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Fantasy Brightside City - OOC

No, please, be that guy. Anytime you guys see something off, please speak up.

It's OP as hell. But so are some of these other characters, having ten powers at a time. That's not a problem. Rather than rule with an iron fist, I let evolution take its course. Who likes to play with someone ridiculously OP? And if people don't play with you, you'll leave. So if the OP-ness is a problem, it'll resolve itself. If it's not, great! Story goes on.
Hey, I'm not going to be able to reply to this roleplay for a while, I'm going to TRY to AT LEAST do an intro post some time today but other than that don't expect much from me until this weekend or NEXT week/weekend. I've got a lot of shit to do for school in a small amount of time since the quarter is coming to a close. I'm REALLY sorry about this!
Nah dude I've played him before, he's not nearly as OP as you'd expect. Even played him in a tabletop and to be honest he wasn't even close to the best power (which was superspeed). Honestly his super intelligence/degrees were more handy than atomic manipulation. 
How? Are there some kind of restrictions to his powers other than the limited range? 

No, it's for the sheer fact that I love taking a power that's theoretically awesome and applying logic to it. 

For example. Say you want to make a giant rock. Cool you can easily move iron atoms and get them to join and you can just condense some matter and it can be sloppy, maybe you accidentally have some miscellaneous atoms. That's fine. 

Say you want to turn someone's skin into pudding. Great. You now have to go in and make sure that you edit every amino acid and try to get them to stay with what they don't want to be. 

Couple this with the fact that he's first and foremost a doctor who has taken the Hippocratic Oath and you don't have some OP Doctor Manhattan, he's just an amazing doctor and sometimes inventor. (Doctor because your cells naturally want to be normal on a molecular level. Much much easier to stitch up than it is to transform.)
I wonder if Mr. @Andraus remembers that he needs to post. Rather than be more zoned into his gaming than realizing his responsibilities rather than make the SAME MISTAKE he did for other rps.

Hmmm? Mr...Andy?
Hah. Oh I know I know, I'm only joking around with him. @Pandaskel

Me and him are friends technically in rl even though its mostly just skype talk, he tends to need reminders every so often and me along with a few others pick on him in a playful teasing manner such as this. XD
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I was waiting on Pandaskal. Gonna need to write up a post to effectively hash things up, but shouldn't take more than half an hour.
If the doctors accent is too thick tell me. Also if anyone actually wants to hear him I can actually do his voice.

Edit: also sorry I got caught up in making my game and work.
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