked down, careful of any other traps that could be in place. In front of them was the entrance to the bunker. One of them signaled to the rest to gather up in front of the bunker door. They placed thermite breaching charges on the heavy metal door and waited for the signal to break in.

@The Unamed Beast

"Hawke, I'm sending you a layout of the castle. There will be a platform past the throne room and through a couple hallways. The shuttle will be waiting for you there," Athena said to the duo. 


Elsewhere, Athena answered Mei's call, "Hello, Dr. Zhou, I see that you are in Nepal, are you looking towards living the life of a monk. Just kidding. Anyways, Winston has ordered a recall of all Overwatch Agents, in light of a recent attack on Watchpoint Gibraltar. I'm sending a transport to your location. It'll be there in a couple of hours. Gather your belongings, the shuttle will leave as soon as you're on board."


"Buenos tardes, Gabriel," a young woman's voice said behind a cartoonish skull mask. Sombra got out of her chair and walked towards Reaper. The metallic whirring of her prosthetic limbs could be heard in the room. As she came into the light, the details of her body could be made out more clearly.  All four of her limbs were replaced with slender prosthetic ones. Connected to the back of her neck was a long wire that she yanked out to allow her to move around. The only thing that remained natural about her was her slender torso.  She was dressed in leggings and a black t-shirt with a skull logo on it that was cut off to reveal her midriff. "Yes I am familiar with what's happening with Overwatch right now. But, there's something else much more important about to happen. Doomfist's gauntlet is being moved from the Overwatch HQ to the Omnic Crisis Museum in Numbani later this month. I want you to go retrieve it."

@Dante the Fallen

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