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Realistic or Modern Bury Me in Satin |CS Thread|


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
it was always us vs. the world





(1-2 paragraphs or you can use bullet points stating vices and virtues)


code by fudgecakez

Theresa Zabielski
if I die young by the band perry
if I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me in the river at dawn, send me away with the words of a love song

NAME: Theresa Violet Zabielski
AGE: 23
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
GENDER: Female

HAIR COLOR: blonde
EYE COLOR: green
HEIGHT&WEIGHT: 5'2'' & 115lbs.
FACE CLAIM: Dove Cameron

VICES: shy - weak - passive - depressed
VIRTUES: friendly - kind-hearted - caring - sociable
LIKES: nature - reading - herbal tea - poetry
DISLIKES: noisy places - swear words - high heels - arguments

TW: overdosing

When Tessa and Henry Zabielski finally managed to have kids, what was their joy when they found out that after years of bad luck, they got two healthy baby girls – twins. Theresa and Cameron were indeed inseparable and no matter what happened, they were always there for one another. The only thing that managed to drive a stake between them was in fact their parents. The two of them were always expected to strive for success and Terry wanted to make her parents happy. From her, it was no competition with Cam, she simply was a people pleaser.

Fortunately, Theresa never had to try exceptionally hard to reach her goals. Though it was never important to her. She was always very outgoing person and wanted to be surrounded by people as that was how she thrived. When she and Cam started high school, the wedge between them was making it harder and harder to get along but Theresa never gave up. She was sure that one day, she and her twin sister would be able to renew that perfect relationship they used to have.

Thanks to her bubbly personality, Terry didn’t have problem to get a small group of people together. They all were so beautifully different and yet, they got along and were very tight. Terry never realized it but she was the glue that held them all together. Why else would the IT girl hang out with the high school stoner? How on earth would the star quarterback be friends with the nerd? No, Terry got them together and was their peacemaker.

But as all good things come to an end, so did high school. On graduation day, they all got their diplomas, threw their caps up, hugged and pinky swore to stay in touch. Those promises were as serious as their whole high school career. And once they left the small town, the promises were gone with them. Not entirely. At least not at first. But with time, they dissolved into thin air. But not for Theresa. She tried to stay in touch but people suddenly changed their numbers, messages stopped coming and all she had was a bunch of social network contacts.

Yet she never stopped tracking how her best friends fared, knew everything she could find out online and…was falling into deeper and deeper depression. She herself went to a college, even got her bachelor degree in creative writing. But then the sadness, which overwhelmed her whole, made her drop out. Almost five years after the graduation, Theresa was sitting at her desk and wrote six identical letters. It took her a very long time to figure out all addresses to make sure all those letters would get to the right people. And she sent them. A day later, her parents found her lying in bed, peaceful as ever. Though those green eyes, that were always so full of life and joy, were now shut forever. And the bottle of her antidepressants was empty. Theresa Zabielski died in hoping that her high school friends would come together one more time and rediscover what held them together for this whole time.

coded by incandescent
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Full Name: Jasmine McKinley
Nicknames: Jazz, Jazzy
Age: 24
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Female
Role: The Nerd

Jessica Parker-Kennedy
Hair/Eye color: Medium chocolate brown/ Light brown
Height/Weight: 5 ft. 3 in./ 115lb
Clothing style: Medium length wavy hair usually tied back into messy pony-tails and black glasses. She prefers loose fitting, casual, neutral colored clothes. Especially sweaters if it's not hot outside. Examples: One , Two, Three, Four, Five
Tattoos/piercings: None/ Only ears pierced once

Flower petals wilt

General Personality:
Vices: Insecure, Clumsy, Dependent, single-minded, Hermit mentality (since drifting from her friends)
Virtues: Honest, Logical, Kind, Ambitious, Selfless, Hard-working

LIKES: Puzzles, Games of all kinds (video, card, board, ect.), math, computers, programming, tinkering, astronomy, Sour candies, comics, reading, Gum
DISLIKES: Dancing (because she's clumsy), Public speaking, Grammar, Bitter tastes, Liars, Spiders, Thunder storms, Tests, Hospitals

STRENGTHS: She's got a near photographic memory, so her memory (especially of things she reads) is amazing. She also has a pretty good memory of things she hears, but it's not as good.
WEAKNESSES: Anything that makes her deal with a lot of people and puts her on the spot. She's not the type of girl who likes being the center of attention, she'd rather be behind the scenes. No staring role, but the camera girl.

Theme song: Breathe from In the Heights

BIO: [TW: Drug use/abuse]
Jasmine KcKinley is the eldest daughter of Kennith McKinley a local mechanic, and Lana McKinley the secretary for the paper company in town. Neither of her parents graduated or even went to college, and her father didn't graduate high school on time, but he did eventually go back for his GED. Lana had gotten pregnant their senior year of high school, so they both dived head first into the work force to help support their growing family. Both parents didn't agree with what happened and didn't help out much, so Jasmine only vaguely has a relationship with her grandparents. When Jasmine was 2 years old they finally got married at the courthouse while Lana was pregnant with her little brother. After years of hard work the family climbed from low income to middle class, and made sure to spend every spare second they had into investing in their children future and making sure they knew how important it was for them to work hard and invest in their own future. Four years after her little brother she had a little sister and then they stopped having kids unsure if they could sustain their lifestyle with anymore.

There was always the immense pressure on all three siblings to get top grades and be the best at whatever they decided to pursue. Her parents weren't too picky so long as it was something that they could get hired to do as a job one day. The pressure was even more so on her being the first born, and she was able to live up to those standards the vast majority of her life. It helped that she genuinely had a hunger for knowledge and enjoyed reading and learning new things. She believed her parents and society when they said that the only way to have a successful life was to be educated, which meant you had to go to college, graduate, then you could get a good job and live happily ever after comfortably. She knew she couldn't rely on certain stereotypes and gimmicks like sports (she was too uncoordinated), or her looks (she never has seen herself as especially pretty), or to get lucky and marry rich. The only solid foundation she knew she could rely on was her academics.

While she enjoyed learning about a wide variety of things, her interest and specialty was in anything electronic, but especially computers. Throughout elementary and middle school she was often teased and bullied for being nerdy or geeky by her peers. This contributed to her preferring to stay out of the limelight. She didn't want all eyes on her just to judge her because people didn't like what they saw. It did stop in high school and she believes it's largely due to the friends she made (which is mostly true), but the part she never realized was she was basically the story of the ugly duckling. Everyone else noticed but her. However due to her personality this didn't mean she suddenly had a line of suitors trying to date her, it was mostly just people were a lot nicer ot her then they'd previously had. Also less afraid to ask for help on school work. She eventually graduated the valedictorian of her class (and hated having to give that speech). She'd been accepted into Brown university which is an Ivy league school on a full scholarship no less (well it was one major scholarship, and then a bunch of small ones that added up to being a full ride) majoring in Computer science.

It seemed like she'd done it, she'd lived up to her parents impossible seeming standards. She couldn't say the same for her brother who in middle school started hanging with the wrong crowd and started rebelling against their parents for being so strict with them. (He's now 21 and was recently arrested and put in jail for theft/breaking and entering.) There is a slight wedge between them from the rivalry their parents caused from pitting them against one another since elementary thinking the competition would make them work harder. However Jasmine has always tried to be there to bail him outta trouble when she could. Her fall from grace has made her even more humble in this regard towards him. Her younger sister and her don't have much of a relationship anymore after Jasmine dropped out of college because her sister is also ashamed of her life choice. There is also the now added pressure Jasmine knows she must feel as their parents are putting all their last hopes on her sister since the older two have failed in their eyes. Sadly she doesn't know how to relieve that pressure or mend the bond with their parents saying nothing positive about her anymore especially to her sister.

Why did Jasmine drop out of college when everything seemed to be going so well? Life on campus was much harder than she anticipated. Between the rigor of the actual courses, and the divide in social class between her (someone here on a scholarship) verses people who were there because of money and/or connections made life rough. Not to mention the stress, and over-load of work made it difficult to find time to talk to any of her old friends making her feel even more alone. To cope and also get through her impossible work load she stared popping Adderall pills and wound up getting hooked. She also wound up dating her supplier which only made it worse, but that was more of a relationship built on convince than romance. She started pulling more and more all nighters and that was her key to pulling it off. It wasn't a secret to anyone who was around her, but most people didn't really care either. She was still sporting her 4.0 GPA average, and who cared if she had no life outside of it?

The day of her finals in her senior year her body finally shut down and she collapsed missing her finals. Her dorm-mate was the one who found her and got her rushed to the hospital afraid she'd OD'd. The drugs in her system over such a prolonged period of time had cause a major portion of why her body collapsed, as well as her not properly taking care of herself by sleeping or eating and drinking correctly. Waking up in the hospital was extremely eye opening and scary for her. The doctors had warned her if she didn't start taking better care of herself that this could lead to her having a stroke and/or dying from all the other health issues it was creating in her body. They offered rehabilitation, but she declined it believing she could over come it on her own, mind over matter and all that jazz. Not to mention she didn't want anything else shameful to happen to her, or have to admit to her parents.

She was given the opportunity to re-take her exams since she was literally in the hospital, but she couldn't bring herself to even step foot on campus. She did so long enough to pack her few things and then she went back home. This was also the moment her and her supplier broke up. While she was hurt by this she also knew there was never any real love between the two and if she was no longer going to be on campus and buying from them, then there wasn't much reason to interact. Her parents are extremely disappointed in her choices and don't hide that fact from her. They bring it up every chance they get every single day about how she's ruining her life by not finishing what she started. They have even started comparing her to her younger brother especially now that a whole year has passed since she's come back home.

However Jasmine knows she's not ready to put herself back into such a highly stressful situation again, to then join a high pressure job for the rest of her life. In fact she wasn't even sure anymore what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. She's been working helping her father from time to time, and making extra money by doing small repairs on electronics especially trouble shooting computers to pay down her huge medical bill since insurance didn't cover a lot of it. She's tried her best to cut back and quit the pills like the doctor suggested, but she still pops them whenever she's feeling unmotivated to get out of bed (which is more often than she likes to admit), or working on a bigger project.

Despite being back home it never dawned on her to seek out any of her old friends. A part of her is afraid they'll be as ashamed of her as her parents are for having all this limitless potential and wasting it. It's not that she doesn't still want a better life for herself it's just she's unsure on how to do that now without nearly killing herself in the process. When she received the letter from Theresa she thought it was odd, but a sweet gesture. She wanted to reach out to her immediately, but her fear held her back. By the time she finally did the next week it was already too late. Now she's determined to fulfill her friends dying wish and not be afraid to face her old friends. She doesn't want to be too late again.

Theresa was one of her best friends back in school, and one of the first real ones she had who accepted her for all her nerdy ways. She was one of the few people who could convince Jasmine to pull away from her studies and actually try to live a more balanced life. Jazz is convinced that it was the drifting away from this friendship that was the start of her downward spiral as she looked for other things to fill that void of feeling happy about something other then school work. She's also the reason Jasmine realized she was Bi because she'd formed a crush on her at one point in school. She never told her (or anyone) that part.

© pasta

It took until Senior year for the two girls to get really close to the other still kinda keeping their friendship on the down low. This didn't really bother Jasmine since she still had the others. However during senior year when it starting closer to prom Jasmine was sad that no one had tried asking her, so Harper decided to take her on as a new project and gave the girl a whole make-over helping make that night of the her fondest memories, and giving her a sorely needed confidence boost.
Jasmine was originally closer to Theresa then Cameron, but due to her crush she didn't always feel comfortable telling her things. For example the fact she had a crush on her which made Cameron her go-to gal for things like that. She was the first person she came-out to about being bisexual the summer before junior year. She was grateful for the acceptance, and the two grew closer as the rest of high school unfolded.
Her friendship with Evan is a bit different than the others. He's the main one who seems to be able to calm her down and ground her when her mind starts being too much for her. His laid-back personality is perfect for it. And since back then things seemed to always work out she believed him. In return (though the first time she did it without thinking) She help him not get in trouble at the school for his dealing. A few times she wound up covering up for him, and thanks to her pristine reputation no one doubted it.
He joined the group a bit later, but regardless she's glad he did. Other than Theresa he's the one she gets along the best with naturally. When he joined he was in danger of repeating the grade, but Jasmine helped him out (as she does all her friends) and tutored him till he passed. They love playing games together, and as the class clown he could usually make her laugh too.
Like most of her friends she helped him out with his grades after he started hanging out with her and Theresa. She was extremely grateful for his friendship so early in high school because thanks to him the bullying came to a stop. While she wasn't usually one for violence being the answer she couldn't deny the results, and from that point forward was always willing to lend a helping hand.
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Ayden Jackson
FULL NAME: Ayden Jackson
NICKNAME(S): Dan, Danny, Jax, Jack, Hijax/Hijack
AGE: 24
SEXUALITY: Open heterosexual, closeted bisexual
ROLE: Class Clown
HAIR COLOR: Light brown
HEIGHT&WEIGHT: 5'11" and 167lbs
Two tattoos of the infinity sign are on both of his forearms. A calligraphic letter D is also tattooed onto his back, usually hidden under his clothing.

Aydan sports four bracelets. One's braided leather, one's a green and black braided bracelet (specifically a Rastaclat Frankie bracelet), one's a red and black braided bracelet (specifically a Rastaclat Lorde bracelet), and the last one's a jade beaded bracelet.
FACECLAIM: Jake McDorman
Ayden was your stereotypical coax-outta-his-shell ambivert. In high school, he was really shy and silent when in unfamiliar circumstances and company, but in his circle and territory? Quite possibly one of the most outgoing people you've met. Other than that, Ayden has definitely cemented himself as the class clown. It took just a year for him to get comfortable in his class, and that was enough to bring out the jokester inside. However, as most class clowns are, that humor was used as a self-defense mechanism, an emotional cover-up for an extreme lack of self-love. But that's where friends come in to help, yes?

After his friends had left to follow their own paths, Ayden kept the charade of being a class clown on the outside so much so that he started his own stand-up comedy show. A principle that he holds very dearly now without friends as a reason to always be a jokester is to "save the happy for the stage." This means that on stage he'll pull off his best jokes and liners, but off stage all he'll resort to is a prickly sense of sarcastic humor. A sense of humor that he developed over years of being never truly surrounded with laughter.
LIKES: gaming | sour foods of any kind | a nature walk with alcohol in hand | warm hugs | literally any alcohol. legit.
DISLIKES: being asked to crack a joke instead of letting him crack one naturally | tough crowds | having his spotlight stolen
STRENGTHS: he's particularly good at reading other people's behaviour and body language as a perk from making his own stand-up comedy show | his warm and friendly aura melts into you to make you pretty comfortable around him; another perk of his stand-up comedy show.
WEAKNESSES: being called out | confrontation | spiders. freaking. anything. with. more. than. four. legs.
Linden Jackson paced the hospital hallways at precisely 1:04 AM on a Thursday night. He cast a worried look at a set of double swinging doors, through which his wife lay nearly lifeless on an operating table. The initial labor process didn't go well as it put his wife, Amy Jackson, in an emergency state of life and death. All he could do now was wait and pray that everything will be okay.

Ten excruciatingly long and painful hours later, the doctors notified Linden that the surgery was successful. Not another word was said as the man burst into the recovery room and locked eyes with his beloved. As the couple reunited in a flurry of hugs and worried comments, a nurse walked in with a baby. The couple-become-parents exchanged teary-eyed glances as their newborn child was placed into Amy's arms.

Linden wiped a tear from Amy's cheek and softly asked, "It's a boy. What are we going to name him?"
"Ayden. It's beautiful."
"You underestimate my name-picking too often, sweetie."

The now-father chuckled under his breath and planted a kiss on her cheek. "I love it. But I love you more."
And just then, the newborn in Amy's arms flashed an innocent smile.
Ayden Jackson was born to two loving parents, Linden and Amy Jackson. Being the only child of his parents who were also the only child of their respective families, Ayden grew attached to his parents. Throughout Ayden's childhood, his parents constantly recounted the time of Ayden's first smile for their only child to listen to. It was one of his favorite stories, and he prided himself in having created such a moment just by smiling. Ayden was thoroughly and truly loved throughout his young years, and he shared the same love with his parents. When the time for Ayden to go to school came, they turned instead to homeschooling instead of public schooling, further strengthening their family bond.

It was a rainy but peaceful night. A now 10-year-old Ayden was in his room doing the homework he was assigned, his favorite pop playlist mixing with the calming pitter-patter of raindrops on his room window. A knock on his door cut through the serene ambiance, startling Ayden before he got up to answer the door. He opened the door to reveal his grandmother, the only relative he had other than his parents.
"Gramma!" the kid screamed as he embraced her in a bear hug, "What are you doing here? I missed you so much!"

The adolescent backed up a bit and let his arms slowly float down to his sides. His grandma never addressed him by his real name, always calling him by 'Pumpkin' or 'Sugar'.

"Gramma? What's wrong? What happened?"
It was Ayden's turn to get wrapped in a warm hug.
"Ayden, I'm so sorry... Your parents are dead. Th-there was a car crash-"

No more words registered in Ayden's ears. Tears streamed down his cheeks. His body started to involuntarily shake. His parents were dead.
When Ayden had just reached 10 years of age, both his parents died in a horrific car crash. His grandmother moved into their house to take care of Ayden, but from that moment on the jovial and cheery boy named Ayden was no more. He constantly hid in his room and refused to leave the house, spending two full years completely isolated in his own house. While now and then he'd completely break down in his grandmother's arms, he bottled everything he felt and thought inside. His parents, the two people he loved and told everything to, were now dead.
Ayden hated school. He wanted to say he hated his grandma for sending him here, but he couldn't hold anything against her. After all, Gramma was the only person he had left that mattered in his life. The now 12-year-old Ayden walked behind a teacher who was guiding him towards his classroom, a tiny room packed to the brim with rowdy and chaotic kids. Pulling up his hoodie, he spotted a vacant chair in the very back and scooted his way over to it, slamming his book bag onto the floor and burying his face into his arms as he leaned onto his desk.

He didn't bother to listen to the class as he sneakily plugged in his left earphone that blasted his tunes. The desks were made to accompany two people, meaning he had a seatmate. But he didn't really care either, if they wanted to be a tattle-tale and put him in detention, so be it. The way he saw it, it was just one step closer to being suspended. He could feel the prying eyes of his seatmate, shifting in his seat to conceal the earbud that he had donned.

<tap tap>

"Hey bruh, you listenin' to sumthin there?"

Ayden's hope for stealthy music sunk, allowing his shoulders to follow suit as he heaved a sigh.
"Look man, if you wanna tell on me, that's fine. I don't give a damn."
His seatmate chuckled, "Woah there dude, chill. I just wanted to ask if I could tune in as well."
Ayden's face whirled around to snap onto the kid sitting next to him, a look of shock and bewilderment on his face.
"Y-you what?"
The other teen reached over and grabbed the other earbud that hung limply from his hoodie collar, "Yeah, I wanted to listen in as well. You look like you've got great music taste, and History Class sucks ass. Mind if I join ya?"

Ayden didn't know how to react. He had envisioned social interactions with people other than his grandma; this was going way differently than the millions of times he had imagined it these last two years.
"I- Uh. Uhm, yeah. Sure."
"Pshhh, I like ya already. Somethin' tells me we're gun be best of friends. The name's Dylan Sanchez. What's yer handle, my guy?"
Handle? Gunbe? Lakya? I can barely understand him!

Thankfully, his lips moved for him.
"The name's Ayden. Ayden Jackson."
After two years of self-isolation, Ayden's grandma thought it was best to send him to school. She was worried for both his academic and social life, and while she wasn't so particular on grades, she just wanted to see Ayden make friends and, hopefully, let go of some of his emotional burden.

After two years of self-isolation, Ayden's grandma thought it was best to send him to school. She was worried about both his academic and social life, and while she wasn't so particular on grades, she just wanted to see Ayden make friends and, hopefully, let go of some of his emotional burdens. Thankfully, a kind soul by the name of Dylan Sanchez reached out to Ayden, forming a bond that would last a lifetime. On their 1st year of being best buds, the pair came up with a special yearly tradition, bracelet hunting.
Ayden trudged behind Dylan as they neared the camping site they had scouted earlier. It was a small clearing on a cliff surrounded by trees not so far from Dylan's home, a spot Ayden knew he used often when he got kicked out of the house. Numerous times Ayden had told his friend that he was always welcome to bunk at Ayden's place, but the distance was too far and Dylan wanted to be close in case his parents needed help. Even with the quite horrifying beatings from Dylan's father and verbal beatings from his mother, Ayden's friend still cared for them much to Ayden's dismay.

Ayden looked at his friend from behind, noticing how low his head hung and the silhouette of his bare, toned arms stamped in the moonlight. Ayden picked up his pace to stride by Dylan's side, taking off his outer jacket to place it on his friend's shoulders.
"My guy, why didn't you bring a coat? It's freezing out here."
"I won't need one."
"What do you mean you don't need one? Last time I checked you hated the cold."

No reply came.
"Dyl, come on man wear my jacke-"
"We're here!"

Ayden paused as he watched Dylan sprint ahead before resting his gaze on a small two-person tent, a cooler, and a campfire.
On normal circumstances, Ayden would've admired the cozy camp setup, but he knew something was off.
What did he mean by he won't need a coat?
Ayden had misheard him saying that he didn't need one rather than he won't need one, so at the time he didn't think anything was wrong.
Something's definitely up with Dy-
A glass bottle flew threw the air, nearly slamming into Ayden's forehead if he hadn't caught it.

"Drink up, worrywart! It's been a year of us being friends! Let's celebrate! Plus, I wanna start the bracelet hunt already."
"Okay okay,"
he chuckled, popping the bottle's cap before taking a huge swig of alcohol, "Cheers to one year, Dyl!"

For the next few hours, the pair's laughter and chitchat could be heard from across the forest, a not-so-silent moment shared between the two.
The two now lay half-drunk in their tent, gazing at the starry canopy through their transparent tent roof.
"Yeahhh buddy."
"Are you happy?"
"My guy, ever since you asked me to share my earphones, I've always been happy."

A raspy sigh followed.
"I'm sorry."
"Dyl? You okay?"
"What's my favorite color?"
his friend cut him off with a rather random question.
"And why do I love it so much?"
"Both because it stands for blood, your idea of true family and friends, as well as it reminds you how you think that I'm a redhead."
"Especially that last one."
"I hate you,"
"Shhh shhh, I love you too man."

Ayden stuttered hard at the sudden sappiness, prompting a teasing laugh from his companion.
"A'ight, Ima head to bed. Bracelet hunting begins tomorrow at dawn," Dylan said.
"G-gotcha man, sleep tight," was Ayden's reply.
"C'mere you idiot, I'm cold as ice."

A drunk Ayden got wrapped in two bulky arms, which felt like boa constrictors slowly squeezing him.
"We're sleeping like this."
"NO! Hands off!"
"Shhhhh shhhhhhhhh. I wanna go to bed."

Ayden struggled to break free from Dylan's bear hug, but he was way too liquored up and too weak in comparison to Dylan to budge.
Eventually, he grew tired fighting against his restraints, and coupled with the effects of the liquor, both boys passed out.

The screech of a bird proved to be a weird-ass alarm for Ayden's tastes.
The teenager woke up at the noise, sitting straight up in the tent before stretching his arms.
Through half-closed eyes, Ayden stood up and got out of the tent, venturing towards the edge where he and Dylan sat many times.
He was about to sit and call out Dylan's name when he looked over the edge.

There his best friend lay face down on the ground below, completely lifeless as Dylan's crimson blood stained the verdant green forest floor.
"DYLAN!!!!!" Ayden screamed.
The teen scrambled to his feet before dashing down the trail to where his best friend lay, adrenaline pumping through his veins,
When he got there, the horror he had seen from afar was now even more traumatizing than before,
"No, no, no, no, no. You can't be dead."
Ayden jumped to Dylan's side, rolling the body over before placing two fingers on Dylan's neck to check his pulse.
When he felt nothing, his heart sunk into his chest.

Ayden just sat there as tears slowly streamed down his face, unwilling to leave his friend's side.
His gaze wandered across his friend's face and physique, knowing full well that this might just be the last time he'll be this close to him.
His eyes stopped at Dylan's hands, noticing that both held an item in it.
Ayden's hands moved to open them, and when they did, Ayden couldn't take it anymore.
He grabbed both items and ran. He didn't know where he was going, but to him, anywhere but here was good enough.
In Dylan's hands were two things. His left contained Ayden's current memory item, a Rastaclat Lorde bracelet. Ayden had only been sporting three bracelets before Dylan gave the fourth, and Dylan knew exactly how much Ayden wanted the pair to his Frankie bracelet. So, on that fated day, Dylan gave him the bracelet the symbolically completed Ayden. Ayden knew that him giving the bracelet meant that Dylan considered Ayden to be part of his family, his true family.

Dylan's right hand contained a letter. Ayden noticed tear stains and ink splotches dotted around the piece of paper, the very image of it haunting Ayden to his core. As for the contents, Ayden has never read it to this day. Having hidden it somewhere in his mess of a room, he couldn't read it even if he wanted to.

RELATIONSHIP WITH THERESA: While he was close with the other peeps in his squad, Theresa was the person Ayden is most comfortable with. He'd immediately open up if she asked, and she was the one who pulled him out of the lowest points in his life.

coded by incandescent
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Cameron Zabielski
Cam; Cami
Goodie 2 Shoes

Life is not
a storybook
but life unfolds
in chapters

HEIGHT&WEIGHT: 5'0 / 121lbs
CLOTHING STYLE: Cute but relaxed
TATTOOS/PIERCINGS: earlobes pierced twice
FACECLAIM: Dove Cameron

bullet points
likes: singing | her siblings | colorful pens | writing | honeysuckle
dislikes: bees | deep water | being too hot | failing | disappointing others
strengths: she's a good listener & advice giver | always a friendly face
weaknesses: doesn't open up easily | terrified of bees

persona pt. 2
(+) passionate | (+) brave | (+) honest | (-) proud | (-) impulsive | (-) impatient

TW: self-harm; suicide
Cameron Zabielski is the younger twin to Theresa Zabielski. The two of them are the only children to Tessa and Henry; they were their rainbow children. After trying for years to have a baby, and many miscarriages, they were finally blessed with twins. Tessa's pregnancy was a rough one, but after months of hell, she gave birth to two healthy baby girls. From a young age, it became clear that the girls would be inseparable. And growing up, as kids, they were absolutely best friends.

Things didn't start to change until they started school. At first, the changes were small and barely noticeable, even to the girls. But as time went on and they grew older, Cam especially started to notice how her parents put more and more pressure on them. Theresa was exceptional at everything she did; she barely had to try to excel at whatever she tried. Cameron felt as though she struggled alot more than her twin, and she was never quite good enough.

This only became more and more evident throughout the years. Their parents were loving, sure, but they were also perfectionists and they forced this on their children. Theresa never seemed affected by it, but Cam felt the pressure more and more. So much, in fact, that she started self harming in middle school. She never told anyone and made damn sure that no one found out. It helped her cope, but only somewhat.

The twins drifted apart, and by the time senior year happened, they were strangers who happened to be in the same friend group and live in the same house. Cameron couldn't wait to leave for college, and she pretty much ignored every attempt Theresa did to make them close again. Graduation came and went, and that fall, Cameron moved a few hours away. But Cameron still felt the pressure from her parents even that far away; she ended up dropping down to part-time classes, which would take her longer to graduate.

She also started dancing at a shady night club, just to feel some of that love and affection she'd been missing throughout the years. It's her second best kept secret. When she got the letter from her sister, it was already too late. Cam flew home, just to find out that Theresa was gone. Her twin was dead.

relationship with theresa

code by fudgecakez
harper novak
HAIR COLOR: light brown
EYE COLOR: dark brown
HEIGHT&WEIGHT: 5'5''& 117lbs.
TATTOOS/PIERCINGS: back of her neck

THEME SONG: PROM QUEEN by Molly Kate Kestner
Leighton Meester
positive and negative traits
➹ determined
➹ good listener
➹ tenacious
➹ outgoing
➹ ambitious
➷ mean
➷ depressed
➷ jealous
➷ condescending
➷ sarcastic
strengths and weaknesses
➹ very persuasive smooth talker
➹ strong personality, can hide her true emotions from people and no one knows what's happening to her until she herself doesn't reveal it
➷ compassion and attention
➷ bourbon and tequila
likes & dislikes
+ long talks at night
+ high heels and expensive clothing
+ smoking
+ being heard
+ blueberry pancakes
- repeating herself
- fire
- people trying to touch her all of a sudden (flinches a lot as a result of her married life)
- citruses
- cats

headcanons & trivia
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas tempus ullamcorper urna, non lacinia libero dictum in. Nulla in laoreet turpis, quis luctus arcu. Mauris arcu nisi, tempus ut purus et, tempus facilisis nibh. Maecenas tincidunt neque vel cursus luctus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Cras aliquam sit amet erat et consectetur. Aliquam elementum lacus a justo tincidunt commodo. Nulla auctor nulla velit, eget tempus mauris efficitur eget. Vivamus mi nisl, tempus sed posuere id, venenatis in enim. Etiam ut sagittis orci. Nulla molestie imperdiet ipsum, non scelerisque ex auctor nec. Vestibulum id ex congue est iaculis fringilla in quis libero. Etiam quis ligula nisl. Integer a imperdiet ante. Nulla nec augue est. Proin elit metus, vehicula ut nibh a, commodo varius quam. In sed erat tincidunt, tempor massa eu, iaculis enim. Sed tellus leo, interdum in nisl ac, luctus lacinia massa. Curabitur purus mi, lobortis non finibus ut, gravida nec purus.
about Harper
TW: domestic abuse
Harper Novak, or Morrison as her friends knew her before, always wanted it all. Coming from a wealthy family of an attorney father and mother, her path was more or less predetermined. Not that she ever complained. From an early age, Harper was led to strive for the best and her parents brought her up as being the elite. No wonder, she became known as the high school IT girl. Her reputation usually preceded her. And being an only child, no wonder she could be considered a bit spoiled and entitled. The Morrison’s didn’t want another child so they could fully focus on making their one and only daughter a star.

Starting high school, Harper already knew what she wanted from her life and where she wanted to end up. Her room was decorated with moodboards and photoshoped posters of her to help her visualize the success that was definitely supposed to come. But being who she was, there were not many real friends she had. Of course, there was her small entourage of girls just like her, from good families, ambitious, rich and simply mean as fuck. And then there were her other friends.

Until this day, Harper will say that the small group around Theresa Zabielski was the best thing that ever happened to her. Sure, back in the day, she was basically trying to cover up she was meeting up with them at first, only in her senior year, she really became open about it. But by that time, her school status was so high that no one would even dare to degrade her for not hanging out only with rich popular kids.

Harper was actually living the time of her life in her senior year. She had her six friends who supported her no matter what, the conversations were actually meaningful and no matter how different they were, they always came back together. But no one really realize why and who held them together. It was no wonder that when Harper started to campaign for the prom queen, she got the crown later. And then there was the graduation day. There were many tears, hugs and promises but the second Harper was off to Yale, her mind was set on making all her dreams come true.

Yale was everything she dreamed it to be. And oh so more. In her junior year, she met Benjamin Novak, the love of her life. Or so she thought. Right after graduating Yale, the two got married. He was a business major and his family secured him and Harper a nice job in their family company. But after a month or two of marriage, Harper found out Ben was not who she thought he was. The pressure for an heir became immense and he was nervous and angry a lot, venting on his young wife, He knew exactly how to hit her so no one would notice. And when they found out that Harper would never be able to give him not son, but any kid, the abuse got even worse. Ben started to drink a lot and his hand was becoming heavier and heavier. Harper’s life went downhill real fast, she spent days covering her face with layers of makeup. Because later on, Ben didn’t care which part of her body he hit. He simply needed his vent. And Harper was just…always there. From the Prom Queen to victim of the domestic violence.

Theresa was the one single person that could keep Harper calm and with both feet on the ground. Harper used to dream a lot and in her daydreams, she was not modest or shy. And then there were her "mean girl" outbursts. Somehow, talking to Theresa was always incredibly easy and Harper enjoyed her company a lot. Terry was always there to talk about ambitions, heartbreaks, bad hair day, really anything and only years later, Harper realized that the girl was probably the best friend she ever had.
code by fudgecakez

  • The Quarterback


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