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Cage of Eden


One misstep and the maimed gunman fell the sky.

Queza x @SilverBlack ════════════════════════════════════════════════════


XXXRumours have it that the loneliest place in the world is the numb state of a human soul. If so happens to possess a capacity for destruction, enmity and apathy, no other place as cold and unfeeling could ever be found. For such a soul, a prison would be nothing but child’s play, another home lacking in humanity above all else, regardless of the entities that reside within it that can only be determined as humans by means of species rather than moral conscience. In the eyes of authorities, such entities are deemed as savage animals and prisons as impenetrable, barred cages used to push back the call of the wild.

With no pretend to décor, each wall within the prison was carefully put up, each cell barred with aluminum doors and each prisoner’s happy hour painted grey. Cells were equipped with single beds, thin blankets, unclean toilet bowls and if by permission the walls were decorated with the prisoner’s personal belongings. Privacy was a luxury here; rarely could anyone afford it. A guard was stationed at each corner to monitor their designated area and make sure no commotion or prison break was attempted. The mess hall was also heavily guarded. It was the place where prisoners ate their daily meals, granted more space coverage and the opportunity for meaningless chit-chat or causing trouble that would most often result in punishment. To make it even better, most prisoners haven’t seen the light of day ever since their first arrival. The outside area of the prison is restricted only to well-behaved convicts who’d like to enjoy a breath of fresh air or hit what was made to look like a gym.

For one unlikely such prisoner, the outside area was out of reach 24/7. It has been 5 months since his arrival and he had already pulled out 4 unsuccessful prison breaks. The sheer thrill of making fools out of the guards once a perpetrated commotion was underway was what enticed him the most. Guilty based on all charges and disinclined to prove otherwise, this man was already a celebrity within these walls. That nobody here can understand his intentions and initiatives is a well-known fact.

Whether sunrise has already gone by, he wasn’t sure. No one was given the right to such earthly commodities. He woke up with shaking hands from an ill-witted dream, and was unable to fall back to sleep ever since. He’s been staring at the crack on the ceiling for a while now, spread on the worn out mattress of his bed. Once feeling for a bubble gum usually found in his pockets proved fruitless for he had no more, Michi began humming tunes of certain Christmas songs no matter the fact that Christmas was light years away. He was, as always, engrossed in blithe unconcern.

“Ah, I bet Santa’d like to bring me a present,” he said in a loud enough tone while scratching his chin. In less than a second, he was already looking over his shoulder beyond his cell, checking whether his faithful companion was still there. “Say, do you believe in Santa?” he said regardless of the outcome.
The business of the society, its loudness, its energy--whether it's the rushing of the cars, the quickness of the people, the volume of their laughter, chatters, discussions, conversations from day to night--they're all isolated, separated from the enclosed space of the dull, quiet prison.

The emptiness the prisoners must have felt here, the desire to catch a glimpse of the sunlight once more, the strong hope to be independent again instead of locked up here like a rat in a cage--it's something people who have been living in the normal society, carrying out their ordinary daily lives, wouldn't understand.

Neither can anybody else besides the prisoners themselves, really. However, they're all here for a reason. An action, a mistake, or perhaps more than one. There's no reason for an innocent person who lives their lives without carrying any crimes to be here, except those who are here for yet a completely different purpose--for work, for the money. Who else would want to be here, to be wandering around in the dim hallways, with the almost fading lights barely illuminating the whole area, and to be surrounded by all those prisoners, ones who are considered as disasters to the common society? Those who have committed actions that are harmful to the normal people, in most people's points of views?

The conversations that could sometimes be heard from prisoners to prisoners as they called out from behind the blackened cell bars, and the cries or crazy laughter that could echo against the cell walls once in a while---unlike the voices that filled the streets outside, it sounded much more empty, emptier than the echoes that it created itself, as if they've lost their souls. However, everything really depends on the sections, the divisions where each type of prisoners have been placed into, depending on the seriousness of the crimes they've committed.

Surprisingly, the section that has never been neither quiet nor loud belongs to the one where many of the more serious or most serious criminals are located. Perhaps it's because of their undying pride even in prison, yet with the knowledge of reservation, they're easy to look over yet difficult to guard...If that's even the proper way to put it.

And the one police guard that has been assigned to look over this section is Tatsuya Matsumoto.

Having walked down the same hallways, hearing the same tapping sounds of his footsteps against the hard rock floor, feeling the same coolness of this almost intolerable space, Tatsuya has long been used to it. With the money he earned, he used it to maintain his family's stability and to care for his mother. Rarely has he thought the need to spend the money on anything else.

With many of the criminals, now in prison, he passed by, a greeting is offered. Behind each of the bars that blocked any other types of contacts between them, only conversations could be exchanged. The one thing that differentiates Tatsuya from any other guards, perhaps, is his willingness to communicate with those behind the bars, to treat them as not much as a "disaster to society" but rather as "people who made mistakes," despite the seriousness in their crimes. Tatsuya has not never really minded any mocking and jeering some of the prisoners have given him, as long as they didn't give them troubles such as breaking the rules or trying to escape.

However, there is one particular prisoner he has been having trouble with.

After his usual patrol and checking after each prisoner he's responsible with, Tatsuya settled himself upon the one to whom has caused most of the issues within this section. Michi--the one criminal who has committed more than one felonies, with several attempts to escape the prison, as well as causing several disputes within the area. He who was prohibited to the outside area, locked up in that plain cell room of his, yet always kept that...Attitude? Or perhaps pride, of his. To look out for the more troublesome criminal is part of Tatsuya's job, so by the time of the patrol, he has always been keeping watch of the whole area, but particularly Michi, in that simple metal chair placed outside of his cell. Originally, it is placed across the cell bars facing the room, so the guard who sits there could look right into the room 24/7. But Tatsuya has moved it, so the chair is on the bars' side, with its back closely facing the room instead of the other way around. Tatsuya didn't really know why he has done that, yet it has made him more comfortable--to guard without the need of direct eye contact.

The prison has been quiet when Michi spoke up, bringing Tatsuya back to whatever earlier train of thoughts he has been having in his mind with his eyes closed. He has noticed the other's humming of Christmas melodies, but mentioned none of it. Neither has he intended to reply to Michi's statement on Santa until he asked him about it.

"Say, do you believe in Santa?"

The one question that appeared to be use as if checking if he's still there outside the cell room.

Tatsuya opened his eyes, letting out a light sigh before he replied, "Why do you ask?"

(Sorry for the long reply OxO I'm having a struggle on how to start my first post >< And sorry for any errors and sucky writing skills compares to yours lol. ;w;)
A penchant for small talk proved itself a life-sustaining characteristic within these barred indoors. As luck would have it, Michi specialized in idle talk, carefree in manner and forthright in pointing out the obvious. This upstanding feature was not a generic trait, however. Unable to cope with the unnatural state of restraint, many prisoners here were under extreme mental tension, homesick for a place that might not exist anymore, overcome by a never-ending lack of enthusiasm and burdened with the weight of their crimes. For Michi, self-sufficiency was the key to the survival of his unbreakable spirit, but he in no way ever complained about being assigned a personal watchdog with whom he could interact on a daily basis. Tatsuya was the name of the person who was always there to play the role of a therapist, as Michi sometimes pointed out in sheer pleasure of bouncing his ideas off of someone.

Tatsuya’s questioning the question method brought a broad grin to Michi’s drowsy-looking face. He got up slowly and began stretching his stiff shoulders so as to ease the creeping backache that has been bothering him for a little more than two days now.

“Such a life-discovering question you ask…,”
Michi grunted in undertones, moving towards the front part of the cell where he neatly leaned forward with his elbows against the horizontal pole and his hands loosely hung. “I heard you get more presents if you claim Santa is real. That sure brings some joy round,” he continued, biting down on his lower lip and closing his eyes. One could not easily deduce whether he was joking or being remarkably serious, but one thing was for sure, he wanted to know. “Wanna tell me? Maybe I’ll put in a good word for ya when I see him,” a fleeting smirk brushed his face as he eyed the side of the boy’s face. What the boy was doing in a place like this, guarding social outcasts, ensuring ‘world’ peace, yet above all wasting his precious youth, Michi was not sure of. Tatsuya barely ever revealed anything about his personal life. In Michi’s eyes it was something worth praising, for he himself had never bothered to open up more than necessary.

“And what about my breakfast? Will you let me socialize with my buddies this time around? I gotta say that eating by myself sure makes me feel lonely.” His lips sagged in a sad smile at the time his shoulders slumped, implying his current discontent emotional state. Of course, he couldn’t care less for that usual bunch in the mess hall, but the food always tasted better when one could get their hands on an extra share another would be too scared not to offer. Was it time for breakfast, though? He couldn’t say for sure. After all, not having a clock to glimpse at every hour or two made it seem as if time was standing perfectly still.

(Lol, don't say that, all's good xD )
The almost silent sounds of water drops dripping from the cracks of the ceiling onto the already-wet floor created the only possible "music" for the prisoners to listen to. It may sound ridiculous, but that tiny noise has actually acted as a reminder that each person here is still here--alive, at least. A noise that awakes them from the possible hallucinations that they're at their home sweet home with their loved ones, and dragged them back into the reality that their lives have now been caged up and separated from the society behind the iron bars. Is that good or bad depends on the prisoner, really. While there exists prisoners who don't give a damn about prison or not, there are those that have gone mad, and those that actually repents on their mistakes and am pleased to be in jail. Tatsuya has gone through each type of them, having short conversations with nearly every one of them unless they're unable to be communicated, their minds already consumed by their own darkness.

Michi has proved to be one of the unique types, those that seemed to be making something enjoyable out of the dull lives in jail behind the barred cells. He who didn't care if there's a personal watchdog looking over him, but rather appeared to be interested in having small talk most of the time. Tatsuya has never been the one to talk first, but he always replies. He has never tried to figure out if that's a good thing or not, replying to what people who say "meaningless" talks with the "outcasts" of society, especially a difficult one like Michi. He figured out it wouldn't hurt--perhaps troublesome from time to time--but not bad enough as to ignore. All talks he has had are small talks, ones that wouldn't go deep enough as to mention each other's personal lives, yet enough to create a bond. A distance is kept between each other, but the desire to communicate fulfilled.

Michi's talking style has always been carefree yet forthright--a style Tatsuya has gotten used to, with each small talks they had in the past. Tatsuya has liked to keep his reply short, but enough to continue the conversation. So be the same as Michi asked him about Santa this time.

The man's voice echoed lightly against the walls of the prison as he talked about believing in Santa or not, going on as to ask Tatsuya again of his belief towards the Christmas fantasy being, with the topic slowly changing into his desire to go to the mess hall for breakfast. The male listened to the end before leaning back to his chair, his mouth opened as a reply. "...I don't believe in those," he said quietly, his voice turning out more a like a mumble. "Leave them for children's fantasies." A short pause followed, and it is upon the request of going to the mess hall did Tatsuya glanced side-way back at Michi behind the bars, his tone a flat reminder. "Don't tell me you've forgotten the commotion you have caused last time you went there," he sounded a bit displeased with his arms already crossed. "Prohibition to go there for a week--this has only been the third day. Besides, it's not time for breakfast yet."
Michi let out a brittle laugh, thinking back to the incident that occurred three days ago during lunch. Honestly, in his defense, he had nothing to do with the sudden outburst of anger that had come from his sitting buddy, aside from perhaps being the one to initiate it. All Michi was focused on was silently ingesting his food, trying to calm his rumbling stomach down while his buddy was gobbling his own food like an insatiable pig and talking at the same time. Crumbs of food kept falling out of the buddy’s mouth who would gather them up in his filthy hand and throw them back in, munching on them even gaudier this time. Now, Michi was a tolerant individual, never put into motion about what did not concern him. However, his buddy had managed to cross the line, having spitted in Michi’s food tray, accidentally or purposely, which was of lesser importance

Michi took a moment to lay down his cup of tea and shift in his seat as he eyed the nonchalant expression on his buddy’s face. Not a word of apology did his buddy utter, mindlessly continuing to make their table as filthy as a pigsty. Only when Michi’s ice-cold eyes pierced the buddy’s dull brown irises did Michi take action by impaling the man’s hand with a plastic fork, with such strength that it had nailed him down to the wooden table on which a puddle of blood was quickly forming. Without a sign of warning, the buddy cried out in pain, disturbing the peace of the mess hall. His face shifted between anger and despair as tears slid down his ugly face. Their table was immediately thrust into attention as a bunch of guards on standby rushed over to calm the situation down. Meanwhile, the buddy had already swooped down on Michi, his white knuckle ready to punch a crater on Michi’s deadpan face. Alas, as skill would have it, Michi dodged and shoved the table with his foot towards the poor guy who staggered backwards and nailed his elbow to another prisoner’s face. That was when an all out commotion started and the one who got all the blame was not the one who had got impaled. It was Michi, who was thoroughly convinced that he had done nothing wrong.

“Third day, huh? It feels as a month has passed,” Michi heaved a sigh, tapping his index finger against the metal pole in sync with the silent sounds of water drops trickling from the ceiling. “Imagine how sad my impaled buddy must be feeling without me there to comfort him after the pain he had felt,” he continued, flashing a slick smirk on the edge of his lips. Michi was definitely a cruel bastard that much was very well-known but who would have thought that even a plastic fork could be dangerous in his hands. The sight of Tatsuya’s crossed arms and his displeased demeanor made Michi smile in a furtive yet insidious manner, shrouding the simplicity of his musing which implied that Tatsuya was cute.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to side with my buddy and put the blame on your number one patient, too? My heart just wouldn’t be able to handle it, Tatsu,” he spoke calmly, not a grain of truth in his voice. He wouldn’t be bothered in the least and that much he did not feel the need to hide. Alas, perhaps somewhere in the hollow pit meant for his nonexistent soul, there was a shred of hope that Tatsuya wouldn’t support such unrefined eating techniques. “Santa would be most disappointed, too,” he added while inspecting the lock of the cell door which appeared to be fortified this time around. It looked like the guards were finally doing something right so as to prevent him from attempting to break out again.
(I sincerely apologize for my late reply. I have lost my wifi for a while and got busy with myself as well for some time. But now I have gotten my wifi back and I have time as well. Hopefully you're still interested.)

During the time the commotion happened at lunch, Tatsuya wasn't really at the scene close enough to spot everything that's going on. Rather, he had been standing by the entrance, making sure no prisoners attempted to leave or escape while they were taking their lunch, since he was given the responsibility. He had taken his time to nod in acknowledgement upon other officers and guards, as well as responded back to several prisoners who greeted him. He remembered himself leaning against the wall and shutting his eyes when he was finally left alone, his mind rummaging through all sorts of thoughts before a sudden scream in pain brought him back to reality. Tatsuya had opened his eyes almost immediately, glancing towards the source of the scream, and found himself looking at Michi and another prisoner, his hand impaled by a plastic fork.

Tatsuya had frowned at the sight, first in quite disbelief that a plastic fork could hurt someone this much, then with much displeasure on what Michi just did. When things got worse and other prisoners got involved, other guards and police had been the ones to reach them the fastest, calming them down and dealing with the issues. Thus, Tatsuya didn't really involve himself into much of the event, only obeyed when he was given the duty to guard Michi, for he had been prohibited from going there for a week. Personally, Tatsuya has agreed to himself on the idea that the prisoner probably had done something wrong first to piss Michi off, for he was certain in some ways he didn't know how, that even the troublesome criminal wouldn't randomly attack someone without a reason. However, he is still not persuaded, believing that the "consequences" the prisoner received from Michi is probably much worse than what he did to him. Tatsuya has mentioned none of his thoughts, though, finding it not necessary, at least not yet, for him to say yet as he continued to guard the infamous criminal outside his barred cell.

As Michi talked on about how lonely his impaled buddy must have felt without him, in a tone Tatsuya has heard as quite mocking and sarcastic, his eyebrows slightly twitched without a word as he glanced sideway to the criminal, a visible frown on his face. When he spotted the furtive yet insidious smile the other was wearing, Tatsuya has blinked, not knowing what that smile is supposed to mean, but rather turned his attention back on topic as Michi continued to speak with not much of any sincerity in his voice, on the side Tatsuya has taken for the incident, with an additional remark on Santa in the end.

He finished listening to what Michi has to say, before heaving out a sigh, his crossed arms loosened but not let go. "Take sides? No, I'm not interested in whoever is more right or not," he brushed off the other' s words on how much his heart would hurt if he sided with his "buddy," rather replying with an unchanging and calm manner. "I doubt Santa cares either," he added on, a bit of sarcasm in his voice as he left the idea of Santa only giving gifts to well behaved children in his mind.
Michi's head fell to the side as he peered towards Tatsuya through his bangs that had been poking his eyes for some time now. His furtive smile did not falter in the least while the boy made sure not to mingle in the impaled buddy affair, giving off the impression that he was not interested in taking sides whatsoever. Tatsuya's elusive nature wasn't something uncommon. It has become an economic commodity to stay out of other people's business, even if it meant turning a blind eye to wrongdoings. Still, Michi couldn't possibly group him with such people based on what he had learned about him. His elusive nature was special, on another level. He stuck with what mattered and ignored what was of lesser importance. Michi's hand stretched out as it might towards the boy with no particular intention, but it limped the moment he began to speak,

"You know, I've been thinking, if I were one of the guards, I'd beat the shit out of me." His smile reshaped into a white-toothed grin. "I can't imagine a more tolerant bunch of people, really." He spoke so easily, without any restriction and need for sugarcoating, but he did not let Tatsuya respond properly just yet for he had two things to ask for. "I'm out of chewing gum, by the way. I'll make it easier for you to catch me next time if you get me some," he chuckled lightly, "And," his index finer pointed towards his hair, "It's overgrown. How about a new haircut?" Even though there was a barber shop within the prison, it came to no surprise that Michi couldn't get there so easily, constantly being on lock-down. Most of the time inmates did the cutting, as one of the jobs available but any other guard could take up that sort of duty if he wanted to. As a high-risk inmate, however, Mitchi would definitely need to be handcuffed to a chair. "You can do it for me." He couldn't deny nor would want to the fact that this idea was quite appealing. The only problem that could issue would be them assuming a possible escape. Hadn't they already learned that Michi always told them when the right time for that was approaching.

(No problem at all, and of course I'm still interested xD )
As one that has been guarding such troublesome criminal for some time now, with several experiences of him escaping, despite the fact that Michi might give a warning beforehand, Tarsuya still couldn't brush off the fact that he tensed up whenever Michi speak of escaping. It's a great struggle every time he did, the need to catch the prisoner and bring him back to jail. Although other guards would've helped him, as a watchdog for Michi he is the main one responsible for every attempt escape. To really mention the other reason, perhaps, is that even though Tatsuya has never really wanted to admit, to spend most of his day inside this soulless gray jail house alone with the dullest prisoner might be the most unbearable if Michi has not been the criminal he is assigned to guard. Despite the constant troubles he caused, Tatsuya has unknowingly relied on him as cure for the need of an interesting company that could at least keep his life away from total emptiness. Michi has been different from other criminals, after all, more fascinating, maybe. At least that ridiculously hateful yet strangely captivating personality of his has been the reason why Tatsuya is willing to keep on guarding the most trouble criminal of the section.

Upon Michi's request, he listened to both, his eyes settled upon the wall in front of him instead of looking at the other. In his mind, he considered it thoroughly--gum is acceptable, a rather tiny request among the prisoners, something most officers and guards are willing to offer. His thought wandered to the other request, then, and a pause was visible on his face as he seemed to consider it with more effort. True, if what Michi said is real about making him "catch" him easier "next time," who knows when that next time would be. The fact that Tatsuya has not trusted Michi with his escape attempts caused him to let out quite a sigh as he seemingly agreed on helping him cut his hair, although he's not particularly skillful at it. "How about outgrowning your hair enough to cover that bastardish criminal face of yours?" However, instead of agreeing, Tatsuya choose on sarcasm to reply. "Perhaps give you more difficulties on your next time escaping." He continued as he decided on taking a scissor alongside with him next time. For once, his expression shifted slightly, putting on a barely visible smirk as the image of Michi struggling with his bangs while trying to escape appeared in his mind, although Tatsuya was fairly sure that's impossible.
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Michi clicked his tongue briskly before bursting into laughter that echoed inside these walls, earning a few nasty warnings from his nearby inmates. Tatsuya spoke so freely and calmly to a man such as Michi, not a hint of fear in his voice. Michi wondered whether he would be so well-spoken and polished in sarcasm if these bars that separated them should disappear. He lingered on that juicy thought for a moment, aware much that what he often inspired in others was fear and hatred, therefore, Tatsuya's reaction he would like to see. Wrinkling his nose, he said in a loud voice,

"This handsome face is my trademark, we can't have that. A lot of people actually enjoy it, ya know." A white-toothed grin crept on his face as he cracked his uptight neck muscles, secretly eyeing Tatsu and his shifting expression.

"Hehe," he chuckled, "I know you enjoy seeing me struggle to escape from you, so talented and dedicated guards, really, I'd hate to see you out of shape. So, this is my means od helping out," he claimed more than he was sincere, dragging his feet towards the back on the cell.

"If you ever decide to put that energy into bad use, you know where to find me. I'm sure we could cause some great mischief around." Having said that, he stripped his shirt, showing off perfectly curved and bulging muscles and got on all fours to start doing push-ups, about one of the rare activities he could endeavor in being constantly on lockdown.

(Here's me again xD sorry for the wait and lack of words. Pc died so this phone is little help in lagless typing... ~.~)
Michi's loud laughters upon hearing his words echoed against the walls, bothering a few of other prisoners while Tatsuya spoke none of it, except wondered if it's funny enough to earn such a respond. His sarcastic nature is something he has with him ever since he was a child, proving to be both an advantage and a disadvantage for his sarcasm is one of the many factors that enabled him to stay in his cool and calm composure even in his anxious moments. To lose that ability, Tatsuya dare not think. However, it is because of that same trait that while it caused Michi to laugh, it brought disdain to some other people. He is sarcastic towards nearly everybody, even higher-ups, that he was considered bold from times to times, even now.

Tatsuya did often wonder if he would lose his cool one day, and how. Ironically of his quiet nature he does like to take on challenges from time to time. If he was to cut Michi's hair, the bars that separated them would disappear. How he would act then, he didn't know himself. However, known to heart he has a feeling Michi would quite enjoy that moment, and Tatsuya's eyes narrowed slightly at the thought, of how Michi would act when they were allowed direct contact.

For once, he turned his head around sideway enough to watch Michi dragging his feet to the back of the cell after remarking about his handsome face. It was handsome, indeed, except that same face was the name of a criminal, a criminal charged of nearly all crimes. He listened with a slight frown as Michi said without too much of any sincerity of not wanting to see Tatsuya out of shape, something that caused one of his eyebrows to twitch.

"I'm not interested," it was up to the last statement that Tatsuya did start replying. "In causing mischief with you. Rather, I prefer this peace we have right now without you attempting escape or me out of shape." He watched as the other stripped his shirt off, the fine muscles visible as he began to do push ups, before looking at the time. "Breakfast should be coming." Glancing towards the hall, he wondered why nobody with the breakfast has been sent to here yet.

(No problem at all.^^ Hope your computer get fixed! :) )
Michi's thin lips spread in a side-long smirk as his body moved up and down with utmost, effortless simplicity. Big-sized as he was, one could still not depict him as especially rugged and powerful. Well-built he surely was for which each carefully curved and polished muscle gave evidence. Alas, not many in so dismal a place wanted to get their hands on his six-pack, for obvious reasons. He couldn't be picky, though, as no matter how much he desired a woman's touch, that would simply not happen - at least not yet. He did hump a few in this hoosgow, but it was generally unsatisfactory. Suppose a guard would be out of the question? Cheered with this thought, he slurred in blithe unconcern,

"You know, Tatsu, every relationship needs to be shaken to get the blood boiling. Ours too." As serious as he sounded, the punch line delivered the joke. That salient smirk anyone would give anything to wipe of off his face prevailed as he threw a glance outside the bars. Pulling his mind out of the gutter, he groaned in pleasure at the thought of breakfast, ceasing the exercise. Even though prison food was far from being tasty, a man eventually got used to it and eagerly looked forward to putting whatever remotely edible he could inside his rumbling stomach. To quench his thirst with some liquor he would surely like, however, as luck would have it, he was deprived of that too.

"I hope it's not leftovers from yesterday. That rice almost talked," he drawled, ruffling his long bangs. A moment later, his ears perked up at the sound of boot clacking. He slowly got on his feet again and nested his elbows on the horizontal bar once more. "Goody, here it comes."

Up the stairs came a good-looking young man carrying a tray of food for Michi. Flipping his shoulder-length, pitch black hair back, he gave Michi a sly, white-toothed smile the second their eyes met. That young man, whose name was Jin, had hips to die for. Michi wouldn't mind rocking those.

"My, my, you'll catch a cold, Michi-san," Jin said in a soft-spoken voice, openly surveying Michi's upper body before throwing a quick glance at Tatsuya with a simple greeting, "Hello, Tatsuya-kun, it's been a while."

"If that would mean you'd nourish me back to health, I wouldn't mind being bed-ridden," he remarked, running his thumb over his lower lip. Jin faked a demure chuckle and pushed the tray of food through a narrow opening into Michi's hands, retorting,

"Unfortunately, as much as I'd enjoy doing that, I'm afraid that would be Tatsuya-kun's duty. Right?" He turned to Tatsuya, smiling furtively.
(Sorry for late reply, I got really sick and was resting for a few days. ^^")

To say that he has never been tempted by those fine, well-built muscles of the most dangerous prisoner would be quite a lie. For Tatsuya, who has long ago come to realize his sexual preference as homosexual, women have never really satisfied him when put upon the same bed to enjoy each other for the night. Neither did the males he came across to really, viewing them as lecherous and disgusting, with nothing really entertaining except dirtying him with the uttermost displeasure. Of course, he did encounter some he actually enjoyed, but none could be considered satisfying, at least for Tatsuya, who has often wondered if his standard is too high. Thus, when Michi came along, that beautifully polished muscles of his has been attractive, luring Tatsuya when came upon it on his first sight with the thought that maybe this man could grant him the satisfaction he has sought for. However, as time passed the idea slowly ceased along with his first fierce temptation, with him going through troubles dealing with this criminal and gradually getting used to himself and the sight of him, his body and his way of speaking. Besides, a prisoner would be out of the question, or so Tatsuya believed.

Michi's joke on their relationship with that mixed tone of seriousness had Tatsuya nearly shooting back a sarcastic reply before finding it unnecessary, for he has no idea where it could lead to. Ironically, no rules has stated on the sexual relationship between a guard and a prisoner, perhaps people have the impossibility of it carved into their hearts without the need of the rules to tell. Actually, to be more precise, sexual contacts did exist, but it was generally rape, with some guards attacking weak prisoners without receiving much punishment, but when the role reversed to prisoner getting the chance to rape the guard, grave punishments were given. This unfairness--or is it really--is something Tatsuya has wondered and casted aside a long time ago, knowing he could do nothing about it without causing even a huger ruckus,

Upon hearing Michi's remark on the coming of Jin with breakfast in his hand did Tatsuya drag himself back to reality from the long train of thoughts he has unconsciously dug into. Mocking innerly to himself for that he twitched slightly from his seat, he let out a sigh before returning Jin's greeting with a simple nod. The obvious looks exchanged between the guard and the prisoner was pretty obvious, one eyeing his hips and the other his upper-body, a sight that caused Tatsuya to roll his eyes as he watched them from aside.

He listened quietly as Jin and Michi spoke to each other, frowning lightly when Michi said he wouldn't mind being bed-ridden if Jin could nourish him back to health, more even upon hearing the other's reply, but did not plan to engage himself into the conversation until Jin directed his next words to him.

"I don't mind him being bed-ridden, if that means he could be easier to take care of," Tatsuya replied simply with his usual cool voice, glancing towards Michi with sarcasm in his eyes.
(s'okay, I hope you're feeling well now ;3)

Michi flashed a piercing gaze towards Tatsuya, confronting his well-polished sarcastic glint while arching a taunting brow. His godsend sex appeal peaked within a single tongue motion over his lower lip which could bed even the most reluctant of men. On the other hand, like a cougar slinking his prey, Jin leaned closer towards the bars, the intention of resting Michi's attention back on him in his mind. The simplest explanation would be the fact that Jin had always had a thing for well-bred, caged, wayward 'animals' and that being so, having his spotlight stolen by a potential rival was similar to his territory being invaded.

"I suppose our Tatsuya-kun here would like you to be less of a challenge, Michi-san," a demure smile graced his lips while his head rested to the side. Michi barely responded, his unblinking gaze fixed on Tatsuya still. Furtive envy dimmed over Jin's eyes as his pale lips puckered tightly. That he should have been the one watching Michi's every step had been dwelling on his mind ever since Tatsuya 'stole' the job. Albeit the young man had deserved the trust of his colleagues based on his overall above-average performance, Jin's view of things came from a different perspective. He had claimed that one should tame the beast in a more subtle way, but everyone knew he just wanted to get in his pants.

"That would just be no fun. But if he asks me nicely, I'll make an exception for him on certain days. Of course, I have to benefit from that too." Michi finally tore his eyes from Tatsuya and downcast them on the food tray. A wide smile spread on his face when he inhaled the smell of fresh food. On the tray lay some mysterious meat, a loaf of bread, some vegetables, rice and a beverage that might be lemonade by the looks of it. It seemed that something was missing, though. His favourite part of a meal was not there - dessert. His forehead furrowed and his smile sagged in disappointment, his face resembling that of a pouting five-year old. "My dessert...," he said in a cold voice, the aura surrounding him suddenly becoming tense. His big hand swiftly grabbed Jin by the collar, forcefully blasting him against the bars. "You didn't eat it, did you?" A formidable glare bore deep within Jin's eyes, inciting fright. Caught off guard, Jin stood motionless for a few moments before smiling sheepishly.

"So scary, Michi-san. I didn't, I didn't, I swear. Tatsuya-kun, some help please?" he chuckled lightly yet Michi's grip didn't loosen.
(Sorry for late reply again. Busy with school work and slow wifi. Aye.)

Tatsuya's gaze polished in sarcasm has not wavered as Michi responded with a taunting brow. However, the sex appeal the other has given off eventually catch him by surprise on the sudden temptation. Despite the time he spent getting used to him, as hard as he wouldn't want to admit he could still not brush away the impulse he would have every time Michi made a seductive move. He clicked his tongue slightly, then, displeased as he tore his gaze away from the alluring criminal, closing his eyes shut until a moment later to have his attention fixed rather on Jin than back to Michi.

The reason for Jin to behave this way, as if trying in every attempt to lure Michi's attention back to him rather than focusing on Tatsuya, is quite obvious. Jin's reputation throughout the guards and polices, has been quite famous and infamous at the same time. The way he values each criminal locked behind the bars is something Tatsuya has known of since a long time ago, along with several other guards. He could sense the feeling of envy and even hatred from this handsome male ever since he 'won' the position of watching over Michi, something he has not really thought of himself, except as valuing it as his duty. To value it as territory or possession is something Tatsuya couldn't or simply wouldn't understand, and to question even further of whether or not Jin sees each prisoner as animal or toy rather than real, human beings formed an obvious reason for Tatsuya's slight dislike for this accompanying guard of his.

One of his eyebrows twitched lightly as he watched Jin's effort to grab Micni's attention, finding it rather unlikable. He frowned when he heard Michi's response on Jin's statement of causing less troubles for a certain days if he could ask him nicely, and if he would benefit from it too. Not participating into the conversation much, Tatsuya only let out a quiet sigh from aside, secretly desiring Jin to leave instead of having pointless conversations with his usual manner. He waited quietly then, not remarking anything when Michi mentioned that the dessert is missing. It wasn't until the collar was grabbed and Jin was pulled against the bars by the strong grip of the dangerous criminal did Tatsuya once again looked their way.

He raised quite the tired eyebrow at the sight. "Cut it, Michi," he said in his usual fashion. Then hearing Jin asking for his help and seeing it as an opportunity to finally be left alone, even just for a while, he continued, unmoved from his seat. "It's unusual to have no desserts. Would you mind if you go check it out to see if they just forgot to put it in or not? Thank you." He requested, in a tone rather lighter and less tense that he often used on Michi, before remembering something else. "Ah, and bring a pair of scissors too, if there is one." He thought of the idea on cutting the other's hair soon.

(Sorry if this reply isn't as well written despite having almost same length lol. I am half asleep and am forcing myself to reply since I don't want to reply slower than today. ^^")
Jin's eyes narrowed into slits, the edge of his lips twitched in a forceful smile. Tatsuya's dull yet patronizing response affected Jin in the most likely of ways. It aggravated him beyond belief. Behind those thin, widely spread lips his teeth clenched tightly keeping the ticking bomb that was his body in check. Had it not been for his brilliant self-control, Jin would have lost his job from year one. Being of a vengeful spirit, however, sly and treacherous his mind, he had already pledged his honour to cut Tatsuya-kun to ribbons.

His amber irises flashed dreadfully towards Michi, a dark, ominous shadow overlapped his eyes as a cunning white-toothed grin curled upwards and his lips moved subtly and slowly, 'Just kidding' Michi scowled upon reading the movement of Jin's lips, catching a glimpse of a taser tightly gripped within Jin's white-knuckled fist. Alas, with little time to avoid it, Michi released his grip and took a step back, however, Jin got the opportunity to faze him, burning Michi's abdomen. A light chuckle poured off Michi's lips,

"Kinky," he said securing his grip on his food tray, a bit unsteady on his feet. Before Michi could grab him again and perhaps inflict some pain on him, Jin moved away rapidly, adjusting his crinkled collar. "Now be a good dog and do as your Master told you," Michi teased. His skin was lightly scorched but he barely felt any pain, being more than used to being handled roughly. Jin's face shifted into a deep frown as his fists tightened. How he wished to beat them both hollow at the moment. Alas, taking a deep breath, he simmered down, etching a radiant smile on his face.

"My, my, you need to learn how to behave, Michi-san, otherwise, someone might give you a late-night visit and spank you," he said in a soft-spoken voice, straightening his back and giving Tatsuya a bland look, "I will try my best, Tatsuya-kun, but I don't make any promises." With a swift spin upon his heel, he strutted out of their sight.

Michi put the food tray on the nearby coffee table, only grabbing the loaf of bread, and then proceeded to poke the scorched part of his skin closing the dent next to his left hip. "My first souvenir, how lovely, that was a nice verbal beat down, Tatsu," his teeth dug into the bread.

(Stop apologising xD everything's great, we all have lives so feel free to reply when you can ^~^)
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Tatsuya watched as the dramatic scene played on besides him, a visible frown on his face as the taser burnt Michi's abdomen while giving him little time to dodge, followed by some taunting words from both sides. It was pretty obvious that Jin, a guard long recognized as vengeful but with a pretty good self-control, was holding back the urge to show his utter displeasure. It would be a lie however to say that Tatsuya was not pleased with it. Having his own dislike for someone such as Jin, any sorts of things that could dissatisy or perhaps aggravate the other person delights Tatsuya. In a way, he often viewed the negative results or offenses of what a person he dislike have received as consequences or even punishments for their own wrong actions. Of course, Tatsuya has kept this thought for his own, and never has him attempted to pick a fight with someone he dislike. Ironically, as a guard, he did not find much of the prisoners here dislikable, only seeing them as people who had made mistakes, with some able to see what they had done wrong, and with some other don't. Of course, Michi is of a different matter.

As Jin walked away, Tatsuya's eyes followed until the man was completely out of sight. He didn't respond when Jin replied to his request on the dessert and the scissor, finding it unnecessary, for he assumed that Jin would probably not come back after being aggravated like this. He heard the light sound of the food tray being placed onto the nearby coffee table before switching his attention back to Michi then, who has begun to eat his breakfast although without the dessert.

"Maybe you deserve it once in a while," Tarsuya replied to the other's remark coolly, thinking back to how the taser has successfully attacked, even lightly, this difficult criminal whose expression did not faze even after the burn. He has never thought of attacking a prisoner with a taser unless truly necessary, and now thinking back to it he rarely has used it upon Michi even when he attempted escape. The thought lingered in his mind, and for a moment the taser weighed double on his side.

He glanced back to Michi then, shaking his thought away as he watched the other chewing the loaf of bread. His eyes then landed on the food tray, which did look extra empty without the dessert. He was silence for some moments, before his hands reached into his pocket to take out a tiny bag of chocolate cookies. "I have cookies, if you want," he said, waving it gently in midair as to show other, before handing it to Michi through the gap between the iron bars. He didn't care to give it away, he has never liked sweets anyway.

(I was studying and taking finals so yeah. It would be over with one more week. :) haha, apologizing is like a habit cause I reply so slow these days.)
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Michi had wrestled that loaf of bread down his throat faster than it took one to fail a tongue-twister. By far the most agreeable piece of food he had had the 'privilege' to taste, should he exclude the delicate texture of a cupcake or the wobbly character of those fruit-flavoured jellies. Nothing settled in nicely as a bag of cookies, though. Stunned by Tatsu's unhoped goodwill, Michi put aside the memory of the wicked taser, and the reddened spot left behind, for he had much to rejoice. Without a second thought, he accepted Tatsu's generous offer as a chortle poured from his lips,

"Am I being bribed? You are full of surprises, Tatsu." His usual unreadable poker face hid the furtive flare of delight he had stumbled upon laying his eyes on Tatsu. He couldn't quite put his finger on the matter why he had the sudden urge to play second fiddle to his watchdog, perhaps it was his masochistic side yearning for some playtime, but he certainly promoted Tatsu to a new rank. "I might reward you for your generosity," he said in a low, teasing voice sounding of a lewd old man's whispering, playing with a cookie that hung between his lips, his tongue gently sucking it in. Not for a moment did his peering irises falter, for indeed inappropriate he sounded with his... implications.

Not a second passed before a light trotting came their way. It was one of those highly non-distinctive guards with a weather-beaten face and grizzled hair, huffing and puffing. Within the palm of his aged hand, he held a pair of scissors, his knees slouching as he came to a stop in front of Tatsuya. A sigh escaped his weary lips as he spoke, "Was that young man pissed, I hope you two haven't went at it, Tatsuya. I don't want to be the one in the middle of Jin's wrath." A chuckle escaped his throat as the man handed the scissors to Tatsuya, offering some advice. "You be careful now, boy," his eyes shifted to Michi who peered through him, having been quick to hide his cookies behind his back on time. "Don't let your guard down," a heel-spin later, he was trotting down the stairs, continuing about his business.

"Ah, now I'm even more excited," chirped Michi, biting down hard on his lower lip.

(Feel free to use all of them NPCs, I sure love a lot of them. Also, I was thinking of having Michi attempt an escape soon, perhaps leading to endangering Tatsu at some point so he could question his methods and discover some new layers of the story ^^)
Tatsuya's hand retreated almost the same moment the bag of cookies was taken from him by Michi. His eyes following as the tiny bag is being opened and a cookie taken out, the tone in Michi's words that seemingly hid a hint of delight caused Tatsuya to glance towards the criminal's face as if attempting to catch the possibility of a shift in expression from the usual chilling poker face that Michi always wear. Much to his expectation, mixed in with some slight disappointment although Tatsuya didn't know why, the criminal looks the same as ever, the delightment Michi felt, appears to Tatsuya to has been hidden under the unreadable mask that was put on Michi nearly all the time.

It is rather Michi's words and tone that Tatsuya mainly use to identify and even analyze what this criminal is thinking. Thus, when a chortle escaped his mouth, followed by his remark on Tatsuya and offering of a "reward" to his "generosity," the watchdog couldn't help but feel s sense of uneasiness from whatever the other might have in his mind, or the hint behind his words. Furrowing his eyebrows lightly, he watched as the other gradually bit on the cookie, devouring it's sweet taste that he disliked, a visible frown eventually formed into his face as he uttered a low reply. "It's just a bag of cookies," he said quietly with his usual expression. "Don't think too much out of it."

When the light trotting sound of a guard entered Tatsuya's ears, his eyes glanced towards the hallways as an old man approached. He blinked when he sees the scissor in his hand, surprised slightly that Jin still answered his request although visibly pissed at their earlier contacts with each other. Nodding and thanking upon hearing the man's words, he sighed when hearing his warning upon Michi before leaving, continuing on with his earlier business. Those warnings he had heard thousands of times, although to be in the same space as Michi do requires a warning.

Testing the scissor briefly, with several possibilities and scenarios running through Tatsuya's mind of what might happen later, he checked if his handcuffs was ready. Michi's chirp of excitement increased Tatsuya'a guard for himself as he reached for his keys that unlocks the jail door. He paused for a while after receiving the scissor, his eyes landing on Michi with his cookies, before exhaling a breath, thinking of getting it over with. Even for Tatsuya, it took some moments to prepare himself before he stepped through the iron bars that separated him from the well known dangerous criminal in this crazy jail house that he works in.

"Sit," after making sure the door was closed behind him without much of a possibility to escape without some time consuming struggles, he said plainly as he pointed towards a bit of a high chair within the jail, just tall enough that when seated, it would be at the perfect height for Tatsuya to reach and cut the other's hair.

(I see. And awesome, I've been thinking of how to develop the story here too, so an escape attempt would be great.)
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