Caledon >> HP oc


coded by sugarnaut
aledon Jackson Lecroix
cal-uh-done / le-croy
eighteen years old / seventh year
wandBirch infused with unicorn hair
patronus ⛧ magpie
house ⛧ Slytherin
heterosexual ⛧ crushing on an annoying hufflepuff
pet ⛧ crow named Stitch
> spends most his time in greenhouse.
son of rich purebloods >> Lord Calder Lecroix III x Lady Eban Lecroix
family buisness ministry of magic officials & old family money.
Lives at Lecroix manor & Slytherin Dorm of Hogwarts

MENTALITY ⛧ snobby pureblood / proud ambitious slytherin
> arrogant, short-tempered, snarky, smarmy.
- curious, patient at times, capable of being sweet.
Doesn't like being surpassed by anyone.
hates Hufflepuffs, mudbloods, competition, summer, charms class, some creatures.
loves herbology, dark arts/magic, piano, dark colors.

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE ⛧ tall englishman with vitiligo and grey eyes.
( pureblood ) Russian European mixed blood.
> Cal is 6'3" and lightly muscled.
> his hair is medium length and soft, raven black patched in white where it hangs near his eyes.
⛧ vitiligo effects his hair and left eyelashes. He also has patches of lost pigment on his legs and arms. Wears longsleeves and lots of rings to cover.
⛧ His nose is upturned and sharp, his jawline edged as a razor and cheekbones hollow and high on his pale face.
⛧ scar down his left eye from using the spell Accio incorrectly on a knife.
> dresses himself in fine Italian suits and peacoats. Usually monochrome, if not embroidered with green.

you infuriate me so much,

i've bloody fallen for you.

coded by sugarnaut
coded by Sugarnaut
coded by sugarnaut

you infuriate me so much,

i've bloody fallen for you.

coded by sugarnaut
coded by Sugarnaut

[comment][font=Arizonia]made[/font][font=Raleway]by[/font][font=Lustria]sugarnaut[/font][/comment][div=background: transparent; width: 80%;height: 25em;margin: auto;padding:0;display: flex;flex-direction: row;flex-wrap: nowrap; justify-content: space-evenly;align-items: flex-start;align-content: flex-start; overflow: hidden; border: 2px white solid;

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[/div][/div][div= height: 15%; width: 100%; padding-top: 1%; color: black; display:flex; margin: auto;][div= border: 1px white solid; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; background: var(--smallbox);  line-height: 1;][div=margin:auto; width: 80%; padding: 1%;][div= display: inline; position: relative; color: var(--name); z-index: 0; top: 1%; left: 1%; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 1em; font-weight: 700; font-family: Lustria;]you infuriate me so much,[/div]
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