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Fantasy Brine Academy

[QUOTE="True Queen Ashe]Well a recent RP has taken a little bit of priority. Hasn't started yet and you guys are free to join. It's sort of a an attempt to revive a forum we all reside and love. BUT I am posting tonight. Neo's been ignoring me when im asking her to post so I'm guessing she's not going to continue so I guess its the four of us.

Sounds neat! I hope the rp works out! So I'm assuming we'll be moving Erasneo's character to the back burner, at least until/if we hear from her.
Most likely she's not going to be playing anymore. Would you like to join that RP? It's open to anyone and everyone.
[QUOTE="True Queen Ashe]Most likely she's not going to be playing anymore. Would you like to join that RP? It's open to anyone and everyone.

Thanks for the invitation! But probably not. Doesn't really seem like my kind of plot is all.
Well, I sent Ashe a message which she hasn't seen. Apparently she hasn't been online for quite a while. But we've been waiting for a while, so I guess we really should move forwards if we want to keep this alive, huh? So @Paroxysm, do you want to just respond next and then have @Sapphira go after to keep the turn order? Or would you both rather that we start from somewhere else? We might also have to to a bit of replanning in regards to what we want to do next if Ashe doesn't come back. Half of our plot revolved around her character Roi.
Sapphira said:
We can continue. Sorry I've been awol. A rework might be in order. Still no Ashe?
@Paroxysm @LittleGamerFool
Still no Ashe. And yeah, I'm really starting to think that a reboot of some sort is in order. Would you two want that? And would you want to look into getting more players, or...?
Hmmm... that's a good question. A fresh start would be nice, but I like all the work we've put into this thread. I think you can request an extra tab and we could use it for the reboot. Do you think we should start a new thread?

How will we rework the plot? Of course we could keep the missing students conundrum and such, but do either of you have any ideas for sub plots?

@LittleGamerFool @Paroxysm
That sounds like a pretty good idea, getting a new tab. I think we should probably figure out how much we'd need to change so we can decide if it's more convenient to just move to another thread. If all else fails, we can just copy-paste the things we need into a new thread, just to keep things organized.

Seeing as we don't have Ashe any longer to provide the subplot, we'll definitely need to think of something... I don't exactly have any immediate ideas, but I'm sure we can think of something.. Do you two know if you'd prefer these side plots to be more school-life centered or action/adventure-y?

@Paroxysm @Sapphira
Sorry for the late reply, I was at a con.

We could move the stuff we've already done into an archive thread or something, so it's still there but not in the way of the new stuff? Like, an extra tab or something.

As for sub plots, I am happy with either school-oriented or action-y. Maybe Brine is periodically beseiged by whales or something :P Since all of our characters are Amlets instead of Magicians, we could perhaps do something with that.
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@Paroxysm Like an anime con? Archiving the old stuff could work if it's not too much work for LGF. We can think about it more as we brainstorm.

@LittleGamerFool The subplots could be a mixture of school life type stuff and action y adventure. I was thinking the campus could float up to the surface and become an island. Not really a subplot, but I thought it would be interesting. We don't have a strong antagonist. Augustin is mean, but somehow I don't think she is the villain of our tale.

I will probably create a second character that will be a magician.
Do you two know if it's possible to rearrange the order of the tabs up above, move the content of the tab to a new one, and/or rename tabs? Cuz I'm not exactly sure how to do any of that, but if we can figure it out, then archiving the older stuff would be rather easy.

The school moving to the surface is a good idea, mainly for convenience of not being completely shut off from the rest of the world.. I also had the idea that maybe the school moves around...? Like, it slowly drifts from place to place, so some days it would be underwater and other times it would be above. And a main antagonist would be rather important.

Hmm... Everything I think of is making this seem like a Harry Potter Rip off, which I don't want to do... I'm just gonna like write all my thoughts here so I can organize it.

So, the original plan was for Brine Academy to be a high school and 4 year college combined, but that's a little hard to pull off. I was thinking of making it be just a college (which gives students a lot more free-range), but people tend to like to be high school aged (14-18ish). Buut, if it's a high school, that's stepping the border of Harry Potter clone. I also had the idea, if it is just a college, it could also be a sort of walk-in school as well. Like, professors and people in charge would hold workshops and seminars about recent magic/scientific findings and stuff (when they're close to land if the school drifts), and then being an actual student who lives on campus would be possible too.

Regarding the mystery surrounding the school, I'm thinking it would be better if it were actually a lot better known, but still really elite. Kinda like Harvard or something. I feel like the school stuff could be a really shady group, they don't exactly tell the government everything and there are a lot of cover-ups for their hidden research, but the school would be pretty well known and anyone can apply and stuff. The odds of getting in are sort of low, though. (Plot idea: What if there's an influx of students who wouldn't normally fit the bill, and it's kinda suspicious? Could be because the researchers need more test subjects.)

When it comes to antagonists, I feel like the researchers are definitely the go-to, but they're for the longer plot. For short term or smaller antagonists, Augustin won't really cut it. She's just sort of a nuisance. I don't know, we could have a sort of bully character? They could be a student, a staff member, someone in a nearby town..? (Random idea: What if there's a character for a short term plot who is trying to sneak into Brine Academy, claiming to want to learn? Whether or not they're actually there to learn is optional.) Oh, another thing, when it comes to the research thing, is that going to be our main-main plot? With taking down the experiments being the end-game thing? Or do we want to find something bigger, like Ashe's thing with Roi?

Last thing: How much work do you think we should be putting into the RP? How detailed should it be? I was thinking of making a map of the school grounds, maybe a list of places nearby, staff, stuff like that, but I don't wanna get too deep into it if it's only gonna scare people away for being too in depth.

@Paroxysm @Sapphira
@Sapphira It was kind of like that, yeah! It was for RPGs and board games and stuff like that. I hid in the video gaming room because people are scary xD I will be working at an anime con in about a month though! :D

I like the idea of the school floating up and moving around, also. ("How do you get do Brine anyway?" --"Don't worry. If you're worthy Brine will come to YOUU!!")

@LittleGamerFool A boarding school might fit the bill for an inbetween of high school and college, or we could just say that the culture of Brine treats the teenagers as more competent adults, and so gives them more free reign around the Brine town (was there a town for jobs? I don't remember.) It doesn't necessarily have to fit into our notions of what different classes of schools are.

I agree with the idea of Brine being super elite -- they could keep producing very elite alumni and stuff, but still have that secretive "we won't tell you how we actually teach and stuff" vibe.

It would be definitely entertaining to have someone try and sneak in. If you don't have ideas for a character like that, I could try and make one.

I think uncovering and dealing with the experimentation would be a good plot finale, especially since we'll have to find ways of stopping it. And when that's done we can see where we are and if we want to continue with a new plot. We don't necessarily have to say goodbye :)

I enjoy going deep into the extras of the RP as long as we're not too strict about little things. It's good to know where things are, and have resources to use.
@LittleGamerFool I don't think it's possible to rearrange the tabs. There are several different tabs you can request, so you might be able to shuffle stuff around by copy, paste and deleting, but it seems like it would be a lot of work. So maybe our best bet would be to start a new thread.

I really like the idea of the school being able to move around. It could go along with the top dogs trying to keep the school's location a secret. Maybe the students could leave the campus sometimes when it's close to shore.

I actually like the idea of the school being more of a college. Maybe younger students could get in if they show a high proficiency in magical ability. It could be a rare occurrence. Maybe the influx of students are younger students that are easier for the researchers to manipulate.

I also like the idea of someone trying to sneak into the school. They could possibly be a spy for someone trying to find out more info about it. There could definitely be a bully, maybe someone who picks on Amlets... like a Malfoy, but not...

Maybe one of us could play one of the researchers. I think that bringing them down would be a good conclusion to the role play. I feel like it is a good strong conflict that could have many parts. There could be some crazy conspiracy where the school was only founded for the purpose of using students as guinea pigs and everyone at the top is in on it. Like maybe bringing down the enemy could mean the end of Brine Academy as we know it.

I like getting as detailed as possible, but I agree with Parox that I don't want it too get too uptight. But I feel like a map would help us visualize and come up with ideas and organize things.

@Paroxysm That sounds awesome. I love rpgs. And yes people can be quite scary at those things lol. I really want to go to an Anime Con. It's awesome that you get to work at one.
Okay, so Brine moves around for sure then, and they let students hang out on land when they're nearby. I like Sapphira's idea of the school being a college that lets in younger kids on occasion because it makes the influx of 'odd' students easier to do if they're younger, like you said.

I'm fine with being the person who tries to bust in, and we could also have some people play as researchers. While we're on the topic of characters, I think we should figure out what people can play as. I'm working under the assumption that these two are mostly just reserved for the people in charge of the RP (us), so we'd have to decide if we want others to be able to play as more than just a student. We don't want to have an absurd amount of researchers and "stowaways" in our character roster.

Ok, so detailed is good, but having overly restrictive rules that are hard to follow/remember is a no-no. Gotcha. So, question: should we have schedules? They could just be very simple ones that I give people when they sign up, and they could be used to keep track of time and make things realistic, but at the same time it could take a huge amount of effort that might only cause problems. Also, on the subject of time, how do we want to progress it? Ashe seemed fond of the idea of skipping forwards about half an hour with each rotation of posts, but I wasn't exactly too fond of that as it could rush situations.. However, it does make sense to have something to keep us moving forwards time wise.. Ideas?

And yeah, we're probably going to just have to relocate to a new thread. I'll get it up and running once we know what we want to do, and at some point I can probably go and recruit in the interest check area.

Last, I have a question. It seems we unintentionally turned this into a modern era sort of setting, but we never actually settled on a setting as far as I remember. Do you both think it would be better on modern day Earth, or like some sort of made up land? And do we want technology and culture to just be normal plus magic, or should it be a little more fantasy-like, with less technology? So far, I'm thinking that it would be kind of neat to do a modern fantasy story, with cellphones, internet, and modern teaching and classrooms. However, you two want to stick to a more old fashioned fantasy-like setting with less technology and such, that's fine!

@Paroxysm @Sapphira
I do think that we should have a decent amount of students versus researchers/teachers/etc, so newcomers should be encouraged to have a student character, though it doesn't have to be their primary. However, I don't really want this to turn into some big thing. I like smaller role plays because they're easier to keep on track. How many more people do you two think we should bring it up to?

As far as keeping track of time, that's a tricky one. I think I want to go with not necessarily keeping track of time as each scene progresses, but go with a schedule for the writers themselves. Most of the time scenes feel like they have natural conclusions and at that point we can start to discuss where we want to take the role play next. People do have responsibilities, but this is also a commitment. I think a week is more than enough time for any one person to respond. Is that too lax or too strict?

I like that the story is more modern. I think it would be good for our characters to have cell phones/laptops/vehicles/etc or something like them, possibly created from magic because they have become so commonplace in modern society. I don't know if I want the setting to be Earth though. I was always a fan of creating my own world for my characters to populate. Would that be too much work though? Do you guys think we should keep it more casual?

@LittleGamerFool @Paroxysm
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Agreed with the college thing and most of everything you all are saying!

I think a modern fantasy kind of somehow just happened in my mind, so I'd be cool with sticking with that. Time wise, the way I've always done it is that we work based on scenarios. So we have an idea for a scenario and let it run its course, and then can do a time skip if needed to the next time people meet. Working on strict time rules confuses me, since it doesn't normally take 30 minutes to look at someone and say "nah."

In regards to new characters, I think it would probably be a good idea for me to nab a young person that has much more of a reason to stick with Skylar and Jesse. Haymich can be his weirdo self in a corner, and somebody else can grab the evil researcher or something?

I don't know if schedules should be a thing, since they might get in the way. We could probably all look at our characters and see what kinds of things they would be taking, but mostly just ignore classes and say "yeah, they went to 'em".

@Sapphira @LittleGamerFool
@Sapphira -- Sorry, I totally missed your last post. I agree on keeping in small. Maybe taking in one or two others who we know are good, but I'd also just be okay with sticking with us. We can take most of the NPCs and extra people? We can make our mains and then just have random extras show up as needed.

Completely agreed on the time thing.

And I also agree about it not being Earth. It can be like humans, and Earth like living and stuff, but have all our fun fantasy towns and stuff?

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