• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy Brine Academy - Trepidation



Turn order:

This RP functions on turn order. Post only when it is your turn, and post within a week of it becoming your turn. If you have nothing to say or do not have time, simply inform us that you'll skip your turn as soon as you can so we can move forwards rapidly. Feel free to post more frequently as a week is only the maximum time on responses.






Player Tags

For your posting convenience, all player tags will be available here to copy-paste.

@LittleGamerFool @Paroxysm @Sapphira @utdfan22

Post Formatting

In order to make it easier on the players, Brine academy requests that you use the below BBCode in every response. It's pretty simple if you just copy paste and edit in your personal details!

[side=right][imageFloat=right][img=This is where you put an image URL. It's optional, but recommended. Also, try to keep it just a snapshot of the character's face.][/imageFloat][b]Name:[/b] x

[b]Age:[/b] x

[b]Gender:[/b] x

[b]Race:[/b] x

Anything you think is important for others to remember about your character(s)[/side]Text you put in your response.

Yes, you probably want to keep the first paragraph directly attached to the end of [/side]. If you don't do that, it will create a blank space at the top which looks kinda weird.

I recommend using the BB Code editor up in the top left if you're going to mess with the code because Rich text editor (the default) can really mess things up. However, use Rich text editor to tag the players you're intersecting with as it will automatically tag them for you.

@Player Tag (This can go here or in the section to the side.)


Name: Sam the Smiley

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Race: Smiley

Sam love chocolate!!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id ius malis populo albucius, vis eu putent graecis. Id tamquam blandit delicatissimi vel, ius eu veri facilis patrioque, ea per cibo fabulas corpora. Ea pri tollit dictas. Dico diceret ius ne. Vix dicant suscipit eu, ne ius audire feugiat. Vel an perfecto constituto, cu mei albucius efficiantur. Pro prima tation expetendis cu, adhuc choro recteque ut pro, soleat iracundia te mea. Pro at dico animal, pertinax senserit mea no. Cu error legere audiam mei. Ei eos dico pericula. Pro te dicta molestie, sed ut solum integre.Ut dico assum zril nam, ut eum augue omnes, iriure concludaturque cu per. Id solum inciderint vis, eos zril dolore gubergren at. Per dicta essent vivendum ad. Legere intellegam ne duo, in eum graece alterum repudiandae. Nam ea choro feugait, ad est nobis vituperata.

Te mei illum omittam euripidis, et vix sale molestiae. Mea et graecis conclusionemque, has et tale assentior intellegat, in clita antiopam pri. Cum euismod accusata ea, eu facer harum homero nam, apeirian singulis vel ex. Te nostrud pertinax eam, et nobis graeci consetetur nam. Omnium aeterno saperet ei sed. Vix ignota impedit ut.

Est altera scribentur ad, sed quas ridens cu. Clita luptatum ut est, pri possit oporteat dignissim id. Mucius bonorum ne per. Ea duo impedit qualisque, ea eos oratio legendos, amet epicurei vis ut. Autem tibique delectus pro ne, has id civibus assueverit.


Out of character chat here! Communication is really important, so please use it!
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I am alright with starting without a campus map, if Sapphira is.

Welcome, @PendingFate, and @utdfan22 ! Things are moving a little slow right now, because we're all dealing with real life on top of this. I'd say we're almost ready to get going, though!

We were thinking of simply starting with the picnic, and using that to have our characters meet when needed.

@Sapphira @LittleGamerFool
Right, so I've edited the character sign up post, so all of your character information is now in the first post. (Well, except for mine, but I'll get on that...) If we're fine with starting without the map, then it means that we're good to go!! If anyone wants to post first, we can wing the first turn cycle and then stick to that. Also, remember that you can all have up to 3 characters! You don't have to have 3, but feel free to drag in another whenever you want! Just make sure to post it in character sign up so I can edit them in.

Also, Sapphira and Parox, were we gonna do that thing where people use a BBCode thing to have their character information visible in each post, or would that be too much work for everyone? It could just be optional, if we want...? Or maybe instead of having the character infor on the side, it could just be a little reminder at the bottom, so it's easy to manage through code.

@Paroxysm @Sapphira @PendingFate @utdfan22
Alrighty! I made a starting post, I think. I expect that those of us in school are coming upon the end-of-year-crunch so don't worry about responding too fast. I know I have 5 essays coming up that I am blatantly ignoring, sooooo...
OOOK, now that I'm not as busy, I can actually do stuff!! Amazing!! Well, I'm still technically busy until like, the end of the month, but it's not going to take up as much of my time as other things.

Also, my Noishe post is kinda just really open ended cuz I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do.... Yeahh..

Ok, so now that I've posted, we've got our turn order set. Just so everyone remembers, you get a week to reply, and if you don't by then, you've been skipped! You also don't have to post if you don't have anything to say or are too busy, but you have to tell someone so the next person knows it's their turn.

@Paroxysm @Sapphira @PendingFate @utdfan22
Right, so, Fate, are we able to jump ahead to utd, or are you plannign on posting really soon? If not, it's utd's turn.

Also, do you all think it would be a good idea to tag the person who posts after you when you respond? Like just a little "hey @player, your turn!" I feel like it could help if people don't notice it's their post right off the bat.

@Paroxysm @Sapphira @PendingFate @utdfan22
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