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Fantasy Call of the Sacred Wild


This is my loudest bork
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Magic? What abilities


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Name: Reynard Linares (Goes by Rey)

Age: 23

Species: Human

Class: Swordsman

Magic? Spellblade and Summoning

Weapon: Shield and Krolora- A magic sword


This sword was forged from the ore of a meteorite that crashed, taking out 47 people and 13 animals. Rey found this sword completely by chance when he went into a cave, being held by the skeleton of its owner. It's been rumored that this sword could hold the spirits of those who have died by the meteorite, but if this is the case, that power is incredibly latent.

Other: A couple of days after he found Krolora, he noticed something following him. To this day, he has no idea what this familiar is, but he calls it Tefora and it's loyal to him and it can shift its form

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Appearance: See profile pic

Name: Josh (no last name)

Age: 27

Species: Human

Class: Swordsman

Magic? Control over the elements. Josh has control over earth, air, fire and water. Although he is more powerful in earth magic and mainly uses it.

Weapon: A blade called Joyeuse that focuses his earth magic


(Image credit below)

(Image linked from non-DA CDN)


Art by Yama Ocre: Pathfinder-Darius

Name: Arbane Thefaren

Age: Young Adult

Species: Elf

Class: Martial Artist (Baguazhang-like)

Magic: A student of the Way of the Venomous Snake, Arbane is able to inject raw mana through his fingertips and into the body of his target, either healing or hurting them. Arbane himself is, at most, able to give a target a significantly increased chance to fight off a disease or close a small open wound (stopping bleeding without healing internal damage). Offensively, the most he can do is cause disorientation or nauseousness in his opponents. Occasionally, he gets lucky and achieves a near perfect strike, causing his opponent to seize up for a few seconds.

Weapon: Has iron fingerless gauntless and greaves

Other: With his master recently deceased, Arbane is seeking the other members of his sect, elves and their apprentices that have isolated themselves from society. Without his master, Arbane may make rash decisions when it comes to Kotrocorn soldiers.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/97fc3e893d13dcfa7b1e2354b0a8e287.jpg.a6a58a6c9daa3d496c2f7f610a177747.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143835" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/97fc3e893d13dcfa7b1e2354b0a8e287.jpg.a6a58a6c9daa3d496c2f7f610a177747.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Krievis Null

Age: 25

Species: Dark Elf

Class: Archer

Magic? Shadow Wielder (Can use the spell Shadow Barrage, and can cloak himself in the shadows.)

Earth magic. (Mostly uses it to restrain things.)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/thEVL5BT3Z.jpg.70409fc1f74e1a30b1f221fc0db925f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143840" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/thEVL5BT3Z.jpg.70409fc1f74e1a30b1f221fc0db925f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: With his Animal companion being one of the many animals being slaughtered, Krievis has made it his duty to find, and kill, the one who murdered his best friend.



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Name: Zabui

Age: 29

Species: Shark

Class: Monk/Fighter

What abilities: When Zabui is exposed to water he becomes stronger, bigger and faster. His claws and teeth become sharper and his tail becomes darker.

Weapon: Claws, Teeth and Tail

Other: Wip



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Name: Fayar Blevren



Class: Fighter/Strategist

Magic? What abilities: Silent stealth. He is incredibly quiet in any scenario. He also possesses the one "magic" almost entirely outmatching all others: courage.


Other:Fayar is not a native to the land that many used to call Streolund. He hails, originally, from Kotrocor, but has kept this, as well as what he did as a profession, hidden well. He arrived in Streolund 6 days prior to the start of the fable that takes place, but most of his overall ability will be displayed through conversation.
Appearance: Regular gray dragon skin

Name: Kilgharrah

Age: A few thousand years

Species: Dragon

Class: Mage

Magic? Spellspeak (essentially he just has the ability to learn and cast spells)

Weapon: None

Other: Ruler of the dragons
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: Shiro of the Sacred Winds. ( name and title)


Species: Half Elven

Class: Rogue, Sorcerer

Magic: primary magic falls under self augmentation. Increased speed, strength, and agility when cast as well as durability with stone skin. Basic magic missile and Erdrich blast included, Fireball As a last resort.

Weapon: Short sword, light crossbow, and spell book.

Other: highly dangerous in close Quarters. Was trained in secret from birth to be the hunter. Not the prey though his quarry is almost never wildlife.



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Her body is made out of slime, being able to shapeshift a lot. She's immune to physical attacks so that sword won't do much other than get stuck in her body. Her slime is stickier than anything and not easy to clean off. She's able to suck water from any appendage she makes, water is a primary food source. But water is also a weakness as too much will make her nothing more than a large, immobile puddle. Also she can eat basically anything, even toxic things, but she gets a lot more edgy when under toxin's effects and turns different colors.

Weapon: Herself.

Other: Can be affected by burning, freezing, magic, dilation, etc. As long as it isn't physical, she can take damage.
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Name: Solana Carstaires "knight of the sun"

Age: 18

Species: Human (F)

Class: knight/Paladin

Magic: capable of summoning a lightning bolt to be thrown but takes up a large amount of energy along with a small delay to summon it.

Can apply an electricity buff to her weapon, causing it to electrocute opponents upon each hit.

As well as a couple of healing spells, not able to regenerate limbs or raise the dead, but good enough to mend a few broken bones, using this exhausts her almost completely


The "sunlight" straightsword


A somewhat battle-worn blade

The "sunlight" shield


A large metal shield with a picture of the sun painted on

Other: her gender is undistinguishable when she has her helmet on apart from a few strands of golden hair that seep out
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Sigmund "Sig" Bertrand


186 (True Age)

17 (Appearance)

Species: 3/4 Human 1/4 Dragon

Class: Wandering Magician


- Arcane magic:

As a follower of the Arcane ways, Sigmund can use magic using a objects or chants to produce multiple effects, be it for attack, binding,enchanting or even giving little advantages as night vision and drying clothes.

- Clerical Spells:

He has the capability of using basic clerical magic, as exorcism and lesser healing, but rarely does it as he find borrowing the power of a God "extremely humiliating".

- Spellspeak:

As someone with dragon's bloodline, Sigmund has the potential of using the racial magic of this mighty species, although he does not have the capacity of doing so at this moment.


Dragon Staff:

A golden staff made of unknown materials that he uses to cast attack magic, the staff has a lifelike dragon figure on it's top that holds the magic crystal that acts as a core for the staff.

Chained Grimoire:

He carries a semingly normal chained grimoire with him, apparently used to record his observations about different spells


-As a quarter-dragon being, his lifetime is extremely greater than a normal human, making him age a lot slower.

-Although he isn't at the level of an Archmage, his heritage greatly boost his mana capacity and regeneration.

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