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Fandom C L*A N N A D - Out of Character ?

How dare you speak of our Lord and Saviour, @Aart, in such a manner when he is not present?

But yeah, @IdealisticFantasy, our starting date hasn't been decided yet. We're waiting on our god to pass his judgment. 
Just finally read this thread, and I'm bursting out with laughter. But on a serious note, if anyone was uncomfortable with the smoking drinking and or swearing she will be taking part in (if she's accepted) let me know!
@Aart is probably too busy dabbing and being a bad meme

You dare speak such foul language about our lord Aart? 

Off with you! 


People these days do not know that they are in the presence of an exquisite meme like Aart.
Just finally read this thread, and I'm bursting out with laughter. But on a serious note, if anyone was uncomfortable with the smoking drinking and or swearing she will be taking part in (if she's accepted) let me know!

No objections on the Twins part!
@Cronix @Ezri @Yato @T h e F o o l @MrNeko @animegirl20 @Forest Dragon Slayer @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Wolfiy @Kazu @54160 @Legulus @Ariettie @IdealisticFantasy @TGSRoleplay @Noivian @BunBun The Bunny

The ones that have been accepted are:




@J e s t e r



@Forest Dragon Slayer - He will be Co-Owner of this Rp, as I'm busy with school and dabs. 



And myself.

I'm sorry not everyone could make it into the Rp. I have never run a proper Rp before and I'd like to keep the participants to a minimum, as I find it hard to keep track with everyone. This is my fault for not being able to run all. My apologies. 

Thank you for understanding.
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Oh man. I got worried because I didn't see T h e F o o l in the accepted list, so my character's waifu wasn't accepted. Then I noticed that the name was changed to @J e s t e r. GG.

Congrats to all that were accepted! And, as implied by @Aart, just because you weren't accepted doesn't mean that your app was bad. Number were just limited given that he has no/little experience with managing roleplays.

In any case, when do we start? And, of course, before we start, there should be an introductory post giving everyone the setting and such. What time of the day it is, if everyone's gathered for a ceremony or if it's just a normal day, etc. If everyone's in class, then the mods are probably going to have to play as teachers to guide everyone.
@Legulus Thanks for the help there!

We'll start of soon. Maybe tonight, (for me it's 19:45) otherwise sometime tomorrow. I will make the introduction post. Thank you for all the patience!
Take your time~ Good luck!

I just noticed that I'm the only one in class 3-A. Nice.

We'll all be in the same classes. This way we'll interact more. I decided that after giving it some thought. I'll announce this as well. 
I guess I wasn't accepted...oh well...I was really looking forward to this roleplay, but I guess I have to just move on.
Oh, I was accepted! Congrats to everyone else who was accepted too~ And if you weren't I hope you don't feel bad, it happens to the best of us, especially for smaller rps!

I'd love to find some friends/maybe a crush for Momoe too! \ o/

To @Aart in particular, if our characters are the only ones on sports teams, I can change Momoe's club to soccer if that's better?

Edit: I went through them again and @animegirl20 is in soccer too, lol! I'm dumb. But I should totally switch then, huh? Sports friends!
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Oh man. I got worried because I didn't see T h e F o o l in the accepted list, so my character's waifu wasn't accepted. Then I noticed that the name was changed to @J e s t e r. GG.

Congrats to all that were accepted! And, as implied by @Aart, just because you weren't accepted doesn't mean that your app was bad. Number were just limited given that he has no/little experience with managing roleplays.

In any case, when do we start? And, of course, before we start, there should be an introductory post giving everyone the setting and such. What time of the day it is, if everyone's gathered for a ceremony or if it's just a normal day, etc. If everyone's in class, then the mods are probably going to have to play as teachers to guide everyone.


Okay. If I am going to be honest with myself I'll barely serious if at all in the OOC at this rate.  >->

That being said. I hope to see the feels we generate together xD.
Congrats to who made it. I was honestly surprised to see my name there. I hope that we'll all have an enjoyable time!

To the people who unfortunately didn't make it, your characters were all really nice/cool and I'm sorry to see them go. But have a cheer of heart, it happens to all of us. :)  
I'm sorry to all that didn't make it, although you've probably heard that five times by know, haha. I don't think I've ever seen an RP blast off so well though, and having modded a few myself, it would have been way too difficult for anyone to have managed all the people who applied.

Anyways! Can't wait to start! 
So I'm going to be guessing my character will be a loner for now, since nobody seems interested in being friends? : p
If anyone wants to be friends with my character, cool haha, but you're in for a huge handful. 

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