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Fantasy Bright Academy : OOC

Is defensive action a type of magic or is it to teach students to fight without magic?
I think it would be a bit of both. All magic could have an application of offense and defense just like any fight style.
I am so sorry it took so long! I got REALLY carried away with spells and his backstory and everything, but I've posted a teacher! I'm in the process of making a student though, since I quite enjoy having multiple characters of different statures. If there is no character limit I'll probably make another teacher in the distant future, since I had a lot of fun making one.
Saw it was opened and clicked it had to reactivate my account:neutralteeth: Been reading for about an hour and this is really cool is. Has someone already contacted you for the position of the illusion teacher or is it still on the table? krsna250 krsna250 Would ask in PMs but this account is on a new email so I got the 10 post law set upon me.
NightMoves NightMoves Exactly as Kumii said. First lesson as an example may be creating weak magic shields, the next could be how to block in close'combat situation, etc.
No worries :) I want to try for at least 1 post per person per day to keep things rolling but if there is a reason you'll be off for awhile just pm me and we'll organise something in game :)
Dictionaddiction Dictionaddiction If you look at the main thread in the first post it says "Don't like any of the pre-existing races? (Found in Lore) Create your own ! Just be willing to do the work so we can add it to our Lore section." So I think you're free to go ahead and create your own race! Just make sure to think of history, lore, etc etc :)
Dictionaddiction Dictionaddiction If you look at the main thread in the first post it says "Don't like any of the pre-existing races? (Found in Lore) Create your own ! Just be willing to do the work so we can add it to our Lore section." So I think you're free to go ahead and create your own race! Just make sure to think of history, lore, etc etc :)
Thank you very much. I'm just blind. x_x
I just now realize their description/appearance are very similar. Perhaps it was my tired brain. Happy I managed to entertain though!

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