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Fantasy Brine Academy

[QUOTE="True Queen Ashe]So I just tried The Devil is a Part Timer. >w> SATAN IS TOO ADORABLE I KEEP SQUEEING >8(

Awesome~ I love the anime so much!

Also, just a little note about the RP. So, we're trying to get Jesse on Roi's side, at least sort of, right? Cuz I'm all for that, but my posts make it seem like he doesn't want anything to do with Roi/Woil, so I figured I would clarify. Right now, Jesse still thinks Roi is Woil, so he's not gonna want to hang out with someone so weird. But if Jesse learns that Roi is actually someone else, and a someone else with power and clever "troublemaking" ideas, he'd be pretty much on board with Roi. That'd probably happen much later in the RP if it does, but I just figured you should know if you still want Roi to "recruit" Jesse or whatever.
Don't worry, Roi isn't going to reveal himself while around others. He'll explain who he is when he can speak with Jesse alone. ALso Roi is still observing Jesse, he has to figure out a way to manipulate the boy.
I Figured I'd have to poke you :3 I can't get over this show and all its adorableness. Satan obsessing over a bike, Satan working at a McDonalds, a Hero being jealous of a little girls boobs, a 13 year old LUCIFER. WHY HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE >3<
I knooow, it's beauty! There's only one season because no one really knew what it was or watched it at first, but it's not really loosing popularity cuz people are still finding it and loving it! Because of that, they've started to sell translations of the manga series and light novels.
@True Queen Ashe @Sapphira @Erasneo

Yeaaah, sorry again... But on another note, I have a question for you all. My sibling is pretty interested in this RP, and we were wondering if they would be allowed to join. They would be playing as a Professor at the school. They'd be able to post probably around once a day, and maybe more. The thing is, they're in Ireland for school right now, so The time zones are different. For me, it's about 6 hours later in the day in Ireland. But because they'd be playing a professor, it's also not necessary that they post all the time, because their character won't be around our student characters all the time. The user is @Paroxysm btw. So what do you all think?

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