• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Broken Mirrors


I can't wait until Halloween~
This is a story about people who have been twisted by others expectations, be it parents, teachers, employers, co-workers, society, peers, etc. They can have anxiety disorders, depression, be bipolar, etc. They can self harm, be suicidal, drink, do drugs, etc. But they all have in common that they wish to fix themselves and get better from whatever is plaguing them. They find others in the world that help them because they are similar.


  1. All RPN rules apply
  2. Three sentences minimum per post
  3. Most post once a week at least, if you will be gone for a longer time please inform me so we can work around it
  4. No controlling another persons character
  5. Put the heading "Character Sheet" over your cs and make it a color other then black to show me you read the rules
  6. Do not cause conflicts with other people, fighting between characters is fine, not between players
  7. Talk to me if you have any major plot ideas, DO NOT just post them please
  8. Talk in the OOC if it's not in character
  9. Have fun!
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