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Fantasy Camp Mythik: Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures (Open and Accepting!)

Eloise Boone



Name: Eloise Boone

Age: 7 in human years 82

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Griffin

Height: 4'5

Weight: 57 pounds

Regular Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.8a2e8c2068504372200c9d2fa7d7a410.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114004" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.8a2e8c2068504372200c9d2fa7d7a410.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mythical Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.764ba8eff311fd358176e513c313c9bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114070" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.764ba8eff311fd358176e513c313c9bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Eloisa is a rather adventurous and spirited child. Chaos excites her for the most part, unless it is to the extent that it hurts her friends. She has an extremely vivid imagination and makes up stories on a whim, usually telling them at a random time without any context. The girl is extremely brave when facing danger, usually a bit too brave, resulting in recklessness. Eloisa a huge daredevil, if someone dares her to do something, the chances of her actually doing it are exeptionally high. She's not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, but her creativity and courage make up for it. Making new friends is always a pleasure for Eloisa and she has a very friendly nature. She often sees no difference between her and a 24 year old at times, usually this can result in her getting in 'heated' arguments, not respecting all the rules, ocassionally trying to act older, and casually talking with adults. Eloisa is a natural born leader, she has a sense of direction and adventure, charisma, kindness, and boldness, that allow her to lead her peers. She has a knack for pranks and even though she's not necessarily bright, her pranks usually go as planned. The girl can also be a bit dramatic at times. Her spirit is resiliant and unbreakable, usually the words of others don't affect her too much.

Likes: (at least three)


+Making new friends


Dislikes: (at least three)

—Reading (because she literally cannot read)


—Frilly clothing




Eloisa Boone ""

Years Attending Camp: Newbie

Powers/Extra Needs:

+Hyper Bite: Eloisa's bite is particullarly strong for a girl her age, the girl's bite can go through softer materials like carpet, flesh and plants and with a little more time and effort, harder materials like wood. She cannot bite through steel, if she did that she would chip her teeth and fracture her jaw.

+Retractable Claws: Razor sharp claws can be projected and retracted from her fingertips. Her claws are technically made of keratin, so they can break.

+Enhanced Vision: Ability to see amazing detail from far away.

+ Arial Adaptation: Is able to survive and adapt to extremely high or low air pressure, and high wind friction accompanied by the immunity to the fear of heights.

-Even though she has an enhanced bite doesn't mean she has an enhanced stomach, anything that isn't edible that she consumes will be rejected by her body in 5-20 minutes depending on the material. Make sure Eloisa doesn't eat something nonedible unless the situation truly calls for.

+Enhanced Speed: The ability to move (and fly) faster than the 7 year old. However she isn't exactly immune to innertia.

+Griffin Physiollogy: Can turn into a griffin approximately the size of a golden retriever, as a griffin she can fly and is stronger. The transformation process isn't necessarily smooth and can take up to two minutes to go to and from griffin and human form.

- Her enhanced vision has a catch; she can see things far away easily, but anything with in a foot radius of her face is harder to see, in other words she's farsighted. People's faces are easy to see from up close, tinier details like words are very hard to see. Eloisa forgot to bring her 'reading' glasses to camp and she is only seven, making her illiterate for the time being, any books or flyers with smaller text she is handed out she will need someone to read for her.


~ Really close friends with Marina, they went to the same school last year and lived in the same town.





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Kotori "Koto" Hanezawa




Cisgender; Female


Pansexual Demiromantic


Aswang - Aswang are sort of like shapeshifters, though there are a few changes. During the day, they look like any typical human being, though at night, Aswangs shapeshift into animals such as cats, bats, birds, boars and dogs (So this form is technically the Aswang's mythical form). This skill is sort of a disguise for their unnatural eating habits which is to... Well... Eat Livers and hearts. Yup, you heard it right, livers and hearts. The Aswang have heightened speed to help them with this task, though nowadays, Aswang don't really feed on livers or hearts anymore, as it isn't so much a necessity, but more of a craving. Which is of course controllable.




135 lbs.

Regular Appearance:


Mythical Appearance:





Think of a con-man, and what do you see? Well, 9/10 of the things you thought of are perfect to describe Kotori. Kotori's dangerous, using words as weapons. But how can that be? I hear you ask. She's so likeable, and charming, not to mention agreeable. That's why she's dangerous. Her mind works like a machine processing things, especially words, with frightening speed, her mindset is logical and straight to the point, and she will stop at nothing to get to that end goal. Kotori's charisma is one of the most dangerous things you've ever seen, she will swindle and speak with such eloquence and grace that you wouldn't realize that she's managed to bargain your entire wallet off you. Though sometimes this charming exterior fades away, to reveal something more... Cruel. Kotori's mind might be quick, but it is too logical, to the point of emotions being swept aside and unnoticed. Needless to say, this means Kotori is a very apathetic person, borderline sociopathic if you add in her god-like ego, and really, that ego is god like. Kotori also has this inexplicable love for games like chess, as she thinks it's the ultimate way to solve any dispute, there's also poker, which she likes to challenge people to a lot. Earning herself the nickname of 'The Gambler'.

Likes: (at least three)


+Classy Environments

+Being In Control

+Desserts, specifically cake

+Friendly Banter


+Music, but mostly classical

Dislikes: (at least three)


—Over-sensitive People


—Slow Thinkers

—Having to cooperate with others

—Large Crowds



Coulrophobia - The fear of clowns

Athazagoraphobia - The fear of being forgotten

Gelotophobia - The fear of being laughed at




Kotori Hanezawa, also known as "The Gambler"

Years Attending Camp:

5 years

Powers/Extra Needs:

+She has superhuman speed, it's needless to say, very helpful when doing tasks that require speed, her stamina doesn't run out too fast as a bonus too.

+Kotori can shapeshift. Though it's not like the ordinary shapeshifter as she has only one other form, which would be a black cat. Honestly, the only thing this might be useful for is hiding.

—Kotori experiences withdrawal symptoms about once or twice every week, but some weeks not at all. This is due to the fact that she is an Aswang... And they have this craving for human intestines.

—Similar to vampires, Kotori will suffer extreme allergic reaction when near religious artifacts or garlic. These reactions include sneezing, an extremely high temperature and sudden itchy red patches across the arms, legs, chest and belly area.


~Her parents and 2 cheeky younger siblings.

~To Be Determined





Name: Kazuki Hasegawa.

Age: 81 (7 in human years).

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Too young to care, but he likes all the pretty, quiet people that don't get his emotions awry.

Species: Komainu, the guardian dogs of Japanese temples.

Height: 48.0" (121.9 cm)

Weight: 50.5 lb (22.9 kg)

Regular Appearance:


Mythical Appearance:





Kazuki's behaviour is always a bit shy at first – after all, he can sense all the emotions you're feeling, even when you're trying to hide them. He's hurt when you're suffering and he's angry when you're furious, so he always takes him a little while before warming up and making sure that you're not going to make him feel awful all the time.

But when that ice's broken, oh boy – he's always by your side, like the guardian dog that he is. He will assure that nothing happens to you, ever. He will protect your smile and your laughter, he will play with you and give you drawings and hold your hand when you're scared (probably because he is scared as well). Polite and well-behaved, he will usually put other people's needs in front of his. He will try to interest himself in whatever you have to say as well as tell interesting things of his own.

A bright and curious child, he is the one you want to be friends with to let him copy his homework, but might not choose first on your sports team: Kazuki only likes to run around in his mythical form. Being transformed changes his personality a bit: he's more energetic and a bit less controlled by human or human-like emotions, since he's more tuned it to the nature around him.


+ Alone time and activities;

+ Making friends;

+ Nice weather.


— Sadness and negative emotions;

— Vegetables;

— Sports.




Kazuki, also known as "The Crybaby"

Years Attending Camp: First timer.

Powers/Extra Needs:

+ Kazuki can sense the emotions of those around him.

+ He can transform between his two forms at will. His mythical form can somewhat communicate with other canines, but not too much; and he can understand humans/other human-like races, but not answer them (he will bark or wiggle his tail though). His clothes have been enchanted to follow him from one form to another.

+ He can erect a magical barrier around him and his temple, that no ill-intentioned people can pass through.

- His powers are extremely limited by his very young age, total lack of experience and emotional stability: he will feel each and every single emotions that is felt around him, tenfold. If he's cabin-mates are angry or sad, then he will start shouting in rage or bawling his eyes out.

- In order to control his emotions, he has a special dog-shaped plush toy he carries everywhere with him. If he doesn't have his toy, he will be uncontrollably whatever emotion is felt around him.

- He needs special “alone time” at least one afternoon a week/half an hour a day.


~ Open to all relationships! Feel free to send me a PM!


Evan Zhujiao



Name: Evan 'Tahoma' Zhujiao

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Evolved Human

Height: 69 Inches

Weight: 138 Pounds

Regular Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/8f8b1953ce02c547f6c6e4f9965f326a.jpg.62dd53fa23322216f7ab673ef1091f58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/8f8b1953ce02c547f6c6e4f9965f326a.jpg.62dd53fa23322216f7ab673ef1091f58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mythical Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/large.jpg.e6a0a8ad50df6b61118c88b58cef2411.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114783" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/large.jpg.e6a0a8ad50df6b61118c88b58cef2411.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Yes, he just puts on a gas mask.)




Evan is a man of stupidity. And tiredness. Like. The one bad thing about Evan is him being tired.. All the time. Even when he isn't tired. He still is. He prefers soft pillows over hard ones that will probably break his neck. While being tired, he can be persuasive and manipulative. He's very charismatic too. But at the same time, he can't lie nor be persuasive. Which totally rules out how he can be manipulative. Think of it as this; 'Can I copy your power?'. Something like that. Evan often strays off the battle field, seeing as conflicts can be resolved by talking. Of course, he gets hurt trying to do so.


+ Apples

+ Music


Dislikes: (at least three)

— Pears

— Violence

— Vegetables




Evan, also known as "The Mimic"

Years Attending Camp: First Timer

Powers/Extra Needs:

+Replicating Powers/Abilities

— Physical Contact

— Permission to replicate power/ability








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Alena Fery



Name: Alena Fery

Age: 14

Gender: female

Sexuality: Pan

Species: Human/ demon hybrid

Height: 5"5'

Weight: 99 lbs.

Regular Appearance:

Mythical Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-2_16-14-41.png.c83fc31037d64a5a4b81dc6b3a365cde.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115806" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-2_16-14-41.png.c83fc31037d64a5a4b81dc6b3a365cde.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Allena is very reserved and prefers to be indoors if possible. She may be timid, but if the need is great enough she will give her life for her friends. She is just learning of her powers, so she is rather bad at most things. Most people are scared of her because they know close to nothing about her, but in reality she is very warm hearted towards people who lend a helping hand


+ The color black

+ heights

+ sweets


— water

— The dark

— Pink




(Allena Fery), also known as "(Heartless)"

Years Attending Camp: First time

Powers/Extra Needs:

+ She is able to create a weapon for herself out of nothing, basically summoning it

+ Shadow like crystals can emerge from the ground around her

— She has to rest for a few hours at a time after using her powers


~ Herself





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Velvet Eberhart



Name: Velvet Eberhart

Age: 7 (actually 101 yrs old)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: unknown

Species: Willow Spirit

Height: 3'6

Weight: 42 pounds

Regular Appearance:


Has Blue hair and shiny Cyan eyes. Mostly has white skin color and markings of constellations on her back.

Mythical Appearance:


Usually transparent like a ghost with no legs. Is naked (not really). Has white fiery orbs floating around her. Shows a very hollow and sad expression.




Lazy/ Observant/ Calm/ Optimistic/ Childish/ Innocent

Velvet is unfortunately mute and deaf so she speaks through telepathy or sign language. She isn't much of a talker and only talks to Hades since she has become quite attached to him. She can also lip read to understand people without sign language. Most of the time she is lazy so you can always see her sleeping on a tree or lying on the ground like a bear. She becomes observant when meeting new people as if she's judging them. She knew it would give them the wrong idea but she couldn't help it since she's curious. Velvet is very optimistic and childish since she's just a child. Possesing an innocent aura that would make anyone "almost" forgive her.

Likes: (at least three)


+Ancient Books or Books in General


Dislikes: (at least three)







Velvet Eberhart, also known as "The Lamb"

Years Attending Camp: One Year

Powers/Extra Needs:

+ Can create Illusions around people

Willow Spirits are born with illusion abilities to distract their predators or hunters when in danger. They also use it to summon creatures to aid them or spy since they are naturally alone. They can set traps and pull out their deepest fears with it. Can protect others using barriers.

+Enhanced Speed and Stealth

Velvet can run fast and keep a low profile when sneaking up on people or spying on them. She's good at hiding apparently...

+ Telepathy

Willow Spirits are mute thus using telepathy to communicate. They can read people's minds. This is another way to create close bonds with their loved ones.

— Being Mute and Deaf can become a huge disadvantage

This means that Velvet cannot rely to her hearing abilities when someone is nearby or call for help if she was in danger. She must be always close to someone in order to fight back. Can become easily lost and vulnerable when left alone. Only option left is her sight and touch.


~ Hades LeVane (Adoptive Brother, Best friend and Guardian)

Ever since they met, Velvet has grown quite attached to him and loves him greatly as her brother or best friend. Eventhough they had a rough start, they managed to befriend each other and accept their bond as her guardian. She is the only one who can calm him whenever he becomes a beast.


Hades LeVane



Name: Hades LeVane

Age: 14 (actually 205 yrs old)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Werewolf

Height: 5'4

Weight: 146 kg

Regular Appearance:


Mythical Appearance:





Cunning/ Laid back/ Approachable/ Serious/ Violent at times/ Glutton

Hades is usually an guy with an aura that screams "I'm Friendly!". But don't let that get into you because he is able to trick them due to his cunning personality. He is mostly laid back and easy to talk to. However, he is protective over Velvet and will become violent if someone tries to hurt her (which rarely happens). He takes the challenge seriously and doesn't have the time to become distracted. After all, he really loves to fight and compete. Hades is known to be a glutton and will steal any food if he can and has a huge appetite when eating.

Likes: (at least three)


+ Night Time

+ Fighting

Dislikes: (at least three)



—People trying to hurt Velvet




Hades LeVane, also known as "The Beast"

Years Attending Camp:

Two years

Powers/Extra Needs:

+Black Magic

Hades can use dark flames to fight back and blend in the shadows as well. He can use dark spells to attack and creates a solid weapon (a bastard sword or spear) out of it whenever he's not in his transformation. Making him a great hunter.

+Increased strength

Hades is packed with muscle and very strong as he is able to lift heavy objects such as cars or large trees. He might be able to send a man flying when snapped.

+ Beast Transformation

Hades can turn into a large beast and fight back. His senses are increased and becomes more focused. This transformation is actually his alter ego. A bit more blood-thirsty and wild one might say. But he still manages to control it and avoid becoming a feral beast.

— A need to control

Hades can get carried away and become a blood-thirsty beast since they are werewolves, especially a full moon. He needs someone to calm him down whenever he becomes a feral monster. This can be a threat when not handled well. Currently, the only person who can calm him is Velvet.


~ Velvet Eberhart (Adoptive Sister, Best friend, His protege (sorta) )

He treats her as if she was his teddy bear most of the time but loves her like his own adoptive sister ever since they met years ago. She is his closest friend and the only one outside of his pack. He accepted the bond of her being his protege in order to understand her more clearly. He learned sign language as he care deeply for her. He would do anything to protect her from harm. After all his pack does treat her as one of their family sometimes.



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Fia Jymena



Name: Fia Jymena

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Female

Height: 5 foot 6 inches

Weight: 120 pounds

Regular Appearance:


Mythical Appearance:




Fia is a cautious and weary individual; she has never been quick to trust anyone, as is her nature both as a human and as a wolf. Because of this, she tends to be found alone, by herself reading a book. When she is approached by somebody she does not trust, Fia tends to speak cryptically and quietly, holding back information about herself unless she has to release it. That being said, the young werewolf does respect authority and tends to be quite honest when asked questions by somebody she knows she can trust. As is common for creatures of her kind, she is patient

Perhaps rarer for a creature of her kind, her wolf self has a completely different persona to Fia. It is quite aggressive, and hostile and is extremely easy to provoke. In moments of deep anger or fear, it sometimes takes control of her human self, though this is rare and has not happened in the last five years.

Likes: (at least three)

+Books and good stories

+Being by herself (although she does not appreciate being isolated)


Dislikes: (at least three)

—Silver (Has a phobia of it for obvious reasons)

—Full moons (She is scared of losing control of herself)

—Large bodies of water (e.g lakes)




Fia Jymena, also known as "Ghost"

Years Attending Camp: This will be her fourth year

Powers/Extra Needs:

+In her human form, Fia's senses are enhanced: she can see in the dark and her hearing is like that of a wolf's. Her sense of smell is more sensitive than that of a regular human's also.

+Fia's reactions are somewhat heightened, not to that of other supernatural beings but definitely above that of a human.

—Every day, preferably just before sun down, Fia must take "medication". This medication suppresses her 'other' self and, if she does choose to transform, it ensures that Fia is in control.


I'd like to leave this as TBD


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