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Bright City, Lazy Days (Der Eine/confusedmai)


I am an Eternal Spring flowing under dirt.


RP will start soon enough.
The rusty sign creaked and groaned as Del hung his legs off the side of it. This was it, this was their city. He and Tye had traveled some way to get to Jaluka, and it paid off just by looking at the city. The noises that emitted from down below were serene and quiet; almost-muted talking and bustling of the city streets was almost enough to make him fall asleep. But a sign 109 stories off the ground would be a terrible place to sleep on, so Del decides not to have a nap on the unstable platform. The boy stands, causing the sign to give out a heavy groan, and quickly makes his way off. As Del hops off, a large screw that was only hanging by the thick rust of the sign snaps in half and falls into the city streets below. Del simply looks over the edge of the roof and sighs.

A couple of minutes later, Del was out behind the cleared-out sky scraper that he was looking down from a little bit ago. The boy was digging through the scrap that was composed on the furniture/innards of the building and failed art projects, he was hoping to find something of value to keep for himself. Hopefully, it was something him and Tye could sell for food or money. But Del would settle for something really cool, like a sword or something.

Speaking of Tye, when will he be back? The boy's companion said he was going out for food about an hour ago, and although Del wasn't worried for Tye's safety, he was certainly bored as hell. This is what prompted him to start digging through trash until Tye got back. To say Del's boredom was gone would be quite the overstatement, seeing as digging through the trash isn't really a desirable pass-time, but Del was low on options and this seemed like one that could have a positive outcome.

Del nearly jumps with joy once he realizes that his work has paid off.
A mask! There was a mask in all of this rubble, a weird-looking, awesome mask! Oh boy, Tye would love this! That is, if Tye had found it. Why should Del let Tye have this mask? He found it, so it's rightfully his, obviously. It seems as though Tye would have to marvel at this metal and plastic artwork that would sit proudly upon Del's face without getting to wear it. Too bad. Thought Del, I bet he would have really enjoyed it. And with that, Del parades back into the building and awaits Tye's return. All the while keeping a smug smile underneath the rather strange-looking face wear.

Better Mask
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Shelter, food, water. These necessities repeated themselves through Tye’s mind as he explored the area. In case of emergencies – or just plain unsettlement – he and Del would need backup housing and multiple locations to pilfer. Fortunately there were an abundance of places for them to reside in if they so choose. He even managed to find a dry alcove above a dead-end branch of the river where hardly anyone passed! It was a nice spot, one where he could enjoy swimming in the fairly clean water and Del could explore the abandoned factories nearby. Water was fairly accessible as well, since the city was plentiful in fresh water with wells scattered about the premises.

The hardest to find was food. While Tye could fish, there was nothing edible and substantial in these rivers. He would have to go farther away from the city to be able to find any, but that would require more time and resources than he possessed. So that left him to blindly follow his nose towards a part of the city that was rich in produce. Stalls lined the streets with shiny fruits and fresh vegetables. Behind those were other shops; butcheries, bakeries, restaurants, bars and other unidentifiable buildings. His favorites were the vendors that sold food alongside the stalls. Most were too busy cooking to pay attention to the meals already made, sitting on the counter waiting to be sold—or stolen.
Maybe next time, he thought to himself. But the thought of stealing while someone may already be struggling left a queasy feeling in his stomach. It’s a selfish world anyway. If it comes down to it, I will.

Sighing heavily he moved with the dense crowd until it trickled down to only him and a child – homeless, by the looks of it – huddled by a bag. It was quieter here with only a fountain drowning noisily behind him.
Should I go back? We spent the last of our savings on that cart ride. But Del is still young and he likes to eat…While pondering on what to do Tye watched as a group of teenagers with a hefty basket approached the kid. Curious, he silenced his thoughts to focus on the scene.

The oldest of the bunch reached into the basket and pulled out a half-loaf of bread. Even from a distance Tye could see the look of hope on the child’s face before it was crushed as the ringleader tore a bite out of it. The resounding laughter from the lackeys echoed in his head: a segue to his actions. Thoughts of
you assholes and I’ll take that and food bounced off each other as Tye marched towards the group, sucker punching their leader and taking off with the basket while the shock factor was still in effect. He gained quite a head start before enraged shouting piqued from behind. It was a sort of anticlimactic when he lost them within minutes of awkward basket-holding-running; not that he’s complaining. It was an easy win, after all.

After weaving through an assortment of alleys as a safety precaution, Tye began the trek back to the tower at a brisk pace. Judging by how late the sun was his little adventure-hijack took much longer than expected. The end result was worth it however; he stopped the harassment of some kid and him and Del gets a meal out of it. Not quite a fair trade but he deemed it morally better than flat out stealing.

"Del, I grabbed some food!" He bellowed after walking into the massive building. There was no telling if the kid would be inside or out, what with his habit of hanging off of tall objects. "If you're here in five seconds I'll be nice and let you have first pick!"

(@Der Eine )
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Del couldn't sit still for as long as he thought he could. Too little to do and so much time to waste. The boy stands from his spot and glances around the room, eyeing cracked holes in the wall and torn bits of carpet. This surely was an abandoned building, and time definitely hasn't been as nice to it as some of the other abandoned buildings in Jaluka. Looking at the old walls got Del to start thinking about the building: what was it? Who used it? Why was it used? The questions that filled his head took his mind away from waiting on his companion and cured his previous boredom.

The questions plagued his mind so much that it willed him to begin exploring the rooms for any remaining evidence of what used to be there. Obviously he didn't find anything in the time relating to his search, unless you count old torn-down office rooms as findings. But he did cut down a good 30 minutes of wait just by looking through the building itself. At the end of his search, Del heard a voice echo throughout the many halls of the tower which caused a single thought to run through his mind.

The boy rushes down several stories before realizing that he wasn't going fast enough, he was too hungry to just run down the stairs, he needed to
fly down those stairs. After a quick glance around the current floor he was one, he notices a hole in the rug, just big enough for him to fit through. Prefect. Del thinks before leaping straight into the hole and free-falling 54 stories until landing on a pile of rubble on the ground floor. It doesn't take Del but all of a couple of seconds to spot Tye. Del gives Tye an indifferent look from under the mask and slides off of the pile of broken drywall and soggy insulation. "I want the steamed potato." Del says, pointing to a tin foil-wrapped potato lying near the center of the basket.

Del decides that Tye isn't moving fast enough and decides to just take the potato from the basket without waiting for Tye. Del almost drops it a couple of seconds after touching the tin foil, causing him to jostle it around from one hand to another and wince in pain. A couple more seconds and Del was holding the potato in a single hand, despite it still being very warm, Del didn't mind the heat. "So, Tye, while you were out getting us food, I found this ultra-cool mask around the building! It's pretty sweet, but I don't think you should touch it, seeing as I found it." Del says, recalling his previous plan to rub the mask in Tye's face.
From above Tye could hear the tell-tale signs of Del scrambling to make his way down the tower. It was amusing to listen to, and as promised after five seconds he took his own pick of a tomato and the other half of the bread to set aside for himself.. Moments passed with no sign or sound of the younger rascal. Tye was instantly on guard, tense and thoughts racing with what had happened before a bundle of limbs and cloth fell onto a pile of junk a few mere meters away. More startled than surprised Tye jerked, but steadily held the basket out for Del to roughly claim his share. He squinted judgmentally at his manner of arrivance and lack of tacit, but settled for rolling his eyes and dropping the basket between them to dig into his own make-shift meal.

At the commentary to his appearance Tye looked at the mask closely. The red was an eerie shade, like fresh spilt blood with the shape roughly resembling a demon with a gas mask. Again he squinted but for different reasons, chewing on a mix of his two foods before swallowing. "It is cool..."
More like creepy, though. "And It'll do well to hide that face yours," he said while grinning. Poking fun at Del could prove to be amusing. Perhaps even change the creepy vibe of the mask.
Del sits and unwraps the potato, steam coming off of the hot morsel thereafter. "Mhm, now I need to find some sunglasses so it's harder to see yours." The boy states before smiling mischievously. "When are we going to head inner-city?" Del asks, looking at Tye while taking the first bite out of the now-cooled potato. "I wanna see the sights, man. They're pretty fresh." He says, sitting on the ground and crossing his legs. "I want to visit the Irenia Swimming Center. The pictures I've seen of it make me want to go so bad." Del stares at his potato while he speaks and finishes his sentence with another bite. "This potato tastes stale." And with that, Del continues to stare at the potato with a dejected look. However, instead of tossing it away, Del takes another bite out of it. "Not like I care about it."

Del wasn't always so sullen, in fact, he enjoyed travelling with Tye for a little while. But times were changing,
he was changing. What used to be a spry, adventurous spirit has turned into a solemn, uncertain shell. Despite his bad-tasting potato, Del ate it; he didn't enjoy it at all, but he was just hungry, and he was dead-set on having the potato in the first place, so there was no way that he was going to give it up, especially since he found it first. "I don't like this building.... it's weird." Del says, taking a moment to finish the last of his potato before finishing the sentence. The ironic part was that Del was the one that suggested staying there in the first place. "It's just empty, like a shell without a turtle." The boy takes off the mask after noticing that his face was beginning to sweat and stares straight at the tin foil where his eaten potato once rested.
Tye had scoffed at the insult but he had to give the kid some credit for his quick-and-witty response. Not many were adept enough to counter insults so swiftly; it’s one of the reasons why he enjoyed Del’s company. However, the tumble of ideas and emotions that followed thenceforth were discerning. He found himself brooding in the wake of Del’s words, wanting to find remedies yet feeling overwhelmed by the spoken amount. Take it one step at a time, Tye. Sort it out.

First the appeal towards visiting the inner-city. Easy and done. They could explore whenever, really. The swimming center in specific provided a quick solution as well: go and enjoy a day of swimming. They would have to scavenge enough funding to enter, but the temporary relief it would provide could be worth it. That goes without mentioning his own enjoyment of swimming to bias this plan.

Next, Del’s commentary on the potato had his chest twisting, but there wasn’t much Tye could do about that.
Yet. He didn’t want to stray too long on the somber mood that emitted from his smaller companion and how it could relate to the potato. Some matters were better left to work itself on its own. Though maybe, once they’re more settled into this new shiny city, he could find a job. The thought made him cringe as it would symbolize commitment and responsibility, but the option was out there.

The final issue was the living arrangements. Tye didn’t need to think much for this before speaking. “There are other available buildings out there on the outskirts. Tall or small, we can take our pick.” He dusted the bread crumbs off his hands and clothes from when he had finished his food during his short contemplation. “Or, I found this cave-like place. It’s big enough for us and any stuff that’ll accumulate while we’re here,” he pointedly looked at the mask, “and it’s somewhat secluded from all the busy streets. River and empty factories nearby. Hang some curtains for privacy and violà: home sweet home.” While he was still on a roll he continued, expressing his earlier thoughts. “We’ll go into the inner-city tomorrow, too. Better to map the area when it’s light out; it’ll be dark before we’re out long enough if we leave today”. Swimming could be a surprise for later on.

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