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Realistic or Modern California Love



I luv u
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    summer has come once again. schools are being let out for the season, winter clothes are being put up until next year. you can either love it or hate it, but either way, it is back until it says so. what better way to spend it then going on vacation? here you have the perfect spot! San Diego, california is a common place for people to go to when they just need a break for a while. beaches, boardwalks, you got almost everything here. what all could go wrong?
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    summer has come once again. schools are being let out for the season, winter clothes are being put up until next year. you can either love it or hate it, but either way, it is back until it says so. what better way to spend it then going on vacation? here you have the perfect spot! San Diego, california is a common place for people to go to when they just need a break for a while. beaches, boardwalks, you got almost everything here. what all could go wrong?
Is this the actual rp? or the character sign-up?

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