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Realistic or Modern Broken Fairytale- Accepting

I'm very sorry I just came back from camping and I have to rest since I'm tired and my body is sore. This roleplay seemed really fun and I wish I could do this but I have to
I'll be posting tomorrow!! Internet was supposed to be up today but the guy never showed up. D: should be here tomorrow though... -_- ;;
Well, thank you @Tulani :D I'm glad I'm back to being able to post xD I've missed RpN... and I'm happy that I'm all moved into the new apartment and don't have to worry about any more unpacking xD
Hello my fellow Fairytale peeps,

I want you all to know how much I adore my idea and all of you for trying to bring it to life in a way. That's why it hurts me so much to inform you that Red Riding Hood and The Wolf will no longer be a part of it.

Maddox Rainer is my husband and The Wolf in this RP. He was involved in an accident almost a week ago and its left him only half the person he was. He can't remember a lot and his body remembers how to do less. It's going to be a long healing process and an exhausting one.

I'm handing this RP over to @dethbycoffe. I'll be sending this person the bones of the plot line and I hope you all choose to keep it going, but if it dies let it be graceful.

I thank you all again for your help and amazing characters. I will remove myself and Maddox as much as I can from the tabs.

- Sincerely, Smile Black

@Geek with Me




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Ouch. That's really sad. I sincerely hope he recovers well and that you both get through the experience well. That's heartbreaking for me, even if I didn't know him. Normally there'd be a joke here, but I can't really joke about something like that.

"He says he's an a-hole, but he's not 100% a dick." -That Security Guy about Star Lord.

In any case. Best of recoveries.


Good luck with managing the RP.
Just checking back to let everyone know that it seems Smile has gotten busy, which is understandable, so as soon as she has some time and sends me the bones for this rp, I will be continuing it. I'm just waiting for the proper information. :)
HerSmileWasBlack said:
Hello my fellow Fairytale peeps,
I want you all to know how much I adore my idea and all of you for trying to bring it to life in a way. That's why it hurts me so much to inform you that Red Riding Hood and The Wolf will no longer be a part of it.

Maddox Rainer is my husband and The Wolf in this RP. He was involved in an accident almost a week ago and its left him only half the person he was. He can't remember a lot and his body remembers how to do less. It's going to be a long healing process and an exhausting one.

I'm handing this RP over to @dethbycoffe. I'll be sending this person the bones of the plot line and I hope you all choose to keep it going, but if it dies let it be graceful.

I thank you all again for your help and amazing characters. I will remove myself and Maddox as much as I can from the tabs.

- Sincerely, Smile Black

@Geek with Me




Just updating, I think things have gotten hectic for Smile, as I haven't heard from her in a while. I hope everything is alright with Mad... Anyway, I'm just going to let this die gracefully for the time being, but if you're still interested in this, please let me know. As soon as I hear from her, I'll ask about the bones for this rp, and see if we can't get it running again.



I'm afraid dethbycoffee is right. My life is one wave of chaos after another right now. I'll send her the bones as soon as I go home to retrieve some things in a day or so.

Hopefully she can make a new and even better story with it.

Sincerely, Smile Black.

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