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Fantasy Call of the Sacred Wild

Cartreck said:
The "Probably a dumbass" got me. I feel like I should go to bed at.... .... ..1:45 am.... What am I doing with my life. how am I a functional human being... though I am also just having way to much fun right now. I can't sleep haha
You basically just described me right now :o

(Also, inb4 Rey and Josh become friends)
I am also way keen on making Shiro and Kiervan friends. I just got this vibe that those two need to be friends.
[QUOTE="Abdel featherfall]Agree. I think they would make a fantastic team >.>

*Also when you realize that your character seems to be acting gay way to unintentionally.* IDK I do that to often
Cartreck said:
*Also when you realize that your character seems to be acting gay way to unintentionally.* IDK I do that to often
How is he acting gay? is it the armor color changes? xD ohh did you mean your character?
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[QUOTE="Abdel featherfall]How is he acting gay? is it the armor color changes? xD

No I mean my character haha. I am in to many Rp's that have homosexual characters in them. It ends to rub off in other rp's. XP
[QUOTE="Abdel featherfall]I don't blame you Shiro is a sexy beast ;D

Oh dear lord. Shhh don't make my character do awkward things just because you push for it!
ChronosCoded said:
I'm the same way...except with personalities.
I kinda just go with it. And if it is awkward I make more awkward by trying to salvage the situation.
Cartreck said:
I kinda just go with it. And if it is awkward I make more awkward by trying to salvage the situation.
That's brilliant mate! xD

(Unfortunately my brain has reached the stage in which it cannot function without sleep, so I'm gonna have to go now. G'night)
I swear I was never intending Kiervan to be such a dick towards people. It just kinda happened.
@ChronosCoded you started off and I swear to god I read that in the voice of someone at an AA meeting...
ChronosCoded said:
I can't fucking breathe xD . Why did you leave such a funny comment? D:
I'm not that funny I swear please breath I don't want to be the cause of your death

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