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BTS roleplay?

Jeon Jungkook

New Member
Anybody interested in doing a BTS role-play?

I don’t mind whether you’re an OC, a BTS member or another KPOP band member.

I also don’t mind if you want it to be a romantic Role-play or just friends, it doesn’t phase me. Though I do believe the characters must have chemistry.

Anyone interested?
Anybody interested in doing a BTS role-play?

I don’t mind whether you’re an OC, a BTS member or another KPOP band member.

I also don’t mind if you want it to be a romantic Role-play or just friends, it doesn’t phase me. Though I do believe the characters must have chemistry.

Anyone interested?
May we roleplay?
I'd love to roleplay with you, shoot me a pm if you're up for it and we can work out the details and such then :)
Hey, I'm super interested in this if you're still open! I'd love to do a romance between Jimin or Jungkook and my OC (who's faceclaim/playby is probably going to be an idol, either IU or Suzy from Miss A). If you're interested, let me know! Just PM me and we can discuss the details (I'm a new member so I can't start messages)!
Anybody interested in doing a BTS role-play?

I don’t mind whether you’re an OC, a BTS member or another KPOP band member.

I also don’t mind if you want it to be a romantic Role-play or just friends, it doesn’t phase me. Though I do believe the characters must have chemistry.

Anyone interested?

Anybody interested in doing a BTS role-play?

I don’t mind whether you’re an OC, a BTS member or another KPOP band member.

I also don’t mind if you want it to be a romantic Role-play or just friends, it doesn’t phase me. Though I do believe the characters must have chemistry.

Anyone interested?
Can we roleplay??
Anybody interested in doing a BTS role-play?

I don’t mind whether you’re an OC, a BTS member or another KPOP band member.

I also don’t mind if you want it to be a romantic Role-play or just friends, it doesn’t phase me. Though I do believe the characters must have chemistry.

Anyone interested?
yo wanna roleplay?
Anybody interested in doing a BTS role-play?

I don’t mind whether you’re an OC, a BTS member or another KPOP band member.

I also don’t mind if you want it to be a romantic Role-play or just friends, it doesn’t phase me. Though I do believe the characters must have chemistry.

Anyone interested?
Anybody interested in doing a BTS role-play?

I don’t mind whether you’re an OC, a BTS member or another KPOP band member.

I also don’t mind if you want it to be a romantic Role-play or just friends, it doesn’t phase me. Though I do believe the characters must have chemistry.

Anyone interested?

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