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Dice C.O.G. OC

Anyone want to know Yenyas before the story? Does she owe you money? Clearly the other person cheated because there is no way she lost that hand in a fair game.

I was kind of expecting things to start a bit faster I hope the character sheets aren't going slowly because people are writing 50 pages of backstory lol
I've been waiting for Sparkler and her friend but they seem to have vanished. So I'll give them to the end of the week to reappear and then I'll open things to two more players and get ready to start the game.
Anyone want to know Yenyas before the story? Does she owe you money? Clearly the other person cheated because there is no way she lost that hand in a fair game.

If we're allowed to know each other prior to game starting I'd be down for that. That's up to Ian Temero Ian Temero

I'm not working on a 50 page backstory but I do need to get my head around whom Garryth is and find his voice.
Basically he's an ex-soldier turned "dwarf of god."
As I think of it ...
He's got some sins on his ledger that he's trying to make amends for - specifically looking for the family of one of his lost comrades to make sure they're okay. So that's why he's out and about.

Is that anything you can work with, Ilikepie Ilikepie ?
So for you folks using D&D Beyond I am unable to see your Description and Notes tabs, so I have no idea what your backgrounds are or any backstory you've typed up. And I would very much like to know. So if you guys could either add that to your CS post or PM it to me that would be awesome.
So for you folks using D&D Beyond I am unable to see your Description and Notes tabs, so I have no idea what your backgrounds are or any backstory you've typed up. And I would very much like to know. So if you guys could either add that to your CS post or PM it to me that would be awesome.
Oh heck my b I'll add it in a sec

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