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Realistic or Modern Broken Fairytale- Accepting


Darkness is often misunderstood.

I ask of you only simple things:

1. Please no one liners, unless it is only dialogue.

2. If you decide to leave this RP, let me know, don't leave me hanging.

3. Site rules apply, swearing and PG-13 is perfectly fine, fade to black if need be.

4. If you have an idea or plot contribution please post it in the OOC tab, it's important for everyone to know the idea so private messaging me is a no go unless:

5. If someone is making you uncomfortable or you have personal issues with something pertaining to this RP, private messaging is fine.

Also, this RP will deal with death and horror. Black magic and the purest forms of evil. It won't be all sunshine and dancing princesses. You have been warned.
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To explain the name as Donkeyskin doesn't have one lol. Jenny is a name for a female donkey, that and Jennet. Equus is part of the scientific notation for Donkey
@HerSmileWasBlack - I would like to reserve the snow queen... I'm on my way home to my pc now. And I also wanted to ask if we could have 2 characters and if so, is Jack Frost an acceptable fairy tale? I was thinking ice twins... :)
Dethbycoffee said:
@HerSmileWasBlack - I would like to reserve the snow queen... I'm on my way home to my pc now. And I also wanted to ask if we could have 2 characters and if so, is Jack Frost an acceptable fairy tale? I was thinking ice twins... :)
That is perfectly fine by me. Ice twins sounds fun. ^_^
Dethbycoffee said:
That brings me to my next question... Do they have to remain the same gender as their fairy tale counterpart?
Nope. By all means change them. I want fairytales that are easily recognizable but also different from who they once were
There was another obscure one I was trying to remember it that involved a crow cloak and a male protagonist. I was gonna swap the gender on that one but I couldn't find the fairy tale.
@HerSmileWasBlack I know this all takes place in a large town but I have some questions as far as setting. Is this a big town or a small one that would have starved the original Belle, Ariel, etc for more adventure? Also what scale of goods and stuff do they have? Like have chain restaurants filtered in? do we have a mall or is our mall simply a small local owned shopping district and or street? Is there a main road out of town or do the roads have a way to connect to a highway with ease?

I know all seemingly unimportant; but, if the town is secluded or super tiny then it effects the characters. Or atleast I probably will have it have some influence on mine.
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Tulani said:
@HerSmileWasBlack I know this all takes place in a large town but I have some questions as far as setting. Is this a big town or a small one that would have starved the original Belle, Ariel, etc for more adventure? Also what scale of goods and stuff do they have? Like have chain restaurants filtered in? do we have a mall or is our mall simply a small local owned shopping district and or street? Is there a main road out of town or do the roads have a way to connect to a highway with ease?
I know all seemingly unimportant; but, if the town is secluded or super tiny then it effects the characters. Or atleast I probably will have it have some influence on mine.
The town is somewhere between, its also seeped in magic and no matter how long you've lived there, there seems to always be something or someone you've never seen/met before.

In my head, though there are roads leading out of town, no one really ever thinks of leaving. The magic kind of unconsciously roots them there. Not keeping them or purposely trapping them, its just...in their souls. Other people leave, in my canon our characters don't give it much thought and if they do they never really did it.

I'm going with no big chains. Locally owned rules here, and the mall is more of a main street lined with various stores and such. It's modern enough for a young person but it is still very deeply rooted in the past and many pagan traditions are still alive and well.

There are festivals to celebrate every season. Maypole dances, a large community tree in the center of town for Christmas.

It's a community made up of Elders, Reborn and many descendants of other characters in fairy tales. Ex. The seven dwarves.

The magic in the town draws them in and once there they feel complete in a way.

Furthermore, no one but the Elders knows that fairy tales are actual events of the past. After every has posted a few times and we get into a bit of a groove, magic making us all remember odd things or act a bit different, the Elders will reveal the truth in hopes of making us want to hold true to our paths. Of course for some those paths will either be darkly embraced or rejected.
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@HerSmileWasBlack thank you that paints a brighter canvas for me to understand. Thank you. I have a good sense of what my characters feelings for the town are

I'll just wait for things to kick off then :)
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Tulani said:
@HerSmileWasBlack thank you that paints a brighter canvas for me to understand. Thank you. I have a good sense of what my characters feelings for the town are
I'll just wait for things to kick off then :)
With all luck I'll be completely ready by Saturday. Be on the look out. I will make sure but my copilot and myself tag everyone in our first posts.
Since you listen to me in no other way...get your ass in bed. You need sleep, woman and the dog stole your pillow. @HerSmileWasBlack formally known as the wife who couldn't shut off the laptop.
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