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Fantasy Brine Academy

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/geyenmapfinal1.png.ff9eda79aef553e7a775dbf3fc216ecd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108743" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/geyenmapfinal1.png.ff9eda79aef553e7a775dbf3fc216ecd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/geyenmapfinal2.png.a770f7b2f573cd6a6f5001887300cc9d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108744" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/geyenmapfinal2.png.a770f7b2f573cd6a6f5001887300cc9d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This is what I have so far. I decided not to label continents for now, but the map can be added to and updated whenever. I split it up into two halves for easier viewing.

@Paroxysm @LittleGamerFool



  • geyenmapfinal1.png
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  • geyenmapfinal2.png
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That looks fantastic, Sapphira! Thank you!

I have an essay to do by Tuesday, so I will probably not be very active until then. Sorry in advance! Feel free to go ahead with opening the page or whatever in the mean time!

@Sapphira @LittleGamerFool
Alright, then, that means that all we need is a map of the school grounds before we can start. We cold even start looking for people to join, if we want to. Do you have any ideas of what we need to have in on the school grounds?

I like coffee/tea shops!!! But that's me personally. I also have a friend who may be interested in this, if we want to invite people we like. Probably need a whole bunch of different buildings for the different types of majors. Computer labs and stuff? Student centers? You could look at maps of a bunch of different college campuses and see what the big ones are like. A lot of state universities are like their own little towns.

@LittleGamerFool @Sapphira
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Agreed Parox. I think most campuses have places to eat, shop, and relax. A lot them also have fitness centers, but we could have magic practice centers. There could be clubs that have their own buildings like sororities and fraternities. They don't have to be party animals, they could be somewhat elite students who have mastered their magic to a degree, so they get special privileges. School always has elements of competition.

@LittleGamerFool @Paroxysm
They could have like, special elite societies for the best students of each major? And then those socieites get perks like better houses or something? I'm visiting a college in the EU right now, and they don't have sororities or anything -- but they have LOTS of active clubs and socieites, which is really cool! They have stuff for every interest. (Unfortunately, the ones the school supports most are the ones that get them money and good publicity, but hey.)

A fitness center definitely makes sense, as well as a practical magic practicing area. I think there should be a practice zone for most of the different types, since they all are effected in very different manners I assume. How much does the school provide by way of experimental/practice materials for complicated spells? Are you expected to buy things on your own? (Text books? Eye of newt? etc.)

@Sapphira @LittleGamerFool
I think students should be expected to get their own school materials, but maybe there could be used stuff that they can buy for cheap. What if the practice zone could adapt to meet the user's needs? I saw that in an anime called World Trigger. There could be one building with maybe 30 adaptable rooms.

@Paroxysm @LittleGamerFool
Ah, yeah, it has been slow.. Sorry about not responding for a while. I haven't been able to pull together a campus map yet, and I'm probably going to be rather busy until the end of march, but I will try to respond and such, it just might take a while. Do you two want to jump in right now, or would it be better to wait until we have the campus map?

@Paroxysm @Sapphira
If you're willing, Sapphira. It would probably help us move along X) I have a feeling that we can make things pretty vague on the map, like label some places "shopping center" or just leave a bunch of places labeled "shop" or just empty buildings so we can don't have to change the map if we find out that we need a certain location or something.

@Paroxysm @Sapphira
We can keep talking here or switch over to the new thread, it doesn't really matter. Idk where we are on the campus map, but we should probably figure out if we want to have it done before we start. Once we've got that, we should make a recruiting post in interest checks, seeing as it's pretty much all we need before we start.

@Paroxysm @Sapphira

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