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Fantasy Burning Will

Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible
Use any bbc code to your liking or be a lazy punk like me and don't your choice. Oh and rules are in the overview if you read them put the secret code anywhere in you cs.

We are not accepting Weapon Flames anymore.



Alias(If well known or just want one cause they sound cool):



Sexual Orientation:


Flame Color:

Flame Shape(Describe it more than just the type go into detail about how it looks):

Flame Ability (get creative but don't get op):


Quote(Something your character would say optional):
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?A Burning Will is a Burning Heart?


Name: Reign Ayde

Alias: Wizard (not actually known by this, but he introduces himself as such when discussing with someone who knows him to be a Flame)

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Personality: Reign is not the hero that Flames are thought to be by common, simple folk. Reign is not the knight in shining armor. Reign is a human, and he does the things he does with human motivations - rage, fear, love, kindness... However, there is a concept that will inexcusably tick him off; 'heroes' and their 'villains'.

Flame Color: Pitch black

Flame Shape: A simple tome bound in velvet red cloth with over to hundred pages, all blank.

Flame Ability: The tome will burn pages away and enlarge them to a remote controlled black flame five times as large. Theses flames can be molded into whatever Reign wishes with little effort, combined to make themselves bigger and hotter, and can be remote controlled within a hundred meters; however, no matter what he does, there is a page limit, and the flames are non-physical. The first page worth of a flame is 500 degrees Fahrenheit, and each one after adds 200(minus number of pages already added) degrees.

Backstory: Raised in a country where Flames are nothing other than weapons, not even looked at as human, only as a useful but dangerous tool that can explode at any time, Reign developed his sense of the world and it's people after watching all the people that he was used and thrown away by, what made them tick. Politicians, farmers, merchants, townsfolk... Even those locally called heroes had dirty jobs they threw at him because he wasn't human and was quite capable of doing the dark work. However, Reign was finally smuggled out of that country and got to see that the world and it's peoples aren't all corrupt.


(I think I'll leave it at just him right now, it's pretty late where I am.)
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Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/anime-girls-artwork-16_large_4972790_lrg.jpg.893e3ef37f63d0259a2373863e145dbd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116142" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/anime-girls-artwork-16_large_4972790_lrg.jpg.893e3ef37f63d0259a2373863e145dbd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Aurora

Alias(If well known or just want one cause they sound cool): Indigo

Age: 17

Gender: F

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: She's a bit of a wild card. Gets frustrated, and hates loosing. However she is open, out going. But she's bloodthirsty and selfish, and has no trouble hurtin the innocent.m that's and a bit childish why under the name Indiho, she managed to get a 200,000 dollars worth of reward money, but nobody can touch her. Cause they can never catch her.

Flame Color: Royal Purple

Flame Shape(Describe it more than just the type go into detail about how it looks) A pair of twin daggers, ones she never drops.

Flame Ability: She can use her flames as a ranged attack along with a melee attack. Her emotions depend on how much control she has, the angrier or more frustrated she is, the less control she has.

Backstory: She grew up in a small village near the ocean. She lived by hersel, her parents had died because of an unknown illness, and her aunt didn't want a "freak" child. So when she turned 12 she left and wandered the wilderness before an elderly man took her in. He was kind to her for the year she lived with him, but she soon got suspicious of the basement. Going down ther, she found many human remains and ran away. The eve of her 14th birthday, another family took her in, a military family. They helped her with her powers and taught her how to fight. She left when she was 16 to return to her home village, around her neck, a necklace with a dark blood red ruby hanging from it as the pendant.

Quote(Something your character would say optional): "Ugh"

A Burning Will is a Burning Heart



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Sascha Müller

Name: Sascha Müller

Age: 19

Gender: Female (Gender-queer Appearance)

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual (Straight)

Personality: Sascha is, well, an average sort of person. She isn't one who people might spot and see until she really kicks off. Sascha is quite determined, and once she sets her mind on something the option of turning back is impossible for her. Sascha doesn't like being told what to do, and doesn't like being told what she can and can't do. She likes to make a statement of herself and leave an impression, simply for the desire to be recognized and separate her from others. One of her flaws is that it doesn't matter what she does, as long as she gets recognized for it. Sascha often goes off track and wanders off the path. Despite this, at heart she values honor more than victory though it is hard to get her to say something like that out loud. She is fun and bears an evergreen smile, but has a hot temper. A good person overall, though sometimes wavers. She may seem selfish at times, but she has a good heart.

Flame Color: Grey-Blue

Flame Shape: Sascha's flame is a Weapon, in the shape of a normal hand gun. It is grey blue, the color of her Flame. Sascha can also use two twin guns, though this requires more energy and is more exhausting.

Flame Ability: Like that of a normal gun - bullets. Though with the Flame power, it is very enhanced. Sascha has better aim, and her bullets carry power in them which make them... well, just powerful. They also shoot at a much faster speed at a target.

Backstory: Sascha was raised in a normal village where everybody had simple Flames, and weapons and powerful Flames were something not found. Sascha's mother left them a while ago when she was young and so she grew up with her father, who was a gunsmith and a blacksmith in their village. Sascha was an ordinary girl, and for a while she couldn't even use her Flame properly. Sascha hated not being recognized like those talented people in the village, and being brushed off. She slowly figured out her Flame powers, and was shocked she wielded weapons - guns. Sascha's father was proud and helped her, though the village was not as impressed. Sascha wanted attention, and one day went as far as to shoot an apple out of a classmate's hand in her high school years. This got her expelled. Sascha decided to move away and wander the lands with her powers, and one day become famous and bring justice.

Sascha was wandering around the lands aimlessly, stopping at small villages along the way to stay in inns or streets. One place, she found this guy called King putting up posters for a bodyguard sort of person.

Sascha, hoping that perhaps she could get some sort of fame out of it, requested this. She went to the church in the village where she met with him. Sascha had one Flame gun in her hand, in case she needed to show any skills or something. To her surprise, she was hired on the spot.

"I'll do better than that!! .. G-Give me some time!"

"... Bang."
Sascha {in a darker mood}


A Burning Will is a Burning Heart

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"Battling is nothing more than a game - a game that only I can win."



NAME: Celeste Dubois


AGE: 17

D.O.B: December 13

GENDER: Female

ORIENTATION: Heterosexual

STATUS: Single

NATIONALITY: French-English



FLAME ABILITY: Celeste's flame takes the form of a white tiger, and at first she attacks with care to put the opponent into a false sense of security. When she feels it's the right time, she starts to attack without any mercy.




WEIGHT: 114 lbs.




GENERAL APPEARANCE: Celeste has a beautiful face and a slim build. Her skin is blemish free. At 5'4 and 114 pounds, she's very petite. She usually wears clothing that is very feminine.
Digging Deeper


PERSONALITY: Celeste appears to be a very graceful and polite girl, with very feminine traits and hobbies. She's popular with both boys and girls alike, because of both her beautiful appearance and her personality. People think she has a monster flame because she has leader qualities. However, Celeste only does this to keep up a good image. She's the most manipulative, rude, and cocky person you will probably ever meet, who plays people. She only lets go of her image and shows her true side if someone is really pissing her off. Most of her fans just see this as her putting someone in check.












BACKSTORY: Celeste grew up in France, where flames are viewed as something that should only be used when necessary. However, many rebels liked battling for fun in secret. Celeste's older brother was one of them. She preferred to follow the rules, but one day her brother dragged her to a battle because he thought she should put her flame to use. Celeste was only 11 at the time. She ended up battling a very powerful person. She ended up losing because it was her first time battling, but she came surprisingly close. Her opponent even saw her as a slight threat. She realized that battles were fun, and began to join her brother at the secret battles.

By the time she turned 13 she was defeating people left and right. This is where the manipulative side began to grow in her. She lured people into thinking she was a sweet girl who couldn't hurt a fly, then beat them brutally. And it was the funnest thing she'd ever experienced. Soon she just couldn't stop, and when she was 16, she decided to travel the world to search for stronger opponents.

  • MOTHER: Anna Dubois

    FATHER: Edgar Dubois

    BROTHER: Mark Dubois


A burning will is a burning heart.

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Callaghan O'Brien

  • Name

    Callaghan O'Brien






    December 20





    Relationship Status




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A Burning Will is a Burning Heart

Name: Ken Torr

Alias: The Fletcher

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Never seen in a foul mood, Ken initially appears as a mellow, affable person. Seemingly oblivious to negativity, he lives life free of typical anxieties and fears. He's level headed in most situations, and at times he can be the voice of reason. He lives life at his own leisurely pace, and will only step it up if the situation truly calls for it. However, under this facade he's both fierce and powerhungry. He cares little for typical morals and ideas, seeing such things as weights that hold him down. He has no qualms when it comes to harming people or worse, and will do whatever he deems necessary in his quest to further improve his skills.

Flame Color: Dark Violet

Flame Shape: Ken's flame is a weapon that appears as a bow and arrow. Strange runes decorate the bow and shaft of the arrows, and pulse rhythmically when the bow is drawn.

Flame Ability: Ken's bow shoots arrows of course, although he isn't limited to firing one at a time. If need be, he can fire up to three arrows at once while still retaining pinpoint accuracy. He can also increase the damage inflicted by an arrow by sacrificing his energy, turning a normal arrow into an explosive projectile.

Backstory: A natural born wanderer, Ken as always been on the move, growing up accompanying a band of traveling merchants. His parents are unknown to him, something he's wholly fine with. The kindling of his flame happened somewhat late compared to most, appearing on his 16th birthday. The awakening of his new powers brought a significant change in his life, and with a newfound desire to test them, he began traveling on his own. What started out as an innocent desire to use his powers soon transformed into an insatiable urge to grow stronger, no matter the cost. Now Ken simply travels about, looking for someone or something that can satisfy his desire.

Quote: "I've never seen a cloudy day even when the skies are grey."



"I don't want to lose anymore important people..."








86.89 lbs


Sexual Orientation:



Ayumi is a kind girl, and, having felt the pain of loss, tries her best to console others when needed. She doesn't see the world as black and white like most, and doesn't like stereotyping people who look the part, which has led her to a naive nature which possesses some danger in her life. Most of the time she is a cheerful and lively girl, with her curiosity filling her eyes to the brim, but she does get days where she has to let out her bottled emotions; or it will take a toll on her. She is easy to trust people, but not as much as to expose her darkest secrets. Because she likes reading books and listening to music, some people have misunderstood her, and labeled her as an introvert; but that is not the case. She enjoys having people around her, but she doesn't allow them to become to close to her heart.

Flame Color:


Flame Shape:

Aura, usually around her legs to strengthen her kicks and running.

Flame Ability:

Her aura is a thin layer of energy surrounding her legs, but is denser at her shins. This helps prevent her bones from breaking when kicking objects or people, and to help her run faster.


Ayumi lives in an orphanage, a result of her parents and older brother being kills by a group of assassins when she was five, along with most of the people in her town. When her brother barged into the house after his school day ended, yelling that we needed to hide, Ayumi's mother understood immediately. She picked up Ayumi and his her in a closet, telling her that they were playing hide-and-seek, and to stay quiet and hidden for as long as possibly; until someone came to get her. Not understanding the look of panic, and her father's confusion, she did what she was told and waited. After a half hour, she got tired, and was about to drift off to sleep, but heard loud shrieks and screams coming from outside. Scared stiff, Ayumi couldn't bring herself to open the closet door, so she sat on the ground waiting. Moments later, the door to her house was broken, and a maniacal laugh rang through the house. She could hear her family's screams and the sounds of knives entering and exiting flesh. By the time it was over, the assassins had had enough of killing in the small town, and moved on to the bigger cities, leaving few survivors. A police women rescued Ayumi, helping her accept and understand what had happened, and then sending her to an orphanage to be raised with other children.

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Hylia Seraph, Dawn Hunter

“Even the night has reasons to fear me.”

Hylia is somewhat of a prodigy. From an early age she was trained to be a hunter, finding food for the village that their family lived in. Her mentor, an old man that had been practicing archery for years, taught her everything she needed to survive on her own. Her accuracy and reflexes surpassed his in a very short time, and he was very proud of her development. This time of her life was the happiest, and she spent much of her time simply playing around in the woods.

One time, after hours in the woods, Hylia became worried on why her mentor wasn’t calling her back. Sensing something was amiss, she crept through the woods back to the village. A horrific sight met her eyes.

The village was burning. Men dressed in black clothing and various pieces of leather armor were running random people through with spears already drenched in blood. Many heads were already cut off and hung on poles. There were bodies in a pile near the village center. And seemingly leading them all was a man, similarly dressed like the rest of what she assumed to be bandits, with a black aura shimmering around his arms.

That day, something inside Hylia broke. She didn’t quite remember what happened next, as she simply woke up in a pool of blood with the bandit’s bodies strewn about the next day, but if any had survived they would have told you about how a girl, barely ten, struck them all down with swords and arrows made of pure light.

From then on she became a wanderer, travelling the land while mercilessly hunting down those that dared to disturb the peace of a village. Hylia became known as the Dawn Hunter, as to the villagers she looked like the rays of the sun, bringing hope and swift justice. Bandits don’t have a name for her yet, as not a single one survives to tell the tale of her prowess in battle.

Being trained in the art of hunting and swiftly dispatching people for defense, she has knowledge of many instantly fatal points on both humans and animals, using quick reflexes to use weapons or her bare hands to hit them. She is extremely accurate with her bow, and is well versed in most weapons.


She’s slightly on the shorter side for a 17 year old girl, with black hair tied up in a high ponytail and piercing blue eyes. Almost never smiling or frowning, she has a fair complexion as result of being under trees for most of her life, and her slight build hides the true levels of her endurance and strength. She wears soft, light brown leather boots, along with gloves without the fingers. Underneath the gloves she has linen wrapping around her hands to help with close combat. She wears a short-sleeved white silk shirt, with leather strappings crossing over her front and back, so that she has a place to attach her quiver and arrow to. She also has a belt along with black leather pants that has several knives attached to it along with some other supplies. Anything else she keeps on a pack that she has on her back.


Most of time she goes around alone, so she’s very awkward around other people and doesn’t talk very much. Many times when villagers try to thank her after she kills the things that were attacking them, she just manages to ghost away at some point in the night while they’re feasting. In other places she’s very robotic, without displaying much emotions or unnecessary movement.

Burning Will

When Hylia’s will first manifested into a physical form, it was represented by a blinding white light coming from her eyes, and it empowered her arrows and her sword to slice and melt through all the bandits that had attacked her home.

Later, however, as she grew more control over it, her will became three glowing white orbs that slowly orbited in a circle over her back.

They have three main functions. The can smash together to create a large shield that blocks off all forms of physical attack. Each one can also become one or more swords that she can use as projectile weapons. But their most potent usage comes into light when they combine with her bow. It becomes extremely large and difficult to shoot, and launches giant arrows that are more or less not affected by gravity and made of pure light. Since Hylia has been training with the bow for some time, she can shoot them in rapid succession, her barrage can be even more potent than several trebuchets.

So, on a side note, the reason I chose silk for the shirt was because the Mongolians used it in Genghis Khan’s time to block arrows. It would wrap around the point as the arrow drove in, and they could then pull it out later with minor contusions and bruising. Also, a burning will is a burning heart. Apologies for no picture, I hate using other people’s work.
Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/1616759_1306924718226.4res_500_281.jpeg.22de9e584ea6a66bb3c63e0eb1435c3b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116406" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/1616759_1306924718226.4res_500_281.jpeg.22de9e584ea6a66bb3c63e0eb1435c3b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:King Greaten

Alias:Crownless King



Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual

Personality:King is a complex person not because he doesn't show emotion but because he shows too many emotions. Making it hard to clearly say how his personality works he has a few main points. Like that he is almost always excited and being loud, and how he is always smiling to the point where something seems wrong with him in the head.

Flame Color:???

Flame Shape:???

Flame Ability:???

Backstory:King is the only direct descendant of The First who was the first to gain and master a Flame most of his life he was staying with the church of Flame who worshiped The First. But King's hunger for adventure was too great after years of begging (that's not a joke) they allowed him to go. On one condition King had to find a bodyguard in a week or he wouldn't be able to go. Now it was a race against time to find his bodyguard and go on his very first adventure. That's when through the doors of the church came in an angel sent straight to him by The First themselves. In a matter of seconds he hired her and was now getting ready to begin his adventure with his new bodyguard.

Quote:"They don't call me King for nothing!"

"My Flame well if you can beat my precious angel you just might get to see it!"



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A Bruning Will is a Burning Heart

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Dw4a-yueying.jpg.77887b53e60087cd313ff8be20f4baed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Dw4a-yueying.jpg.77887b53e60087cd313ff8be20f4baed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Minami Kawasumi







Sexual Orientation:



Minami is a gentle, understanding girl who always put others before herself. She is very smart, even being called the "The Queen of Knowledge", "The Queen of Intelligence" or "The Queen of Wisdom" by her friends, and often uses this to help people. However, Minami may also be quite strict, and when she thinks someone has not done they are suppose to do, she'll force them to do it. She is, however, doing this because she cares. Although she is the crush of almost every guy, she is not interested in most of them.​

Flame Color:


Flame Shape:

Her's just looks like a flame she came make it appear in her hands.

Flame Ability:

She can fire bend


Minami lived a pretty good life. Her family was considered to be a noble family. She had lived with her grandmother, father mother and her pet dog. Yep it was a pretty good life until her home was one day the Kingdom she lived in was attacked. I t was terrible people were dying homes were being burned to the ground even her family got caught up in it. Unfortunately her grandmother ended up dieting in the fire trying to protect Minami and she also ended up getting separated from her parents. Her dog though was still by her side. She was 13 when all of this happened. The next day she woke up in a sweat and in a room she did not recognized. She then realized that this room belonged to a ex solider. He found her in the woods passed out. She ended up living with him and started a new life there. He taught her how to fight so she could protect herself and everything and during that time she came to realize she could control fire. She didn't like at first but once she got the hang of it she did mind it so much. When she turned 18 she told the man she wanted to go find her parents and see if maybe they were still alive or not. So she left with her pet dog Chuutaro and went to search for her parents. Right now she is 21 and she seems to have a good idea where they might be.​



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Lena Morgenstern
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/b889258de99f86ca3e37a573b3c1269b.jpg.53056cd7f32dcb8f05fc9513277c6ccf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116533" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/b889258de99f86ca3e37a573b3c1269b.jpg.53056cd7f32dcb8f05fc9513277c6ccf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Lena Morgenstern

Alias: Black Shadow

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Lena is very shrouded and doesn't find it easy to open up to people, in fact she may seem cold to anyone who tries to talk to her at first. Nonetheless she is caring and intelligent, often putting others saftey before hers, however she also had no quams about killing to survive.

Flame Color: Intense Black

Flame Shape: Aura - In her feet

Flame Ability: Her flame ability allows her to jump very far, to some extent is is much like flying however only for short distances and she hasn't gained enough control over it.


Luna was born as the daughter of the head of the Ban clan in Japan. Her training started at the age of 6 testing her endurance and stealth. Her training involved hours of jumping, staring into flames until she felt she was one with them to test her concentration and working to hear a needle drop in the next room, however she passed with flying colours and by the age of 19 she had taken over her father's title, becoming the rightful master of the Ban clan. Upon the discovery of her gift with her aura, she was hailed by her community, legends long before the creation of the earth talking about those that would be skilled and would come to save the world, Her childhood wasn't easy or painless, however it was the only thing she had ever known, so she fully accepted it, however upon becoming the master of the Ban Clan she started integrating within society, and that is the moment she started to yearn for the outside world. Convincing her family that to gain the right experience as the head of the Ban clan it was necessary for her to travel and lean wasn't easy - but she managed it, and left for the wider world she had never experienced. Although she often watches from the shadows, keeping a distance and staying on the outskirts, however she has a yearning and curiosity to explore the world.

Quote: Fear not the weapon, but the man who wields it.

A Bruning Will is a Burning Heart​



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Name: Max Underwood

Alias: None

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Max means well, but is short tempered and may attack

someone if angered enough. He does try to avoid doing this

and is normally cheerful. His most used threat is "I will punch


Flame Color: Fiery Red

Flame Shape:

Max's Flame is a weapon in the shape of a gauntlet. If he has enough

energy, he sometimes uses two gauntlets.

Flame Ability:

Max's gauntlet becomes stronger the angrier he is, however

it also becomes less controllable.


Max has had a short temper ever since he was a kid. He would either

get into fights with kids or start fights with them. One day, during a fight

with a mugger in an alley, he accidentally activated his Flame Weapon and

set the entire alley on fire. When realized he had a Burning Will, he taught

himself how to control it to avoid hurting innocent people. While he can

control it now, he still sometimes activates it by accident when he gets angry.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Mithzan.jpg.deb341f5aa1027c9dd1240426a3c0a8a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116729" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Mithzan.jpg.deb341f5aa1027c9dd1240426a3c0a8a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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A burning Will is a burning heart


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/imagesCA7NW3QA.jpg.f3d245637634579dd15b660ca2e21ed6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116752" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/imagesCA7NW3QA.jpg.f3d245637634579dd15b660ca2e21ed6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Katrina Harlow

Alias: None

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Personality: Cool, Calm, Collected, Withdrawn, Perky, Kind, Quiet, Observent.

Flame Color: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/thCAN4EBH4.jpg.d19a1b87e319516c46be519043debc36.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116753" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/thCAN4EBH4.jpg.d19a1b87e319516c46be519043debc36.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> A cloudy dark grey.

Flame Shape: (Look at her image for more detail...) Her flame is a weapon, More specificly a bow with two arrows crisscrossed.

Flame Ability (get creative but don't get op): Her Flame power is called 'Buckshot' Where she can shoot more than one arrow, but no more than four. Her srrows have an increased speed rate among with damage. If nad enough she can prefer Rapid Fire (look it uo if you don't know what it means.)

Backstory: WIP


"Its okay if your scsred of me, I am scared to." ~Sad Katrina
"May my arrows end your stupidity!" Annoyed Kat
"Die...May you suffer." Angry Katrina
"Its not the unknown you should fear, Its the past." Normal Kat



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Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Aidan.png.9b1831d83b1c6fd889d2320c83020aed.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116761" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Aidan.png.9b1831d83b1c6fd889d2320c83020aed.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Aidan Ohore

Alias(If well known or just want one cause they sound cool):The Pure Forge



Sexual Orientation:Pansexual (For more options xD )

Personality:Aidan is a quiet, and hardworking figure. He rarely talks, when someone is telling him something, and just hums in agreement, or just looks at them strange in disagreement. Aidan is a neutral figure in the world, and just let's the world do it's thing. Aidan absolutely has a obsession for ore, and weapons, and will absolutely will examine the weapon until finished with every single detail memorized. There is one thing about him, and it's called being a gentlemen to everyone, and whenever sees a person who isn't acting like a gentlemen, then he will absolutely never talk to them, or their friends at all.

Flame Color:Green Emerald

Flame Shape(Describe it more than just the type go into detail about how it looks):The Flame takes shape of a chameleon, that is around 6.9 feet tall, and 4 feet wide. The type of chameleon is the Furcifer.

Flame Ability (get creative but don't get op):Like Chameleons they have the ability to change color at will, whenever it comes to their surroundings. Like reptiles they are able to climb up objects with their "hands", and use their sticky tongue to grab organisms, or objects.

Backstory:Aidan has always been a patient boy, and slow walker. He was often called a slowpoke by kids who laughed at him, on how abnormally slow he walks. But that didn't bother Aidan at all, since he was to become a smith, time needs to take it slowly for weapons to be made. One fast step, people get hurt, or they make heart breaking mistakes. Overtime he has worked with all kinds of people that are good, and evil, and sees them just the same. Aidan now lives in his town, working as a smith for people who want their weapons to be repaired.

Quote(Something your character would say optional):"What is the worth of good, and evil? Without evil, good would just fade away, without good evil would disappear into darkness"

A Burning Will is a Burning Heart<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Untitled.png.ed6ad8844362ae60c85e7860cc7c5d01.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116764" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Untitled.png.ed6ad8844362ae60c85e7860cc7c5d01.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Darin Lesten




5 feet 9 inches


130.7 lbs.

Hair Color:


Eye Color:


Skin Color:


Common Attire:

Darin is typically seen wearing a jacket over assortments of T-shirts, and will take the jacket off and wrap the sleeves around his waist if it is too hot. When it is cool outside, he will wear a simple white scarf. He wear jeans and white tennis shoes as well. Sometimes, he will wear a button-up shirt with a tie, and he will also wear polo shirts on the occasion as well.







Sexual Orientation:



To those who first meet Darin, he is very quiet and humble, while trying to keep upbeat. He does his best to act like a gentleman, or at least friendly to whoever he meets. He does not like leaving a negative impression of himself on people he meets. He offers his help to anyone he thinks needs it, sometimes taking too much work onto his plate. When something needs to be done in a group, Darin tries his very best to get the group to work together to get the job done fast and right. Darin tends to belittle himself, thinking that he isn't worth much unless he is helping people. He tends to get lonely easily, but is commonly too shy to make friends with many people. Sometimes he can steel his nerves and attempt to talk to people casually, but even then he struggles. He does not enjoy fighting, and does his best to not get involved with any conflict that will harm him or anyone else.

Flame Color:

The color of Darin's flames is deep green, like the color of the forest trees.

Flame Shape:

Darin's Flame Shape is a Monster, and that Monster is a phoenix.

Flame Ability:

As stated before, Darin's Flame Shape takes the form of a phoenix. He uses the flame defensively and as a way to keep his opponents distracted for him to make a getaway. He can make the phoenix grow or shrink in size, and can have it lunge at opponents. The phoenix can also carry him around to places carefully.


When Darin was very young, he always had a fear of fire. Ever since he had gone camping with his parents and his two older brothers, Donald and Jackson. When he was sitting around the fire, he had gotten too close, and his clothes had begun to light on fire. Luckily, he had gotten away with little to no injuries. But he never wanted it to happen again, so he never went camping with his family, or was around them when they were cooking.

Darin preferred to stay away from the belief that he had his own Flame Ability like the rest of his parents. He never tried to find out what it was, despite constant pressure from those around him. He was unable to get through school without people calling him a 'coward'. He soon found that name being almost like his real name, and it was second nature for him to respond to the name.

In school, Darin was a genius. He scored honors, and never any less. He wanted to make up for his fear by making his family proud of his accomplishments. He would always do his best to help around the house, doing his brother's chores so they could have time for themselves. Darin didn't have many friends anyways.

When Darin got into his first year of high school, he was still being treated poorly by his classmates, but he had gotten used to it and was able to function normally in school without them affecting him. He would spend most of his time with his one friend, Tyler Barette, who would make sure he never used his Flame Ability around Darin.

After school, Darin would sometimes get chased by other students with their own Flame Abilities, mocking him and forcing him to run. One time, they cornered him at the school, and got close enough that they made him begin to cry. Tyler, luckily, came by and saved him.

When Darin got into his second year of high school, tragedy struck. In the middle of the night, a blanket in front of the heater on the first floor caught on fire. Darin woke up to the smell of smoke, and froze. He had learned about what to do in case of a fire, but he was completely frozen in fear. He could hear people calling out his name, but he couldn't move.

It wasn't until he saw his door get knocked down that he finally moved. His father burst into the room, and ran over to Darin. When he was sure his son was okay, Darin's father urged him to get up, but Darin refused. He could see the fire already beginning to burn into his room. After a lot of persuasion, Darin got up, but it was already too late. The fire had spread into his room. As the fire rose around them, the floor crumbled. Darin and his father fell to the second floor with the ceiling crashing down with them.

Darin was later found alive next to the corpse of his father, who had used his own body to block the fire.

As Darin began to recover in the hospital, he was informed by his mother that his family would move in with their grandparents. While he was still mourning over his father, Darin knew that it was a wise move. His father was the primary source of income for them, and they had no place to go now.

While in the hospital, his family and Tyler visited him. They encouraged him to get better, and it began to make him curious of his Flame Ability. He wasn't sure why, but the thought was dancing in his head, and while he was scared, he felt he had to learn sometime. When he activated it, he was stunned to see the phoenix, and broke down at how he and it were similar.

After finishing high school, Darin made the decision to go around and meet powerful people, hoping that by meeting them he would be able to become stronger in order to protect himself and others. He decided as a goal to make an organization of people with powerful Fire Abilities to protect those that were weaker, but so far he has had no such luck in where he has searched.


"Have you ever read about a phoenix? They are reborn once they die, coming from the ashes of their former self. In a way, maybe I am like that. We both have a burning will. A burning will that is a burning heart in the end."




Name: Narza A. Magress

Alias: "The Gods' Knight"

Age: 29

Gender: Male-aroo

Sexual Orientation: Straight (I suppose.)

Personality: To most, Narza would seem like a rather dull person, with very blank eyes, and a bland stare, with seemingly little life left in his relatively young body. In his speech, he drawls, growls, and overall, seems very bored or disinterested what's around him, seemingly nothing giving him motivation or interest. However, with the flick of a wrist, he can opposite that, instantly turning fanatical, joyous, and absurdly gleeful. His sporadic nature is due to his devotion to the gods he feels he is connected to, and if he goes too long without "contact" with them, he will revert back to his dull self. However, no matter how he is- dull or ecstatic- should anyone insult the gods in front of him, no matter their strength or place in the world, he will not stand for it. He will just as quickly sink his blade into your heart for disrespecting the gods as he will hug you for loving them. Despite these quirks, he has a commanding nature, as he was once the general of a great army.

Flame Color
: Goldenrod


Flame Shape: The Sword he wields is the manifestation of his Flame. When he has to do battle, he drains the sword of all its Flame energy.

Flame Ability: Given how defensive he is, it's appropriate his Flame coincides with this nature of his. When he drains his sword, the Guardian, it loses all that magical energy flowing about it, and the red veins disappear, all its power sucked in to himself. From there, he stretches his Flame over the whole of his body, numbing his nerves, so he can fight relentlessly, feeling no pain, though his body will still tire; he'll just be unable to feel it, so he'll fight until the point in which his body fails him. When he fights, he's relentless and merciless, usually because you insulted the gods.

Backstory: He was born just an average, white-haired boy to a pair of regular humans in a gods-adoring village. There he was raised, living and learning in the light of the gods, who smiled happily down on his village, constantly granting them good harvest, great sunlight, and but a little strife. Life moved on slowly for the young Narza, as his family (like the rest in his village) were farmers, growing food to sacrifice to the gods out of love. However, as he grew older, Narza felt empty. He felt like he was missing something, like he hadn't connected to the gods right. And it was seen in his attitude. Everyone could see it- the despair in the young boys eyes at the fact he wasn't good enough to appease the gods. His parents had to save him multiple times from offering himself up as a sacrifice to the gods, and had to convince him that no one had been visited by the gods in over a thousand years. Refusing to accept this, he continued to conspire to meet with the gods until one fateful night...

It was the night of a war, far, far away that had nothing to do with their village. An army was passing through and requested to rest in their village. Having no sign from the gods to make them leave, they happily agreed. However, whenever Narza looked upon the soldiers, he could feel something was off with them, and it burned him up inside. As he went to bed that night, in his dreams, a shining figure of a woman appeared to him with white and red hair. She introduced herself as Maxwell, Queen of the Gods, and asked if the faithful Narza would like to be her champion. Of course he instantly agreed, and joined her. To truly be her champion, however, she told him he had to abandon everything he knew, slaughter the soldiers resting in his town, and head off to the other army and join their ranks. Of course, who was Narza to disagree with such simple terms?

In the night, he slew each and every soldier- slicing them apart silently with a large steak knife, yet taking great glee in appeasing Maxwell. His white hair was stained blood-red, and before the night was over, he stunk of human flesh. By the time the villagers found what the young Narza had done, he was already far, far gone- both from his sanity, and from his home. He spent months scavenging out in the wilderness, the blood staining a single strand of his hair permanently, hunting for the other army. When he found it, he quickly proved his skill, and joined in the lowest rank. Years passed, and he graduated to leading general under the army's commander.

He was dismissed roughly two years ago due to his many angry outbursts at others who either didn't believe, or refuted his belief in the gods. After he killed another commanding officer by wringing his neck, he was unceremoniously dismissed. And so, now, he wanders, waiting for another issue from the gods, so he may know what to do.

Quote: "Another day shines on this beautiful world of ours, thanks to the gods!"



Main Theme: Numb - Numb (Gary Clark Jr.)

Battle Theme: To War! Vs. Narza! - Battlefield (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)

-He's Narcoleptic, and since his name starts with "Nar", some people like to call him Narc. He doesn't mind.

-He's actually quite sweet to people if they respect the gods like he does

-He loves all kinds of food, though he likes bitter things the least, and dry things the most

-He's an avid wine enthusiast

A Burnning Will is a Burning Heart

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