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Realistic or Modern Those who were made not born

BeebeTheWarrior said:
Given name:Subject 1749



Species(no more than 3 types):Cat,brown bat,Ferret

Appearance:(is actually brown not pink)

View attachment 325272

Personality:She is very sweet and naive having been made only three years ago. she is naturally a trickster because of her ferret genes but she never plays mean tricks. she is very courious and often escapes her cage to go to others

Likes:Being with others,pranks,exploring

Dislikes:being alone,rude people,being stepped on

Strengths:She is very fast and nimble able to dodge almost anything thrown at her. she is very small and can easily slip through tight gaps and sneek past others. she has very sharp claws and teeth able to cut throw wood.

Weaknesses:She often gets stepped on which she hates. she isn't very strong. she is very naive and gets distracted easily

Other:originally having a brother but he died

Given name:Subject 4703




Hybrid of( no more than two animals):Cobra

Appearance(no realistic):

Personality:He is very shy around new creations normally sticking to the ones he knew. he started the rebellion after a scientist cut of his tail to test the gecko genes they put in him for the fifth time. he now is in his own cage separate from the others. he is very brave and caring always trying to help

Likes:Books,warm spaces,crowds,dark

Dislikes:cold,bright lights,being alone

Strengths:he is very strong especially in his tail. his fangs are very poisonous and he is able to regrow any part of his body except the head in less than a few minutes

Weaknesses:He is a big push over never wanting to interrupt others. he is very clumsy often tripping on his own tail

if you said in your rules one character only, why do you have two characters?
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Tonstad39 said:
if you said in your rules one character only, why do you have two characters?
because i made it! and incase i have only one other player thats lets say a human i have a human to interact see
I have a character that has a bio that takes place post-escape. So give me a few hours to get home and make adjustments, and I'll have a human hybrid. Mind if I reserve a spot?
AceOfSpades0210 said:
I have a character that has a bio that takes place post-escape. So give me a few hours to get home and make adjustments, and I'll have a human hybrid. Mind if I reserve a spot?
Sure what is their name?

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