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Bully x bullied (Taken)

Kyle winced a little. Well, now I feel like the biggest asshole on the planet. The black haired male glanced up at him. "Am I part of that reason?" he asked. "I realize now that I've treated you horribly, and I would like to apologize for that."
For four years of hell I think not!

Alright." The boy accepted his apology, sighing a bit. He threw away the other paper towel and looked up at Kyle. He didn't exactly trust him but it was worth a shoot.
Kyle glanced at the time on his watch. "Fantastic," he growled. "How do you explain you're almost fifteen minutes late for class?" He glanced back up at Felix. "Are you ready to head back to class?" he asked, blinking his blue eyes. "It's fine if you're not."
"No, I'm gonna go home. Just say you were taking me home or to the nurse or something..." The boy mumbled looking at the floor then grabbed his black sweatshirt and started to walk off.
Kyle watched after him. He let out a small sigh, walking out behind Felix. "See you tomorrow," he told him numbly before walking to class. He was mentally beating himself over the head. Like he even cared about your 'apology'. I wouldn't accept a shitty apology from the person who gave me hell.
Felix didn't go home he was kicked out of his home months ago, he walked to his aunts apartment the only one that accepted him for who he was.
Kyle returned the class, giving the teacher some excuse for the absense of Felix and his tardiness. He ignored the teacher 's lecture and stared out the window. For some reason, he couldn't get Felix off his mind. He was surprised to find himself worried about the boy. Why am I so anxious about him? Just a while ago, I could beat the crap out and not blink an eye. What the hell?
Felix paced the apartment floor his aunt wasn't home and his mind and thoughts revolved around Kyle.

When I get back to school...oh my god there is no way I'm going to talk to him

He thought still pacing.
Kyle stared down at his desk. I wonder if Felix is okay. I hope he didn't use that razor again. Should I have asked for it? He crossed his arms over his chest, heaving a sigh. The teacher snapped at him for not paying attention and threatened to give him detention. When the teacher turned back around, Kyle propped his chin on his hand. Try to focus, why don't you?
The next day Felix finally showed up at school, but he didn't look any better than he did yesterday, he looked worse, and he looked like he hadn't slept. He sighed and walked to the back of the class room and handed Kyle his homework. then took his own seat.
Kyle frowned a little when he saw Felix. He got up from his desk, walking over to the boy. He stopped in front of his desk. Usually, this confrontation would end up with Felix getting harrassed by him. Not today, he told himself. He cleared his throat. "You don't look too good, Felix. Are you okay?"
The boy shook his head still refusing to speak. He didn't even look up at the other. He just wrote down something on a notebook and handed it to him. Do you need something. Is all the note read.
The dark hair male read the note, and he let out a quiet sigh. He took a pen out and responded on the note, I guess not. I was just checking on you. He slid the note back, getting the message he didn't want to talk to him. With that, Kyle sat down in his seat. He turned his head the slightest and glanced towards Felix.
Felix felt bad that he couldn't talk but, he was the one who blew his own voice box out. He shook his head and returned to his normal position.
Kyle glanced at the homework Felix had handed him. He read it over for a moment before puttinh it in his notebook. Should I get him to stop doing my homework for me? He wondered. Sure, he probably would end up flunking homework. He thought about it for a minute, then decided to tell Felix later. He slid back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head.
The teacher called Kyle out telling him he wasn't paying attention. Felix stood and handed her a note he wrote that read. Let him be, he's paying attention. Felix being her star student, she had no choice but to listen to him.
Kyle glanced at Felix with a surprised gaze. He mouthed a thanks to the boy before looking back at the teacher. Why didn't he let me get in trouble? he wondered to himself. He let out a quiet sigh before doing his best to pay attention.
Felix nodded in return then sat back down at his seat, resting again. It hurt so much not being able to talk. He was eating cough drops constantly. But he did what he could it was his fault anyway.
Kyle was thinking. Looks like Felix isn't talking at all...I wonder why. He took a piece of paper from his notebook and wrote a note. I noticed you're not talking any. Is something wrong? When he had finished, he made sure the teacher wasn't watching. When she looked away, he tossed the note on top of Felix's desk.

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