~Bumped RP~ [Members only]


I smirked. "Lucky you get's to hang out with me for a year." I said. "So you shouldn't complain."
"I still think you're the lucky one here, sweetheart." he said, pulling over in front of a cafe. "Here we are."

I laughed and got out of the car. "A cafe?" I asked. "I enjoy muffins..." I shrugged.
"Hey, I had no where else to drive to... I asked you if you had anywhere particular in mind, you said no, so I guess you'll have to settle for muffins." he chuckled and held the door open for Heather
Heather-I put

a hand on my hip and stepped inside. "You're giving me whiplash." I told him. "On hand you're a jerk...and on the other you're holding doors open for me?" I said. "It doesn't make sense."
"Nothing makes sense anymore anyway..." he said, smirking. "But in case you're wondering, I'm not bipolar."] Are we going to order anything or are we just going to revel in my evident audacity?"

I smirked and turned around to walk to the counter. "I'll have a chocolate chip muffin." I told the guy while I pulled out some bills from my bag.
Alec followed her and cut in front of her as soon as she'd placed her order. "Blueberry cheescake," he said, giving the cashier enough money for both of them. He took his tray and went to a table in the corner as soon as he'd paid for both of their orders.

sighed and grabbed my muffin, fling him. "Hey...I didn't ask you to pay for me." I said. I held out the money for my muffin. "Just take it...I don't like owing people anything."
"I didn't say you owe me anything." he said as he began to eat. "Besides, acts of charity ​are best done frequently... Especially for the needy?" he had an edge of sarcasm in his voice again

I took a deep breath and sat down. "Well, thanks but no thanks." I said, I put the money next to him. "I don't need your charity, Maxwell.." I said
"Well it's definitely better than being ugly." Sandy chuckled as she immediately felt herself blush over the compliment. "So he knows how to flirt."She thought running a hand through her hair. She was starting to consider herself lucky for getting paired up with a guy like Andrew, instead of some self-centered, money-crazed jerk.. He seemed to be pretty laid back and sweet, not too little, not too much. As she heard the random beep, she curiously looking around to see what had caused it.

"Oh it's your phone! dont even worry about it. For a second there I thought it had been the chair." She chuckled, shaking her head for actually thinking that. "Oh don't mind me, if you gotta take that it's fine."
[[ [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] ]]

Roxy's cheeks flushed as he listed off things. All of those could be expensive things, especially the last. "You don't seem to realize, James, that this," she gestured around the shop and at the drinks before them, "Means a lot to me." She giggled, taking another sip. "Time spent with good company beats material things any day." Hoping she didn't offend him, she quickly added, "I'm having a REALLY good time right now, is what I'm saying. I like being around you." A light blush covered her cheeks and she became suddenly interested in the table's design.

[[ [MENTION=2982]LovelyLady[/MENTION]]]

Andrew shook his head quickly, adding a smile to prove it. "No, it's nothing. Just silly texts," he answered, turning back to her. "But, it doesn't seem like we're needed here anymore. Did you...have plans after this for anything?" Looking around the room, there weren't many people left, and he thought the atmosphere wasn't helping his nerves.
James smiled and shook his head. "I need to drop by the skateboard shop anyways, would you like to come? It would be a pleasure." He stood up and put his hand out. "You could watch me or shop in the outlet."
Roxy followed suit in abandoning the table as she stood up. Slowly, she slid his hand into his, surprised. It was warm, comforting. Hers were always cold no matter what she did. As a child she'd run around the house in mittens, and her mother joked that she always had winter stuck in her fingertips. She smiled softly, nodding. "I'd love to come with," she said, "I take it you like skateboarding then?" When the approached the car, she reluctantly released his hand, walking toward the passenger side.
Also looking around, she shake her head, finally turning back to face him. "No actually, I cleared my schedule because I thought we were to stay here all day?" Sandra raised an eyebrow, wondering what she'd do all day at home. "Why, do you have any plans to go anywhere right now?" She asked softly, hoping he wouldn't think she was intruding.
Andrew chuckled. "No, I thought the same," he said, "Well, about it taking all day. Would you like to go somewhere else? Honestly, I feel like I'm in a waiting room at the doctor's office and it's making me nervous." Standing up, he stretched a bit, looking down at her. "Unless of course, you'd rather be rid of me so easily."
James's face turned a deep pink as she held hands with him. "Yeah, it's fun." He hopped into the driver's seat and said, "It'll be a little bit of a long ride." He turned on the car and it said, "Welcome Mr.Rolls, where to today?" in a robotic voice. "Outlet 10" he said loudly. The GPS showed up on the screen with directions to Outlet 10.
"Screw that, I'm leaving! See you later! " Sandra says, quickly jumping up and walking rapidly towards the door. Stopping halfway, she turns and smiles at Andrew, hoping he could take a little joke. "Did you really think that I'd be a jerk like that and just leave you here?!" She shakes her head, motioning for Andrew to follow her out the door. "C'mon, I know this great Chinese restaurant." She said with a small smile, clutching onto her bag.
[[ [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] ]]

Getting in the car, Roxy looked around, confused, at the electronic voice. Gazing at the dashboard, she watch it light up. "That. Is cool," she said, giggling. "And I don't mind a long drive, especially when there are no vans involved." Buckling her seat belt, she gave him another smile. "Let's just hope I don't look like the Bride of Frankenstein when we get there."

[[ [MENTION=2982]LovelyLady[/MENTION] ]]

Andrew dropped swear words in his mind as she stormed off. Fantastic, he'd already managed to screw up his 'job'. As she turned back and gave him a smile, he shook his head. "You sly, sly fox," he chuckled, getting up and chasing after. "You do realize I'll have to get you back for that, right?" And with that he snatched her purse out of her hands, barreling out of the building and down the street, laughing as he looked back at her until WHAM pole to face contact ended with him flat on his back, seeing stars while the sun was still up. "Owww..."
"Hey come back with that! It has very impor-......Look out!" Sandra called out, pointing towards the pole. Having warned him much to late, she winced as she heard his face make contact with the metal pole. As fast as her heels would carry her, she ran over to him, kneeling down and waving a hand in front of his face noticing he looked a little dazed. "Andrew...?" She spoke softly patting his cheeks for him to respond.
[[ [MENTION=2982]LovelyLady[/MENTION] ]]

Andrew eyes took a minute to focus, and the first thing he saw was Sandra's face. "Please tell me this is a dream and I won't have to wake up soon," he mumbled, grinning ear to ear. "And I really hope this won't be necessary whenever I want to get you closer to me, because I don't think my nose can handle the abuse." He held her purse up toward her, "I have learned my lesson, I promise."
Sandra chuckled, taking the purse into her hands as she stood up, dusting herself off. "Well trust me, if you ever jack my purse again, it won't be the pole that messes up your nose." she joked, extending a hand towards Andrew to help him up. "Well while we're driving over to the restaurant, keep moving your nose with you hand, just to see if it isn't broken." she smiled to herself. "What were the odds of that happening."

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