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Broken World

Felkis Armata

Guess this character in my avatar.

Earth, A place where humans lived in the peaceful paradise and the civilization was ever-growing.

Humanity lived happily ever after, but not until the nuclear reactor throughout the world went into unexpected meltdown.

People who were affected by radiation will possibly die from it and later end in a natural death in rapid numbers.

The world itself was plunging in nuclear disaster and thus no one could find a place to rest or live in a city.

Instead, cities would be surrounded by walls and became the foundation of principalities of a nation.

When the wildlife was likely to affect the radiation, they began to mutate and began to grow abnormally.

No human being would ever try to go there and reside in the wilderness, that can result suicide in the midst of the wilderness.

Some of them tried to colonize a village by rebuilding with natural resources, building one house at a time.

This one there first time to colonize in the wilderness, but they began to move to find any life sign.

These attempts lead into a death trap and having the colony take a greater risk of having themselves killed.

This is the world we live in and that's the only the reason to survive throughout the wilderness.

There is no law to maintain or reinforce without a nation, scavengers and bandits began to raid every village.

A Traveler's life can be either flaw or fatal if they end up the same with the other people who tried to survive.

20 years has flied by and it had changed recently since the international nuclear meltdown.

This world is broken, no longer maintaining its world power and we called it on our term "Broken World".

Somewhere in abandon town...

Sydney was hiding on top of the house to watch any convoys passing by the cracked road. Her rifle lying on the wall, where she is sitting nearby to her, in case for any purpose to use it, when needed. The reason to keep an eye on the small convoy, filled with supplies to keep her family well-fed for a month and in additionally, there is one soldier who is protecting the convoy, making things easier. She was feeling less worried about her father and hoping that he's not caught red-handed for the mess he created. So she picked up the rifle and gets ready to move out, she wants to get the soldier alive and also gather the supplies she needed for her journey and her family as well.
Claire sighed lowly as searched for her target. She walked casually though, even if this place was abandoned. Your target would know there's something suspicious about you if your acting suspicious like moving quickly, avoiding light and their line of sight. No one would expect it if you just walked on up to them, had a nice conversation and all before shooting them in the face. Well, That's the kind of person Claire was. She was a mercenary who took most jobs on without really thinking about it but she gets the task done anyway before she kills her employers. She didn't trust anyone as there was no one to trust in this broken world she lived in now. Everyone was always ready to stab you in the back if it meant another day to live. Clair adjusted her hat before recalling her target.

Gender? Female

Name? Sydney something

Age? Couldn't care less

Appearance? Grey eyes, Orange blonde hair, fairly short as seen in the picture she was given of her target.

Clair nodded to herself when finally recalled her targets and resumed her search for her.
Sydney was moving cover to cover, trying to avoid being seen, going closer to the convoy. Before going into a gunfight, she checked the clip and holds about 20 rounds, 9mm pistol rounds. It will be ineffective if a soldier wearing body armor, costing her a bullet wound or even hitting vital organs if the soldier returns fire. The only way to get the soldier in a non-lethal way, she would get closer and hit him in the back with her rifle and then, take any supplies left, which is the rations and ammunitions. She grabbed her rifle tightly and prepares to shoot that moves.

"I bet I prayed for this damned faith of mine, I got to make it alive." She said calmly to herself.
The sound of foosteps caught her attention and she quickly whirled her head to its origin. Her target? Clair quickly narrowed her eyes and slowly headed towards the sound. If her target was nearby, she'd be ready to shoot her down. She quickly grabbed her gun and grinned slightly. "Oooh boy, This oughta be interestin'" She whispered to herself, picking up her speed slightly, determined to get the job done quickly and efficiently but then again this place was abandoned so she and her target could fight for days and no one would ever know about it. The mere thought of something like that excited Claire and just as she was about to run she spotted something out of the corner of her eye before she quickly hid. "A solider?" She asked herself, wondering what a soldier would be doing all the way out here.
She moved slowly in a quiet pace, keeping on an eye on the soldier if he ever looks the other way. Sydney was approaching to the soldier, held up her rifle and the soldier turned the other way, leaving him defenseless. "Drop your weapon," She said, "I am going to kill you and your best lay on the down to the ground if you want to live." forcing the soldier to throw the weapon and getting down to the ground. Going closer to the soldier, she checked any ammo or secondary weapons he's holding and only took the ammo she needs. Before getting the supplies, Sydney intend to interrogate the soldier about the smuggler, that would be her father that she was thinking.

"Get up," She said, "I am not asking for this again, get the hell up." As the soldier gets up slowly, she asks him while aiming the rifle at him. "Now, you're going to tell me one simple question, I am going to spare your life if you tell about the smuggler, whose name is Ferdinand Johnson Bunker." She tightens the trigger with one finger, feeling like she wants her dead. "I-I don't know anything about that person, I swear-" Sydney squeezed the trigger and shot him in the knee. "Tell me where Ferdinand is hiding or else, I am going to kill you!" She said with a serious look on her face. "I don't who is Ferdinand Johnson Bunker, but other soldiers are rumoring about that he's held up in the nuclear bunker." The soldier said clearly, giving out the information to her.
Claire's eyes narrowed when she heard a gun shot and then some yelling and it was really close. Claire grinned slightly and took off. She kept out of the sight of the other soldiers. She was about to believe that her target was no longer here but out of the corner of her eye, she then spotted someone.

Someone with Orange blonde hair.

That has to be her. Claire aimed her gun at her target and slowly walked over to her before she opened her mouth to address the girl to confirm it. "Sydney "
"He's holed up in nuclear shelter? You just pranking with me!" She said. Sydney started to squeeze the trigger, tightly. "I am going to kill you, anyway. You're useless to me" The soldier was shrieking in pain that he didn't want to die young, he is spilling out more information. "P-Please! Don't kill me, I don't know anything about him. I don't know where he-" She shot him in the head, ending his life with a single bullet. Sydney didn't feel sorry for the soldier, but she never spares anyone who tries to kill her in the wilderness. "I won't able to find him, they don't really know my father or the name, what am I supposed to do now..." she said to herself, bearing the anxiety in her mind.
Claire raised a brow. Did she just ignore her? She was about to be shot down and she didn't even notice and if she did, she obviously didn't care. How saddening this was. It would be one of her most boring hunts yet but still, a job is a job. As such, Claire intended to get the job done but she still didn't want to screw up so she opened her mouth to speak once more and it was in this moment she remembered the girls last name.

"Sydney Bunker" Claire called out, hoping to finally catch her attention and see the reaction she has when she realizes she's about to die a painless death.
Sydney heard her name out and quickly turned her back, immediately pointed her rifle where the voice came. She didn't know there was a another soldier and never think of her thought, without any expectations that a female soldier would call her full name. It was frustrating that someone wants her dead and considering that the soldier was a set-up, unprepared for the worst situation. "Who are hell are you?! How did you know me and my name?" She said with a-top of her voice. Sydney was getting the feeling she's hostile, the unnamed soldier knows her full name and she couldn't let that problem go away, planning to getting rid of her.

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